Phoenix's Heart (8 page)

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Authors: Khelsey Jackson

BOOK: Phoenix's Heart
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Jennifer finished
her last bite of her first slice of pizza and looked at him. “So our babies will basically live forever.”

He nodded
, “Basically.” She wouldn’t live forever, but her children and Phoenix would.

She stared at him and wondered how old he was.
“How old are you?”

He grinned.
“I am still new, I am technically thirty.” He winked at her, and she felt a little better knowing he wasn't two hundred years old.

She grabbed
another piece of pizza, and he shook his head. “I want to go on dates, still.”

Phoenix narrowed
his dark blue eyes. “I don't share well.” She swallowed the pizza in her mouth and choked. She started coughing and her eyes watered.

“That’s good because I don’t share well either. And
I meant with you.”

I will do it for you and we will talk about what will happen with me later.” He looked at his platinum Rolex. “Darling I have video conference with some of my other companies around the world in about an hour. I'll see you in the morning.” He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a business card. He wrote on the back of it and handed it to her. “That is my personal cell phone number. I already have yours programmed in my phone.” She sat it on the table, and he stood up.

“When I found out I was pregnant I didn't
think you would take it so well.”

Phoenix took
her face into his large hands. “Darling, I am happy to be going through this with you. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else.” He gave her a sweet passionate kiss that made her lightheaded. He slowly moved his lips away from hers. “Now eat, then get some rest.”

“Good bye,
Phoenix.” He gave her one last heart-stopping smile and walked away from her. When he walked out, Megan walked out of her room.

“I thought h
e would never leave.” She smiled and grabbed a piece of pizza. “Since he was all lovey-dovey does that mean you two are together?”

Jennifer nodded
. “Why did you tell my mom?” Megan bit her lip and looked down.

“She forced me to tell. She thought you were home from work and then I told her that you now work for the sex god that stole your virginity. Then I let it slip that yo
u were pregnant.” Jennifer knew how her mother could be, and didn’t doubt she pressured Megan for information.

“Megan, he didn't steal anything. I wanted it just as bad. I have something I need to tell you, and you can't freak out.”

“You can tell me anything, I won't freak out.” Megan sat her pizza down and took Jennifer's hand.

Jennifer took
a deep breath. “I'm pregnant with twins, and Phoenix is an incubus.”


Phoenix found Max waiting for him when he got home. He parked his SUV next to Max’s car and got out. Max was already leaning against his car.

“Hey, what a
re you doing here?” Phoenix asked as he shut his door.

His longest and only friend winked at him. “I want to know how you are really taking the news. It's not every day you find out the girl you got pregnant is having twins. And to add sugar on top, I know she isn't one hundred percent human.”

Max knew about his father leaving when he was young, and his mother's deep hatred for him. “I am still shocked. You know I never wanted to be a father, now I am having two babies.” He looked down at his watch and had some time before the meeting. “Want to come in?” He glanced at Max, and he nodded.

hen they walk into Phoenix’s large living room that he never really used, he gave Max a glass of scotch. “What else is on your mind?”

Phoenix took a drink, and looked out his front window he saw only blackness from the night. “If I will drain her.” He looked back to Max, which was their biggest fear. If they did, they would belong to the devil and their soul would vanish. “She wants to be in a relationship, and not see other people. I’m sure she wouldn’t like me fucking other women.”

Max sat his empty glass down, and nodded. “I understand, and so will she. She isn’t some dumb bimbo you picked up at a bar. She is smart, and very sexy.”

Phoenix sat his glass down before he broke it by squeezing it too tight. “She is mine.” He said through his clenched teeth.

Max threw his hands in. “Wow, Phoenix she is yours. I am just stating facts.” He nodded at Phoenix and a sluggish smile appeared on his face. “You really care about her. She isn't some girl you fucked and knocked up.”

Phoenix felt his anger leaving him when he thought about her. Her bright green eyes that change to a dark green when she was coming apart in his arms. “I don't know what I feel, but I don't want you to talk about her. It does something to me, and I want to rip your head off.” He closed his eyes; her smell was all over him.

Phoenix kept his eyes shut when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. “You have it bad for her, and there is something with her. I felt a little pull, but I think you are feeling more because you have had sex with her. Phoenix I will find out what she is. I’m running tests on her blood now.”

Phoenix slowly opened
his eyes. “What if she is something I can't be with? Like a fucking angel or something.”

Max let go of his shoulder and laughs. “I highly doubt she is an angel. They are very rare, and so are Nephilims. I think she may be a lower demon.” Max smiled at Phoenix.

He nodded, “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right.” He picked up his glass, and took a drink. “What am I going to do with two babies?”

Max laughed
. “I have no freaking clue! That I can't help you with.”

Phoenix smirked at Max. “One day you will meet someone that you can't get out of your head. And when you close your eyes it's only her face you see.”

“You have it worse than I thought. I hope I am never under some woman’s spell like that. If I am, I want you to kill me.” He grinned, and walked over to the bar to pour another drink.

“You will go crazy, like I am.” Phoenix said and glanced down at his watch. Five minutes until he needed to be in his office.               

“I have to do some work now. You can stay if you want.”

Max smiled at him. “No I have plans tonight with a super model.” Max winked at him. “You can come if you want, she is bringing friends.”

Yesterday he would have said yes, but he couldn't do that to Jennifer. “No I have a meeting and I am going to give this relationship a try.”

Max walked
to the door laughing. “You’ve got it bad! See you later.”

Phoenix smiled and nodded he had it bad for Jennifer and didn’t know what to do to make it better. He did know that he was horrible with relationships
























Chapter Six



Megan yelled, and took her hand back. “Did you say he is an incubus? Like the demons that seduce you in your dreams. Is that how he got you pregnant?”

Jennifer shook her head and was surprised she knew what an incubus was.
“No, I’m ten weeks. I got pregnant the first time I had sex.”

Megan burst out laughing. “Of course you get pregnant
with twins the first time you had sex.” She looked at Jennifer. “What does that mean for your babies?”

“I will have an incubus and succubus.”

“You know you sound crazy, don’t you?”

“I feel crazy! Meg, I have known Phoenix for like five minutes, and I am pregnant with his twins. ” Jennifer never thought she would be someone that would have
babies out of wedlock. She always saw herself married for a few years, and then pregnant.

“Well Jen, I think you are a little crazy. But I still love you, and m
y niece and nephew.” Megan looked down at Jennifer's abdomen. “You know I know people who can take care of Phoenix, if he messes with you.”

smiled; she has a good feeling he would be there for her no matter what. “He isn’t that bad, and I think he will stick around.” Megan gave her a funny look. “What?”

“Jenny, you aren't some naive teenager that is pregnant with their high school sweetheart. You are having babies with a man, I mean incubus.”

“Megan, why don't you like him?”

“Jenny you were a virgin for twenty-two years and the sex god comes along and you spread for him. You want to know why Ryan cheated on you? Because he was tired of waiting.”

Jennifer flinched at her best friend’s words. “That was low.”

“No it wasn’t, he called tonight asking about you. He wanted to know if you were handling it well, and I told him you were handling
it amazingly.” Jennifer heard her heart pounding.

“What else did you say
?” She put her head in her hands.

“I told him you were pregnant, and he started crying. I think he wanted
to get back with you.” Ryan had broken up with her a couple times in the past and she had always taken him back. But this last break up was for good. She walked in on him and some blonde.

She looked
back up at Megan. “I wouldn't have gone back to him.”

Megan sighed
. “I know that. What he did is unforgivable, but I don't agree with you and Phoenix being together.” Jennifer opened her mouth to say something, but Megan shook her head, holding up a finger. “No, I know you like him. I just don't want to talk about it anymore. I don't trust him, and I don’t think you should. Always remembers what he needs to feed, and it can't always be you.” With that, Megan left Jennifer with her dark thoughts.

After shoving
four more slices of pizza in her mouth, she headed into her bedroom. Today had been too long and all she wanted to do was sleep. She hoped Megan came around and gave Phoenix a chance. Jennifer already knew things weren’t going to be easy with her best friend/roommate hating her almost boyfriend; she wanted things to be settled before these babies came. She shut her door, and took off her work clothes for the second time today. She also removed her bra, and put on a tan top. Jennifer plugged in her phone and saw she had a text message from a number she didn't know.

Darling I hope you get some sleep, and I can't wait to see you in the morning. I can't stop thinking about you. Good night.

Jennifer smiles at her phone, and hits reply.

I am very tired for some odd reason. So I think I’m
going to get some much needed sleep. I love knowing that I am on your mind, because you are always on mine. Good night my sex god.

She laughed out loud as she pressed send, and with
in seconds she had another text message from Phoenix.

You should be sleeping. And sex god, huh? Good to know.

She smiled, and lay on her bed. She was happy her phone charger was next to her bed.

I am laying down now. And you know how good you are
, so don’t play stupid. I’m going to think about your hard body sliding against mine, and your large hard dick going in and out of me and me screaming your name.

She bit her lip as she pressed send. Her phone started ringing in her hand

She giggled when she answered
the phone. “Are you trying to kill me?” He sounded out of breath.

She grinned
. “No, not really. I kind of like you.”

laughed. “Well then don't send me dirty texts, I am an incubus. I want sex all the time. And I want you more than any other women before.” She smiled. “Darling you need to go to bed.”

“I thought you had a video conference.” She

“I do, I told them I had to call my pregnant girlfriend.”

She smiled to herself. “You did?”

is what you are, right?” She imagined him grinning and the heat from his midnight blue eyes.

She laughed, “I hope so.” She yawned

“Darling I can hear you yawning. Get some rest please.”

She remembered he brought her home. “Wait, what about my car?”

“It will be there in the morning. Good night darling.”

She smiled. “Good night Phoenix.” She hung up the phone.

lay back down and hoped Megan came around soon. They had been best friends for as long as she could remember. She stared at her closed door, and sighed. She knew that Megan was looking out for her, but she needed her and Phoenix to get along. Megan was one of the most important people in her life and Phoenix was quickly becoming important. Jennifer felt her eyes starting to close and she didn’t fight it.

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