Phoenix's Heart (17 page)

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Authors: Khelsey Jackson

BOOK: Phoenix's Heart
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Even with her little noises she
made, it turned him on. He was rock fucking hard, and it was almost painful. He wondered if he could move his arm without waking her up. He tried, and she moved her head off of his arm. He quickly moved his arm away, and slowly got out of bed. He needed to burn some of this energy in order to sleep. He walked into his closet to get some workout clothes, and then headed downstairs to his gym. Someone was already in there, and he nodded to Mark.

Mark had worked for him for the past
three years, and he was the best employee he had ever had.

“Hello Mark.” He
walked over to the treadmill to run himself to sleep.

Mark's head snapped up
and nodded. “Hello sir, is there anything I could get you?” He sat down his weights.

Phoenix shook
his head. “No, I just needed to burn off some energy.” He started up his machine and started jogging slightly.

smiled at him. “If I can say, Jennifer is the perfect woman for you.”

Phoenix grinned
like a fool when he thought of Jennifer. “I do hope so.”

Mark walked
over to where Phoenix was running. “You know sir, it is possible for you to love someone. Just because you are an incubus, you can love.”

Slowly Phoenix looked at Mark. He had
never told him what he was, and never planned on telling him. “What do you mean incubus?”

Mark smiled
. “I know what you are, because it is what I am.”

Phoenix stopped
his treadmill, and stared at Mark. “Why can't I feel you?” He had always been able to feel most demons, but always an incubus.

“I am very good at hiding it,
” Mark said. “If you are okay, I am going to bed.”

Phoenix nodded, and Mark walked away. He started his treadmill on high and ran
until he felt like he was going to pass out.


Jennifer awoke to being alone in a large bed. She jumped up and she noticed that Phoenix was gone. Another strong kick in her stomach made her moan, she got two more then she started to rub her stomach. Holy cow these little babies were strong.

She looked up as the door opened a little, and she saw
Phoenix walk in. “Come here. I want you to feel this.” She saw him look at her.

“Okay, did I wake you?”
he asked and walked towards the bed.

She shook
her head. “No, your babies did.” He came on the bed and placed his hands on either side of her belly.

She gasped, and he chuckled
. “They are strong.”

Jennifer smiled at him, and put
her hands on top of his. “Yes, and they don’t like sleeping at night, like you.” He lifted his head, and she saw him smiling at her.

“I went to
go work out.” He narrowed his eyes on her breast. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you sleeping naked next to me. So I went to burn that energy.” He rubbed his thumbs on her nipples. She moaned, and bit her lip. “Darling if you weren’t so tired I would fuck you until you fell asleep, but you need your sleep.”

She blinked
her eyes, she knew that he had to feed or he would go to someone else. “But don’t--” her yawn cut off her sentence. “Don't you have to feed?”

Jennifer saw
Phoenix's smile again. “No darling, I don’t need to feed all the time. Usually every two or three days. But with you, I don't want to keep my hands off of you. Now, let’s go back to bed, I want to hold you.” She nodded and scooted back on the bed.

She lay down, and Phoenix moved
her so her head was back on his chest. Smiling, she said, “Good night.”

She heard
his deep rumble of his chuckle. “Good night my darling angel.” He kissed the top of her head. Jennifer fell asleep in the arms of the man she was crazy for.


About four hours later, Jennifer woke up to Phoenix kissing her. She giggled when his whiskers were tickling her neck.

“Good morning
, beautiful. We need to get ready for work.” He kissed the tip of her nose, then he moved away from her. “Your new clothes are hanging in the closet on the left side.” She sat up, and the sheet fell to her waist.

She looked
down at her belly, it was huge! “Oh my God!” she said, and Phoenix rushed back to her.

“What's wrong?” He looked
into her eyes, and then looked down her bare body. “Wow,” he whispered.

She looked
at the closet and wondered if he had anything that would cover up her new enlarged belly. “Do you have something in there that will cover this up?” She pointed down at her belly.

He laugh
ed and shrugged. “I have no clue. I paid a personal shopper to do it. I told her to get a few different sizes. Let's go and see.” He smiled then got out of bed to open the closet

Her mouth dropped open; the
closet was bigger than her apartment. “Holy freaking cow, you can fit my car in here.”

She heard his laughter, and she grinned
. “Try on some of your new clothes.” She smiled.

She pulled
out this black and red dress that wrapped around her and tied at her belly. She tried it on and it fit her like a glove. “Oh I love this.”

He walked over to her and kissed her. He pulled
away leaving her breathless. “You look beautiful.”

She winked at him, which made
him laugh. “I'm going to use the restroom, and shower.”

He nodded
. “That's fine. I already showered, I just need to shave.”

She nodded and walked
past him. “See you in a little bit.” She swayed her hips, a little more that she needed to. She heard him moan, and she grinned.

Jennifer walked
over to the railing that had a few hangers on it and hung up her dress. Then she walked to the toilet, when she wiped she saw a lot of blood. “Phoenix!” she yelled, and he slammed open the door. She held up the toilet paper, and his eyes widened.

“I'm going to call Max, but first I’m goin
g to bring you to bed.” She nodded, and he lifted her up as if she didn't weigh anything. He carried her to the bed and lay her down. He grabbed his phone.

Jennifer is bleeding.” He kept his eyes on Jennifer. “I didn’t look, hang on.”

Phoenix walked
over to her and hands her the phone. “He wants to talk to you.” She took it, and he returned to the bathroom.

fer, are you cramping?” Max asked, and yawned.


“Are you feeling the babies move?”

She touched
her swollen belly and they didn’t respond. “No.” Phoenix walked back into the bedroom, and he was pale. She smiled, but she had a feeling something was wrong. He held out his hand for the phone and she gave it to him.

“There is a lot.” He listen
ed for a few minutes and shut his eyes. “We will be there soon.” He ended the call and looked at her. “We need to get to your place. Max wants to check you.”

Jennifer felt
her body go numb. “Am I losing our babies?”

Phoenix shook
his head. “Hell no, I won't let that happen.” He put his hand out for her to take. She put her hand in his, and he pulled her up to him. She glanced at the bed and there was a blood stain on the sheets. She felt her eyes fill with her tears. “Oh shit, we need to go now. I will have Mark follow us with your car.”

She nodded, she was
n’t in the mood to be driving. “Can you hand me my purse?” She knew she still had a few pads in there; he grabbed her purse and handed it to her. “Thanks, I need panties.

He walked
over to his dresser drawers and handed her red lace boy shorts. “I will go and tell Mark what's going on.” He walked out of the room and she put her hands on her belly.

“Please be okay,” s
he whispered and a few tears fell from her eyes.


















Chapter Thirteen



Jennifer walked
out of the bathroom, and saw Phoenix. She knew he could tell that she had been crying.

“Oh darling, everything
is going to be fine.” She nodded and hoped so. She still hadn’t felt the babies move. “I'm going to carry you down the stairs to my SUV. Mark has already left with your car.”

She shook
her head, there was no way she was letting him carry her all that way. “You can't carry me that far.”

He smiled, and walked
to her. “Darling, I can and will.” He scooped her up, and she smiled weakly at him. “Let's go.”

er couldn't believe Phoenix carried her all that way, but he did. “I want to carry you inside.”

She shook
her head. “No, I can walk.” She looked at him and he didn’t look happy. “Phoenix, if I need you to carry me I will tell you.”

He looked
out of the window. “Fine, but I am opening your door.” She knew she had made him mad, and she didn’t care. She was worried, and didn’t want to be treated like a child. He opened his door and she watched him walk over to her side. He left his suit jacket in the car.

opened her door and helped her out. “Thank you.” He nodded, and she walked ahead of him.

It did
n’t take long before he was holding her hand. “I'm sorry I’m acting like an ass, but I am scared out of my mind.”

She looked
at him. “I am too.” She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back.

Before they got to her door, Megan rushed
out and to them. “Oh Jenny!” Her best friend wrapped her arms around Jennifer. “Max, tell me what's going on. Come on he is waiting for you in your room.” Megan grabbed Jennifer's other hand and pulled her into their apartment.

was standing against her doorframe. “Jennifer I need you to lay on the edge of your bed, with your feet hanging off the side.” She nodded and did what he said. He had some gloves, along with the portable ultrasound. “Good, now this is going to hurt. I’m going to check and see if you are dilated.” She nodded and lay back. As he was checking she bit her lip.

“You are three centimeters. I’m going to ch
eck the babies now.” Megan handed him a blanket to put on top of her, and then he lifted her dress up to her chest.

“Is t
hree centimeters bad?” she asked Max. He shook his head. “It's not normal for how far along as you are. But that might mean you will be having these babies soon.” She felt the cold lubricant on her and then she felt him moving the wand. She held her breath and closed her eyes. “I see, Jennifer your babies are too big in there. I think you'll be having them soon.”

She opened her eyes, and Max smiled
at her. “They are okay?” He nodded.

“But the amount of blood scares me. I want you on bed rest. That means you are not allowed up unless you are in the bathroom, and even then only fif
teen minutes per day. So no more working and no more sex.” She looked at Phoenix, he nodded at her. Jennifer didn’t know if she could do without Phoenix, and she knew he couldn’t do without her.

“You are going to stay with me. We'll have a
girl’s day!” Megan said, and Jennifer winked at her best friend.

Max winked and gave
her a grin. “Hon, why don’t we give them some alone time. You will have Jennifer all day. But I want her to rest.” Jennifer sat up and watched Megan's face light up as Max put his arm around her shoulders.

“Sure.” She did
n’t take her eyes off of Max, they walked out of Jennifer's room together.

“Darling, I have to go to work today, and then I have a din
ner meeting tonight,” Phoenix said as she frowned at him.

“So I won't see you
at all today or tonight?” He sat next to her on the bed and took her hand in his.

“I'll try like hell
to come over tonight.” Phoenix brought her hand to his warm soft lips. “Just do what Max said and stay in bed.” He leaned in and gently kissed her lips.

“Okay.” She smiled
against his lips.

He stood
up and let go of her hand. “Bye my darling angel.” He winked and walked out of the door.

Megan came in and Jennifer lay
back on her bed. Her best friend joined her; she fell asleep snuggling with Megan.


Phoenix and Max walked quietly out of the apartment. He was so happy that his babies were okay.

“Are you
sure Jennifer is okay?” He asked. Max nodded.

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