Perfect Match (3 page)

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Authors: Jerry Byrum

BOOK: Perfect Match
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The PowerPoint graphs were colorful, but painted a failing
future for Fallington.

The Excel sheets were just innocent numbers, but projected
disappearing dollars.

Her presentation was delivered with feminine charm, but the results
projected financial ruin for Fallington. When she finished, she clicked off the
projector. “Are there any questions?” Truly a woman in charge of the moment.

The room fell silent.

Edna stood and walked over to the window, taking in the
majestic view of rolling mountains.

Rodney made little back and forth rocking movements.

D.R. fumed silently.

Edna said to no one in particular, “Don’t you just love
Asheville in the spring?” There was a brief pause. “I do. Spring always brings
with it a breath of fresh air.”

The room was deathly quiet, while Edna gazed a few minutes
longer at the graying sky, before walking back to the head of the table and
saying quietly, “I want everyone to leave.”

D.R., Rodney, and Janice gathered up their papers and pens.
Madison gathered her report and folder, and turned for the door.

Edna spoke again. “Everyone out…except Madison. Madison, you
stay. Everyone else…leave.”

After Janice Smithfield closed the door, Edna started
flipping through the report again and said, “Madison, get me a cup of coffee.”

Madison took a deep breath before answering. “Ms.
Fallington, I took this job because I wanted to work, not be a coffee service
for you or your grandsons. Fire me if you want; I’ll look for meaningful work
elsewhere.” The sooner she started looking for another job, the better. This
company was going to crash and burn.

Edna looked up from the report. A little smile spread across
her face. “I was hoping that would be your response. Anyway, I have a better

She got up, and opened the door and caught Rodney lurking
nearby. “Rodney, would you please go downstairs to Starbucks and get two
Venti-size coffees for Madison and me. I want two creams and one sugar in mine.

“I’ll take mine black.”

Rodney shivered at the thoughts of a woman who could drink a
black Venti. With that much caffeine she’d probably deliver hard core sex in
the bedroom or boardroom. Oh horrors, he thought.

“Here’s a twenty dollar bill; bring me back a receipt and
correct change.”

“Gladly, grandmother, gladly. Anything else?”

“Yes, take your brother with you and have him help you carry
it.” Edna saw D.R. peeking through a crack in his door. She motioned him out.
“Go with Rodney. He’ll tell you what to do.” She turned her back and closed the


The clock was pushing noon. Edna and Madison were still
meeting. The rest of the office lingered in shock. Rodney was almost catatonic.
D.R. sat at his desk swirling with a mixture of incensed arrogance and angry
embarrassment. He was growing impatient by the minute. He needed a stiff shot
of Jack Daniels. He had a small bar in the corner, well-stocked for special
occasions. Better not risk it with grandmother around, he thought.

Roxy and Jasmine had sauntered into the office around 10:30
and had congregated in Mindy’s cubicle, chit-chatting about night life around
Asheville. They were oblivious to the unfolding drama surrounding them.

Mindy had ventured into D.R.’s office half an hour ago,
closing the door behind her. She put her arms around him and whispered, “Have
you thought any more about the color?” She ground her hips against him. He felt
a sexual urge, but it faded quickly.

“Damn it! I’ve told you to forget about the color of my next
Corvette. It’s going to be silver, and that’s final.”

“Well then, I guess you won’t get to see my pink flesh any
more. I know you like looking at me…all over.” She giggled, as she rubbed her
breasts against him.

He hated it when a woman bargained with him for her sex. He
always felt weak and out negotiated.

Mindy tried pushing him down on his desk, grabbing at his

“Damn it! Don’t do this with my grandmother in the next
room. Have you lost your mind?” He held her back from him and said, “Okay,
maybe later tonight we can talk about colors of cars, but not now. I can’t do
anything until grandmother leaves town. Go on back to your desk.”

She grinned and bounced on her toes. “Okeydokey, I’m going
to hold you to your promise.” She left him frustrated as hell.


At 12:15 Edna had Janice assemble everyone in the outer
office. “Madison and I are going for lunch, and everyone else should too. Get
yourselves refreshed because there will be a joint meeting at two o’clock.
Everyone be here.” She looked directly at D.R.’s three bedmates.

Janice had lunch at her desk. Edna and Madison strolled two
blocks, and had a delightful lunch at the Early Girl Eatery. The others went to
another downtown restaurant. D.R.’s “three girls” giggled while they ate, but
he and Rodney sat and stared at their plates. Rodney retched bile before they
left the sports bar. D.R. had a wave or two of nausea, but he thought a couple drinks
after work would cure that.


Edna asked a number of searching questions of Madison,
although she’d quietly been observing her performance since she came to work
for Fallington. “Your resume indicates you have a two-year associate degree in
Information Technology. That’s not exactly an in-depth business curriculum. How
did you grasp the full business aspects of Fallington?

“I’ve always made it a practice to understand what I type or
do for others, even if it wasn’t specifically required of me. Business
operations, such as project management, advertising and marketing intrigue me.
I’ve always been curious and observant.” She gave a slight shrug.

“You’ve done a fine job, Madison.”

Edna ran through a few more questions before their session
came to a close.

Madison looked at the clock. “Ms. Fallington, are you sure
about your decision? A lot is at stake.”

“The success of this company is riding on it, but I’m
certain that I’m making a sound business decision. And from here on I want you
to call me Edna.”


By 2:00 p.m. everyone was rigidly seated around the
conference table. Edna addressed the group. “After pouring over the disappointing
details of the company report this morning, I’ve made a major decision I want
to share with you.

“Most of you know that I built Fallington Enterprises
single-handed. My husband of 20 years ran off with a younger woman, leaving me
with a son and a mountain of business debt. I had only a high school education,
so I had a lot of learning to do on my own. With the help of good employees
along the way we became successful, until recently.

“Fallington is a family owned business. I am the major
shareholder and major decisions have always been made by me and my close advisory
legal group of a couple attorneys and accountants. They are advisory; I listen
to their advice but I make the final decisions. We have other good people in
place for day to day operations, and you are some of them. I will always
appreciate genuine work.”

She took a beat.

“Effective immediately, Madison Winston is the CEO of
Fallington Enterprises.” Silence gripped the room. Madison let her eyes catch
the expression of everyone.

D.R. was rigid as stone, refusing to look at her. Rodney
stopped breathing, waiting for his grandmother to start nailing others to the
cross. Mindy’s brows came together. Roxy was looking at her bracelet, Jasmine
was picking at one of her nails, and Janice Smithfield had a serene look.

“This was not a snap decision. For several months I’ve been
aware that Madison has fulfilled the responsibilities of some of you.” She
glanced at D.R. and Rodney. “She already knows and understands the job
responsibilities of almost everyone in the structure of our company. She has
full authority to make personnel changes at her discretion.

“She has a full working knowledge of company mission and
operations. I believe her leadership will help us become the best company
possible. I expect renewed commitment to that goal from each employee of
company.” Edna scanned their faces, as she took a breath. “After Madison shares
some information with you, I want to meet with her, D.R., and Rodney.” She gave
a nod to Madison, and took a seat beside D.R.

Madison stepped to the head of the table, paused a moment
and said, “I welcome the opportunity to serve as CEO of Fallington Enterprises.
I will give you my best efforts, and I expect the same from you.”

She glanced at the wall clock.

“At three o’clock I want to meet with you in your office,
Rodney.” She looked down the table at Roxy, Jasmine, and Mindy. “At four
o’clock I want to meet with the three of you and Janice back here in the
conference room.” She paused. “This meeting is adjourned. D.R., Rodney, remain
here for the meeting with Edna.”

As the door closed, Edna stood again at the head of the
table. “So there will be no misunderstandings or back room gossip, I want to
say the same thing to the three of you. I was disappointed to learn that after
Madison has been working here for almost three years she’s being paid only
$24,000 a year.

“Did you know she makes the least of any employee
company-wide? Did you know that D.R.?” She glared at him. He looked away. “You
ought to know that. A smart CEO always knows who the lowest and highest paid
persons are. Of course you knew you were the highest paid at $175,000 per year
plus benefits.”

She took a few steps to the other side of the table, facing
her grandsons again. “Tell me again what kind of car you drive D.R.?”

“Corvette.” His voice was low.

“Oh, yes, how could I forget that flaming red toy with loud
mufflers? You know what kind of car CEO Madison Winston drove to work this
morning, Rodney?”

He jumped. “N…no.”

“She drives a ten year old Cavalier, with a good dose of
rust spots, and Rodney you drive a yahoo or wahoo of some kind, right?”

“It’s a Ta…ta…Tahoe.”

“Well it’s probably a $70,000 monster of some kind. How much
is a Corvette, D.R.?”

“$125K plus.” He was torqued by another “grandmother

“Smart purchase, D.R., real smart.” Edna continued. “I found
it highly interesting, D.R., that each one of your bedmates is being paid
$40,000, and they don’t even keep regular working hours. But Madison has been
doing most of their work. All of this craziness and more, while the company is
on a spiraling course to lose over $1,000,000 this year!”

She shook her head at her two grandsons.

“I’ll not prolong this misery. Rodney, Janice has cut a
check to Madison for an advance of $50,000. She will sign it, and you will run
the deposit to her bank and get back here for your meeting with her.”

Edna turned to D.R. “A letter has been prepared for you by
Fallington’s attorney, legally relieving you as CEO. In the next thirty minutes
I want you to clean your office of any personal items. That office will now be
used by Madison.

“Further, you’ll be paid a salary of $24,000 annually.
Madison will inform you later what job you’ll have with the company, if you can
even qualify for one.

“I’m going to start Madison out at $150,000 and when she
closes other money gaps she’ll get a raise. Rodney your salary is being cut
$50,000 as of today, until you can improve significantly efficiencies in the
operation. Any questions?”

D.R. and Rodney tried to speak at the same time, both dumbfounded.

Rodney whined, “Grandmother, I’ve got bills. How—”

Edna cut him off. “Get a part time job. Have your wife get a

D.R. got up nerve to say, “I can’t pay the mortgage on my
new condominium on $24,000 a year. What am I going to do?”

“I don’t know, D.R.. I’m sure you’ll figure out something.
Maybe all three harem girls can move in with you. Their combined $120,000 and
your $24,000 ought to help you make your mortgage payment. That ought to be a
cozy little romp for the four of you.”

D.R. huffed, “This is ridiculous. I can’t believe you’d do
this to us, your grandsons?”

“I’m not the blame here. You did this to yourselves. You
might want to remember that you’re not entitled to more than you’ve earned.
Both of you have squandered your privilege. We’re done here.” She shooed them
away with her hands. “D.R., clean out your personal items. Rodney, run your
bank errand. Madison and I have business to tend to.”

As D.R. and Rodney were leaving the room, Madison thought
what a handsome man D.R. was, but what an arrogant, selfish, s.o.b he was, and
how his insults had cut her to the quick.


Madison and Edna wrapped up their follow-up meeting by 6:00
pm, with plans for Madison to meet with each Fallington office manager,
including Hong Kong, in the next few weeks. She was excited about the
challenges before her, and she was anxious to let her daughter quietly know of
her job promotion, but she knew she was about to become very busy with major
responsibilities. Edna had assured her that she’d help her when she hit a speed
bump, but that Madison was in charge.

“What do you plan to do with D.R.’s un-Holy Trinity of

Madison laughed. “I’m going to turn them into productive
business women. You need to be getting your money’s worth.”

Edna laughed. “That I’ve got to see. Well, I’m not a
hovering micro-manager, so I’m expecting you to run with this company and take
it to new levels of success. You’re in charge. You’re that breath of fresh air
I mentioned earlier this afternoon.”

Chapter Four


At home in his timid way, Rodney broke the news to his wife
of ten years that she’d need to get a job to help pay the bills.

“Like hell I’ll go to work! Your grandmother is a very rich
woman. She can afford to keep us all up.” Wilma padded over to the stainless
steel refrigerator and snapped open another can of Bud Light. Her fourth. “Why
did you let her do this to us?”

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