Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One (16 page)

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Authors: Bria Marche

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor

BOOK: Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One
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“The scout counselor?”

“Yeah, that Gary Miller. It was his car I ran off the road.”

“Oh my God, Max. I’m sorry I pried. Your story is so sad, but you’re a different person now. You and Gary seem like friends.”

“We’re good friends now. I had counseling to go through during jail, and community service when I got out. I asked the judge if my service could be toward the family, if the dad agreed. I thank God Gary gave me a chance to man up and pay his family back. His kids never found out it was me who ran them off the road. We’ve grown so close over the years, it’s like they’re my own sons.”

“Have you ever been married, or had kids?”

“Nope… but hey, there’s still hope for me, right? To be honest, there’s nothing I would love more than to find the right gal and settle down with a family of my own. I mean, I am settled, probably boring in most people’s eyes, but I like my life. It’s peaceful and I love hanging out with the kids and doing these Boy Scout excursions. It’s great. So how’s the foot?”

Max’s concern warmed Mia’s heart.

“I’m okay, thanks. You’re taking great care of me.”

“So are you married, Mia?”

“Yes, to my dismay.”

“Wow, I didn’t expect a response like that.” Max noticed Mia had snuggled a little deeper under her blanket. He tossed another log on the fire. “Are you warm enough? I could come and sit next to you.”

“That sounds nice.”

Max picked up his pack and blanket and moved around the fire pit to sit at Mia’s side. “Would you like another blanket?”

“Not if it’s yours. You need to be warm too, but thanks. I think our bodies being close together will help.”

He scooted in close to Mia and adjusted the blanket around her. “Why did you respond the way you did when I asked if you were married?”

She munched on a granola bar as she told Max about Jack’s betrayal and arrogance.

“That’s quite a story, Mia. What are you going to do about Jack?”

“Oh, I’m going to divorce him very soon. I just have a few things to do first.” Mia felt Max studying every inch of her face as she talked. Her heart started to pound out of her chest again. She hoped he wouldn’t hear it.
Should I look at him or not? He’s only inches away. If I turn my head, I know he’s going to kiss me.

Mia turned anyway, and looked deeply into Max’s eyes. A second passed, then his full lips engulfed hers. He inhaled her warm breath. She moaned from pent up passion. Mia pulled him toward her as she leaned back against the blanket behind her head. Max lowered her foot from the sling, then straddled her torso. He took her tongue deep into his mouth, flicking his against hers. They inhaled and exhaled as one. His hard shaft pressed firmly against Mia’s pelvis. With each breath, involuntary moans of pleasure came from deep within her. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, but she had no intention of stopping. The emotions and lust she had for this man controlled her. She needed Max Cole right now, more than anything, or anyone else.

“Mia, are you sure you want this?”

“I’m absolutely sure. I need you, Max. Make love to me before I go crazy.”

Max helped Mia unbutton her shorts and ease them down over her injured foot. With his manhood ready to burst through his pants, he dropped his tight jeans and entered Mia’s wet loins. They both moaned in ecstasy as their bodies became one. Frenzied, primal sounds echoed in the starlit night as they made love. They kissed, long, hungry, passionate kisses. Mia wanted this moment to last all night, but she knew it was impossible. She was too far gone and way overdue for a screaming, gut wrenching orgasm. Her fingernails dug into Max’s back, but he felt no pain. He entered a different world, one he never wanted to return from. They were hungry, and needed this release more than either of them realized. Within minutes they climaxed together with glistening sweat dripping from their skin. Mia’s body shook from head to toe. Max cradled her in his strong arms. They lay under the blankets together, bodies intertwined, until the morning light woke them.

Chapter Twenty One

The blue jays squawked loudly, claiming every available branch in the trees above, as their own. Max opened his eyes and looked at his watch: 6:00 a.m. He rubbed his eyes and rolled over. Mia was still sound asleep. He smiled while studying her face.
What a beautiful woman.
Sweet, kind and very, very sexy.

He got up and blew on the smoldering logs until they ignited and glowed orange again with a little coaxing. A handful of pine cones thrown on the embers caused them to crackle and flame up. The morning air was cool and fresh, and the warm fire felt good. Max poured water into the coffee pot and sat it on a flat stone in the center of the fire pit. Instant coffee and granola bars would be their breakfast this morning. Max figured the rescue team would arrive soon.

“Mia, are you awake?”

“What? Oh yeah… I forgot where I was. I’m awake now, thanks,” she said, as she sat up and yawned. She was shocked when she looked at her ankle. It was twice the normal size and a colorful black and blue. “Max, look at my foot. Oh my God, it really hurts.”

“That’s definitely a bad sprain or a fracture. You’re going to be off that foot for a while, or you’ll be fitted with a walking cast.”

“I guess I’ll have to see what the doctor says. How am I going to get my car home?”

“Don’t worry about anything. I’ll take you back to Tarrytown after they carry you out of here. So, about last night,” he said, with a sheepish grin.

Mia smiled as she reached for the cup of steaming coffee Max poured for her, “Yes, what about last night?”

“Are you having buyer’s remorse?”

“Of course not. I had a wonderful night with you. We both needed and wanted each other. I don’t expect anything more. You aren’t on the hook for anything because we had sex.”

“What if I want to be? I really like you. Could we go out after your divorce and see if there’s any genuine chemistry?”

“That would be nice. I have business cards in my backpack if you want to grab one. My phone number and address are on it. Give me a month to recuperate from this dumb foot injury and get Jack out of my life, then who knows? In the real world, we just might hit it off.”

“I like that idea, Mia. Listen… there’s voices in the distance. The rescue team must be getting close. I’ll gather all of your stuff and drive your car back to Tarrytown to whatever clinic or hospital you want to go to.”

“How will you get back here afterward?”

“Not a problem. I’ll take the train and have Gary pick me up at the station.”

“That sounds like a lot of trouble.”

“That’s right. Trouble is my middle name, remember?” He smiled at Mia and leaned in to give her a long, sensual kiss before the group reached their campsite.

Her heart pounded with desire for him.
Could there really be something down the road for Max and me? What about Aaron? What the heck am I getting myself into? I’m still living with my friggin husband, damn it, and all I can think about are these two perfect men.

“Ms. James? Hello? I asked if you could stand.”

“What? No, I can’t stand. Look at my foot.” Mia pulled the blanket back to show the rescue team her elephant sized black and blue ankle.

“That’s not good. Give her a pain killer and let’s get her out of here. Guys, bring the backboard over here. Snap a couple ice packs and wrap them around her ankle. Elevate her foot a bit and get a blanket on her.” The captain yelled out orders to the other three as they prepared Mia for the two mile trek back to the main campsite. Max followed with all the gear. “I got your stuff, Mia. We’ll be out of here soon and I’ll get you home,” he said, with true concern.

She looked back and smiled just as Max snapped a few pictures of her with his cell phone.

“Max! What the heck?” She laughed with embarrassment.

“Hey… memories, remember? I have to put together new stories for the kids,” he teased.

“I’ll kill you if you do.”

They reached the main campsite in ninety minutes. The rescue team put an ace bandage around the ice packs and offered to drive Mia to Tarrytown. She explained that Max already planned to. She needed her car at home.

“Okay, Mia, which car is yours,” Max asked, as they carried her to the parking lot.

“It’s the black Camaro down there on the left,” she said, as she pointed from the backboard.

“Really? Why am I not surprised?”


“Okay, guys, since this car is a two door, it looks like Ms. James is going to lay on the passenger seat. Hang on while I recline it as flat as possible. Is this going to work for you, Mia?” Max asked.

“Sure, it will be fine. There’s no way in hell I can get into the back seat. Try not to bump my foot, please.”


The drive back to Tarrytown was fun, now that Mia was given something to block the pain. She had no idea she would enjoy Max as much as she did, especially since she hardly knew him. He had a great sense of humor, plus he was a gentleman. That alone, counted for a lot in her opinion. Spending time with him was easy.
Man would I love to photograph him. His bone structure, hot looks and all those tats… oh yeah.

“What’s on your mind, Mia? You’re either deep in thought, or clamming up on me.”

“I’m not clamming up. Do you want the truth, Max?”

“Well, sure I do,” he said, glancing over at her as she lay back on the seat. The window was partially down and Max liked watching the breeze swirl through her long blonde hair.

“I like you. And I would love to photograph you.”

“Me? Seriously? Why?”

“Because you’re that damn hot,” she admitted. “I love that you’re so gorgeous and you don’t even realize it. That makes you even more attractive.”

Max reached over and squeezed her hand. He lifted it to his mouth and kissed each fingertip. “You don’t wear a wedding ring.”

“Nope. He doesn’t deserve my loyalty or love. Jack hasn’t worn his ring for at least a year. Actually, I wore mine until I saw him with Sasha. The way he behaved with her told me he had no love for me. It’s all about her, and probably has been for a long time.”

“I didn’t mean to bring up a sore subject.”

“You didn’t. I can talk about him without feeling sad. Our marriage is over, and I’m happy to get rid of him. The jerk doesn’t deserve me.”

“That’s the truth. It would take quite a man to deserve you, Mia. He would be one lucky son of a bitch. That much I know for sure.”

“Thanks, Max, I really appreciate you. We only have a few miles to go. I think we should head over to my doctor’s clinic. They can x-ray my foot and decide what to do. Do you mind hanging with me for a while?”

“Not at all. Just tell me where to go. Should I carry you in or get a wheelchair?”

“This is a small town. I think we should stick with the wheelchair,” she said, laughing. “I don’t need people talking yet.”

“Damn, the thought of holding you close again sounded so good.” Max winked at her, and told her to stay put. He parked the car and went inside to get a wheelchair.

Mia pulled her cell phone out of the backpack on the floor. She had no idea if anyone called since yesterday when she lost reception at the Boy Scout camp. The battery was dead. She hadn’t thought of turning the power off when she realized she had no service.
Oh well, it can wait until I get home.
Mia looked up to see Max sitting in the wheelchair speeding toward her car, popping wheelies as he went. She burst out laughing.
What a goof. I love it.

The doctor was able to get Mia in right away and took a few x-rays. He gave her good news, saying it was a bad sprain and nothing more. She was lucky she didn’t break her ankle. She needed to stay off the foot for a few days and keep it elevated and iced. Tylenol would help and she should use crutches for about a week if she had to walk any distance. The doctor secured her ankle in a hard brace, fitted Mia with crutches and told her to behave before sending her on her way.

“What did the doctor mean when he told you to behave?” Max asked, as they headed back to the car.

Mia laughed. “Dr. Albert delivered me. He’s been my doctor my entire life. He knows I don’t behave.”

“Don’t you think he wondered who I was?”

“Probably, are you worried?” she teased.

“No I’m not worried, smartass. So, now what? Do you want to get some lunch downtown?” Max helped her get back into the passenger seat.

“Max, you don’t have to babysit me. You’ve done enough.”

“Well, I don’t consider eating lunch, babysitting. As a matter of fact, I’m starving. Do you want to join me? I’d like to spend more time with you.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. Yes, I would love to have lunch with you, thanks.”

“Okay, gorgeous, where are we going?”

Those sweet words reminded Mia of the way Aaron spoke to her. It was better to go somewhere Aaron didn’t frequent at lunchtime. The last thing she wanted to do was break his heart even more than she normally did. Molly’s Pub on the far south side of downtown would be perfect. It was an out of the way place with great food.

“When you get to Main Street turn right and go south for five blocks. There’s a pub called Molly’s on the left side of the street. We can park pretty close to the front door so I won’t have to hobble too far.”

“Your wish is my command, fair lady,” Max said, giving her a wink. He followed the directions Mia gave him. Max had no idea who Aaron was, and Mia didn’t notice him walking down the sidewalk on his way to lunch. Aaron noticed. He stopped in his tracks and stared as Mia’s car sped past him. The smile that was forming on his lips quickly soured when he saw the driver wasn’t Mia, but a strange man he didn’t recognize.

Mia had one of the best days ever, considering the crazy situation that brought Max and her together. They had several beers and a couple of club sandwiches. The conversation flowed so naturally, it was as if they knew each other forever. There were no lies and nothing to hide. They heard each other’s stories, and it was okay. It felt good. Spending time with Max was a pleasure. Mia wanted to see more of him, and he thought the same. This wasn’t the same Mia from a month ago. She was taking risks and living life, at last.

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