Passions of a Wicked Earl (27 page)

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Authors: Lorraine Heath

BOOK: Passions of a Wicked Earl
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Lady Anne’s parting words haunted Claire long after their guest had left.

going to go to Lady Anne’s ball, aren’t we?” Beth asked.

It was early evening, and they were in the parlor sorting through other invitations that had been delivered that day. Glancing up, seeing the keen expectation on Beth’s countenance, Claire hated to disappoint her. “You have your suitor. I don’t know that it’s really that important.”

Beth gave a quick pout before smiling. “You are the one who said that I needed to explore my opportunities. This ball is supposed to be the grandest of the Season.”

Claire returned her attention to sorting the invitations. “Each week there is at least one ball that is declared the grandest of the Season.”

“Is it because of the attention she gave Westcliffe at the first ball?”

Claire snapped her head up. “You saw them?”

“They were difficult to miss.” She furrowed her brow. “I don’t know why she was licking her fan. If she was hungry, food was available in one of the other rooms.”

But Claire suspected it wasn’t hunger for food that she’d craved.

“Anyway,” Beth said, “I would really like to attend this ball.”

“I’ll speak with Westcliffe when he returns home, but do not set your heart on going.”

He arrived an hour before dinner. Claire was in her bedchamber having her hair put up after taking a relaxing bath, when he walked in, leaned against the post at the foot of the bed, crossed his arms over his chest, and studied her.

“Did you see to all your business?” she asked.

“The important business, yes.”

Seeing that her hair was as tidy as it could be, Claire dismissed Judith. After she was alone in the room with Westcliffe, she turned on the stool to face him. “What was the important business?” she asked.

“The railway.”

She was gratified that he didn’t hesitate to tell her. “Will it ever run again?”

“I’m certain it will, but we’re going to sell it to a bigger railway company.”

“Why? Because of what happened? It wasn’t your fault.”

“The larger companies have bought out many of the smaller ones. Our choice was to work to become a larger company or move on to something else. I thought the larger company that was already established could do a better job of handling the railway, so I voted to move on.”

“And you can take the money and invest elsewhere.”

He glanced down as though suddenly enamored of his shoes. “We are going to do what we can to distribute the money among those who were injured or suffered the loss of a family member.”

She’d wanted him to share with her, and as he lifted his gaze to her, she realized he wasn’t a man who cared only for money. He wasn’t like Lady Anne’s first husband. Their marriage wasn’t like hers. “It was your idea.”

“I can’t make a profit on something like this. We should have sold sooner. The larger companies have more resources. This tragedy might have been avoided.”

She could see that he wasn’t quite comfortable revealing this much about himself, his thoughts, his character. But this little peek, this little window into his soul was enough. She crossed over to him and placed her arms around him, leaning her head back and looking up into his stern, beloved face. “I love you.”


“It’s all right. You don’t have to return the words; you don’t even have to feel them. It’s like Leo said. It’s enough for me that I feel them for you.”

He touched her face as though she were porcelain, easily breakable. “Pity I saw how much trouble it was for Judith to put up your hair as I’ve a mind to take it all down.”

Stretching up, she nipped his chin. “She can always put it back up.”

As his laughter echoed around them, she knew they were going to be tardy to dinner.

Dinner had been an absolutely ghastly affair, Westcliffe reflected as he lay sprawled over the bed. He and Claire had been late. Then he’d discovered that Anne had called earlier in the day to invite them to her ball personally. After a brief discussion, Beth pouted, shouted that her life was ruined, then marched off in a tantrum because he and Claire had agreed they were sending their regrets to Anne. They would not attend her ball.

He didn’t understand the girl’s behavior. What was one ball among a dozen? Claire had attended none, not a single one, before she was married, and she’d not flounced around in a fit of bad humor. At least not that he’d seen. But he couldn’t see her having done so.

Beth’s reaction had put him in a foul temper. He’d retired to his library for a brandy. He’d only just finished it off when Claire had joined him.

“Have you a moment? I need you to help me find something.”

The something she was searching for, as it turned out, was his ticklish spot.

“I’m telling you that I don’t have one,” he told her now.

“Shall I stop searching then?” She looked up questioningly from where she’d been running her tongue along his thigh.

He shook his head and grinned. “No, you should probably continue exploring.”

She lowered her head to the soft flesh at his hip, and her hair trailed over his arousal. The touch was so light, like a cloud come to earth, that he thought it should have tickled, but all it did was make him harden even more, make his breath hitch, cause his body to feel as though he were suddenly surrounded by flames.

She was such a willing partner in bed, ready to try anything he might suggest, on occasion even suggesting something wicked, like drinking his brandy from her navel. He’d also sipped it from between her breasts, licked it from her nipples. She’d squirmed, protested faintly, and when he was done, she’d had her own brandy on his skin.

She toured his body as though someone had given her a map, but she took her sweet time arriving at her destination.

Slipping her hands beneath his buttocks, she dug her fingernails into his skin. He issued a low growl of satisfaction as her mouth closed over him, her tongue flicked—

Bucking, he threaded his fingers into her hair as his back arched off the bed, and he emitted an animalistic sound that he’d barely recognized as coming from him. Whenever he’d thought of bedding a wife, he’d never considered that she might have an adventuresome streak. He’d sought to pleasure her and experience his own gratification in the process, but he’d never expected that she would take such delight in pleasuring him.

“You’re driving me mad,” he ground out.

“Laugh for me,” she said, before gliding her tongue up, then down.

Laugh? He could barely form coherent words. Every muscle was taut. Every inch of him begged for release. He thought he was skilled in the bedchamber, but she rivaled him with her wickedness. Here at last there was complete honesty between them, trust.

What surprised him the most was how desperately he wanted her. She was not forbidden, she was not illicit, she was not prohibited. The scandalous aspects of relationships he’d had with other women that had excited him before were absent with her.

She was legal. She was his wife. She was duty-bound to warm his bed.

Bedding her should have been dull, unexciting. It should have been predictable.

But inexplicably, each time was more amazing than the time that had come before it. Each passing day he learned more about her, so he enjoyed taking her to bed that much more. Each encounter was a discovery, each had him anticipating the next.

He watched her mouth, watched the swaying of her breasts …

God help him, he’d had enough.

Rising, he reached down and grabbed her beneath her arms. She laughed as he tossed her onto her back and pounced on her.

“You shall have to finish your exploring later.” Hungrily, greedily, he kissed her, relishing the saltiness of his skin coating her lips.

She drew up her legs, wrapping them around his hips. He could feel her moist entrance and heat pressed against him. She was ready, but it was his turn to torment. He kissed, caressed, taunted, and teased until she was writhing beneath him. Then he rose and plunged into the velvety hot depths of her.

She cried out, her release immediate and swift, the spasms drawing him deeper as he hammered into her. She was no delicate miss, his wife. She was fire and passion.

He roared out as the cataclysm hit him, and he slammed into her one last time, his seed scalding, his body replete.

Collapsing on top of her, burying his face in the curve of her neck, he fought to catch his breath. Another spasm, another tremor.

He wasn’t certain he’d ever experienced a moment as intense. He felt the lethargy rushing in and barely managed to roll off her before sleep claimed him.

He awoke to find her sprawled on her stomach, her face turned away from him. Not the direction he fancied. He’d spent hours watching her dream. It had become one of his favorite things to do. He lightly tickled the now-familiar spot on her side.

With a low laugh, she turned her head to gaze at him. He loved the sleepy look of her, the way her eyes only opened halfway, the way her lips curled up as though she’d had pleasant dreams. And there was something about the scent of sleep on her skin that aroused him.

It was strange that when she was in his bed, he found it difficult to remember any woman who had come before, didn’t want to contemplate any other woman.

“I think we should attend Lady Anne’s ball,” she said.

So much for arousal. He flopped onto his back, turned his head to study the canopy. “Is that what all this extra attention was about tonight? To sway me to your way of thinking?”

Her brow furrowed as she worked her way up to her elbows. “No. Using intimacy to gain favors from you would make me … well, not a very nice lady.”

“A whore, darling. That’s the word.”

She scowled. “I don’t like that word.”

He arched a dark brow, and she amended, “When applied to me.”

“And I don’t like to be manipulated.”

Scooting over, she pressed a kiss to his shoulder. It was going to take much more than that to get him thinking pleasant thoughts again.

“Earlier had nothing to do with my thoughts now,” she said. “But if we don’t go, then she’ll have won.”

“Won what?”

She shook her head as though to organize her thoughts. “She wanted you. You wanted her. You told me you wished a divorce. Now you’ve settled for me—”

“I didn’t
for you,” he growled, interrupting her. “I’d have never walked into your bedchamber that night if I’d not wanted … more between us.”

She began swirling her finger around his shoulder. “Are you fond of me?”

Trust her, his heart screamed. Trust her with all you’re feeling.

But he couldn’t open himself up completely. Couldn’t tell her how deeply he’d come to care for her, so he
for, “I adore you.”

Her eyes lit up. “Then we must make an appearance. We must leave no doubt that we are content with each other.”

“We are more than content.”

She began stroking him. “So we shall go?”

He growled a yes, then proceeded to tickle her senseless, to relish her laughter, before making love to her again.

Chapter 22

laire took extra care preparing for the evening. It was ludicrous to be so concerned with impressions, but she didn’t want to be found lacking in any manner by anyone. In some ways, tonight was more important than her wedding. It was an affirmation that her marriage was no longer floundering.

She wanted Westcliffe to stride into the ballroom, pride evident in his stance, contentment in his smile. She wanted him to be glad that she stood at his side. Wanted him to have no regrets.

She knew her efforts had been worthwhile when he wandered into her bedchamber. Appreciation darkened his eyes.

“Perhaps we shouldn’t go,” he said.

“Why ever not?”

He took a step nearer, raised her gloved hand to his lips. Through the material, she could feel the heat of his breath. “I’d much prefer spending the evening ravishing you.”

“I would prefer to spend it being ravished.”

“Then why, pray tell, are we going?”

“To make a point—”

“Which I do not believe needs to be made.”

“—and for Beth. Whether Lord Greenwood asks for her hand or not, she will only have this Season. By next she will be married. She should enjoy every ball that comes her way, and this one is the talk of the town.”

“That’s Anne’s way. She is not demure.”

“I want it to be perfectly clear to her that she will not steal you away from me.”

“But I might. She has a rather impressive conservatory. If I get too bored, perhaps I’ll have you meet me there.”

Her stomach knotted. She’d not considered that he might be intimately familiar with the lady’s residence, as intimately familiar as he might be with the lady herself. To distract herself, she tapped him playfully with her fan. “Behave yourself. I’ll not have us become the latest scandal or source for gossip.”

“I find no pleasure in behaving.” He reached for the wrap draped at the end of the bed and settled it over her shoulders. “Let’s get this done, shall we?”

As they stepped into the hallway, Beth released a very unladylike squeal. “I did not think you would ever be ready.”

Claire crossed over to her and slipped a stray strand of hair back into place. “You look lovely, dear heart.”

“Thank you. And thank you for letting me have a new gown.” It was white, edged in a royal blue that brought out the shade of Beth’s eyes. Claire wondered if Lord Greenwood had stated that blue was his favorite color because he’d known what it would do to her eyes.

“I wanted you to have a magical night,” Claire informed her.

“It will be the absolute best of the summer.”

“Until next week’s ball.”

Beth laughed. “Yes, until then. Now, come along. We’re going to miss all the fun.”

As she started down the stairs, Westcliffe offered Claire his arm. “I believe your sister is anticipating the night enough for all of us.”

“She still seems more child than woman.”

“I cannot recall your ever being quite so … childish.”

“I don’t think I ever was.”

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