Partners (5 page)

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Authors: Mimi Barbour

BOOK: Partners
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Wasting no time,
he lost his own vest and then whipped off his white t-shirt that had L.A. Kings
scrawled across the front.
He folded it
to use as a pressure pad. With a swipe at the mess of curls covering the wound
he said, “Hold this away so I can see what I’m doing.”

Raising her good
arm, she reached around and scooped the loose hair towards her back. Not
meaning too, her eyes became glued to the bronzed male flesh inches away from
her face. His smell infiltrated her senses and she determined that the soap
he’d used had been a great choice.

She scanned the
tattoo decorating his chest, upper arm and flowing around to his back and
figured a genius had done the artwork. It was even better than hers and she’d
been real picky. Obviously, he worked out because the proof stared her in the face.
Of it's own accord, her gaze travelled down and she noticed that his pants
clung low on his shapely hips and the tanned skin seemed unending.
Every muscular configuration worked together
to form a body most other men only saw in their dreams.

Gently, he put
pressure on her upper arm and she quickly switched her gaze to his expression.
Soon he turned to her and winked.
"There. See. It's just a scratch."

Embarrassed, she
nodded, "Yeah, whatever. I can feel it."

"I don't
believe this. You're squirmy. A cop who can't look at a wound? That’s the best
one I’ve ever heard.” He stopped jeering and worry crept into a voice that had
softened. “You gonna pass out?"

"Don't be a
smartass. It's just my own blood I can't stand or people I love. Anyone else,
no problem." Sirens screamed from outside the shack and cut off their

Before Kai had
arrived in Las Vegas, Aurora’s informant had directed her to a felon's
apartment, one of the guys Rhondo hung with. They’d made the arrest, and
brought him in for questioning.

Given he had
information she desperately wanted, she’d turned up the heat a little, and the
perp had squealed like a baby. Gave her this lead and assured her the subject,
Earl Rhondo, accused of rape along with a bundle of drug-related charges, would
be here.

Rhondo, the
scumbag, had beeped on her personal radar months ago.
Ever since the night he’d almost killed her old partner Debbie.
Aurora had pushed hard to get the lowdown on his whereabouts. His plans to
party that night had led her and her brand spanking new partner into
gatecrashing the shindig.

Sure enough,
they'd caught him red-handed, pockets full and stuff everywhere. Young and
scared, his flunkies had vanished, but Rhondo had been forced to stay and
fight. Kai made sure of that. Until the asshole had pulled out the knife and
grabbed Aurora who’d come through the door last.

Using her as his
shield, he'd insisted she accompany him on his getaway. When she'd struggled,
it had given Kai a chance to retrieve his weapon. Foolishly, she'd ordered him
to shoot. Look where that had gotten her.

Kai propped her against the wall and wiped
his hands on his jeans. "You're going to be fine now. I've still got a
lead on Rhondo. I know exactly where he's headed, and I intend to nab him
before he cleans out his safe. If he retrieves his fake passports, he’ll fade

"I thought
you were new to Las Vegas.” She narrowed her eyes and gave him the stare that
sent most of her team looking for somewhere else to be.

“Nah. I’ve tracked
him here before, but he disappeared.”

“Why do I get the
feeling what’s between you and Rhondo is personal?”

Kai looked away, slapped his hands down on
his knees and stood, his movements smooth and fluid. “I’ve worked his file for
some time. It’s probably why Cory paired us up. We both want this creep, just
for different offences. I can hear backup outside now. You’ll be in good

“Hey! You can't go without me. We're
partners. Forget the ambulance. I'm coming with you." She tried to stand,
fell back and motioned to him. “Help me up, don’t just stand there looking like
a model for chrissake.”

He reached for
her. With his support, she wobbled to her feet and took in a couple of full
breaths to clear her head.

“I’m good. Let’s

“No, you aren’t.
And don’t argue.” He held up his hand in front of her face and got it slapped
for his audacity.

“Aurora, you have
a t-shirt tied around your arm and it’s full of blood. Look, here’s Rhondo’s
new address. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. But I think he’ll head
over there and get his stuff.” He pulled a crinkled card from his pocket and
flipped it to show an address scrawled on the back. “Meet me there when you’re
patched up.” `

He strode towards
the door, and she whistled him to stop. When he turned, she motioned to his nakedness.
Reaching into an open closet to her left, she hauled out a turquoise and black
plaid cowboy shirt.

"Cover up the
body before we have every horny female in the neighborhood chasing after the

"He moved
closer to take the shirt and then the cheeky bugger grinned. “Thanks, sunshine.
You give a nice compliment."

“I can give a good
kick in the ass also.” As soon as her earlier words registered, she'd have
given a months pay to get them back. "Must be the pain screwing with my

Just then two
uniformed officers announced themselves and ran into the room, weapons drawn.

Holding up their
shields, Kai and Aurora calmed the tension. Then Kai waved and made good his
escape moments before their Lieutenant arrived on the scene.

“Aurora, I was heading
home when I heard over the radio that you’d been shot. Figured Debbie would
have my ass if I didn’t check it out. I’m happy to see you on your feet.”

“It’s just a
scratch, Cory…ahh I mean Boss. You tell my old partner to stop babying me all
the time. Pretty soon she’ll need to concentrate on the little lieutenant
growing in her tummy.”

“You tell her
yourself. I don’t have that kind of nerve.” Acting silly, the tall redheaded
guy shook his head and made his eyes swell from mock fear.

Aurora laughed and
then winced. Damn arm hurt like hell.

Noticing her
paleness, Cory bellowed. “We need some medical —”

attendants rushed in before he could finish the sentence. They put the
stretcher down beside her.

“Get that thing
away from me.” Her growl got their attention and they stopped.
She wouldn’t tolerate being stuffed into a
cot on wheels like a big baby. “Just patch me up. We have to move. Boss, Kai
gave me the address where he’s sure Rhondo is heading. Probably has money
stashed. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he stored fake ID’s like we figured he
used the last time he’d disappeared. Kai suspects he’ll try and grab the lot.”

“Okay let the
medics patch up that arm, and don’t look at it or we’ll need the smelling

Aurora couldn’t
believe her ears. “Your big-mouth wife spilled the beans, didn’t she?”

“I forced it out of her.” Was that a wink?
She knew he didn’t have a twitch. “Wait’ll I see her.”

“Put that thought on hold.
Get cleaned up and we’ll head out.” He
scrutinized the room and soon orders were given to anyone who stood around
looking stupid. “Tape off the crime scene and get whatever prints you can.” Two
officers, newly arrived, were stopped in their tracks.
“You two, canvas the neighborhood for any
potential witnesses. Maybe someone got a good look at one of the vehicles or
the partiers. An officer was shot and the sleaze that shot her is going down.
Now everyone—move!”

great reads from Mimi Barbour

Paranormal Romances





Cheeky Angel
– Book one of the
Angels with Attitudes



From a lonely tomboy to
a hotshot businesswoman, baggy jeans to suits and stilettos, we unravel the
story of Annie and her path to finding not only herself but also true love.



Devious Angel
– Book two of the
Angels with Attitudes

Man-hater Sadie
Wright gets mixed up with a crazy, hotshot soldier when he runs her down with
his convertible. Now she's stuck having to accept his help to do her
dog-walking job. Just her luck that some of the expensive pets go missing, and
Liam decides the puppy-mill rumor needs to be investigated.

She's Me


First Book of the
Vicarage Bench Series


If you love time travel tales - this spirit
travel romance will take you from 2006 back to 1963, but with a twist.

It’s true that the gorgeous model goes back in
time, but she invades the body of a shy, chubby librarian.

 Now they both have to unravel the magic in
order to find their true love.


“She's Me
is a delightfully deep read.” ~Kimber,
Fallen Angel Reviews (4 Angels)





Second book of the Vicarage Bench Series


“Quirky and sparky and
Ms. Barbour gets the mix

right....A great
little story. Recommended.”

~V. Scurfield, WRDF
(Fantastic, Stays on Shelf)




Third Book of the
Vicarage Bench Series


You definitely need to pick up WE'RE ONE and all

the other stories in
this series. You will not be


~Roberta, You Gotta
Read Reviews

(rated - You Need to


“Together Again”


don’t think I have ever read a spirit-traveling book until now and I must say I
think this is a fascinating subject.

was most intriguing was how the author accounted for every question I could
possibly have pertaining to this particular time travel.

much as I loved the plot line in the book, what I will forever remember about
this book is it made me laugh.

just a little bit, but with Mrs. Dorn’s shenanigans I laughed out loud

is definitely a book I highly recommend.

You Gotta Read Reviews

- You Gotta Read


“Together for Christmas”


in the Gayle Wilson 2012 contest.

plot was simply amazing and I felt an array of emotions of happiness, sadness,
surprise, and many more. I

highly recommend Together For Christmas, especially for those that enjoy a good
holiday book.

Recommended Luta Wolfe - TBR

. A great holiday
book with an incredible entertaining plot that draws you in and keeps you
turning the pages.
I encourage everyone to grab a copy. You won't
be disappointed.

Eckland - Author of The Forgotten Child



you so much for reading
the short story to introduce my first foray into the romantic suspense
The follow-up, full-length book
called "Roll the Dice" will be released September 15, 2012 .


If you enjoyed reading this novel, it would be a very kind
gesture for you to leave a short, honest review on Amazon.

Authors thoroughly enjoy knowing that
readers like their stories.

Hopefully, others will read your words and
choose to buy the book

because of your sentiments and that would

About the Author

Barbour lives on the beautiful east coast of Vancouver Island and

her days with writing and promoting her work. The rest of her day is spent in
her garden, doing minimal housework, and visiting with her husband while he
cooks their dinner.

favorite part of my job is meeting the characters from each new book. Designing
them the way I want and having them act however I think they should. It's
thrilling, especially when most of my make-believe folks are so very
interesting. They're fun and surprising, and in most cases, people I would love
to interact with in reality."

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