Plague of Mybyncia (46 page)

Read Plague of Mybyncia Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #Romance, #blood, #love, #scifi, #adventure, #action, #sex, #war, #jealousy

BOOK: Plague of Mybyncia
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“Well…” Pratt sighs with a glance at Mae.
of us.”

“What do you mean?” I frown, eyeing her, Mae
and Tucker. I know that since he’s a Zingfinold now, he’ll be
required to stay… but what does Pratt mean?

“We’ve…” Sampson sighs, “…spoken to Hozfin.
He’s willing to allow Tucker to accompany us back… in exchange for
retaining Mae and Pratt.”

?” I gasp, unable to believe my
ears. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing,” Clarence shakes his head, quick to
diminish any doubt, “nothing terrible at all. We’ll be returning
here with Blovid as soon as Qippert takes us to him. We feel at
this stage… Tucker would better assist us in this pursuit while the
girls could… use the time to get more comfortable here.”


“And Perry and Walker will still stay
behind,” Sampson adds. “Mae and Pratt won’t be alone.”

“Hozfin wanted you as well,” Clarence nods,
glancing to Reid. “But we knew that was… unrealistic.”

Is it right what they’re doing? Swapping off
two girls for a Rogue Leader? Or are Sampson and Clarence just
doing what they feel is smartest overall?

“Come,” Clarence throws his arm over Tucker’s
shoulder, “it’s time for celebrating. No more talk of this.”

A group of tribesmen carry out the cooked
Horrop on a long wooden slab, both fangs removed and the remaining
legs surrounding the body like a garnish. The sweet, barbecue smell
drifts over, invading my nose and instantly sparking a deep-rooted
hunger in my stomach.

“Good,” Jace’s stomach rumbles with
agreement. “I’m famished.”

The tribesmen set down the deceased beast in
the center of the clearing, exchanging places with Hozfin and Warze
who approach slowly. Everyone silences as the king lifts his

“Zingfinolds,” he projects his voice, which
echoes into the dark trees. “Brother of brother. Tonight, new
brother join us. Tucker proves himself of strength, diligence,
bravery. Tonight, he be Zingfinold.”

A loud cheering erupts, drums sounding off in
the background.

“Tucker,” the king indicates to him with an
outstretched arm, “you eat first.”

“Go on,” Clarence nudges him forward.

Tucker walks forward with a confident stride,
a huge, proud grin painted across his face. As he approaches, King
Hozfin retreats a step, gesturing to the giant cooked Horrop.
Pulling a small blade from somewhere, Tucker leans in, carving
through the red and black skin to remove a hearty chunk. He holds
it up so all can see and, without wasting a second, brings the
steaming flesh to his mouth. More cheering erupts as he continues
chewing and once it’s all gone, he brings the back of his hand
across his lips, cleaning off the remaining juices.

“Good,” I hear Jace whisper to Able. “Does
that mean we can eat now?”

“You’ll get your turn,” Clarence sighs. “Calm

“I’m just hungry.”

“Me too,” Werzo adds, “and that beast smells

“It smells like barbecue,” Jace licks his
lips. “I

“Alright,” Clarence sighs again, “since we’re
his guests, we can go up now.”

“Thank God,” Jace swears, following behind
Sampson who leads our group up to the steaming red and black

We each take turns carving a handful of the
tender meat for ourselves before a crew of females does the same,
distributing the sections to the rest of the tribe. We’re given
seconds and thirds if we want—which most of the Rogues have no
problem declining—but Pratt, Mae and I stick with our handful and a
half, allowing the tender, flavored meat to fill our stomachs.

Once more than half of the Horrop has been
eaten, some Zingfinolds use the time socially, laughing and
conversing in their native tongue while the others begin dancing to
the rhythmic pounding of the drums echoing around us. Perry has
situated herself in the midst of a thriving male-oriented gathering
while other females look on with jealousy. Pratt and Mae quietly
gossip to themselves and occasionally with Able, who has to pry
himself away from joking with the Rogues and Clarence. Vix and
Sampson converse nearby, but never with the same enthusiasm or joy.
No doubt discussing the war.

I’ve been walking around, stopping to talk
with everyone until some tribesman offers me a beverage in a cup
made from a rounded green fruit. It’s sweet and compliments the
spice of the Horrop and I’ve already downed the lot of it. I’m on
my way back to find the tribesman—or Sampson—someone who can refill
whatever this delicious concoction is, when I’m sidetracked by a
body blocking me. A little woozy from the drink, I nearly scream
until I notice that reddish hair and dimpled smile gazing down at


Chapter Twenty-Five:

“Walker…” I place my hand over my racing
heart. “You scared the
out of me.”

“Never my intention,” his grin turns into a
laugh, his eyes dropping to my hands. “What have you got

“No idea,” I focus on the empty green
container. With a smile I hold it out to him. “But I’d like some
more, please.”

“Anything you want, baby. Come on,” he
gestures me to follow. “I’ll fill it up.”


“So…” he leads us toward the other side of
the clearing, just past the drumming, “you enjoying yourself?”

“The Zingfinolds know how to throw a

“Yeah,” he laughs. “That’s what I thought
after my victory.”

“I don’t know how you and Tucker did it…
must’ve been terrifying.”

“Living on Harrizel wasn’t any better.”

“But you were secure,” I keep to his side.
“Most guys were.”

“Doesn’t mean it was a picnic. Every day,
having to charm this girl or that. Kings always threatening to take
your food away if you don’t fuck the girl they want. Sorry,” he
suddenly blanches.

“So the Kings hired you to have sex?”

“Well…” he scratches his head. “Uh… other
things too.”

“Like what?”

“Well…” he scans the ground, “…probably best
left in the past. We’re never going back. But you are,” he looks up
with a frown. “Tomorrow right?”

“To Mybyncia…” I nod, “and only for a little
bit. Pratt and Mae are staying here.”

A long minute goes by before he speaks in a
near mumble, “…But

I blush.

“Sorry,” he shakes his head. “I know you’re
with him. I respect it even if you don’t think I do. I know what
you must think of me… of what I did. But…” he exhales, pacing
around, “…on Harrizel, we all had to do what we had to do. I’m not
saying I was right but—”

you do it?”

He stops, exhaling with a loud gruff. “Does
it matter? You’ll still hate me.”

“I don’t hate you. I just don’t understand
why you’d—”

“It’s what I’ve been telling you,” he exhales
again. “Preservation.”

I frown, letting his meaning settle in.
Walker doesn’t seem like a terrible guy, so why would he repeatedly
sleep with a girl he knew was with someone else? “You had to?”

He inhales.

“Fallon…” Able rushes up to us, “…you’re not
really putting our plan in motion here.”

“What plan?” Walker looks between us.

“Oh crap,” I glance around. “Where is

“Christ, not again…”

“Yeah,” Able gulps, “it’s probably best you
two don’t pair off together.”

“I told you, I’m allowed to be friends with
whoever I want. If he’s got a problem—”

“He does. A
problem. Fallon,” Able
looks to me, pleading. “You’re supposed to be helping here!”

“It was just a two minute walk.”

“And that’s two minutes too long for him. He
sees red when he sees Walker.”

“I know, I know,” I nod, looking to him.
“Able’s right. For right now, it’s probably best we don’t…”

“If you were my girl, I’d let you talk to
whoever you wanted.”

“She’s not,” Reid growls behind me. My heart
skips as I step back and find his rigid form, solid and feral, like
it’s taking everything he has not to kill Walker. Both fists hang
down by his sides, his eyes narrowed into sharp, deadly slits.
Jace, Tucker, Booker and Werzo surround him, ready to throw
themselves between, but Reid doesn’t move.

“Oh hey there, Rox,” Walker rolls his eyes
with a sigh. “Wondering when you’d show up.”

“Fallon?” Reid redirects his intense focus to
me. He holds his hand out. “Talk to you for a sec?”

“Come on,” Walker scoffs as leans against a
tree. He crosses his arms, “She’s a big girl. You can let her off
her leash a little.”

“Not talking to you, asshole.”

“Aw, and I was hoping you would.”

“Fallon?” Reid tries again, his voice a pinch

“Maybe she likes talking to me,” Walker
grins. “Ever think of that?”

Reid turns to Walker with a lethal glare. He
folds his arms, his entire body stiffening. “Maybe she’s being
nice. Ever think of that?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.”

Reid’s eyes grow hooded.

“In fact,” Walker winks at me, “I have no
problem with any niceties she might throw my way.”

Jace, Tucker, Werzo, Booker and Able all
tense because like me, they think this is it—the moment when
finally Reid looses it and launches himself at Walker. But instead,
he merely inhales, his hands balling into fists on either side of
his chest. “Hey, how’s your nose feeling?”

Walker’s confident smile turns down.

“Thought so,” Reid turns to me, offering his
hand again. “Quick talk?”

“Sure…” I take it, allowing him to lead me
away but not before tossing a wide-eyed look at Able. He mirrors my
worried expression, thankful it didn’t go the other way—with Walker
dead and Reid condemned by the Zingfinolds.

When we’re a few minute’s walk from the
scene, and a bit outside the perimeter of firefly light, Reid turns
to me. “Sorry about that. And earlier. That guy,” he shakes his
head, running his hand through his hair, “I can’t
guy. Arrogant motherfucker,” he paces for a moment, finally looking
up. “I didn’t mean to snap earlier. He just gets under my skin and
I’m afraid that…” he pauses as he hooks his hands on his hips. With
a deep exhale, Reid locks eyes with me. “I’m sorry.”

“What?” I frown. “What’re you afraid of?”

Reid shakes his head; his face tight with
sorrow, fear and guilt.

“He was only trying to goad you,” I glance
back over my shoulder. A long minute passes as he focuses on the
ground. I inch closer. “Are you okay? Reid?”

Finally he looks up. “Am I enough for


He only nods once, wanting to say more, but
keeps quiet. Anxiously awaiting my answer, all the worry pours out
of him, all the fear and heartbreak and suddenly, I understand. He
wants to know—am I going to do to him what Ansley did? My entire
core aches as I want to cry for Reid, for what he went through,
what he felt. He must’ve been devastated—how could I ever do that
to him?

“Ansley was an idiot.”

“She was… manipulated.”

. How she could…” I shake
my head, the words burning in my throat. I can’t even bring myself
to say it, what she did to him, how she hurt and humiliated him.
Someone like Reid doesn’t deserve that. He’s so good and
wonderful—he deserves only the
. I’m not sure if that’s
me, but I have to comfort him; I have to console him and remind him
won’t ever do that. It’s impossible. Walking closer,
I take his hand, squeezing it. “Ansley made her decision… and I’ve
made mine.”

Reid’s chest expands as he brings my palm to
his mouth and gently kisses it. His eyes close and my heart swells,
my blood racing as I watch him cradle my hand to his face. “You
mean so much to me…” he presses his lips along my palm again,
making me tremble, “
much. Tell me how to make you happy.
I only want to make you happy.”

“Y-you do.”

“Tell me what you want. Anything.”

I focus on his lips. It’s the only thing I
always want—the thing I consistently crave,
he stands this close. My request comes out a whisper. “Kiss

His eyes open, dropping to my mouth. His
chest expands again, his breathing coming in labored breaths and
slowly he leans in, his hands cradling my face. Softly, his lips
brush against mine, my entire body rocked with the gentle heat of
his touch. He kisses me sweet and slowly, like it’s the first time,
like he’s trying to capture every precious second. I’m melting,
pure liquid in his strong arms as he holds me to him, paralyzing me
with his mouth.

He pulls back and I’m short of breath, my
heart about to explode with fever. He looks between my eyes, then
back to my mouth. Still holding my face, he dives in again,
capturing my lips with his. But this time, he walks me back until I
hit something hard. A tree. He has me up against one, kissing me
urgently but sweetly as I drown in a heated dizziness. His hands
slink down to my neck, my skin scorching with his touch.

I open my mouth and his tongue slides in,
stroking and caressing mine, lighting me on fire. My knees weaken,
my blood boiling as we continue the slow, tortuous dance from
yesterday. I’m getting to the same point—the same out of control,
unable-to-stop myself place. I want him. I
him. Now.
And with the way he’s holding me, like he needs it too—I’m about to
combust. His hands drop to my hips, his hot lips quickly moving to
my neck.

“Make love to me…” my words slip out.

Reid stops and pulls back. His dark eyes
flicker between mine, reading their request. A moment of indecision
crosses his lips and suddenly a tremor of fear runs through me.


“You sure?”

I nod, but after another silent moment, I
bite my lip. “If you don’t want—”

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