Passions of War (10 page)

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Authors: Hilary Green

BOOK: Passions of War
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‘I happened to have met a Belgian baroness and she managed to arrange for me to get out through Holland. So, here I am and the good news is . . .' she paused and Leo held her breath . . . ‘the Belgians have taken over an abandoned convent school in Calais as a hospital for their troops and they want us to go out and help to run it. And, I have persuaded Sir Arthur Stanley, of the Red Cross council, to give us permits to cross the Channel on the Red Cross yacht.'

On 26 October the advance party of six FANYs, together with three qualified nurses led by the redoutable Sister Wicks, and two male dressers assembled on the docks at Folkestone. With them was Ashley-Smith's brother Bill, at the wheel of a brand new motor ambulance.

‘How did you get it?' Leo asked. ‘I thought there were hardly any in existence.'

Ashley-Smith winked. ‘Friends in high places. I twisted a few arms.'

‘I wish Victoria was here,' Leo said. ‘She would be green with envy.'

Victoria had insisted on taking Sparky, her sports car, to France and, on being told that there was no chance of it being accommodated on the Red Cross yacht, she had declared that she would make her own way over and join them in Calais.

As they made their way towards the berth where they expected to find the yacht they passed a hospital ship and saw stretcher after stretcher being carried down the gangways and laid out on the dock. There, a small party of men under the command of a tall, thin colonel in the uniform of the Royal Army Medical Corps were collecting them and carrying them to a waiting train. It was a miserable day, with a cold drizzle falling, but the stretcher-bearers could not keep up with the growing number of casualties being unloaded from the ship.

‘There are so many of them!' whispered Marion Wilkinson, one of the youngest recruits, to Leo as they marched past. ‘Where have they come from, do you think?'

‘Ypres, I suppose,' Leo said grimly. ‘According to the papers there's a big battle going on there.'

‘Where's that?'

‘Belgium. Poor devils, they shouldn't be left lying in the rain like that.'

When they reached the designated berth there was no sign of the Red Cross ship. Enquiries elicited the information that it was detained in Calais because of bad weather in the Channel.

‘Right!' said Ashley-Smith. ‘Let's make ourselves useful while we wait. Forward march!'

The colonel was checking a list on a clipboard and looked up impatiently as the group halted and Ashley-Smith saluted smartly.

‘Who the devil are you and what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?'

‘Yes, sir,' Ashley-Smith replied. ‘That's why we are offering to help. We are members of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and we are fully trained in stretcher drill.'

‘You? Carry stretchers?' He stared at them with an incredulous smile that came close to being a sneer. ‘How long do you think you'd last, with those soft white hands of yours?'

‘These soft white hands are probably capable of more than you will ever guess,' Ashley-Smith responded curtly. She turned to the others. ‘Right, ladies. You know what to do. Let's get busy.'

Leo normally worked with Victoria but in her absence she turned to the girl beside her. ‘Come on, Wilks.'

As they stooped over the first stretcher the man lying on it, his head swathed in bandages, opened one good eye and exclaimed, ‘Cor blimey! Angels! I must have died and gone to heaven.'

‘Not yet, private,' Leo said with a grin. ‘You'll have to wait a long time for that. But we can get you to a more comfortable billet. Ready, Wilks? Lift!'

They had practised stretcher drill till their arms ached and their hands were blistered, carrying volunteers provided by the RAMC, but Leo was the only one apart from Ashley-Smith herself who had ever worked with real casualties. After the third or fourth trip she saw that Wilks was sniffing back tears.

‘What's the matter with you?' she asked irritably. ‘You're not tired already, are you?'

‘No! It's just . . . I can't bear to see them in such pain! That boy just now with his eyes bandaged. He kept asking if he'd ever see again . . .'

‘I know,' Leo said more gently. ‘It's terribly hard. But think how much harder it is for them. The last thing they need is us snivelling over them.'

‘You're right.' Wilks sniffed and drew her fist across her nose. ‘I'll try to be braver.'

A call interrupted them. ‘Four bearers needed here!'

Leo and Wilks hurried over to where Franklin and another girl were standing. On the stretcher between them was all that was left of a man. Both his legs had been amputated and one arm was wrapped in bandages, through which blood was seeping. He was shuddering with pain.

As they bent to lift him the colonel noticed them. ‘Oh, getting tired now, are we? Needs four of you to carry one man, does it?'

Franklin straightened up and fixed him with a look. ‘No, that is not the case at all. You should know that a stretcher carried by four people is considerably less jolting than one carried by two. This man needs all the consideration we can give him.'

Having delivered that rebuttal she bent to the stretcher again and the four of them lifted it with great care and carried it to the waiting train, where Franklin sought out a doctor and insisted that he leave what he was doing to give their patient a dose of morphia.

Eventually, all the casualties had been loaded on to the train and there was still no sign of the Red Cross yacht.

‘We could stand round here all night,' Bill Ashley-Smith said. ‘How about trying the ordinary ferry?'

Two hours later the motor ambulance was winched aboard the regular cross-Channel ferry and they were on their way at last.

It was dark when they reached Calais, to be greeted with the mirror image of the sight they had left behind in Folkestone: lines of stretchers laid out on the dockside in the rain, waiting to be loaded on to a hospital ship. This time they did not wait to offer their help because they had been met by an official from the Belgian Red Cross who was waiting to conduct them to Lamarck, the convent school which had been converted into a hospital. Calais, less than fifty miles from the battle front, was seething. They passed along streets teeming with soldiers in the uniforms of three nations, horses, carts, gun limbers and refugees and arrived finally at a large, grey stone building. Leo's heart sank as they entered the courtyard, and looking at the others she could see that they were feeling the same. Everything about the place spoke of neglect and decay. The shutters hung at crazy angles from their broken hinges, the paintwork around the door frames was peeling and the courtyard itself was strewn with rubbish. There was one redeeming feature. Rising above the buildings on one side was the towering bulk of the cathedral, its stained-glass east window glowing softly from the lights inside.

The interior of the hospital was no more encouraging than the outside. Immediately inside the gateway was a row of latrines, easily identifiable by the smell. At an angle to them was a large, stone-flagged kitchen and opposite that a big, draughty room from which a stone-flagged staircase led to the upper floors. In the rooms above straw palliasses were laid out side by side, crammed together as closely as possible, and every one of them was occupied.

They were introduced to the doctors, two Belgian and one English, and a small number of Sisters of Mercy who were struggling between them to cope with the influx.

‘We are so thankful that you have arrived,' said one of the sisters, who spoke English. ‘But I regret to say that there is no accommodation for you here. As you see, every inch of space is occupied. You must find somewhere to sleep in the town.'

That was easily said but hard to achieve in a city bursting at the seams with soldiers passing through on their way to the front and refugees streaming away from it. As they trudged round the streets Leo was reminded of the night she and Victoria had arrived in Salonika and she felt a pang of loneliness without her friend. All the main hotels were full and the owners of the boarding houses where they knocked regarded them with suspicion. Women in uniform were unheard of, and the landladies were unimpressed by the news that they were employed by the Belgian Red Cross. It seemed the citizens of Calais had little sympathy for their Belgian neighbours and made few distinctions between foreign nationals of any sort. As far as they were concerned, they might all be spies. By the time she finally found a house that was prepared to take her in, though only for that night, Leo was almost too tired to stand.

Next morning they all assembled at Lamarck. On the top floor there was a big room with a stove which had been set aside as a kind of common room and it was there that they were given their duties for the day. Leo knew that most of her companions were expecting to be used as ambulance drivers, collecting wounded from the battlefield, but she was not surprised to learn that they were to be enrolled as probationer nurses. They had been assigned to the various wards and were just about to leave when they heard a loud honking from the courtyard. Leo ran to the window and looked out, to see Sparky with Victoria at the wheel come to a standstill at the main door. Having asked for and been given permission, she ran down the stairs and threw her arms round Victoria.

‘Oh, am I glad to see you!'

‘I told you I'd make it. What's happening here?'

‘You won't be overjoyed to hear me say it's like old times in Macedonia – but at least we know what we're up against and we can face it together.'

As they spoke a mud-spattered horse-drawn ambulance clattered into the courtyard.

‘Oh, no! More casualties!' Leo said. ‘We're bursting at the seams already.'

The driver jumped down and hurried over to them, releasing a babble of what Leo took to be Flemish and waving his hands at the rear of the ambulance.

‘What's he saying?' Victoria asked.

‘No idea. Let's take a look.'

‘Do you mean to say there's a language you don't speak?' Victoria followed her to the rear of the vehicle.

Leo lifted the canvas flap and peered inside. By this time they had been joined by one of the Sisters of Mercy and the driver had accosted her with the same urgent appeal. Leo let the flap drop and stepped back. ‘Typhus. No doubt about it.'

‘You have met this before?' the Sister asked.

‘Yes, in Macedonia. What is the driver saying, Sister?'

‘He says they have tried every other hospital in Calais and none of them will take typhus cases.'

‘Can we take them?'

‘We shall have to, somehow.'

Behind her, Leo heard Victoria mutter, ‘Oh, no! Not again!' But she did not hesitate when the Sister instructed them to bring the patient inside and Leo climbed back into the ambulance. Between them they lifted the stretcher with its writhing, delirious occupant and carried him into the hospital.


Conditions in the hospital improved as the days passed. The Red Cross provided proper beds and appeals to charities in England produced bales of blankets, sheets and pillows. More recruits arrived and the FANYs swept and scrubbed until the wards were at least reasonably hygienic, if not exactly homely. They were less successful in improving their own living conditions. It seemed that none of the landladies who ran the boarding houses were prepared to put up English visitors for more than three or four nights, though they resorted to a variety of excuses to explain why their guests would have to move on.

One morning on their way to work Leo and Victoria passed an empty shop, which bore the name ‘Le Bon Genie'.

‘I wonder who it belongs to,' Victoria mused. ‘If we could rent it we could live there.'

‘We can't sleep in a shop window!' Leo protested.

‘I'd rather do that than move every three days,' Victoria retorted.

Enquiries produced the answer that the tenants had fled the town and the owner was only too glad to rent the place to someone else. Sheets of brown paper were pasted over the windows and spare beds were carried down from the hospital, though there were so few of them that the night nurses simply fell into those vacated by the day shift. ‘Just like good old Lozengrad,' Victoria commented.

The wounded arrived every night by the trainload and at dawn each day the FANY ambulance, which had now been joined by an assortment of other vehicles, including Sparky, set off in convoy for the station. Lamarck was not the only hospital, and the casualties had to be distributed amongst the others before Leo and her colleagues could begin their work on the wards. Periodically news arrived that a hospital ship was in the port and then all those able to be moved had to be loaded into the ambulances and driven to the docks, to make room for new admissions.

It was not long before the first typhus patients were joined by others, and Leo volunteered to nurse them, reckoning that her experience at Adrianople would be useful. Their care needed more labour than the other casualties. They had to be regularly sponged with cold water to reduce the fever and as there was no running water in the building it all had to be drawn from a well in the courtyard and carried up several flights of stairs. And since there were no chairs or tables the basins had to be placed on the floor, making the actual sponging a back-breaking occupation. Then they had to be fed with great care, sip by slow sip. They were often raving with delirium and could sometimes be quite violent. It was dispiriting work, since despite her best care roughly a third of the men died and it was not unusual to come to work in the morning and discover that the bed occupied yesterday by someone she had bathed and fed and comforted now held a new occupant.

One of the typhoid patients was called Franz. He had been a gunner and had served at the siege of Antwerp. In his delirium he believed he was still there and constantly counted his ammunition and shouted to his imaginary comrades. Occasionally he gave vent to a loud ‘Boom!' which made everyone jump. One day Leo was feeding another patient when she heard him shouting.

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