Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Colt Redford was class from top to bottom. Instead of avoiding former lovers as some men might have, he went to their table and greeted them warmly. Though she didn’t know the details of why they split, it wasn’t because they didn’t love one another. Bliss and Clarissa all but leapt out of their seats to throw themselves into his arms. No one seemed to care that they were standing in the center of the restaurant. There were some curious stares, but most people there knew them and smiled, if a little sadly. There weren’t any secrets in Silver.

Colt kissed both women on the cheek before leaving them at their table. He guided her to the table the maître d
was waiting beside. A glance back told Piper all she needed to know. Bliss and Clarissa were miserable. Their hearts were in their eyes as they looked at Colt, only looking away from him when he was seated and would be able to see them if he turned his head slightly.

Miserable for them, it took a few minutes for Piper to sort her feelings out. She loved Colt and wanted him to be happy. But for all his support of her and friendship through the years, this was one part of his life she didn’t know if she had a right to intrude upon. They had never discussed how he felt about the two women. She was certain he loved them. And if that was true, why was he letting them go? It didn’t make any sense to her. If the man had the chance to be happy, damn but he should grab it with both hands and hold on! Piper thought, reaching for the glass of ice water the server brought. There was a lump in her throat the size of an egg and she hoped she could wash it down before Colt began speaking to her.

Though she didn’t understand the whole BDSM lifestyle, she certainly wasn’t against it for others who lived it. Since Colt was quiet, and clearly distracted, she took the opportunity to really look him over. He was an exceptionally handsome man. She had seen the painting of his Russian great-grandmother. The woman was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her portrait. Those looks had been passed down. Colt was also very tall and physically fit. She knew he would be forty in a few months. The two women were probably in their early thirties. They were remarkably similar in appearance. So much so they could have been sisters with their porcelain skin, auburn hair, and enormous gray eyes.

What could possibly have gone wrong with the relationship between the three? They were obviously in love, and obviously cared for one another, which didn’t always go hand in hand.

“They want children,” Colt told her in a low voice, as if he knew exactly what Piper was thinking about. “Marriage and children.”

“Oh.” It was so completely inadequate, but all she could come up with in her sudden shock. Piper cleared her throat. “And you don’t want those things?” she asked carefully, looking at him closely.

Colt laughed without humor. “Believe it or not, I haven’t given it much thought. Not until recently. Now it’s all I do think about.” The man looked so miserable all she wanted to do was hug him. “I honestly don’t know what to do.”

“And then there’s Mink,” Piper said softly.

“Yes, there’s Mink. There’s a lot going on there that I can’t talk about right now. I don’t want to hurt him.” Colt took a long breath then let it out. “I’m not used to feeling this sense of helplessness, of confusion. I’ve always been a man to make quick decisions, to know exactly what I want.”

“They’re both wonderful women. The first time I met them I couldn’t help but be captivated by their warmth. They both practically sparkle.”

A chuckle escaped Colt. “Yeah, they do tend to sparkle. They are vibrant, passionate, and generous women. Being with them has been a remarkable experience.”

The server bringing a basket of hot rolls interrupted their conversation. They ordered their meal without bothering with the menu. Once he was gone they picked up where they had left off.

“I can tell how much they matter to you,” Piper said carefully, covering his hand with hers. “I think you should seriously consider committing to both of them. Maybe it won’t be marriage, but that’s not such a big deal here in Silver. You said yourself that most people in ménages are bound by commitment ceremonies.”

“There are two of them. I’ll be up to my ears in babies in no time.”

Piper’s lips twitched. “Would you really hate that so much?”

“I don’t know. I never gave that any thought, either.”

“Were you planning on being a bachelor forever?”

“This is embarrassing as hell to admit to, but I just never gave serious thought to
of it.”

Piper wanted to laugh, but held it back. It would have been unkind. The man was so miserable and confused that he was completely unlike the confident man she had always known.

“Okay, one last question. Do you love them?”

Colt didn’t hesitate. “Love? Yes, I love them. Am I in love with them, is a completely different question. I would think if I was, I wouldn’t have to think about it at all.”

“Then maybe this time apart is a good thing for the three of you,” Piper said sagely, finally reaching for a dinner roll. “It will give you time to sort out your feelings for one another.”

She didn’t mention Mink again. She didn’t know what kind of relationship Colt had with her brother, or if they even had a relationship. But she did believe there was something going on between the two men. What, she had no clue.

Piper did hope it all worked itself out soon. Colt looked positively miserable, which was strange to see on a man who was always supremely confident.

Thinking about her friend’s problems made her think less about her own. There was the constant worry that her father would show up and try to take her back to California. Going back was out of the question, of course. She would never go back permanently. Douglas Barrows had to see that she was no longer willing to be browbeaten into complying with his every wish and whim. He also had to see that she deserved a life, even if it was fraught with danger. Perhaps being the daughter of an extremely wealthy man did make her a target of sorts for unscrupulous people, but he couldn’t protect her from everything. Locking away a person to protect them was in its own way a form of torture. Why couldn’t he see that?

Sighing, Piper was relieved when Colt began talking about a project he was planning. One thread led to another and soon she was telling him about her ideas for creating a doggie spa. It would be in addition to the help center for unwanted pets and people needing advice or financial aid in caring properly for their furry loved ones.

“What a wonderful idea!” Colt exclaimed, pleased with her idea. “A doggie spa! With all the people who come here to vacation, it’s something which should do very well, especially when there’s nothing else like it in Silver. There are a couple of kennels, but they really don’t do much outside boarding. Most pets are left crated in their rooms or the hotel staff attends to them.”

Brimming with excitement, it was all Piper could do to eat the food on her plate. They discussed her plans throughout the meal. As they did so she saw Colt relax somewhat. She was glad. She didn’t like seeing her friend hurting as he was. And she did believe he was hurting. His life was in upheaval at the moment, even if he didn’t recognize the fact. But as she picked at her green beans Piper thought about other aspects of her own life and wondered what she was going to do about her unexpected attraction to two men.

She didn’t have all that much experience with men. Her father’s babysitters while in college had made it almost impossible to date like any other girl on campus. One or two dates was about all she got out of a guy before they made some lame excuse and she never saw them again. Only one guy had been brave enough to stick around for a while. Whether it had been attraction or rebellion, Piper didn’t know, but he had gotten her virginity and taught her a little bit about the pleasures a man and a woman could have together.

Now she had to think about Merck Rushton and Jace Hunter. Dealing with either man would be challenging enough. But the two of them together? Was she crazy to consider it?

Okay, Piper told herself, stop thinking about them. Maybe later when you’ve gotten your own life straightened out. Besides, if what Colt suspects is true, they have each other now.

It was a dismal thought, despite Piper telling herself that she didn’t really want them.

Then there they were, being shown to a table not far from where Bliss and Clarissa were lingering over coffee and dessert.

They hadn’t noticed her yet and she was relieved. Colt, however, had noticed them. “Ah, I see your men have come in for supper. It’s too bad they came so late, they could have joined us.”

“They’re not my men,” Piper grumbled. “And I thought you wanted me to have time to grow a backbone?”

Colt laughed. “I do, sweetheart. But there’s nothing saying you can’t tease them a bit. They both want you and they can’t have you. It will drive them crazy.”

“That doesn’t sound very nice.”

“Okay. You be nice. I’ll be me. I think I’ll make them want you so much they won’t know which end is up.”

Piper stared at her friend for a moment. Then she was laughing and shaking her head. “You really are evil, aren’t you?”

The flashing white grin Colt gave her said it all. When he was in this charming, devilish mode she began to feel things she shouldn’t really be feeling for a friend. Some parts of her body got hot, others got hard. And one place in particular was beginning to quiver and dampen. Wow, she was starting to feel a little slutty.

“I try. Now, I think we’ll order a cherry cobbler to share. We will take turns feeding each other.”

“What about Clarissa and Bliss?”

While Piper didn’t really believe Merck and Jace were interested in her, she would play Colt’s game. But in the process she didn’t want to do anything to hurt the two women.

“They’re leaving now. A couple minutes of play-acting won’t hurt anything. Besides, I owe Merck.”

“What did he do?”

“He and a couple of his buddies got up on stage at the Silver Edge and did an impromptu striptease. They were such a big hit with the members that I was pestered for weeks to have them to do it again.”

“Hot, huh?”

“That’s what Bambi told me,” Colt confirmed, grinning like the devil.

Thinking of the hot cowboy on stage, lights flashing over his body, imaginary music throbbing through her body, Piper could feel her pussy heat up and the creamy juices begin to flow. Closing her eyes on a moan, she was in just the right mood when Colt leaned toward her and kissed her firmly on her parted lips.

Chapter Six


Merck saw red. And if the growl at his side was any indication, Jace wasn’t any happier about Colt Redford sucking face with their woman. Bastard. The man was decidedly smug when he finally lifted his head and glanced in their direction.
bastard. Merck’s gaze went to Piper, checking to see if her lips were still connected. She was staring at Colt with a startled expression on her beautiful face.

“I do
want to
see that again. We’re going to have to kill him.”

“Yeah. It sounds like a plan to me.” Merck didn’t know what Colt was playing at, but whatever it was sure was pissing him off. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been this furious with anyone. And after the fantastic night he’d experienced with Jace, he had looked forward to seeing Piper and talking to her. But this? Not only had they been shut down once earlier in the day, they had to watch Colt treat their woman like she was some kind of fucking dessert? “We need to think of something to get some time alone with her.”

Merck watched as the two took turns feeding each other. It made him want to puke.

“He can’t stay with her every minute of the day and night,” Jace said reasonably, when all Merck wanted to do was rip Colt’s guts out.

Well, maybe not rip them out, but he did want to punch the guy for putting his hands and mouth on what he considered his. It didn’t matter that Piper didn’t know yet that she belonged to him and to Jace. She would know soon enough. Then she wouldn’t have to worry about anyone loving on her but them.

When they hadn’t been making love, Merck and Jace had held each other and talked. Then they had slept, woke to make love again, then talked some more. Actually, they had talked until sunlight had found its way through the narrow gaps between curtains and the windows. Jace wanted to know everything about Silver and the people who made it what it was. And Merck wanted to know everything about Jace and his past.

Merck found it a wondrous that he and Jace had connected immediately. Not just in a physical sense, which was beyond fantastic, but on a level where he believed someone understood him and what he needed deep down inside. He let Jace inside his head and heart, hiding nothing, believing it was the only way he could build a relationship with the other man.

It was a risk. But he would take it.

They agreed on many things, the most important of which was they needed to get to know Piper Barrows and convince her that they were the men for her. They suspected they would have to prove themselves more with her than they would with any other woman. She had been through so much. Merck couldn’t believe that her father had treated her in the manner he had.

Maybe it wasn’t physical abuse, but it had certainly been a kind of emotional abuse. And what was the excuse? Douglas Barrows wanted his daughter safe? Safe from what? He was keeping her from experiencing every aspect of life beyond basic existence.

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