Pinky Promise (Riverbend Romance 2) (4 page)

Read Pinky Promise (Riverbend Romance 2) Online

Authors: Valerie Comer

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Novella, #Family Life, #Little Girls, #Series, #Christian, #Religious, #Faith, #Inspirational, #Spirituality, #Forever Love, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Riverbend, #Canadian Town, #Daughter, #Best Friends, #Single Father, #Six-Year-Old, #Pinky Promise, #Stop Proposing, #Spring Break, #Single Parents, #Matchmakers, #Springtime

BOOK: Pinky Promise (Riverbend Romance 2)
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“Kelly, we don’t need to let those kids bully us into anything. They’re just being children and don’t understand what they’re asking.”

Did that mean Sophie was begging him the way Elena was begging her? Oh, man. How embarrassing.

They arrived at the corner, Elena pushed the button, and the girls dashed across and down the block, once again leaving Kelly with Ian.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is, all they see is their own wants.” He shrugged. “They aren’t bad wants, of course, but the girls are only six. They don’t understand the entire scope of what they’re asking.”

Kelly wasn’t so sure about that. “It’d be easier to derail them if we could convince them their schemes had no hope.” She felt his gaze on the top of her head, but no way was she looking up. It wasn’t a lack of interest, but it
too much, way too quickly, and he knew nothing about her. She’d always thought this impulsiveness in a relationship was in her distant past and that she’d learned her lesson. That one day, maybe, she’d meet a wonderful man and he’d court her and shower her with gifts and sweet words and eventually they’d marry. By the lack of her daughter in that daydream, she’d obviously assumed it would happen after Elena left home.

Elena and Sophie skipped around the corner at the end of the block, holding hands.

“This is a nice established neighborhood,” Ian said. “I can’t wait to get Sophie and me into a house again. I rented an apartment as there was no time to look before our move.”

As they turned the corner into the cul-de-sac, Kelly pointed to the blue and white bungalow a few doors down. “That’s where we live.”


Once again, she could feel his gaze. Once again, she didn’t look up. Time for full disclosure, lest he think she was richer than she was. Though of course he could look up her salary with just a few clicks at the office. Maybe he already had. “I rent the basement suite from an older lady. She’s happy to let us use the backyard, so it works out well.”

“Sounds good.”

She tried to see the 1960s-era neighborhood through his eyes. Obviously he was used to something nicer. Newer. Or maybe she was inventing thoughts for him.

The girls ran up the empty driveway and through the gate at the back of the house.

“Where do you park your car?”

Kelly took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I don’t have one.” This time she sneaked a peek. “That’s one reason we live in this part of town. Close enough to walk to work, school, shopping.” Everything but church, really. That was clear across town.

He looked thoughtfully around.

“Look, if it’s not a good enough neighborhood for Sophie, I understand.”
Or if
not good enough

Ian touched her arm. “Kelly, I wasn’t thinking any such thing. I’m not a snob.”

She looked up into his brown eyes, bracing herself for pity, but it wasn’t there. He was looking at her, not her house. Not her lack. Both his hands rubbed her upper arms.

Kelly pulled away. Not in the middle of her street, where any of her neighbors might be peering out from behind their curtains — and probably were. Like Mrs. Consuelo across the street. Yep, her drapery shifted a little when Kelly glanced over.


If Kelly hadn’t planned to stay on the straight-and-narrow before, the realization that every single neighbor would know exactly when Ian came and when he left would keep her there.


Ian followed Kelly into the backyard where both girls, squealing with glee, already played on a swing set reminiscent of his own childhood. The lawn, still brown with a few lumps of snow in shaded areas, looked well tended. A flowerbed along the patio was thick with green shoots and the fuzzy heads of developing crocuses. Looked like Kelly worked in the right department with the town.

“Want coffee or tea?” Kelly clicked the gate behind her. She headed down a set of steps that descended from the patio to a blue door.

“Sure. Whichever you’re having.” Should he follow her or not? The patio contained a small round table with two chairs. Maybe that’s where he should wait, where he could keep an eye on the girls.

She paused with a key in the door, glancing up at him. “It’s okay to have an opinion.”

He grinned. “Is it equally okay
to have one?”

“Men.” She rolled her eyes. “Tea it is. Just for that, I should serve yours in an antique porcelain teacup.” She opened the door before seeming to realize he hadn’t followed her. “You’re welcome to come in, if you like. The girls will be fine. Elena knows not to open the gate without asking.”

A quick glance was hardly needed, as both girls were singing
Jesus Loves Me
at the top of their voices, not quite in time to the creaking swings.

Ian hoped that old set was well anchored, but he couldn’t see any of the six legs lifting off the ground, so he had to assume someone had installed it well. He followed Kelly down the stairs and into her home.

The walls were covered with 60s-style wood paneling sheets, but someone — maybe Kelly? — had painted them a pale blue. The entry immediately opened up into a kitchen with the living room beyond. A vintage table and vinyl-covered chairs separated the area. Although nothing was new, the space seemed incredibly welcoming, and even homey with a stack of magazines and a child-size easel. Nothing like his bare space.

Kelly pulled an electric kettle from a lower cupboard, filled it with water, and plugged it in. Then, leaning against the sink cabinet, she turned to look at him.

“This is a great apartment you have here. Did you paint the walls?”

She nodded, still seeming wary. “It was beyond dingy when we moved in two years ago. I could barely stand it.”

“Then why choose this place?” He probably shouldn’t have asked.

“Limited budget.” She shrugged. “The owner is a friend of my grandmother’s, and she’s given me a good deal. And location, like I said.”

“Makes sense. It sure isn’t dingy now. It has a lot of personality.” Kelly’s, no doubt. A personality that exhibited itself all across the space, from the robin’s egg painted cupboards with crisp white trim to the white TV stand and bookshelf combo running the length of one living room wall. No, it wasn’t as tidy as his place, but maybe he shouldn’t have aspired to sterile.

“Thanks. I love fixing up old stuff. Paint is my best friend.”

He quirked a grin. “Not Vanessa?”

Her face flushed. “Not so much, no. She’s a fine person to work with, but we don’t hang out after hours.” She glanced at him then away. “There’s not a lot in common besides landscaping.”

“Where do you find your projects? Kijiji? The antiques mall?”

“More like garage sales or people emptying basements.” She opened an upper cupboard, revealing a jumble of boxes and tins. “What kind of tea? Black? Green? Herbal?”

“Uh...” He’d been going to say, whatever she wanted, but she probably didn’t keep any varieties she didn’t care for. He crossed the room as Kelly started to step out of his way, but he braced his hands on the counter on either side of her, hemming her in. The top of her silky hair came nearly to his chin, and her back warmed his chest. He shifted slightly closer, reveling in the fruity fragrance of her shampoo. He could definitely be interested in this woman.

“Ian?” Her voice sounded a little strained, but she did not turn to look at him.

He slid his hands a bit closer together, so his arms brushed hers. “Hmm?” The impulse to gather her up, turn her around, and enfold her in his arms was nearly irresistible.

“What kind of tea?” But her voice was faint, breathless. Maybe the attraction was mutual.

“How about this?” Ian plucked a box of chai out of the cupboard and set it on the counter, his hands daring to meet in front of her, not quite cradling her. “Do you like it?” She could answer that any way she pleased.

He heard her swallow hard and felt a deep, shuddering breath through the contact. “Maybe?”

“How about this?” He set his hands on her arms and slowly turned her to face him.

She stared at his shirt. “I’m not sure?” she whispered.

Ian tucked a finger under her chin and raised it until her gaze bounced off his. “I’m not trying to rush you,” he said quietly. Although he could certainly see where it might come across differently. “I’m attracted to you, and I’m thankful to two little girls for introducing us.”

She sucked in her lips.

“All I want to know for now is, do you feel the same way? Or do you think I’m some weird guy you can’t wait to get rid of, but are too polite to tell me because I’m your boss?”

“Not that weird.” Her gaze flicked to his eyes then away.

Ian fanned his fingers across her cheek. “Can we see where this attraction goes?” Why he needed to know today, right this minute, was beyond him. But somehow it was all that mattered. A chance to win her.

If he hadn’t been touching her face, he might have missed her nod, it was so tiny.

“Thanks,” he whispered, sliding both hands around her back and tugging her just a little closer. He became aware of silence from out in the yard just as it was broken.

“Hey, Sophie! Your daddy is hugging my mommy. Want to come see?”

Uh oh. Ian was pretty sure the girls couldn’t see the quick kiss he planted on Kelly’s hair. He took a step back and rubbed his hands against her arms. “Guess I’ve given them fuel. Sorry about that.”

“Coming!” called Sophie, her footsteps skittering down the concrete steps.

Kelly shook her head, but she was smiling. “Secrets are impossible around here.” She met his gaze for an instant. “It’s time for tea and cookies.”

Chapter 5

Years of starting work early meant Kelly slept in but still had time for a shower and her quiet time before she heard Ian’s SUV in the driveway. “Elena! Time to get up. Your friend is here.”

Elena emerged from her room rubbing sleep from her eyes just as the knock sounded.

Kelly opened the door to see Sophie yawn. She squatted in front of the little girl. “You must have stayed up too late last night, like Elena.”

Ian chuckled as he set down her backpack. “She was too excited to sleep. All she could talk about was playing with her twin and how much fun they’d have.” He bent and helped Sophie with her jacket and shoes.

“We’ll have so much fun!” Elena took Sophie’s hand. “Come see my room.”

“Make your bed,” called Kelly as the girls disappeared. Now she had no excuse not to look at Ian.

“Thanks so much. This means a lot to me.” His brown eyes searched her face.

Kelly took a step back. “I know. It’s okay. It will be nice for Elena to have someone to play with. Maybe I’ll hear a bit less of
I’m bored

“She seems like she makes her own fun wherever she goes. Sophie is a bit quieter.”

“It doesn’t take much to be shyer than Elena.”

His face crinkled into a grin. “I should give you my cell number in case you need to reach me, and I’m not in the office.”

“Right.” Kelly plucked her phone off the kitchen table and thumbed it on. “The number?”

He held his phone out to her. “Probably less chance of a mistake if we put our own numbers in each other’s phone. Allow me?”

“Um, sure.” She took his cell and added her name and number to his contact list.

A second later he offered her hers back. “All done.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “I guess I’d better be going or I’ll be late. Have a good day.”

“I’m sure we will. I forgot to ask if Sophie has any food allergies or anything like that I should know about.”

Ian reached for the doorknob. “Nothing I know of.”

“Okay. Have fun at the office.”

He grinned and waved as he left.

A moment later she heard his vehicle start up and drive away. Now for those girls. Kelly walked down the short hallway to Elena’s room. The door was slightly ajar. Surely eavesdropping was appropriate?

“My daddy said I couldn’t ask your mom to be my mommy.”

Kelly sagged against the wall, her knees nearly giving out. Both of them? She and Ian were dead in the water. There’d be no way to have a casual friendship with these two around. They would either have to separate the girls, or... She kind of liked the sound of
but hated the feeling of being so out of control. This pair would just keep pushing.

“I know. My mommy even made me pinky promise not to ask your dad the same thing.”

Kelly should’ve made her pinky promise not to tell anyone that, too.

“What’s a pinky promise?”

“It’s when you do this.” There was a second of silence. “And then you make a promise you have to keep
or else

“Or else what?” asked Sophie.

Kelly imagined Elena’s shoulders doing her ever-so-dramatic shrug. “Or else your baby finger breaks, and that would hurt a lot.”

“But I like your mommy.”

“She’s nice. I like your daddy, too.”

Silence. The girls were probably staring at each other and thinking hard. No good could come of this. Forewarned was forearmed, right? Kelly had to listen to the rest of the conversation.

“My mommy says that grownups have to decide stuff like that. They have to love each other.”

“Like kissy stuff? You said my daddy was hugging your mommy, but I didn’t see it.”

Right. Because Ian had stepped back after Elena’s announcement, and they’d all had some of those chocolate chip cookies she’d baked the night before.

“Yeah, kissy stuff, I think. If they do that, then your daddy will be my daddy, too.”

Kelly put her hands to her cheeks. She’d known she and Ian needed to be careful around the girls, but good grief. The two of them were practically planning their flower girl dresses. Whoa. Now where had
thought come from?

“How do we make them do kissy stuff?” asked Sophie.

“I don’t know. We’ll have to think about it. Do you want to play princess? My grandma made me some dress-up clothes.”


Kelly took a deep breath and tapped on her daughter’s door before sticking her head around it. “Elena, want some breakfast? Sophie, are you hungry?”

The two little girls glanced at each other and nodded before joining hands and following Kelly back to the kitchen. She didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

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