Plain Murder (Amish Romance Mystery): Clean Mystery series (Amish Secret Widows' Society Book 8) (10 page)

BOOK: Plain Murder (Amish Romance Mystery): Clean Mystery series (Amish Secret Widows' Society Book 8)
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“Yes, all Trevor’s debts that were in his father’s name, but that doesn’t make him a killer,” Detective Crowley said.

“Neither does lying about being somewhere else,” Sabrina said.

“I’m just trying to do my job, Sabrina. I know that you care about the three Caruthers children we have in custody, but one of them is a murderer and I’m trying to determine which one.”

“What about Victor Parker? That reporter said that two other witnesses died.”

“We’re looking in to that as well.”

“With respect, Detective Crowley, what happens if you do get a confession out of Jamie? That means that you have the three of them all admitting guilt? Where would that leave you?”

“Hmm, you’re not telling me anything I haven’t thought of already.” He winked at Sabrina and tapped a folded piece of paper in his pocket. “I have a secret weapon.”



Chapter 17.

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Phillipians 4:6



A couple of nights later, Sabrina went to the next widows’ meeting with Silvie. As usual the meeting was held at Elsa-May and Ettie’s house.

“How’s Ettie?” Silvie asked as soon as Elsa-May opened the door.

“She’s a little better. She’s out of danger the doctor assured me.”

Maureen and Emma were already sitting in the living room. Once they all exchanged greetings, the conversation turned to the latest events.

Emma began, “Sabrina, I heard they found who killed your boss.”

Sabrina nodded. “It was his eldest son, Jamie.”

Maureen asked. “So, May and Trevor were both completely innocent even though they both confessed?”

, I knew May hadn’t done anything, but I thought Trevor might have killed his father to cover his huge debts and everything,” Sabrina said. “Jamie killed him hoping that the authorities would think that it was one of Victor Parker’s men.” Sabrina looked at Emma and Maureen. “You see, Mr. Caruthers was asked to testify against Parker and he might have even been forced to testify against him. Two men who were set to testify against Parker were recently found dead. Jamie was hoping that would be his cover.”

“Why did he do it though?” Elsa-May asked.

“His father had cut him off and was going to leave everything to Trevor, the second oldest child. Jamie was annoyed because he was the eldest son.” Sabrina gave a little laugh. “Funny thing is that Mr. Caruthers was talking of leaving Trevor out of the will as well.”

“And that would leave May,” Elsa-May said. “Convenient for May.”

“Now don’t you go thinking May’s the guilty one,” Silvie said to Elsa-May. “It’s all over now.”

, and the person who killed him was a
six feet tall according to the forensics team,” Sabrina said.

Elsa-May nodded. “I know.”

“Anyway, Mr. Caruthers died before he had a chance to change anything. So Trevor looks like he’s going to inherit the stables,” Sabrina said.

“How are they sure that Jamie was guilty since his brother and sister also said that they were guilty?” Maureen asked while reaching for a piece of chocolate cake.

“His car had been photographed by speed-cameras, both coming and going from the stables, moments before his father’s death and just after. After they showed Jamie the evidence he confessed, but said it was self defense,” Silvie said.

“But since there was no sign of a struggle, it’s unlikely it was self-defense,” Sabrina added.

“Bad luck for him,” Elsa-May said. “His plan might have worked if he had stuck to the speed limit.”

“Trevor confessed because he thought May did it and he was protecting her. May thought Trevor had done it at first, until she realized that her favorite brother Jamie did it,” Sabrina explained.

“Very noble of them, except for Jamie. How could he allow his siblings to take the blame for his wrongdoing?” Emma asked.

“I’m just glad the whole thing is over and Sabrina can get back to work as usual,” Silvie said.

The next day during her break, Sabrina wandered into the stables. The stall where Mr. Caruthers’ body had been found was empty. A vision of his body lying on the ground flashed before her eyes. She walked on, to the next stall and saw a bale of straw. If May stood on a bale of straw, would that make her six feet tall? She walked back to the stall where the body was found. Sabrina did not recall a bale of hay in the stable with the body and there wouldn’t have been one in there with the horse; but what if it was dragged out once the deed was done?

“Sabrina, what are you doing?”

Sabrina looked over to the doorway and saw May. “Hello, May, I didn’t see your car here today.”

“Mine’s been playing up, I’ve been using Jamie’s car for a while now.”

“You have?”

“Yes, he left it with me while he was in Europe. I drive it every now and then.”

Sabrina bit her lip and thought,
What if it was May who was driving Jamie’s car when it got those speeding tickets before and after her father died? The speed-camera got the car’s number plate, but who was driving the car at the time? What if May had stood on a bale of hay to enlist the natural pull of gravity to drive the knife into her father’s back in one swift downward motion? Nee, May would not have done it. She had no motive – but, Jamie did say there were plenty of reasons to want his father dead, he mentioned being a child-beater and a wife-beater amongst other things. What if May was protecting her mother?

Sabrina trembled and shook her head. She was becoming far too suspicious. Silvie would say that she was jumping at her own shadow.

Sabrina’s eyes flew to May, and May looked back at her and smiled sweetly.



For all have sinned,

and come short of the glory of God;

Being justified freely by his grace

through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Whom God hath set forth to be a

propitiation through faith in his blood,

to declare his righteousness for the remission of

sins that are past, through the forbearance of God

Romans 3: 23- 25




* * * The End * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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Plain Murder.



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The next book in the

‘Amish Secret Widows’ Society’


Plain Wrong: Book 9


Elderly Amish widow, Ettie, wonders whether trouble follows her. She is in the hospital trying to recover from pneumonia when a lady in the next bed dies a suspicious death.

The hospital staff try to brush away Ettie's questions, but she knows that the lady was due to leave the hospital that morning.

Besides that, Ettie remembers a nurse hovering over the woman in the middle of the night.

The more questions Ettie asks, the more she realizes that things in the hospital are not what they seem.

Ettie enlists the help of her widow friends to find out why some people die once they have been cleared to leave the hospital.

Could the hospital authorities be covering up a network of crime?




Also in the

‘Amish Secret Widows’ Society’

The Amish Widow: Book 1

Hidden: Book 2

Accused: Book 3

Amish Regrets: Book 4

Amish House of Secrets: Book 5

Amish Undercover: Book 6

Amish Breaking Point: Book 7

Plain Wrong: Book 9

That Which Was Lost: Book 10


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


About the Author

Having been raised in a strict Exclusive Brethren household, Samantha developed knowledge of the Amish way of life. The Amish and the Brethren have the same Anabaptist roots. 

As a child, with no access to Television or regular social events that other children enjoyed, Samantha enjoyed creating her own plays which later developed into stories.

Samantha Price has written over thirty five books, and many have become best sellers. She writes stories of love intermingled with emotions, spiritual growth, and her characters' personal journeys. Her books are easy reading and always have a happy ending. 

As well as writing, she can be found either gardening or painting. Samantha now lives in Australia with her husband and three dogs.


Samantha Price loves to hear from her readers.

Connect with Samantha at:

[email protected]



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