Perfect Match (28 page)

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Authors: Jerry Byrum

BOOK: Perfect Match
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There was nothing in the newspaper regarding the assault.
Her attorney, Beth, had told her usually there wasn’t anything official from
law enforcement sources until they’d completed their investigations. But
Madison wanted to alert the staff ahead of time to minimize worry on their
part. And she dreaded having to explain everything to Selena.

After Madison gave Janice the details of her disastrous date
with Wilson and the assault incident, Janice said, “I’m so sorry. I feel
responsible because you depended upon my ‘background’ info that I had about
him. I feel terrible.”

“Janice, don’t give it another thought. How could you have
known about him? That’s not your fault at all. I learned that a couple other
women were innocently fooled by him. He’s a real creep.”

Janice replied, “I know, but if you hadn’t gone with him on
a date you wouldn’t have gone down the street and been attacked by those men.”

Madison came around the desk and hugged Janice, then said.
“Do not take on the responsibility or guilt of their mischief. That situation
could have happened to anyone. Those three are to blame. Not you Janice. Why, I
don’t even blame Wilson for their behavior or what happened to me. You know we
can if everything to pieces. It does no good. Every time I “if” a situation I
get confused, so don’t you do it.”

Janice said, “Madison, you’re such a strong woman. You’re
the right person to run this company.”

She smiled, thinking, if only I didn’t have to be strong for
everyone all the time.


During the staff meeting, Madison outlined the gist of the
assault, and giving some possible scenarios of what they might read in the
media. She reassured them that business was as usual. After answering questions,
she shifted to upbeat news regarding some of the company statistics, and then
she and Janice buckled down to finish planning her trip to the Hong Kong office
next week.

She’d just finalized her agenda, and travel plans when she
received a call from Selena’s doctor wanting her to come by his office for a
consultation. Madison set the appointment during her lunch hour.


Dr. Albert York’s office was located on a quiet tree-lined
street, not far from the main campus of Cobalt Medical Center. Dr. York had been
Selena’s nephrologist, specialist in kidney disorders and diseases, since
Madison and Selena’s moved to Asheville. He was a soft-spoken man in his 60’s,
always greeting his patients warmly. He wore khaki pants with an open collar
washed-out green sport shirt. His graying hair was neatly trimmed.

“Come in, come in, have a seat, Madison. I’m glad I could
see you on such short notice.” He touched her shoulder as she took her seat. He
sat beside her, at right angle. “Would you care for something to drink?”

Madison shook her head. “No thanks. I’m going to catch lunch

Dr. York smiled, and said, “Congratulations on your
promotion to CEO of Fallington Enterprises. I saw your excellent broadcast and
feature article in the newspaper. You are the kind of refreshing leadership we
need more of.” He chuckled slightly. “My wife and I have known Edna Fallington
for years…a very fine woman. I’m sure she’s glad to have you at the helm.”

Madison nodded. “She’s wonderful.”

He cleared his throat. “I wanted to bring you up to date
with Selena’s status.” Madison noticed that status was not the word he had used
in the past. She’d always heard the word ‘progress’ when she came for updates.

“Selena remains in relatively good health. The two of you
apparently have taken good care of each other. However the most recent need for
dialysis treatment was a bit troubling.

“It took her longer to bounce back, and some of the
statistical readouts involving blood pressure, metabolic balance were rather
chaotic, which is inconsistent with past readings.” He paused. “Do you know of
any stress factors that Selena has experienced lately?”

Madison thought before answering, “Not really. And I’ve
never been one to bring my work-life home to Selena, however it’s possible that
she sensed some of my past frustrations with work.” She paused. “I know Selena
was aware of…of friction between D.R. Fallington and me, but it was only
light-hearted passing comments, usually made by my sister-in-law in Selena’s

Dr. York continued to give Madison time to fret with his

Madison gave a slight laugh. “Selena was excited that I
recently had a couple dates, but I think she was disappointed that they turned
out to be…not so good. But that wouldn’t be a stressor, would it?”

He thought a moment. “Hmm. Possibly. Sometimes I’ve found
patients Selena’s age to worry more about their parents than the parents worry
about their son or daughter. When I’ve met with Selena, I’ve become aware of
how her focus is filled with ‘hopes’ for you, your future, your happiness, and
I noted in my records that she said she ‘hoped that my mom would meet a nice
boyfriend someday.’”

Her eyes began to mist. She blinked several times, deep
emotions beginning to stir. “Oh, my Selena.” She thought, I’ve got to be

“How about your ex-husband? Does he come around or does he
have contact with Selena? What are her thoughts about him?”

Madison took a deep breath and exhaled. “As far as I know,
he’s still in prison in California, not supposed to get out. He’s never
contacted Selena…denies he’s her father. Selena doesn’t know about the denial
of paternity, but she does remember his physical abuse toward me and toward
her, especially right before I brought charges against him.”

She paused.

“That was about ten years ago, but during that time I’ve
never berated her father or made him a continuing issue.” She shrugged. “I
guess I’ve been trying to leave the door open in case there could be
reconciliation between the two of them someday.”

Silence settled around them.

He said, “It’s a shame he wouldn’t agree to a compatibility
test for possible kidney donation to Selena. Of course there are no guarantees
there would be a match. Your test was not a workable match.”

Madison shook her head, dreading to ask the next question.
“How does the wait time on the transplant list look for Selena?”

“Not as good as we’d like, especially with this last episode
Selena had. She’s healthy as a race horse, other than kidneys too small to
handle her adult body. That’s what’s puzzling. We can’t pinpoint anything
specific that triggered the change.” He shook his head. “Her undeveloped
kidneys are borderline functional, which puts her in the range of needing a
transplant. Any ordinary or what we would call normal every day stressing
factors can present additional challenges.

“Sometimes the body just rebels…I don’t know how else to put
it. Oh, we can tweak and tinker with things, but sometimes our bodies tell us
that we haven’t gotten it right yet. As you know, dialysis is not a cure.” He
paused again. “I wanted to let you know that the Cobalt staff loves Selena and
is watching her very carefully but…” His words drifted off.

She said, “I’m hearing you say this might be a turning point
for the worse?”

“Yes, and I want to keep you fully informed, Madison.”

“I know. I appreciate you being up front with me, I really
do. Don’t ever sugar coat information for me.”

He nodded.

“I’m supposed to travel to Hong Kong for a business meeting
next week. Should I cancel that trip?”

He thought a moment. “I don’t think so. Is your
sister-in-law, Luella, still covering for you in your absence?”

“Yes, she’s a real help.”

“Good. I think we’re out of the woods for the time being
with Selena, but I just wanted to alert you. I pray every day for my patients
on the transplant list.”


Madison walked slowly back to her beat up car, reminding
herself that she had to get a new car soon. Why can’t body parts be replaced as
easily as cars? Oh, Lord, please help me. I don’t know what I’ll do without my
precious Selena. She’s all I’ve got. You gave her to me seventeen years ago,
and I’ve loved her every single day. Please don’t take her away from me.

She barely made it to her car before hot tears spilled down
her cheeks, washing away her appetite for lunch.


As Madison left work at 5:30, an afternoon thundershower
gathered and ripped across the mountains of Asheville. Her windshield wipers
swiped frantically at the angry rain thrown by the gusty winds. Her car chugged
toward the parking deck of Cobalt Medical Center.

She was running through her mind how she could delicately
tell Selena about the terrible date with Wilson, the assault on the street, and
her trip to Hong Kong scheduled for next week. The last thing she wanted to do
was say something to upset Selena.

After she parked, said a small prayer, and braced herself
she strode for the main building. She took the covered walkway, although the
shower had moved on. The sun was breaking through scattered clouds.

Selena was typing on her laptop when Madison entered her
room. “Mom, what a surprise!”

“Yes, for me too. I left work on time.” Looking at the
laptop, Madison said, “And what’s this? Snazzy. Where’d this come from?”

Selena quickly said, “Oh, it’s a loaner. The nurses helped
me get connected to the hospital’s Wi-Fi. Now tell me all about your exciting
date with Willy the other night.” Selena, glad to get off the topic of the
computer. Inquisitive moms, she thought. There ought to be a law.

Madison gave her the details, keeping it lighthearted and
they both laughed at how mismatched some of Madison’s dates had been.
Explaining the assault by the three men was a little more cumbersome. Since
Madison had decided to also file charges against Hollis, she had already
explained that situation to Selena a few days ago, and now another imploded
date plus the street attack was a little much.

“Mom, what is going on with you? It seems like you have the
worst luck with losers.”

“Well that happens sometimes. By the way, have you heard any
more about the young man who attacked one of the hospital patients a few days
ago?” Madison had read the article in the newspaper, but that was the extent of

“Nope, not a word. The hospital has been tight-lipped about
whatever happened. But don’t worry Mom; security is really tight on this
floor.” She gave a nod of assurance. Got to change the topic of conversation.
Inquisitive moms don’t know when to stop.

“So, who’s the lucky guy this weekend?”

Madison laughed. “There is no guy this weekend. I’m giving
up on the dating scene…too many creeps out there…or at least those are the ones
I seem to attract.”

“Mom, don’t give up. I know there is someone out there that
will be the perfect match for you.”

Madison’s heart softened, her eyes watered. “You’re such an
encouraging daughter. I’m so blessed by you.”

“Okay, I’ve got a girl’s question for you. Have you ever not
liked a guy, and then later on you liked him really a lot?”

Madison took some time.

“Hmm, maybe…but it’s been so long ago when I was your age
and knew more guys.”

A moment of silence.

“Okay, let me put the question another way. Think of the
past ten years and maybe places you’ve worked or groups or organizations you’ve
been involved with. Now think of some of the men that you met but really did
not like. Are there any that you believe you could come to like? What would have
to happen for you to like them?”

Madison’s eyes widened. “Selena, your questions astound me.
They’re so deep. Hmm, I suppose there might be one or two men who could become
likable.” She shook her head. “I’m not sure. I think the real answer would
depend in some way upon what caused me not to like them in the first place.”
She studied Selena a moment. “What made you ask that kind of question?”

“Oh, nothing in particular. I was just thinking of an angle
for a possible character in one of my romance novels.”

“Well that ought to be a doozy of a story. Your characters
are always so interesting and complex. I’m so proud of you. I can’t wait to
read your novel. With the use of a laptop, how’s the novel coming along?”

“Great! I’ve really made progress this past week. I just
hope I can finish it before…before too long.”

Madison caught a touch of sadness in her voice. They both
were thinking of the uncertain future.

“Are you excited about graduation?”

“Sort of. I just hope the hospital will let me attend. I
would hate to miss it…I’ve had to miss so many things…”

“I know, Sweetie, I know. One of the reasons I scheduled my
business trip to Hong Kong next week is to get that behind me so I’ll be here
during the graduation week. I don’t want to miss seeing you get your diploma.”

Selena smiled, weakly.

She and her mom continued talking girl stuff, laughing, and
enjoying each other’s company, as they had done for seventeen years. Finally
they hugged good-bye.


Madison left the room, heels tapping down the hall, passing
room 405. The patient was searching for his phone under a pile of papers,
missing the sight of her, but the cadence of her stride stirred something
familiar within, but he couldn’t place it.

He hobbled to the door, but Madison had rounded the corner,
leaving only a faint scent of perfume to further stir his unclear memory bank.

Chapter Thirty-One




Billy White came by and together they firmed up additional
plans for Roscoe’s business.

“Tell me the truth, Billy, do you think this idea for a
business has a chance?”

“I do. I think there’s a substantial demand for your
approach. What’s out there now is just a bunch of half-assed efforts, and
people don’t trust any of the current operations. Most of them are rip-offs.”
He ran his hand across his face. “You’re right, it’ll take a lot of hard work,
but if we do it, that’s why it’ll succeed. No doubt in my mind.”

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