Perfect Timing

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Authors: Catherine Anderson

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Praise for the Romances

of Catherine Anderson

“Anderson comes up with another winner by deftly blending sweetness and sensuality in a poignantly written story.”


“Catherine Anderson has a gift for imbuing her characters with dignity, compassion, courage, and strength that inspire readers.”

Romantic Times

Coming Up Roses

“An extraordinary novel. Poignant, moving, rich in character, and deeply emotional. A keeper.”

—Romantic Times

Lucky Penny

“Anderson returns to her historical roots with a stirring, beautifully rendered story of the power of family, love, and trust. Her knack for creating real stories turns her books into ‘keepers’ and her readers into the kind of fans who will eagerly await her next book.”

Romantic Times
(4½ Stars)

Comanche Magic

“Catherine Anderson is an extraordinary talent. She has a voice that is gritty and tender, realistic and romantic, and always unique.”

—Elizabeth Lowell

Here to Stay

“Another wonderful, very emotional story of the Harrigan family.”

Romantic Times

Indigo Blue

“A marvelous, moving, poignant, and sensual love story. . . . Ms. Anderson holds her readers spellbound.”

Romantic Times

Early Dawn

“Never stinting on the harsh reality inherent in the setting, the author tempers the roughness with a powerful love story and remarkable characters. She draws out every emotion and leaves readers with a true understanding of life and love.”

Romantic Times

Comanche Heart

“Riveting, passionate, and powerful . . . everything a romance should be.”

—Amanda Quick

Star Bright

“Catherine Anderson brilliantly grabbed my attention right away with a brainy tale of intrigue . . . an emotionally moving and romantic treat that you’re sure to enjoy.”

—Night Owl Romance (Top Pick)

Morning Light

“This is a story not to be missed.
Morning Light
delivers on all levels, and is a fantastic read that will touch readers at the very core of their being.”

—The Romance Readers Connection

Sun Kissed

“This smart, wholesome tale should appeal to any fan of traditional romance.”

Publishers Weekly

“Anderson is at her best when it comes to telling stories that are deeply emotional and heartfelt.”

Romantic Times
(4½ Stars)

Summer Breeze

“Anderson understands the inner workings of the human soul so deeply that she’s able to put intense emotion within a stunning romance in such a way that you’ll believe in miracles. Add to this her beautiful writing style, memorable characters, and a timeless story and you have an unmatched reading adventure.”

Romantic Times
(4½ Stars)

“The kind of book that will snare you so completely, you’ll not want to put it down. It engages the intellect and emotions; it’ll make you care. It will also make you smile . . . a lot. And that’s a guarantee.”

—Romance Reviews Today

My Sunshine

“With the author’s signature nurturing warmth and emotional depth, this beautifully written romance is a richly rewarding experience for any reader.”


Bright Eyes

“Offbeat family members and genuine familial love give a special lift to this marvelous story. An Anderson book is a guaranteed great read!”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars, Top Pick)

Blue Skies

“Readers may need to wipe away tears . . . since few will be able to resist the power of this beautifully emotional, wonderfully romantic love story.”


“A keeper and a very strong contender for best contemporary romance of the year.”

—Romance Reviews Today

Only by Your Touch

“Ben Longtree is a marvelous hero whose extraordinary gifts bring a unique and special magic to this warmhearted novel. No one can tug your heartstrings better than Catherine Anderson.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars, Top Pick)

Always in My Heart

“Emotionally involving, family centered, and relationship oriented, this story is a rewarding read.”

Library Journal

“A superbly written contemporary romance, which features just the kind of emotionally nourishing, comfortably compassionate . . . love story this author is known for creating.”


Sweet Nothings

“Pure reading magic.”


Phantom Waltz

“Anderson departs from traditional romantic stereotypes in this poignant, contemporary tale of a love that transcends all boundaries . . . romantic through and through.”

Publishers Weekly


Harrigan Family Novels

Morning Light

Star Bright

Here to Stay

Perfect Timing

Contemporary Coulter Family Novels

Phantom Waltz

Sweet Nothings

Blue Skies

Bright Eyes

My Sunshine

Sun Kissed and Sun Kissed Bonus Book

Historical Coulter Family Novels

Summer Breeze

Early Dawn

Lucky Penny

The Comanche Series

Comanche Moon

Comanche Heart

Indigo Blue

Comanche Magic

Other Signet Books

Always in My Heart

Only by Your Touch

Coming Up Roses

Catherine Anderson


Perfect Timing


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Copyright © Adeline Catherine Anderson, 2013

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content.



Also by Catherine Anderson

Title Page

Copyright Page



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty




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