PENNY (6 page)

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Authors: Rishona Hall

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Chapter eight





Later that evening


It had been hours since Forrest saw Iris. He decided to give her some time to cool
. He returned to her house by seven PM. But she wasn't home. "She left for her doctor's
ce hours ago. Maybe she stopped somewhere."


Forrest stood there with a bouquet o
owers. "Okay. Can you make sure she gets this?" He handed her the roses.


"Of course." He turned, making his way back to his house across the street.


After Iris left her appointment, she stopped by the support group for people with AIDS. It was located in the same hospital where her doctor's
ce was but on th
oor. She spoke and hung out for at least an hour before stopping by The Pub for a bite to eat.


"Iris!" She looked back to see a guy approaching her. A
rst she thought it was Forrest but she immediately changed her mind when she recognized the small beauty mark on his neck. It was Mason.


Mason and Forrest were identical. Height, weight, and appearance. If it wasn't for the mole, she wouldn't have been able to tell the d
erence. At least fro
rst sight. The two did have d
erent personalities. Mason was more of a douche bag. And Forrest was the opposite. "Mason...hey."


"Haven't seen you in a while. Still attending college?" She nodded yes. "Have you seen Forrest?"


"Um, yeah." She assumed he had no idea they were dating.


"I mean, not since this morning. Why?"


"I've been trying to reach him. He's not answering my calls. I'm assuming he's still angry."


"About what?" He followed her towards the exit of the restaurant.


"His ex girlfriend, Charlotte asked me out. We went out on a date and I guess he's upset about it." She stepped outside, slowly turning to face him.


"Well, that's cruel. How can you do something like that? You do realize, Forrest and feelings for her."


"I do now. Maybe you could talk to him. Tell him I'm sorry. I broke up with her once I realized how much it
ected him."


"And why would I help you? You've been a jerk to me since I can remember."


"Because, you're a better person. We both know that. And he will listen to you." Iris looked away to see a familiar red mustang pull up in the parking lot. "There he is." Forrest stepped out of the vehicle, approaching Iris. He didn't look once at Mason. It was as if he zoned him completely out.


"Iris..." He halted in front of her, reaching out to gently hold her face with both hands. "Are you okay? I was worried sick." Mason watched the two in surprise. "I've been calling your phone."


"I know. I just...wanted to be alone for a while." She looked over at Mason who kept his eyes on the two.


"I'm lost. Are you two..." He pointed to both of them. "Wow. I didn't see this coming from a mile away."


"Why don't you get lost." Forrest spat out.


"Forrest, I didn't know how you felt about her. I dumped her." He flashed him an evil glare.


"She was my girlfriend, asshole. What made you think I wouldn't be pissed?"


"Well, I'm even more confused to why now. Seeing you've moved on with twig girl over here." He took a step towards him only to feel Iris grab his arm.


"All theses years...and you still judge her for being thin. Every one can't be big boned, Mason."


"Maybe if she ate, I'm sure she wouldn't have a problem gaining. Ain't that right, Iris?" He asked, meeting her gaze. Forrest was just seconds away from attacking him.


"You're right." She agreed, moving toward him. "You wanna know why I'm so thin? I have what you call an immune disorder. I was born with it. You've heard of HIV?" Mason looked like he'd seen a ghost. "My mom had it. She gave it to me. So I didn't ask for this. I have a hard time keeping on weight because I'm too sick to eat half the time." She was practically in tears. "I wouldn't wish this on my own enemy. I wouldn't wish it on you, Mason. So, before you decide to judge someone because they're not like you, you should first think of reasons why. My adopted parents took me in. They didn't judge me for being sick. They helped me. Forrest didn't judge me. He made me want to survive this." Mason looked pass her shoulder to stare at Forrest who was also in tears. "I thought after all these would have changed. But no. You're still the same jerk I met years ago."




She turned, approaching her car. "I didn't know." He watched Forrest follow after her. "Does that mean you have it, too?" He ignored his ridiculous question.


"Iris..." He held the drivers' door open. "Don't let him get to you. It's not worth it. He's not worth it."


"I'm going home. I'm tired and I just wanna rest."


"I'm right behind you." He rushed back to his mustang. After she drove
, he followed her down the road.




"Listen to this..." Forrest sat at the desk on Iris' computer researching up on HIV/AIDS virus. "If you get pregnant with HIV, it can be prevented from spreading to the baby WITH the help of a doctor. So, it looks like you can get pregnant."


"I don't wanna take that risk." She sat on her bed writing in a notebook. "It can also kill me. Being pregnant is a risk for not only the baby but also the mother."


"Hmm." He bit his lower lip in thought. "It says here to use lube with the condom to prevent the condom from breaking. That makes sense." He stood up, making his way towards the bed.


"It's been over a year, Forrest. You know you don't have to do this. I won't get mad if you want to end it." He climbed in bed with her.


"Do I look like my brother, Mason?" Was he serious about that question.


"You're identical."


"You know what I meant. Mason would do that. Because he's se
sh. If you didn't stop me, I would've kicked his ass again." He wrapped his arm around her. "I'm very patient. I can wait until you're ready. We'll practice safe sex when the time comes. I'll double the condom and use lube. That'll work."


"You sure?" He nodded yes.


"Positive. And like I mentioned before, I'm not afraid to die. I would rather with you. But you won't allow it."


"Because you're being stupid. You're not thinking clearly."


"Call it stupid. Call it whatever you want. But I know the truth. I love you more than anything in this world. I'm willing to die for you."


"You are stupid." She teased. "I guess that's why I love you." She climbed on top of him. "I don't wanna die a virgin."


"I won't let you." He met lips with hers once more.


"Forrest..." She quickly pulled back to peer in his eyes. "You promise you will never bite during a kiss again? You scared me." He chuckled softly.


"I'm sorry. I promise I won't do that again. I'll keep them boring from now on." He teased.


"Okay. 'Cause I will stop kissing you. I swear."


"I know." She pecked him on the lips. He carefully reversed positions; his lips redirecting to her neck. She shut her eyes, moaning softly.


"I love you so much, Forrest." He lifted himself a few inches
her; his eyes meeting with hers. "I want to make love. But I'm afraid of putting you at risk."


"I can't make you do something you don't wanna do. I can assure you that I will b
ne. As long as we're safe."


"You promise you will be safe from me?" He nodded yes.


"Cross my heart." He leaned back in to kiss her.


Chapter nine





The next day (June 25, 2010)


Forrest and Iris sat in the waiting room at the clinic waiting to be called. Last night, Iris lost her virginity. It was an experience she would never forget. It was beautiful. It was scary. But overall, she didn't feel any regret.


Except for when it came to Forrest. He was there to get tested just to make sure he didn't contract the STD.


They used two condoms and plenty of lube. And he was very gentle the whole time.


"Forest Hunter!" He stood up, looking back at Iris. She looked down to stare at his hand that was extended out for her. "Forrest?"


"Yes." He held Iris hand while following the nurse down the hall.


"You're here to get tested for HIV?"




"Do you suspect you've been exposed?"


"Uhhh, I don't think. I'm just here to make sure." The two continued following the nurse down the hall.


"When was the last time you've had intercourse?"


"Uhhh last night. Around...ten, I think." They finally stopped at a room.


"I need you to get undressed. I will be back to draw some blood. And then the doctor will see you afterwards."


"How long does it take for the results?" Iris asked.


"At least 48 hours."


Forty-eight hours was too long even though it was only two days. Iris didn't like playing the wait game when it came to someone's life.


Especially when it came to someone she loved.


After the appointment, the two stopped by the hospital to attend the support group Iris usually participated in once a week. "Hi, Susie." They all spoke in unison.


"This is my first time here. I've been diagnosed with HIV last month. But I hadn't been sexually active for over a year. I thought the symptoms appeared immediately but that wasn't the case with me. I didn't start feeling them until eleven months after I had sex. He was a friend. Someone who I trusted and really liked. But..." She held her head down, her eyes forming with tears. "I guess he didn't feel the same. He didn't care enough to inform me about his condition." She paused, wiping the tears from her eyes. "When I confronted him, he said I must've gotten it from someone else. He made me feel like I was a slut who slept around. I found out recently that he'd given HIV to at least a dozen other women." She was in tears at this point. Forrest sat beside Iris blinking his eyes to rid of the tears forming. "I don't understand how someone can do that. You don't care about your life? So you want to be vengeful and hurt innocent people?" She paused, weeping softly. "I'm sorry."


Iris decided to get up and talk not long after. "I'm Iris."


"Hi, Iris." They spoke in unison.


"I was born with HIV. My mother died shortly after giving birth. I was adopted by The Hendersons months later. They took me in. Treated me like their own. Took good care of me. I grew up in a upper class neighborhood. I was the only black person in town. So, I got teased a lot. Mainly about my weight. Why I was so thin." She paused, putting her gaze on Forrest. "Then I met my fiancée. He was the only person there for me. Aside from my parents. At first he seemed embarrassed. I only assumed he was trying to put on an act in front of his friends and family. But he stopped caring about what they thought. He treated me like I was normal. And I...there were times when I wanted to tell him but I was afraid of losing him." A tear fell from his eye and down his cheek. "I was going to give up on living. I even stopped taking the mediations. But Forrest...once again he was there. Showing up at the rescue like always. He's my hero." She paused, taking a moment to collect herself.


The room erupted with cheers. "Thank you." She smiled, making her way back to her seat.


"You're my hero." He spoke, kissing her on the cheek.


Iris and Forrest got married the following year. After graduating, they adopted a boy. Three years after that, they adopted another child. A girl.


Iris lived to be fifty-three years old. She died at home from complications of pneumonia amongst her family and friends.


Forrest would occasionally share his story with college students at the university he and Iris attended.


And he would tell the story on how he met Iris to their children and grandchildren. Iris lived that happy life she didn't think was possible. Forrest made sure of it.

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