Pharaoh's Desire (6 page)

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Authors: Chanta Rand

BOOK: Pharaoh's Desire
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He became an expert in embalming and could have made a successful living in that field. But, his ambition lay not in preserving the dead, but rather in giving hope to the living. Eventually he became a surgeon of such outstanding reputation that he was called into service by the Pharaoh—Amonmose’s father.

Sadly, he’d been unable to save the Pharaoh so many years ago. The wounds were too serious, and Latmay had been called much too late. Sometimes, he wondered if the delay was intentional, but he’d learned not to question any decisions that were made by the royal advisors. It was dangerous for any man to put his nose into politics where it didn’t belong.

Besides, who would he confide in? The same men who’d been advisors to Amonmose’s father were now advisors to Amonmose. There were hidden enemies everywhere and he could not take a chance on having his own life abruptly ended.

Latmay left the room, memories heavy on his mind, and practically bumped into Amonmose, who was waiting outside as promised. “Sire—”


“She is fine now,” Latmay said, stepping back from the intensity of the Pharaoh’s concern. “Her fainting was probably a combination of her improper diet and a high level of stress. I advise bed rest and this.” He pulled a leather pouch from his bag. “It is a potion containing fish oil and gazelle hair. I will instruct the servants to add it to her food.”

“Now, she will certainly refuse to eat.”

Latmay chuckled. “It could not be worse than the tranquilizer I gave her. It contained oxen milk, crushed poppy seeds, and tortoise extract.”

Amonmose rewarded him with a rare grin. “She will never let you near her again.”

The physician smiled back. “I am but an old man. Maybe she’ll warm to your young face, instead. She needs rest however,” he admonished.

Amonmose merely nodded. “I will let her sleep for now. She will need all of her strength for our next encounter.” With that, the Pharaoh turned and left.

As he stared at Amonmose’s retreating back, Latmay wondered at this unexpected concern for a concubine.
He’d seen the effect the death of the Pharaoh’s parents had on him. Amunmose never let himself become too attached to anyone, especially a woman. He would admit, Kama was not like other women. She was defiant and captivating and beautiful. But was she capable of infiltrating the Pharaoh’s defenses? It remained to be seen.


Dyzet reappeared a few days later. She breezed into Kama’s room wearing a hopeful smile, as if she’d never been absent. “I trust you are feeling better this morning,” she said cheerfully.

Kama sat at her usual place by the window. She’d been alone for three days, and she’d had plenty of time to think about her circumstances. She realized Dyzet could be very useful to her. She already knew Dyzet’s father was one of the city mapmakers. If she could gain the girl’s confidence, maybe she would help her escape. She needed every ally she could get.

“I do not feel better,” Kama said, then smiled. “Although I will admit, I have missed your incessant speech

Dyzet’s mouth dropped open. “Glory to the gods. Is that a compliment upon your lips?”

Kama gave her a contrite smile. “I apologize for my poor company of late.”

“Dyzet shrugged. “So, let us forget about it and begin anew.”

Kama pulled the Senet board out as a friendly gesture. “I would like that.”

Dyzet sat down at the table and began setting her pieces on the board. “I heard about your fainting incident.”

Kama gave her a look of surprise.

“The palace is alive with loose lips and open ears,” Dyzet said with a small smile, andKama bristled at the thought of being the subject of gossip.
“I do not know how these things get propagated. All I know is people are eating up the excitement, passing the tale from one to the next. They said you were overcome by the sight of Amonmose.” Kama made an unladylike snort. “I didn’t think it was so.” She put her hand on Kama’s. “I came as soon as I heard.
I hated to think of you here all alone.”

“Thank you for your concern, Dyzet. The physician advised me to eat more. I can assure you, I’m not in the habit of fainting for no reason.”

“Certainly,” Dyzet murmured.
“If it is any consolation, I too nearly fainted when I first laid eyes on the Pharaoh.”

Kama looked into her eyes. “You are wise for your age, Dyzet. What did you do to get assigned the task of tending to me?”

Dyzet frowned. “I do not look upon this as a task. It is an honor to serve you and the Pharaoh.”

Kama concealed a look of surprise.

“As I told you before,” Dyzet said, “my father is a mapmaker for the Pharaoh. He travels far and wide and during his trips. He meets people who know about hidden routes, rough terrain, and access to desirable waterways. As you can imagine, this information makes his maps very valuable to the Pharaoh.”

Kama nodded her head in agreement.

Dyzet continued. “Whenever father delivers new maps to the palace, he allows me to accompany him. I have known the Pharaoh for years, and he’s entrusted me with many favors.”

Kama raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “You’re young to be entrusted with his

“You misunderstand.” Dyzet shook her head. “The Pharaoh is an honorable man, a compassionate leader. He loves his people. Everyone is happy to gain his favor.”

Kama smirked as she turned toward the window, and looked out over the city. “And I am sure he has many beautiful girls willing to do his bidding.”

“You misjudge him,” Dyzet said quietly, sounding sad.

“Perhaps when you are older, you will see for yourself.”

“There are many, both male and female, who are honored to be here, but he pays us no heed. Perhaps if I were as enchanting as you, the Pharaoh’s eyes would be upon me.”

Kama glanced quickly back at her, stunned. This was not going the way she had planned. “Is that supposed to make me feel better about my predicament?” she demanded.

“Predicament? I believe the Pharaoh became besotted with you from the moment he set eyes on you. You are the most exquisite woman I’ve ever seen, Kama. He probably feels the same. How is this anything but a blessing from the gods?”

Before Kama could respond, a knock sounded at the door. When she answered, she found Baal, his hulking form filling the doorframe.

“The Pharaoh commands an audience with you,” he told her. “I will be waiting outside to escort you to his chambers.” And then he closed the door with a flourish.

Kama swallowed her lump of fear. In the few days since she’d last seen him, her emotions had run from hot to cold and back again. Part of her was enraged that he could inspire such fear. The other part was embarrassed at her reaction. If only she could reason with him without trembling in his presence. She just had to get the words out. “I will demand my release,” she mused aloud.

Dyzet stood abruptly. “Why?”

Kama stared at the girl and then realized she’d spoken her thoughts. “Why not? Have you a better strategy in mind?”

“Strategy?” Dyzet flung her hands up. “Why do you need strategy? You are beautiful, Kama! You have the best of everything. Food, clothes, shelter. You are treated like a queen! Life can be good for you here. I have been by your side day and night trying to be your friend, yet, you sulk like a mute and cry like a babe! You have won the Pharaoh’s favor. The
! And still, you are not happy. Are we so awful here? Am I so awful?”The girl’s voice rose with each word.
“You are not awful,” Kama told her. “And I may have the best of all things, here. But this is not my home. It will never be.”

Dyzet let her arms fall and gave her a measured stare. “Everything has purpose in this world. You are here for a reason. You may not realize it now, but I believe this is your

“And I believe you are a foolish young girl!” Kama’s anger flashed. “I will go home one day. You will see!” She opened the door to allow Baal to lead her to another terrifying encounter with the man who held her destiny in his hands. Kama regretted her harsh words to Dyzet, yet she could find no breath for apologies. She was
sorry, but she stormed away to keep from saying anything more.

Dyzet called out from behind her, “May the gods keep and protect you, Kama. For you will need their help if you think you can escape the Pharaoh’s reach.”

When Kama arrived at the Pharaoh’s chambers, the heavy double doors were wide open. She walked in and silently surveyed her surroundings. His spacious room was as opulent as the rest of the palace. It was resplendent in gold and silver, and decorated in rich shades of deep purple. Her eyes scanned the lavish furnishings. In the middle of the room, two chairs draped elegantly in dyed, delicate linen surrounded an impressive table of ivory and gold.

Thick velvet draperies parted by gold cords allowed the brilliant morning sun to pour into the room. The intricate designs on the black marble floor were partially covered by massive zebra and leopard hides. She could not believe her eyes. It was like going to the market. There was so much to see.

Silver and gold busts and statues littered all corners of the room. Paintings and portraits covered almost every inch of the walls. A limestone mantle displayed a brass mirror at least fifteen hands high, encrusted with lapis lazuli and bloodstones. On the left, a gleaming sword with a black and gold shield adorned with a falcon border proclaimed the Pharaoh’s victories in battle. Precious oils, resins, and waxes lined the shelves to the right.

Her eyes traveled upward to a magnificent cut glass chandelier that hung from the ceiling, casting a prism of colors across the room. The room opened into another chamber that was covered from end to end with crates of papyrus. It was like a private library within a bedroom. She would have never guessed the Pharaoh was such a well-read man. There had to be hundreds of volumes.

Despite the décor, Amonmose’s chambers were by no means ostentatious. Kama found everything quite tasteful. Then, she noticed the bed and was surprised she hadn’t noticed it immediately. It was huge. The bedposts reminded her of thick trees. The mahogany wood was smooth and well crafted, with intricate hunting scenes carved into each post. A diaphanous canopy of white linen spilled from the top, possibly to protect the Pharaoh from mosquitoes. Kama smirked. With all of his ferocity, even the mosquitoes were undoubtedly afraid of him.

Behind her, she heard the doors close softly, and she turned to find the Pharaoh staring at her. He looked different today, less intimidating. Kama stared back at him and then realized he was without his ornate headpiece. She marveled at his perfectly round, shaved head. His only facial hair was his dark eyebrows and well-manicured mustache and goatee.

Dyzet had explained that the proper way to greet a Pharaoh was to bow and remain silent until given permission to speak, yet she stood hear ground, refusing to bow.
An uncomfortable silence hovered in the air, and she was filled with mounting anxiety, wondering what move he would make next. She saw his heated gaze upon her body, his eyes roaming from the top of her head to the heels of her feet. After a few moments, she could no longer keep quiet.

“You summoned me?” she boldly asked.

His eyes met hers and they narrowed slightly. “Has no one instructed you in observing the proper protocol?” he asked.

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