Playing For Keeps (Emerald Lake Billionaires 2) (25 page)

Read Playing For Keeps (Emerald Lake Billionaires 2) Online

Authors: Leeanna Morgan

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Christian, #Inspirational, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Hearts Desire, #Military, #Clean & Wholesome, #Series, #Emerald Lake, #Billionaires, #Happy Endings, #Country Music, #Stardom, #Ex-Wife, #Montana, #Media Frenzy, #Science, #Secrets, #Career, #Western, #Small Town, #Billionaire

BOOK: Playing For Keeps (Emerald Lake Billionaires 2)
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Ryan tried to see the world through her eyes. But no matter which way he looked at it, she was wrong. He’d made a huge mistake by telling everyone she was his fiancée. It would be an ever bigger mistake if she stayed to manage the concert.

His cell phone rang and he ignored it. “What about your mom and sister? If anything happened to you they’d never forgive themselves.”

Sophie untied her apron. “Nothing is going to happen to me.” She picked up her laptop and headed toward the door. “I’ll be back in five minutes. I need to recharge my phone and computer.”

Ryan took his cell phone out of his pocket when it rang again. He glanced at the caller display and frowned. John had spoken with him an hour ago after Sophie had come home. “John? Did the police find other security footage that could help?”

“Where are you?”

“I’m at home with Sophie. What’s wrong?”

“We’ve got a problem. I’ve lost contact with Tank.”










Sophie wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and stared out of her bedroom window. It had been fourteen hours since anyone had spoken to Tank. He’d called Fletcher Security at seven o’clock this morning. There’d been nothing out of the ordinary in his message. Even his request for more supplement hadn’t been unexpected. But some time between then and nine o’clock this evening, something had happened.

At first she’d tried not to panic. They’d had to move once before. Hayley was resourceful, she knew how to look after herself and their mom. But Hayley also knew how important it was for Tank to keep in contact with Fletcher Security.

The longer they were out of cell phone contact, the more worried everyone had become.

A soft knock jarred her out of her thoughts. “Come in.”

Ryan stepped into her room. He didn’t turn the lights on or make unnecessary conversation. “How are you?”

“I’m okay. Has John heard anything?”

Ryan shook his head. “He sent a team to their last known location. He hasn’t got much to go on, but he’s hoping to know more by the morning.”

“Has Tank ever disappeared before?”

“John didn’t say. Most of his security specialists have worked in the military. Some were in covert operations.” He passed Sophie a hot drink. “My mom used to make me lemon and honey drinks when I had something on my mind. I thought it might help you.”

She took the cup and held it in her hands. “Mom’s going to run out of the supplement soon.”

Ryan sat on the end of her bed. “I know.”

“Do you think they’ll be all right?”

“If anyone can get your mom and sister back here, it will be Tank.”

Sophie knew he hadn’t answered her question. It had been a foolish one to ask. Ryan knew as much as she did about what was happening. “A few months ago I watched a documentary about a man who’d been kidnapped. The people who abducted him sent a ransom note within the first few hours of his disappearance. I don’t know whether not hearing from my family is good or if I should be even more worried.”

“Someone would have notified us if they’d heard anything.”

She took a sip from the hot drink and gazed at the lake. “I never thought anything would happen to them.”

“I don’t think anyone could have predicted this.”

Sophie tried hard to believe him, but it was difficult. She’d left Chicago because someone was trying to scare her. Hayley had moved their mom to Indiana for the same reason. She’d known the potential market for her supplement was huge, but she’d refused to believe that anyone would go to such extreme lengths to stop her from producing it.

“Hayley’s afraid of the dark.”

Ryan looked at her, but didn’t say anything.

“She never goes anywhere without a night light. If they’re somewhere without electricity, she’s going to be terrified.”

“Tank’s with her. He’ll make sure she’s okay.”

She looked at Ryan. Tears filled her eyes and his body became a blur. He knew as well as she did that they could have been separated. Whatever the problem, it had happened so quickly that Tank didn’t have time to let anyone know where they were going.

Ryan moved across the room and stood beside her. “John and his team know what they’re doing.”

She wiped her eyes on the edge of the blanket. “I know. It’s just hard not knowing what’s happened to them. I feel so helpless.”

Ryan opened his arms. Sophie didn’t hesitate to take the comfort he was offering. She stepped toward him and relaxed in his arms. As they stood silently in the moonlight, Sophie made a promise to herself.

After this was over, she’d never take her mom and sister for granted again. And she’d never underestimate the power of friendship, or the man who had given her so much.



Ryan woke up on top of Sophie’s bed. He blinked in confusion, before he remembered what had happened last night. Sophie had fallen asleep against him at some crazy hour of the morning. They’d spent most of the night talking about their families, sharing funny stories about their childhood, trying to make up for the worry that kept them awake.

As he stumbled downstairs he stretched and yawned.

Sophie was in the kitchen, with her head bent over her laptop, looking closely at the screen.

“Hi. When did you wake up?”

She sent him a tired smile. “About an hour ago. You were sleeping so soundly that I didn’t want to wake you. I thought John might have called.”

He winced at the dark rings under her eyes and the worry clouding her face. “He’ll be in touch as soon as he hears anything. What are you doing?”

“I’m checking the patent office website. You can see if there’s been a status update on any applications you’ve submitted.”

“And has there?”

“No change since yesterday. It’s still under review.”

Ryan put a couple of slices of bread into the toaster. “That’s got to be better than a no?”

“I suppose so. I just wish they’d hurry up.” Sophie rubbed her temples and looked back at the screen. “Do you think Dorothy will still come to Bozeman after what happened yesterday?”

Ryan filled a mug with hot coffee and leaned against the kitchen counter. “Dorothy is used to unusual situations. She’s bailed me out of more than one tricky situation, but it’s never been as difficult as this one.”

“Are you going to let her know what’s happened?”

“I already have. I called her last night before I saw you. She’s changed her flight to get here earlier.”

“I thought she wouldn’t want to come.”

Ryan smiled. “Dorothy might seem a little self-serving at times, but she has a good heart. She wants the concert to be a success and she wants you to be safe. The sooner she gets here, the sooner you can go to Tess’ home.”

This time, Sophie didn’t argue. She knew she couldn’t stay on his property when there were too many opportunities for someone to hurt her.

Ryan’s toast popped. “Have you had breakfast?”

“I made myself a cup of hot chocolate when I woke up.”

He handed Sophie a piece of toast with a thick slice of butter on top. “You need to eat something. We don’t know what the rest of the day is going to bring.”

“I hope it’s good news. I’ve already put the supplement I made yesterday into plastic containers. When you speak to John, can you tell him it’s ready to be collected?”

“Is there anything else you need to do today?”

“I’m going to call Maggie Stevenson. I’m worried that someone will contact her to find out what plants and herbs I’ve been buying. Until we find out who’s behind what’s been happening, I want to make sure everyone is safe.”

“If you think of anyone else who knows what’s in the formula, write down their names and I’ll give it to John.”

Sophie opened another document on her laptop. “The company that’s building the stage for the concert will be here today. John has already done a security check on each of the construction crew.”

“How long will it take to get the stage ready?”

“Two days. Another team arrives on Thursday to install the outdoor sound system. Dorothy won’t need to do much to help them.”

Sophie looked at the list. “The project plan is pretty detailed. After I’ve gone over it with Dorothy, I’ll pack my bags. Is it okay if one of the security guards follow me into town? Tess starts work early, but I’m sure she’d give me a key to her house.”

“You don’t need to worry about a key. John has already organized two security guards to go with you. There’ll be other guards at Tees’ home waiting for you. Let me know when you’re ready to leave.”

Sophie closed the lid of her laptop and sent him a tired smile. “I’m going to have a shower and get ready for the day. Thanks for the toast.”

“It will be okay, Sophie. John and his team know what they’re doing. All we have to do is wait.”

Sophie nodded and stood up. “I’ll tidy the house while I’m waiting for Dorothy. Let me know if John calls.”

Ryan put another couple of pieces of bread into the toaster. He sipped his coffee and thought about what he needed to do today. All of it seemed insignificant compared to what was happening in Sophie’s life.

He glanced at his watch and thought about Dorothy. Her flight would arrive in an hour. He had a lot to do before then, but the most important thing was to call John.

Sophie wasn’t the only person who needed an update. He’d never met her mom or sister, but after last night they were as real to him as his own family. And if anything happened to his family, he’d fight with everything inside of him to keep them safe.



Sophie was cleaning the windows in one of the upstairs bedrooms when Dorothy arrived. She leaned against the windowsill, watching the convoy of vehicles lumber up the drive.

Ryan had left over two hours ago to collect Dorothy from the airport. During that time Sophie had managed to mop all of the wooden floors and dust every surface she could see. She’d put a load of washing on the clothesline and followed one of John’s security guards around the property until she realized she wasn’t helping him.

Instead of worrying about something she couldn’t change, she’d filled a bucket with hot, soapy water and started on the windows.

As the vehicles got closer, she felt a cold dread creep up her spine. Her life was out of control. She was standing on the edge of a canyon, waiting for a strong gust of wind to tip her forward and send her over the edge.

She took a deep breath and thought of her mom and sister. She knew they couldn’t hear her, but that didn’t stop her from telling them how much she loved them, how much she hoped they were okay.

A loud bang echoed across the property. Sophie turned toward the stage that Steelfort were constructing. The team of builders and engineers had arrived not long after Ryan had left. The two trucks they’d brought with them had contained all of the steel frames and flooring they would need. A third truck had arrived half an hour later. It was a workshop on wheels, not unlike the shipping container that Jamie had used when he’d built Ryan’s home. Every tool and replacement part they needed was there.

She picked up her bucket and went downstairs. Before too long, she’d be in Bozeman. The time she’d spent in Ryan’s home would be a distant memory.

Dorothy and her entourage were walking through the front door when they saw her.

“You look terrible,” Dorothy said without hesitation. She waited until Sophie was at the bottom of the stairs before wrapping her arms around her. “Ryan told me what’s happened. I hope everything works out for the best.”

Sophie held onto the handle of the bucket while Dorothy hugged her close. She appreciated what Dorothy had said, but she was more worried about spilling soapy water on Dorothy’s expensive shoes.

“Thanks, Dorothy. I appreciate you coming here to make sure the concert happens. I didn’t realize you were bringing your team?”

Dorothy stepped away from Sophie and straightened her jacket. “Neither did I until last night. Another client needs some intensive help over the next few days. It was easier bringing the office here, than working from another city.”

While they’d been talking, Dorothy’s team had been busy unpacking their SUVs. Within minutes they’d filled the entranceway with suitcases and boxes. Sophie glanced at Ryan and saw the look of horror on his face. It had been bad enough when Dorothy’s team had taken promotional photos of him. But right now, she guessed he thought all of these people sharing his home was too much.

“How long were you intending to stay?” Ryan asked.

“We’ll leave on Sunday. Don’t worry about finding somewhere for everyone to sleep. We’ve booked into a lodge not far from here. All we need is somewhere to work during the day.”

Ryan took a deep breath. “Thank you.”

Dorothy sent him a rare smile. “I know you like your privacy. I still want a client at the end of this, so it’s in my best interest to make this work.”

“I appreciate what you’re doing for us, Dorothy.” Ryan walked through to the living room. “This is probably the best room to work from. If you need more desk space we can carry the formal dining table in here.”

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