Pets: Bach's Story (9 page)

Read Pets: Bach's Story Online

Authors: Darla Phelps

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Pets: Bach's Story
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Once more, he knelt down behind her, wasting no time in finding her inside out clit and inserting his three fingers back up to find that sweet spot that heightened her enjoyment. This time she tried hard to feign indifference to his touch. She turned her face away, closing her eyes and holding herself still. As still as a model of stone, all but her hips, which could not maintain the lie. They moved upon his caressing fingers in tiny concentric circles.

He didn’t allow her completion this time either. He let her come right to the brink of her first heavenly spasm, before he took his hands away. She shouted her frustration as he sat back on his heels, and for that he landed a volley of sharp swats all over her exposed rump.

“That is not being good,” he chided as he spanked her.

He left her sobbing on the chair’s cushions while he got another cup of coffee from the kitchen, and sat at his desk while he sipped it. Listening to her sniffles and gag-muffled mews, he studied her round, vulnerable backside.

There was no way he’d ever be able to sink himself all the way inside her, at least not vaginally. Not unless he had her modified—an expensive and, for Pani, very painful procedure, that would result in his never being able to breed her at all. The idea of that didn’t particularly hurt his feelings, but there was a long line of people who’d probably shoot him if he did that.

Ah, but her bottom—he leaned over to pat one blushing cheek fondly. Now that he could sink into as deeply as he liked. Once he got her stretched, of course. He caressed two fingers in to tap at the wide black base of the stretch plug, pressing it in as far as it would go and eliciting a deep groan from Pani in the process.

He’d probably tear her terribly if he tried to mount her right now. As disobedient as she’d been, she hardly deserved that kind of punishment. And to be honest, the idea that she might actually want to receive his affections enough to present herself to him for the mating wasn’t exactly an unappealing one. To hurt her so badly now would all but guarantee that she never came to him willingly.

It took three enemas total before he deemed her cleaned out enough to proceed. Pani was quite miserable by the time he took away the final pan, but if she thought her ordeal over, she was in for a rude surprise.

After Pani’s last failed escape attempt, Bach had gone back through the pet store and added a number of new items to his purchase. Most he had found down the training aisles, like the waist halter with a leather strap that ran up between the legs and could be cinched so tightly as to keep a disobedient pet extremely mindful. Others—like the darling little Bad Girl chair, which was just the right size for Pani and which now occupied her ‘favorite’ living room corner—

he had found in furniture.

Untying her from the chair, Bach led her by the braid to his desk and sat down. After draping a fresh towel over his thighs, he lay her across his lap, adjusting her bottom so it was centered and well elevated. Her feet left the floor behind her, and she muffled a apprehensive moan as, with hands still restrained in the sleeve, she remained completely dependent on him to keep from pitching forward onto her nose.

Bach removed her current bottom insert and upgraded to the next size. Instead of just popping it in as he’d done with the rest, he took his time re-lubing both her tender, small anus as well as the length of the thick plug. This one was quite a bit larger than the last and would not go in as easily as the others had.

He settled the tip up against her anus and gradually pressed in to open her slowly. Her breathing changed as he nosed it in and out. Her initial hums as she comfortably took the small end changed to gasps and then to grunts as the length of it sank nearly halfway to the widest point. Bach knew at which point the procedure turned painful because Pani clenched down in an attempt to keep him out.

He spanked her once, a reprimanding swat, “Relax your bottom!”

he mewed, thrashing her legs as she fought—not so much to get away from him, for a change, but to get away from the discomfort of being so invaded.

“I said be still, Pani!” he snapped.

Two hard smacks to the already bruised summits of each buttock froze her mid-squirm.

She went limp over his lap, her moans rising to wails in volume, climbing to higher and higher pitches the deeper he push the plug. She raised one knee, trying so hard to remain still and relaxed because each time her bottom clenched, he swatted her again.

“You relax your bottom like I’ve told you, young lady. I’ll have you wear this all night if that’s what it takes before you’ll mind me!”

He swatted her again for good measure, and Pani’s cries switched to low, guttural grunts of agonized relief as her tender bottom hole finally took the widest section of the base and accepted its brutal passage.

Her tears spilled unhindered down both cheeks. She drooped back down over his lap, panting and sobbing with the pangs of hurt that ravaged her. Bach didn’t let her rest long. This was for punishment after all, and she had well and truly deserved this.

He gave her no time to get used to the plug before he pulled it out again. With one arm wrapped tightly about her waist, he began a slow and deliberate thrusting rhythm that made the aching rim of her bottom’s entrance give way to the passage of that bulbous base over and over again. In and out. Until she was sobbing, her feet scrambling on the floor, and her face drenched with tears she didn’t bother to blink back. Then he seated it deep inside her again.

He fastened her into her brand new waist harness and ran the strap up between the wet lips of her labia. The leather strip cut into her sex as he cinched it tight enough to keep her from being able to remove the insert, either deliberately or due to the pressures of her body as it fought the plug.

Then, sitting her onto her Bad Girl chair, he left her to face the corner while he worked at his desk until lunch.

He got his first encouraging sign of success in regards to her taming when he brought her that first bottle of specialized formula and said, “All right, Pani. If you’re all done being naughty, you may come out now.”

Very slowly, trying to keep her legs apart, Pani stood up. With tiny limping steps, she gingerly turned around. Every movement must have felt as though the strap were slicing her in half, and if she could have walked without moving her legs, she probably would have done so.

But at last her back was to the wall and she stood staring up at him, miserably silent, her eyes red-rimmed and her nose running.

“Are you going to behave?” he asked.

Her bottom lip wobbled. Slowly, her eyes squinted shut and her lips peeled back from her teeth in a grimace of sheer misery. Her shoulders shook as she cried. She neither reached for him nor tried to get away when he came to her, but covered her face with both hands instead and sagged against the wall, her back arching in an attempt to relieve the pressure between her legs.

She looked so forlorn that, punishment or not, Bach picked her up and carried her back to his chair. Murmuring nonsensical words of comfort, he cradled her tightly with one arm as he unfastened her harness and dropped it on the floor with the other.

“Oh Papa, oh Papa,” she mewed, burying her face into his neck. The words became whimpers as he took hold of the plug. He pulled it out with far more care and gentleness than when he’d put it in, but still her cries turned to screeches when the widest section forced her sore rim to expand one final time and it came out of her.

“Good girl,” he comforted, and set the plug on top of the harness.

“Good girl, Pani” she cried, and he pulled her very, very close, cupping her bottom, two fingers dipping between her wounded buttocks to massage her sore anus. It opened very easily to the slightest touch of his fingertips, and she felt very warm inside.

“Lay down,” he said with a final, fond pat.

“Lay down, Pani,” she sniffled, but didn’t move.

The corners of his mouth quirked upwards. “Good girl, Pani,” he told her, and stroked her hair, the long coppery braids that went all the way down to her waist.

“Good girl,” she whispered, but she turned her head, looking directly at him.

“Good girl.” He stroked her hair and her soft cheek, his thumb passing once across the bow of her small mouth.

Her moist lips parted, and she hesitated a moment before saying, “Good girl, Pani.”

He smiled. “That’s right. Lay down.” His hand settled on her chest and he gave a gentle push to help her understand.

Slowly, blinking at him several times, Pani leaned backwards until her head was cushioned in the crook of his elbow. She shifted halfway on to her side so she could face him.

And when he picked up the bottle, she sighed, but reached for it with no more than a resigned grimace.

“No.” He pulled it back out of her reach. “Put your hands down.”

Body language was a wonderful thing. When he pulled the bottle back, she automatically hesitated, then dropped her hands to rest against his chest between them.

Bach lowered the bottle to her mouth. “Open,” he said, and slid the oversized nipple past her lips. It was too big for her, filling her mouth and putting her in a swallow or choke quandary.

From the look that crossed her face the instant the formula crossed her tongue, he could tell that swallowing was the last thing she wanted to do. She hated the taste.

He wasn’t very sympathetic. When she tried to turn her head away, he pursued her with the bottle and kept it firmly lodged. “You had a chance to eat real food and you chose to be difficult. So you can eat this now.”

She also chose to choke and gag, although that lasted only until he swatted her.

“Be good,” he told her firmly. “Drink your lunch.”

Pani settled down, her eyes—which had widened when he’d smacked her bottom—now narrowed to sulky slits. She glared at his chest, no longer brave enough to attempt defiance, but certainly nowhere near to submissive, either. He pretended to ignore it. Halfway through her bottle, he heard the computer beep with another incoming call.

From his favorite chair, he could barely reach the answer key without having to get up.

“Greetings, Sir Bauer,” came Nil Ralhan’s disembodied voice through the monitor. “I hope the day finds you…hello? Is anyone there?”

“I’m here,” Bach said as he continued to feed Pani. “We are halfway through our lunch bottle at the moment.”

“Splendid!” Ralhan gushed. “How is she working out for you, if I may presume to ask?

We here at Exotics, Inc., are dedicated to providing excellent matches between owners and their pets. We didn’t know her personality before we sold her to you, so naturally making a match was a little difficult in this case. Being fresh from the wild, we didn’t get to see her personality except under extreme medication. But if an exchange needs to be made, our dedication to customer service dictates—”

“Absolutely not.” Bach didn’t raise his voice, but the firmness came through well and clear. Not only did it stop Ralhan mid-sentence, but Pani stopped drinking. The look that came over her face was distinctly nervous, as though she were afraid that sternness was directed at her.

“Good girl,” he told her soothingly, and her quirked eyebrows slowly smoothed out as her face relaxed. To Ralhan, he then said, “I can’t say we haven’t had our difficulties, but I have no desire to give her up. Although she did try to run away earlier, she is right now lying as sweet as can be in my arms and I’d like to keep her there. She is my family.”

Ralhan smiled. “I’m glad to hear you say that. That’s how I feel about my pets, too.”

“She is also building quite the vocabulary, and I’d like to see how far it goes.”

The agent’s voice dropped, but the note of excitement was obvious. “She’s talking?

Already? What is she saying?”

“Pani knows her name already.”

“Good name, that.”

“She knows Papa.”

“Splendid, splendid!”

“And she can say ‘no’…”

“Amazing how quickly they learn that one,” Ralhan chuckled.

“She just said ‘good girl’ and ‘lay down’ for the first time a few minutes ago. Although it’s a toss up as to whether she understands what those two phrases actually mean.”

“That is still very good, especially since she is still so wild. Neither of mine said a word for the first several months! I take it then you would not be interested in trading her for a tamer pet?”

“No, I would not.” Almost finished with her bottle, Pani again paused to look at him, making sure the sharpness of his tone wasn’t directed at her. “We are still working on proper discipline, but I am content to keep her.”

“A good spanking can certainly help them learn the rules,” Ralhan said sagely. “In fact, I spank both of mine on sheer principle at least once a week, whether they bring me their paddles or not.”

Mildly surprised, Bach turned his head towards the computer monitor. “They bring you their paddles?”

“Oh yes. I encourage it. Whenever they feel they deserve a good spanking, they’re to bring me their paddles—they each have their own, you see—and I blister their little bottoms quite soundly. The spanks are naturally hard for them to bear, but the sessions are nowhere near as severe than as if they’d tried to hide their naughtiness and I catch them in the act of deception. Or if they go too long—which generally means they’ve done something, but I failed to catch it—then I’ll give them a reminder lesson. As I’m sure you’ve seen, Pani, like most of her species, is fairly intelligent beyond simple mimicry. Pets have been known to attack their owners if not given the proper obedience training. Humans respect spankings. It doesn’t take them long at all to learn that biting the hand that cares for them will result in a swift and uncomfortable consequence.”

Having finished the last of the formula, Pani spat out the nipple and with a grimace of disgust turned her face away. Bach couldn’t help but smile, although her disgruntled look was enough for him to roll her over onto her stomach.

Suddenly finding herself face-down over his lap again, her disagreeable expression vanished and her whole body became as stiff as a board. She grabbed a hold of his leg, her eyes saucer-wide as she twisted back her head to stare forlornly up at him when his hand settled on her bottom. He patted her twice.

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