Physical Education (3 page)

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Authors: Louisa Bacio

BOOK: Physical Education
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“Give it up,” another guy chimed in. “We want our turn.”

Suddenly, the back door to the cabin burst open, and out walked Reed, the gorgeous specimen that Mandi had lusted after at the orientation meeting.

“What the hell is going on here,” Reed bellowed. “Don’t you understand the rules yet?” Reed pushed his hands between the two, pulling them apart. The suckee’s cock jutted out at Reed, and he slapped it down. The student moaned in ecstasy. The touch was the last he could take, and a thick stream of come shot out across Reed’s hand and all over his boots.

“Oh now, now you’re going to be punished,” Reed said. “I could have let your antics go, but this has to be reported.”

In the shadows, Claire startled Mandi with a giggle. Mandi waved her hand at Claire to quiet down, and Claire clasped her hand over her mouth. Too late.

Reed turned toward the unexpected noise and appeared to search the darkness of the foliage with his eyes. Mandi grabbed Claire’s hand again and tugged her down the path, finally breaking into a burst of laughter herself as soon as she felt they were a safe distance. The two students stopped beside a light post, which cast a shallow yellow glow.

“Can you believe that?” Mandi panted after catching her breath? “Just imagine, and on the first day, too.”

Claire just shook her head, “What do you think will happen to him? I hear that they torture here?”

“Torture,” Mandi reflected. “I’m not sure about torture, maybe

Claire sighed: “I’m not cut out for this.”

“I’d say that everyone is feeling the same way tonight. Why
you here anyway?” Mandi found herself asking once more. “What’s your specialty?”

“No specialty. My fiancée thought it might be good for me to get a little bit more
before we got married. I’ve only been with him.”

Claire’s admission surprised Mandi. “You mean, they let you in here because someone else wanted you to do it?”

“Oh, no. I wouldn’t tell them that. They think I’m here to learn how to be a dominatrix, can you imagine? But that’s really why I’m here.”

Mandi and Claire continued down a path to parts unknown. Each moved toward their first assignment, and neither truly knew what would happen in the coming hours. A shiver passed through the thin layer of clothes that Mandi wore, and her body involuntarily shuddered. Another light gleamed up ahead, and she felt her pace quicken at the thought of reaching her destination. Once in the clearing, a new sight awaited.

Chapter Two


The pathway opened into a courtyard, which in a different place or different time might be considered relaxing. But for these inhabitants, relaxing was a totally alternate state of mind. Archways lined with vines accented the four corners of the piazza. Mandi’s eyes drew to the left, where a man was bent over a marble table, his arms pulled taut and chained to two corners.

Wham. Wham. Wham.

The sounds of the scene caught up with the sight. Behind the man, a woman in similar attire as the instructors swung a paddle across his bare ass. With each stroke, the man tried to squirm away, but failed. The redness of his butt cheeks reflected in the florescent lighting.

Wham. Wham. Wham.

Movement in another quadrant captured Mandi’s attention, and once more she felt Claire tightly grasp her hand. A woman lay spread eagle on a table, hands tied above her head, her legs pulled apart. Her pale skin looked even paler beneath the harsh lighting, and although she didn’t wear a blindfold, her eyes were squeezed closed tight. Between her legs, a man worked his magic, licking, tickling and fingering her sex. A male instructor stood near the head of the table and doled out instructions in a soothing voice.

“It’s time you learned to come when ordered,” the instructor said. “Let yourself go. You cannot close your legs and ignore the pleasure. Lose yourself.”

“Wrong turn,” Mandi whispered under her breath. Her heart quickened as she imagined herself in the woman’s place. She didn’t think she could handle such public displays of passion. Sure, she’d risked sex in a few obscure locations, such as the back-seat of a car, but climaxing while others looked on, she didn’t think she could do it.

“I told you they torture,” Claire said, nodding her head in confirmation. “We need to get out of here.”

The male instructor looked up just then and caught the two newbies in his line of sight. “You two – come here,” he barked.

Mandi felt frozen in place, caught in the instructor’s sights, and a quick look at Claire confirmed that her partner-in-crime obviously felt the same way.

“Did you hear what I said?” he asked. “Unless you want to find yourselves buck-naked on a table just like this one…” He gestured toward the strawberry-blonde woman stretched out next to him, “I suggest you come here immediately.”

With all the commotion, the man administering pleasures stopped and looked up. A gleam of wetness ran across the stubble of his chin.

The instructor turned his focus. “Did I give you permission to stop?”

“No sir.”

“Then don’t.”

Mandi felt a false courage flow through her as she led her scared partner toward the table. Closer, she noticed that the instructor’s name tag read “Ralph.” A glimmer of humor sparkled in his eyes from behind wire-rimmed glasses, and gray hair mottled his sandy-brown beard.

“Stand here,” the instructor said, gesturing toward the head of the table. “Tatiana,” he called to the naked woman, “Tatiana, open your eyes.”

With that, her wide blue eyes opened and took in the presence of Mandi and Claire. Realization seemed to settle in and, if possible, she looked even more scared.

“You have an audience for your release.”

Tatiana’s eyes begged for release of a different sort. Mentally, she obviously didn’t want to be there; yet, there she lay. Physically, her body had turned traitor. Her rose-colored nipples stood at attention; her breathing quickened.

“I’m afraid your young suitor’s attentions don’t seem to be quite enough,” Ralph said, soothing back her dampened hair. “Michael, I think it’s time we brought out the magic wand.”

The pale blonde man between her legs reached under the table and brought out a long pink vibrator with a flared wide head.

The instructor nodded, “you know what to do with it.”

A heightened sense of excitement flowed through Mandi, and the hum of the vibrator reached her ears. As the man dipped its tip against Tatiana’s clit, the hips of the almost over-the-edge woman jumped. The man circled Tatiana’s pubic hair, and then he sunk the head of the vibrator into her awaiting folds.

He ran his tongue over his lips, wetting them, and then leaned over to take her clit into his mouth once again. Tatiana gasped in pleasure, and Mandi looked on, feeling herself wishing for a lick of his tongue.

“Tatiana, my beautiful,” Ralph whispered. “The flush of excitement upon your skin so becomes you. Give in. Come for us.”

As the first shock of orgasm hit her body, Tatiana opened her mouth, and a staccato of quick moans escaped. The muscles along her stomach contracted and she shifted her hips aside, away from the pleasing mouth. But there was no escape from the unrelenting vibrations. Her toes arched out as Tatiana let out a final whimper of release.

Sensing she was through, the man turned off the vibrator and then looked toward the instructor for guidance.

“You’ve done well,” Ralph told his now-sated student. “Michael, please accompany Tatiana to the baths and make sure she gets cleaned up and back to her quarters safely.”

With the scene before their eyes finished, Mandi once again felt like an intruder. Just as she began to think about slipping away, the instructor turned back toward them.

“And you two,” he said. “Lost?”

In answer, Mandi nodded her head, and Claire looked toward the floor, afraid to meet Ralph’s eyes.

“Let’s see where you’re supposed to be,” he said, absentmindedly brushing the hair along his chin. As he took their assignment sheets, Mandi noticed his wide, strong fingers.

Ralph glanced up from the sheet and took a good look at Mandi. “Ah, I see,” he said, smiling. “You did take a wrong turn. If you continue along this path, you’ll find a marker pointing the way.”

From another corner of the piazza, a man’s groans interrupted Ralph’s directions. Mandi looked toward an unvisited area but couldn’t quite make out what was happening. Ralph noticed her interest.

“They’ll be plenty of time to explore later,” he said. “You better not be late to your first assignment, otherwise we may see you here sooner, rather than later.”

This time, Claire tugged on Mandi’s hand, pulling her away from the sights, sounds and sensations.

“Did you see her?” Claire said, voicing the sentiment echoing through Mandi’s own head. “I could never.”

“No worries,” Mandi said with a false sense of security.“You’re here to learn how to administer the punishments, remember?”

Chapter Three


After dropping Claire off at her assignment, a squat brick building with darkened windows, Mandi soon reached her own destination. Gold lettering on a smoky glass door read “Fitting Room.” Warm air seeped out as Mandi opened the door. A receptionist greeted her from behind a high, white counter.

“May I help you?” she asked.

“I hope so. I’m Mandi Wilkinson and I’m here for some type of fitting.”

The woman looked down at something that Mandi couldn’t see and ran her finger down the line, muttering, “Wilkinson, Wilkinson. Ah, here you are. Why don’t you have a seat over there?” she gestured toward a small waiting area, “and I’ll let the headmistress know that you’re here.”

Headmistress, Mandi thought as she settled into a mauve cushioned chair. Why would she be seeing the headmistress? She was afraid she would have the answer soon enough.

The receptionist disappeared from behind the counter and opened a side door. “Come on back now, Mistress Lucy will see you.”

Smooth jazz echoed through the hallway as the receptionist led her to another room. Mandi felt like she was on sensory overload. Even though the night was still early, she didn’t know how many different new things she could possibly take in.

“You should find the temperature of the room comfortable enough,” the receptionist said. “I’ll need you to undress completely and slip into this gown.”

The “gown” handed to Mandi looked nothing like Cinderella’s ball gown and more like a worn hospital garb. After undressing once again, she slipped her arms through the cold cotton and attempted to cover her bare ass as much as possible. She tucked the thin material underneath her and sat on the examining table. At least, it looked like an examining table. Maybe the headmistress checked out all the new students individually.

When she signed up for SFSU, Mandi had wanted to become experienced in the ways of anal intercourse. She didn’t expect to be wearing a butt plug by the end of the first day.

The door swept open, and in strolled Mistress Lucy with two male assistants. While her presence demanded attention at the front of the orientation, in such tight quarters Mandi felt instantly overwhelmed. Her pulse quickened; the room felt too small.

Usually, if she went to a physical exam that involved delving into her nether regions, a male doctor would often bring in a female nurse in order to observe that nothing untoward happened. Mandi had the distinct impression that Ms. Lucy’s two quite attractive assistants were there for a different reason.

While not traditionally beautiful, Ms. Lucy possessed a confidence that Amanda found striking. Mandi eyesight lined up directly with the lush roundness of Lucy’s cleavage. The black leather of Lucy’s bustier shone beneath the florescent lights. Behind the mistress’ smile, Mandi sensed a coolness.

“Amanda Wilkinson, correct?” Mistress Lucy said, checking a chart.

“Yes, ma’am,” she responded.

“I see that you’re a fast learner,” she said. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here?”

“A bit.”

“In addition to the well-rounded curriculum that you’ll take part in at Sex University, you’ve asked for a specialized lesson plan.”

A knowing look passed between the two assistants, and Mandi felt herself blush.

“There’s no room to be shy here,” Lucy said. “Now if you’ll please lay face down on the table, we’ll get started.”

Mandi turned onto her stomach and stretched out across the table; she felt the flaps of the gown fall away, leaving her bottom end exposed. Lucy walked to the side of the table and picked up a remote control. A motor began to hum, and Mandi felt the table rise beneath her middle section, her ass lifting into the air. She heard the sound of a plastic smack, and as quickly as Mandi thought “plastic gloves,” she felt her buttocks being spread apart. She squirmed at the touch.

“Now, Mandi,” Lucy said sternly. “If you’re not going to lie still, we’ll have to restrain you. Can you control yourself?”

Thinking back to the spectacle that she had just witnessed, restraints were the last thing Mandi wanted. “Yes, ma’am.”

The inspection continued, more firmly. “It looks like a fine specimen to me. I would say a number one to start with,” a male voice said.

“Number one? It will take forever to stretch this one out at that pace,” the mistress countered. “Let’s go with number three and get on with it.” Mandi felt herself start to panic. It sounded like nothing came easily with Mistress Lucy.

“It’s not very often we see such a nice, tight orifice. Usually, they are broken in from finger-fucking or dildo insertion. This one seems to be pretty much intact,” the man said. “The slower route is the way to go.”

“I’ll split the difference with you. Let’s go with a longer tip, but not quite as round circumference. Deal?”

“Excuse me ma’am,” Mandi interjected, “but do I have any say in this?”

“None,” replied Lucy, without the slightest hesitation in her voice. “And, I’ll remind you to speak when spoken to.”

A metal drawer was pulled open, and Mandi could hear someone sorting through unseen objects.

“Do you have someone in mind for the ceremony yet?” a deeper voice joined the conversation.

“Not quite. There are a number of participants who would love to get their cocks in this nice an ass, but we’re still waiting on a few applicants. The better for all involved, I would say.”

Amanda could barely take lying on the table, totally naked with her ass raised up in the air. A roomful of people talked about her as if she were not there. If only someone would talk
her, it would be all that much better. A cold gel seeped down the creak of her ass, and before she could get used to the feeling, a finger slipped inside. She had never been violated in this matter before. Even such a small finger felt huge.

“Yes, it is very tight,” the mistress said. “Maybe a smaller plug will be better.”

“Shall we use the vibrating kind?”

“Oh, yes,” the mistress said with a quickening of her voice. “Of course, and I think I would like to have the remote control on this one.”

* * * *


Back in his room, Reed fumed. In his career as an undercover officer, Reed had experienced a lot of different people and too many scenarios to mention, but never had he seen such outright disregard for the rules. Sure, it was sex. Just sex. No one was really going to get hurt, right? Everyone here was consenting adults, but seriously, in the first hour if a guy wasn’t able to keep his dick in his pants, then what would the rest of the summer hold?

The students were here for a reason, and, granted, Reed was at Sex U for a totally alternative scenario, but while he was there, he was going to ensure that his job got done to the full extent. Teaching Marcus a lesson would be his first duty.

The school’s founders had allowed Reed to go undercover as an instructor with the strict guidelines that no one else know his identity. For all intents and purposes, he was an instructor, and he had to live up to the position’s duties, as well as searching out the school’s secrets. Sex U. did its best to stay anonymous by only taking in a hand-picked group of students. The last thing anyone wanted was a scandal, and missing students definitely fell into the category of media sensation. Sure, a few of the “missing” may have left on their own accord and for whatever reason wanted to remain off the radar. But for one, especially, Reed knew better.

His thoughts turned to Willow. Such a delicate girl, Willow was the epitome of her name: tall, slender with dark flowing curls. Like her namesake, she seemed too fragile to touch; otherwise, she’d bruise. He didn’t understand what could have happened to lead her to this place. If he only knew something was happening in her life, he might have been able to make a difference.

Growing up, Reed always felt like it was his responsibility to watch over her and make sure that no harm befell her. And then, when their parents died. Well, he became the man of the household way too early. Like his father, Reed fell into the footsteps of law enforcement. His sense of responsibility for his family turned into one for the community, and then, he supposed, for all of mankind. He tried to raise Willow the best that he could. Without a loving woman in the house to guide her, Reed was afraid that Willow sometimes got out of hand, but what teenager didn’t? It was an awful lot of responsibility for one man’s shoulders. And, while he certainly worked out and sported a broad pair himself, sometimes he feared that he couldn’t do it all. And now that fear had come true.

The last he’d heard of Willow was that she was at college at San Francisco State, not some sex school. Then her roommate called him and reported that Willow was missing. Right now, all he really should be worried about was finding out what had happened to his sister. After working as an office for as long as he had, he knew that if he went through the right channels in the department, things could get complicated. And, they probably would not have assigned him, a direct relative, to the case. Instead, he took a leave of absence and approached the founders of the school. He counted on the fact that if there was a scandal, they’d want to keep it as quiet as possible, too.

Distractions like Marcus and the necessity of cock-blocks shouldn’t play heavy on his mind. And then there was that pretty little chick Mandi. Something about her certainly pulled him. He couldn’t quite tell if it was that natural sense of responsibility, the fact that she seemed near his sister’s age or something much, much more. He’d never put much credit into love at first sight. Sure, maybe lust at first sight, and the view of that luscious booty, bared for all to see. Well, who wouldn’t fantasize about bringing her into bed?

Tension wound through his body. In a sense, it was a waiting game. More information was needed, and he had a feeling that he wasn’t going to get it this evening. He felt like he needed to do something to burn off the extra energy. The school had a gym, but he really didn’t want to be with a bunch of sweaty, nervous new students right now.

Thinking back to orientation, though, there was more than a fair share of hot bodies. He could always leverage his position as an instructor, with a willing subject. Just thinking about the room full of naked recruits, Miss Mandi in particular, had brought his cock to full attention. Sure, the students may not be allowed to relieve themselves, but the instructors? Well, they had just about full access to anything and anyone they wanted. One of the fringe benefits of signing on with the staff of Sex U.

Feeling constricted by his tight black work pants, Reed unzipped his fly, letting his thick cock spring free. He imagined calling up to any of the camps and bringing in a coed to suck him dry. He licked his hand, moistening the palm with saliva, and stroked his member. Ah, yeah, it felt heavenly. With his eyes closed, he could just imagine little miss thing’s full lips sliding around the tip, flicking her tongue over it, and then going full-bore and deep throating. With this fantasy unfolding within his mind, the pressure and movement of his hand increased. Pre-come from the tip seeped out and he added it automatically, making his dick slide even easier. He leaned back against the side of the bed, legs spread apart, cock in hand, pumping. Just thinking about what he could and most likely would do to Amanda Wilkinson pushed him further along. He’d done his homework on her and the rest of the students. He knew her deepest, most secret fantasies, and if he could do anything about it, he’d be fulfilling them while filling her.

The long muscles along his arm flexed as he pumped himself harder and harder. Head tilted back, the pressure built, until his own hot come pulsed over his hand. As his breathing slowed down, Reed realized that he felt much better. Tension released.

Now, how about seeing to that little punk Marcus? Maybe he’d send him over for a punishment session, and that would teach him a little lesson or two before the night was over.

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