Passion (Mafia Ties: Brandon & Carly Book 3) (6 page)

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Authors: Fiona Davenport

Tags: #mafia romance

BOOK: Passion (Mafia Ties: Brandon & Carly Book 3)
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“Calm down, bellissima,” he murmured soothingly while stroking her back. “He had a good reason to hit the other kid.”

“What could another kindergartner do that possibly warranted getting a black eye?”

Nic’s gaze slid towards Brandon, and I braced myself for his answer at the hint of apprehension I saw there.

“He tried to steal a kiss from Regan.”

My husband’s body stiffened as Nic’s response sunk in. “Some little punk tried to kiss my baby girl?”

“Blackening his eye seems like an overreaction when they’re only in kindergarten,” Anna inserted.

Brandon glared at her while I tried to stifle a giggle. Nic ignored us all and continued with his story.

“Niccolo said she went down the slide before he did, but he was less than a minute behind her. While she was waiting for him, the other boy cornered her and demanded a kiss. When he saw what was happening, Niccolo pulled him away from her and socked him one, right in the face.”

“Exactly as he should have done,” Brandon muttered.

“No less than what I would expect of my boy,” Nic agreed proudly.

“Remind me to buy him something special tomorrow,” Brandon told him. “Without boys of my own, I could use all the help he can give me watching out for my girls. I’m not above a little bribery to make sure I get it.”

“Bribes aren’t needed,” Nic replied.

“Maybe not, but I’m sure they’re appreciated.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Nic chuckled and waved his hand towards Regan. “From what my son told me, your daughter is more than able to defend herself. Part of the reason he was so easily able to get the boy away from her is because she’d already kneed him in the balls. The kid didn’t share that information with the teacher because he was too ashamed to admit he’d been hurt by a girl.”

“Not just any girl,” Brandon said smugly. “My girl.”

I hadn’t planned to say anything until tomorrow morning when I took a test to confirm my suspicions, but this conversation was too good an opportunity to pass up. We could still continue our tradition with me taking a pregnancy test with Brandon hovering over me like he’d done the last two times since he’d missed out on it when I was pregnant with Regan. He could just look forward to it all night like I was going to do.

“About that help you seem to think you need,” I whispered in his ear, sliding his hand around my waist until it rested on my stomach. “Maybe you'll get lucky and we'll have a boy this time.”

Eight months later, we were in for a surprise. Little Callum had tricked us during the ultrasound, and we’d been expecting another girl. But, Brandon ended up getting his son after all.

Books By This Author

Risqué Contracts Series

Penalty Clause

Contingency Plan

Fraternization Rule

Yeah, Baby Series

Baby, You’re Mine

Baby Steps

Baby, Don’t Go

Mafia Ties: Nic & Anna





Until Death Do We Part: A Sex & Vows Novel

About the Author

ello! My name is Fiona Davenport and I’m a smutoholic. I’ve been reading raunchy romance novels since... well, forever and a day ago it seems. And now I get to write sexy stories and share them with others who are like me and enjoy their books on the steamier side. Fiona Davenport is my super-secret alias, which is kind of awesome since I’ve always wanted one.


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