Perfect Strangers (9 page)

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Authors: Samantha LaCroix

BOOK: Perfect Strangers
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Chapter 15


Veronica woke up alone in the bed. Sunlight streamed through the window and she lifted her head, blinking away the sleepiness that still remained. She looked over at Greg's side of the bed and saw a note on the pillow, the second time in their entire marriage where that had happened:


"Good Morning Sleepyhead!

I didnt want to wake you since you looked so peaceful sleeping there! Theres breakfast in the oven for when you get up. See you later!



Veronica left the note where it was and rolled over in bed, turning to stare out of the window. She could hear birds chirping outside, enjoying the sunlight for all that it was. Breathing a sigh she got up out of bed, grabbing the note to throw it out. She went down to the kitchen, opened the oven, and pulled out a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast. When she glanced at the clock she saw that it was 10:23 in the morning.

She sat down at the table and began to eat her cold meal. There was a walking meeting today, although for the first time in a long while Veronica wasn't looking forward to it. She wondered what would happen when she and Jason saw each other again, or if he would even acknowledge her, or if he would even be there.

Trying not to think about it too much, Veronica finished her meal and washed the plate, the rest of the dishes having already been done by Greg. She went up to the washroom to have a shower, and when she was all clean she got dressed for the day. She decided to read a little before leaving, so she sat down in her chair and picked up the book, flipping to her marked page.


Lady Violet walked along the dirty streets, both hands clutching at the shawl that was wrapped around her head. She was hiding her identity, not wanting to be recognized as the Lady Violet Winchester, devoted wife and servant to the Lord Roland Winchester. Were she to be noticed her reputation would be shattered, for her line was not typically known to walk these particular streets.

Luckily for her, no one gave her a second glance that day as she wound her way through the alleys and past street merchants. Finally she came upon a battered-looking house, one that might've fallen down at any second. She knocked three times upon the door and waited. It opened and inside stood Emmanuel, his strong frame filling that of the doorway easily. He looked down at her in distaste, a grimace appearing on his lips.

"You again," he snarled. "Very well, come in. Let's get this over with."

Lady Violet, her head down and the shawl wrapped tight, walked past him into the house. Emmanuel shut the door behind her and Violet turned around, throwing the shawl down on the ground by her feet. She and Emmanuel immediately rushed to one another, locking themselves in sweet embrace. Violet felt Emmanuel's strong arms lift her from the ground as they kissed, their mouths locked together as though fused in permanence.

Finally Emmanuel lowered the lady down and they broke away from the kiss, looking one another in the eyes.

"Oh, it is so good to see you again, Emmanuel," Lady Violet said, her face flushed with excitement.

"Did you have trouble getting here?" he asked. "These streets can be rough at times."

"No, it was no trouble at all," she replied, and they kissed again.

Lady Violet pulled away from Emmanuel and walked to the stone fireplace where there was a fire already burning. She lifted the kettle to fill it with water from the bucket in the corner.

"Would you like some tea?" she asked. She knew the place well, having been there many times already, and took care of the kettle with ease. When it was full of water she put it on the hook and swung it over so that it hung above the crackling flame.

"Tea would be nice, thank you," Emmanuel said, sitting at the lone table.

"My love," Violet said as she grabbed two mugs from the shelf, "I have been thinking about us, about the two of us."

"Oh?" Emmanuel mused. "And what about us have you been thinking?"

"Well," Violet said, bringing the mugs over to the table, "Mostly I have been thinking about how little I know about you. You won't tell me about any of your past, be it on the pirate ship or otherwise."

"Oh, dear Violet," Emmanuel said, "You do not want to hear of my past. It is too full of violence, torment and pain. No, the present is what matters right now. The present, here, being with you and I."

"But there is so much in a man's past that can tell you who he is. The things that he has gone through -- darling, I will not judge you for anything that you tell of me. If anything, it will only make my heart grow fonder for you, and make our love grow stronger."

Emmanuel had stopped smiling.

"And what would you do with this information?" he asked, a flash of anger in his eyes. "Hmm? For what reason do you so desperately want to know these things? Is it for your husband, the Lord Winchester?"

"What? No!" Violet replied, shocked at the accusation. "The information would be for me and me alone!"

Behind her the kettle began to boil and she went over to attend it, feeling flustered. The conversation she had started was not going at all the way she had intended.

"You still haven't answered my question," Emmanuel said, standing up from the table. "What would you do with this information, were I to give it to you?"

"Nothing!" Violet said as she pulled the kettle away from the fire. "I would do nothing with it!"

"So then why do you want it so desperately?" he asked, walking towards her.

"I simply want to know more about you!" she cried, tears starting to run down her face. "I only wish to be more involved with your life!"

"My life!" Emmanuel roared. "You know nothing of my life, you spoiled woman! I have risked life and limb to come find you! Men were at my back, shooting at me as I ran! I was almost caught by the royal guards as I scaled your mansion's walls, all to see you! I escaped from my old life simply to be with you, and this is how you repay me?"

"No!" Violet cried out. Emmanuel was standing before her now, his huge chest heaving with anger. She placed both hands there, lowering her head as she wept. He did not move his arms; did not embrace her.

"I think that your curious mind and delicate frame would not be able to handle, let alone understand, what I have gone through in the past," Emmanuel said, his voice low but still full of anger. "Perhaps it is best if you left."

Violet gasped and looked up into Emmanuel's face, her cheeks streaked with tears, her eyes brimmed with red. Emmanuel looked into her eyes and for a second she thought she saw compassion on his face. But the next moment he looked away from her, at the wall instead.

"Yes, I think it is best if you were to go, Violet," he said. He took a step back and left her, shaking, to stand on her own. Emmanuel picked up her shawl and handed it to her, then walked to the door and opened it. He stood to the side as Violet, still sobbing, walked through. Once out into the street Violet heard the door close behind her, cutting her off from her lover.


Veronica put the book down and leaned her head back on the chair. She did not want to read about that right now. She folded the corner of the page and closed the book, putting it back down on the table. Getting up from the chair, she went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. As she drank she glanced at the clock on the oven. It read 11:13.

She decided that she would leave early, maybe grab a snack on the way to the park where the group was meeting up. Grabbing her purse and coat and putting on her shoes, Veronica left the house and got into her car, driving away.

Chapter 16


At five minutes to noon, Veronica pulled into the parking lot where the group was meeting, a cherry danish in her hand. She parked her car and did the traditional sweeping glance to try to find Jason's car. But it wasn't there. She turned off the engine and looked around again, thinking she may have missed it. It was nowhere to be found. She felt her heart sink in her chest.

Jason wasn't here. That was it. He'd quit the group and she, in all likelihood, would never see him again. Because he wasn't the kind of guy who would be able to be found if he didn't want to be found. She didn't know where he worked, where he lived, what part of town he was staying in. She didn't even know his last name, for God's sake. How could she have been so stupid?

Her lower lip started to tremble and Veronica wanted to go home. But she knew what would happen if she went back now. She would walk back into an empty house, a sham of a marriage, and a meaningless life. Instead she took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, forcing her feelings down inside of her, where they weren't going to show. She opened her car door and got out, locking it behind her.

Walking over to the group, all waiting to enjoy the lovely day, she did another instinctive sweep for Jason's black hair and leather jacket. Again, nothing. She walked up to Nancy, who greeted her.

"Hey Veronica," she said. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Huh?" Veronica asked, thrown off by the question.

"You look a little pale," Nancy pointed out.

"Oh, no," Veronica replied, trying to put on a smile. "I'm just a little tired."

"Ah, of course," Nancy said.

The two stood waiting for the walk to start, neither one making conversation. Veronica took a bite of her danish, the sugary pastry tasting bland in her mouth.

"Looks like Jason isn't here," Nancy commented, looking around at the crowd.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," Veronica said in a monotone.

"I wonder what happened to him?" Nancy mused, glancing sideways at Veronica. Veronica shrugged and took another bite of the danish, chewing it mechanically.

Doug's voice boomed out loud: "Okay everyone, looks like most of us are here! Let's get going!"

Everyone began moving together, naturally breaking off into smaller groups as they chatted among themselves. Veronica and Nancy walked alone together. Veronica looked at the danish and didn't want it anymore. She threw it to the side of the path, onto the fallen leaves. Nancy looked over as it landed and glanced at Veronica, but didn't say anything.

After some time she asked, "So, how are things going with Greg?"

"Fine," Veronica answered.

"Anything exciting coming up? Going on any trips?"

Veronica paused a second before answering. "No, Greg and I haven't been on a trip since our honeymoon, and even that was pretty meager."

"Aw, that's too bad," Nancy said. "I'm thinking of going North to do a little camping soon, before the weather gets too cold."

"Good for you," Veronica replied, staring straight ahead.

Nancy didn't respond for a few minutes, but instead started the conversation up again on a different note: "So, that Jason guy ... you two seemed to be getting quite chummy together, huh?"

Veronica's heart sank again and she swallowed.

"No, not really," she said.

"No?" Nancy replied. "I mean, I remember seeing you two walking together more than once, and a few times I could've sworn you two were missing from the group. At least, I wasn't able to find you."

"No, we talked a few times, but it turns out that we didn't really ... mesh," Veronica ended lamely.

"Hmm, that's too bad," Nancy said. "So I'm assuming you never told Greg about him, then?"

Veronica looked over at Nancy for the first time since they started walking.

"Why would I tell Greg?" she asked.

"Oh, no reason. Just to catch up on your day. You know, 'hey, I met a new person at my walking club', that type of thing."

"Oh," Veronica said, looking forward again. "No, it never came up."

"Hmm," Nancy replied, but she didn't push the topic any more.

They kept on in silence for the rest of the walk. At the break the group stopped to sit at some picnic tables. Veronica and Nancy grabbed a seat together at a table. Veronica looked over and saw a copse of trees which she and Jason had used as cover during one of their romps. She stared at it, sullen, and Nancy glanced at her, expressionless.

The break ended and the group got to their feet to continue walking. The walk seemed to be going forever. Veronica just wanted it to end and get away from this place with its memories and its people. But she couldn't right now. She had to keep going, surrounded by happy people, by people who didn't have the kind of trouble that she had. Nancy had given up trying to start a conversation, and the two simply walked in silence, Veronica staring straight ahead while Nancy glanced sideways at her friend from time to time.

Finally, thankfully, they had reached the parking lot again. Veronica felt relieved, and she turned to Nancy.

"I'm sorry I wasn't very good company today, Nancy," she said.

"Oh, that's fine," Nancy replied. "We all have our off-days."

"Mine might be an off-life," she tried to joke, but Nancy didn't smile. After a moment, "Well, anyway, I'll see you later."

"Yeah," Nancy replied with a pained look on her face. She glanced around the parking lot before looking back at Veronica. "I'll see you."

The two women turned and walked to their respective cars, Veronica with her eyes set on hers. She was looking forward to leaving and going home -- or maybe not going home after all. Maybe just driving away from everything. Maybe just getting into her car and driving as far as she possibly-


Veronica turned her head at the sound of her name being called. Parked at the edge of the lot and leaning with his back against his car was Jason, his hands in his jacket pockets. He was looking directly at Veronica. She blinked back at him.

Jason was here. She blinked again to make sure she wasn't seeing things, but he remained where he was. He raised his eyebrows and she realized that she was stopped mid-step in the middle of the parking lot. She mentally shook herself and, glancing around, began walking towards Jason.

Her heart hammered in her chest. How long had he been waiting? Was he actually on the walk but she just didn't notice him? Why was he here? Was he still mad at her?

She walked up to him and stopped about 3 feet away, not sure if she should go any closer. He didn't move, didn't take his hands out of his pockets. He had a cigarette burning in his mouth, the trail of smoke lazily streaming up into the air.

"Jason," she breathed, looking into his eyes. He was looking back at her, his expression hard to read. He didn't say anything for a few seconds, only looked at her. Then he jerked his head in the direction of the park.

"How was the walk?" he asked.

Veronica blinked again. "Fine," she responded.

"I'm sorry I missed it," he said. "It's a beautiful day."

"Me too," Veronica said.

Jason kept on looking at her, not speaking, his expression still unreadable. Finally he lifted a hand and took the cigarette from his mouth, flicking it off to the side. He cast his eyes downward and breathed a sigh.

"So Veronica, I've been doing some thinking," he said. "I've been thinking about ... the last time we were together, when we were at the bluffs. And I've been thinking that ... maybe the way that I reacted wasn't exactly how I should have reacted."

He looked up at her but she didn't say anything. He kept going.

"I'm not ... I'm not used to being with someone who makes me feel the way I do when I'm with you," he said. "The women I usually get involved with
… they don't mean that much to me, and I don't mean that much to them either. And that's the way I had always known things. And that's what I was planning on doing when you and I first got together. I saw you and thought to myself, 'Hey, here's a hot woman who looks like she's bored with her life. Maybe I can get laid and show her a good time.'"

Veronica inhaled through her nose and exhaled, but still she didn't say anything. Jason cast his eyes down to the ground again and kept talking.

"And that's basically what I expected to happen: we would hook up once, maybe twice, and never see each other again. After the night at the water tower I wasn't planning on coming back to this walking group anyways. But something made me come back.
made me come back. I ... wanted to see
again, and so I did.

"And then we started spending time together, Veronica, and the more we did the more I realized that I enjoyed being time with you. That's never happened to me before. Whenever I'm with someone for too long, or I feel like a girl's getting too clingy, I cut and I run. I skip town. But I didn't do that with you. I even gave you my phone number, which I haven't done with anyone before, ever."

Jason took a deep breath in and let it out, squinting in the sunlight. Veronica watched him as he spoke, still keeping her distance.

"And then, a couple of days ago when we were at the bluffs," he went on, "you started asking me about my past. And about my ... my scars. And I haven't told
about my scars before, okay? It's not just you. They're not ... it's not a nice story, Veronica. It's a part of my life that I'd rather not remember. But when you asked me about them, instead of closing off, for the first time I actually wanted to talk about them. I wanted to tell you, and open up to you. I wanted you to be the first to know what happened to me.

"And that scared me, a lot. It made me think that I might open up to someone and just be thrown in the gutter again, that you might leave me and I would be stuck on my own, just like before. So I freaked out. I got scared and I wanted to get away from everything that was happening. From you. And so I told you to leave.

"And to tell you the truth, as I was driving away, all I could think about was packing up my stuff again and leaving for a new town, somewhere to start it all over again. But when I got home and I stopped for a second I could … smell you, on my clothes. And it made me not want to leave anymore. It made me want to be with you, and hold you.

"I'm tired of changing lives over and over again, Veronica. I'm tired of running away from things when they get too real. I don't want to leave this place. And least of all, I don't want to leave you."

Jason lifted his eyes and Veronica saw that they were glistening, rimmed with red. He sniffed and blinked, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I'm sorry I acted that way to you, Veronica," he said. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just ... scared."

Veronica took a step towards him and he stiffened up. She paused for a moment before taking another, so she was right in front of him, their bodies almost touching. Taking a deep breath, Veronica lifted her arms and wrapped them around Jason's body. She held him in her arms and felt his body slowly relax as he lowered his head into her shoulder. He raised his arms and put them around her in turn, pulling them closer together.

Veronica nuzzled her head into Jason's shoulder and felt his body softly convulse against hers. She squeezed him tighter, his face digging deeper into her shoulder as he cried silently against her. Veronica held him, not moving, not saying anything while he let himself go.

When the convulsions had slowed down Jason pulled back a little, sniffing wetly, keeping his head downcast. Veronica looked up into his face, and she could see shiny streaks down below his eyes.

"Hey," she whispered to him, and he slowly raised his head to look at her. She smiled and he gave a watery smile back. "It's okay," she whispered. "It's okay."

Jason sniffed and Veronica leaned forward, kissing him. He kissed her back, the two holding one another in a lover's embrace. She felt her feet rise up off the ground and in her heart knew that everything was going to be okay.

Suddenly, behind her, a car door slammed.

"What the fuck is this!?" a familiar voice shouted.

Veronica's eyes burst open. She pulled away from Jason immediately, spinning around. There was Greg standing in front of his car, stopped in the middle of the parking lot. His face was livid as he looked at the two people in front of him.

"Greg!" Veronica called out. She sensed Jason stepping to the side but didn't look around. "What- what are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" Greg repeated, still yelling. Some people in the parking lot were turning their heads to look. "There was a call at my office last night. Someone left a message, some woman named Nancy. Said that I would be able to find my wife Veronica with another man if I came to this park today at one-thirty. Well, here I am, and here you are. So perhaps you could explain to me just what the fuck is going on?"

"She doesn't have to explain anything to you," Veronica heard from behind her.

She turned to look at Jason. His eyes were dry now and his jawline was set. He stared at Greg with something resembling hatred on his face. She'd never seen this side of him before. It scared her.

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