Parker 05 - The Darkness (12 page)

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Authors: Jason Pinter

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who knew she'd get whatever information she wanted and

might just tear out your spleen to get it. "I'm looking for

my daughter. I was wondering if you could let me know

what dorm room she's in."

"Your...daughter?" the man said, surprised. Paulina

could tell from the man's demeanor that he was probably

The Darkness


not considered any sort of threat to the student body of

this all-girl school.

"Yes. My daughter. Abigail Cole." The man sat there

unmoving. "Is there a problem?"

"Well no," he replied. "It's just that, well, most parents

have their children's phone numbers and dorm rooms

etched into their brains. You know, one of those 'always

know where to reach your loved ones' deals."

"Yeah, well I'm not one of those parents," Paulina said.

"No, you don't seem to be." He picked up the phone.

"Would you like me to call her for you?"

"No," she said. "I'd prefer if you just told me where

she lives. I'd like it to be a surprise."

"Surprise. Sure. Can I just see some ID?"

Paulina handed it over. The man took it gently between

his thumb and index finger like one might handle a piece

of forensic evidence. He looked at it, typed a few keys

into his computer, then slid it back to her.

"Thanks, Ms. Cole. Abigal lives in room three-ohthree of the Friedman apartments."

"Where can I find that?"

"It's the housing complex at the corner of Elm and

Prospect streets. But you'll need somebody to let you

in--like Abigail. The doors are locked 24/7, and campus

security is always on the lookout for people who don't

necessarily look like they know what they're looking


"Thanks for the tip," she said, and left.

She drove over to the apartment complex and found a

spot in the student lot in between a Volvo that looked

sturdy enough to withstand tank fire and a Prius with a

Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker lovingly forgotten on the

rear bumper.


Jason Pinter

She walked across the lawn toward the middle of the

three dorms, for a moment thinking back to her own time

at college, wondering where it all went. She barely remembered the days that seemed to have flown by in a blur

of books and late nights, staying up until four in the

morning to ace the test that nobody else figured they

could pass. Paulina smiled as she watched all the young

women, these silly young women who probably had no

idea what kind of world awaited them. Most looked like

they didn't have a care in the world, and who knew,

maybe they didn't. But, one thing Paulina knew for sure,

it was the ones who cared too much who succeeded. The

ones who refused to stay down when they were beaten

down. The ones who refused to take "no," and instead

took everything. She prayed for years that her daughter

was like that. Sadly, she'd resigned herself to the fact that

it was not meant to be.

Approaching the dorm, Paulina stopped two young

women carrying backpacks and chatting. "Excuse me,"

she said. "Can you tell me where I can find room threeoh-three?"

The thicker one who had short hair and stringy-looking

tassels lining it, pointed to the dorm on the left, then

middle. "One hundreds, two hundreds, three hundreds."

She finished by pointing at the dorm on the right.

"Thanks very much," Paulina said, and waited until the

girls left. She walked up to the entrance, a glass door

leading into a small atrium that was also locked from the

outside. She took out her cell phone, pretended to send

text messages while she waited. Finally a girl approached

the door, looking in her purse for a key. When she found

it and inserted it into the lock, Paulina stepped behind her

and put the phone away. The girl opened the door, and

The Darkness


Paulina caught it before it could close, following her into

the atrium. The girl turned around, looked at Paulina.

"I'm sorry," she said, her young blond hair looking so

tender, so naive. "We're not supposed to let strangers

inside the dorms."

"Oh, I'm no stranger," Paulina said, laughing. "Do

you know Abigail Cole?"

The girl's eyebrows lifted. "Why do you ask?"

"My daughter," Paulina said, shrugging. "Surprise visit."

Suddenly the girl smiled, enthusiasm radiating from

her. It took Paulina by surprise. "No way!" the girl nearly

shrieked. "I'm Pam. I've asked Abby so many times about

her family and, well, I guess you know what she's like.

When she decides to clam up, no crowbar in the world

can get her talking."

"That's Abby," Paulina said. "So you know her?"

"Know her?" Pam asked, somewhat surprised. "Hasn't

she mentioned..."

"We don't talk much."

"Oh. Because we've been...I don't know, seeing

each other."

"Really," Paulina said.

Pam nodded, hesitating before she spoke. "But I guess

Abby didn't tell you."

"Must have slipped her mind."

"Here," the girl said, opening the inner door and holding it for Paulina. "Sorry to keep you."

"She's in room three-oh-three, right?"

"She might be."

"Might be?"

The girl began to look nervous. She brought a finger

to her lip and began to chew. "She's kind of been hanging

out at my place. Just for the last few weeks."


Jason Pinter

"Is she there now?"

"Probably. She doesn't have psych until three."

"Do you mind then?" Paulina said, pointing toward the

elevator bank.

"Oh, we're on the first floor. Follow me."

The girl led Paulina down the corridor, filled with

campus notices, posters and random detritus. When they

arrived at room three-nineteen, the girl knocked.

"Abby, are you decent?" she asked.

Before the door could open, a voice from inside called

cheekily, "I don't have to be."

"Abby, open up," Pam said.

"All right, don't get your panties knotted." Paulina

heard a latch being undone from inside, and the door

opened. Standing in the doorway was a girl Paulina both

recognized and did not. Those green eyes, that long,

equine nose she got from her father, she'd recognize those

traits anywhere. But the jet-black hair, the nose ring, the

thick eyeliner--it nearly obscured the girl Paulina had

raised all those years ago.

"Hi, Abby," Paulina said.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," came her

daughter's startled reply.


Morgan stood outside of his apartment, his cheeks still

stinging from that morning's shave. It was a good pain,

though, one that reminded him of what it felt like to wake

up with a purpose, to wake up knowing that the day would

take him somewhere. Shaving wasn't a big deal on the

surface. Lots of people liked scruffiness, women especially these days, as though there was a magnetism to the

inherent laziness of it. Morgan loved the feel of running

a sharp blade over his face during a hot shower, the feel

of patting his skin after drying off. He knew that whenever he felt like that, things would go his way. A big paycheck. Some honey who knew he brought home the

money whereas that bearded artist who spent every penny

he owed on cheap paints and canvas could not.

Cleanliness. Right next to godliness. Perhaps somewhere in that equation was Morgan Isaacs.

He didn't dare bring a cup of coffee with him, or anything more than his wallet and keys. He had no idea what

this guy Chester wanted, this guy with the hair so blond

it nearly disappeared in the sunlight. He didn't look like

he belonged in New York, this guy. His ear-length blond

hair and lanky but strong build reminded him of a pro


Jason Pinter

surfer, maybe one of those guys you saw pumping iron

on Venice Beach. Someone who took care of their body

for a reason. Not a gym rat like most New Yorkers, but

someone whose vocation required it.

The day was crisp, the streets quiet after rush hour.

Morgan wondered why Chester wanted to meet at one,

such an odd time. Something about the whole deal

smelled not quite right, but Ken Tsang was nothing if not

a bloodhound for straight-up cash, so if he ended up

working with this guy there had to be money involved.

Just when he was thinking about what kind of payday

could be involved, a shiny black Lincoln Town Car pulled

up right in front of Morgan, the tires screeching to a halt.

Morgan watched as a driver exited, an older white guy

wearing one of those hats that said he'd probably been

driving rich folks around most of his life, and opened the

back door. When nobody came out, Morgan stepped

forward. Chester was sitting inside. He was wearing a

sharp gray suit and sunglasses, his blond hair a striking

contrast against the black leather.

Chester tapped the seat next to him and said, "Get in."

Morgan nodded and slid into the backseat, pulling

the door closed behind him. The car sped off as swiftly

as it stopped. Morgan turned to see Chester staring at

him, smiling.

"Glad you could make it," he said. "You ready to make

some money?"

Morgan smiled right back.

The car cruised effortlessly downtown, turning left

onto Fifth Avenue. Morgan felt a slight lump rise in his

throat as they sped by his old office building. It wasn't

right that he was gone. All his life Morgan Isaacs had

dreamed of making his living in finance, working for a

The Darkness


bank or a hedge fund, having a different, brilliant suit for

every day of the week. He would have one of those

massive corner offices, a bar stocked with decanters filled

with the most expensive liquors money could buy. He

would have a beautiful young secretary, some hot girl just

out of college who had no desires in life other than to

work until the day she met someone like him, someone

like Morgan, who could satisfy their every need and pay

the bills so she would never have to work another day in

her life. She would have dinner ready, shop (but not too

much), be a doting mother and always have a good reason

as to why Daddy came home late.

He wouldn't be one of those absentee fathers. No,

Morgan actually looked forward to having children. He

wanted vacations to the Greek islands, ski trips to Telluride.

He wanted a pied-a-terre in France, a vacation home in the

Bahamas. He wanted to send Christmas cards and have

picture frames littering his massive desk. He wanted everything. Right now, sitting in the back of this shiny black car,

with a perfect stranger next to him on whom Morgan's

future might well depend, this was most definitely not the

direction Morgan had expected his life to take.

This was not too much to ask, Morgan thought. Everything was going perfectly until the economy went

downhill faster than an Olympic skier and soon he was

out on his ass with thousands of other men just like him.

Men with GPAs in the high threes, impeccable references

and several internships and jobs from which they could

draw experience. Even if (and this was an if the size of

the Grand Canyon) a job opened up, it would be like

trying to get a drink at a hot bar at one in the morning.

Thousands of people pushing and shoving like barbarians

to get the attention of one person. Was one resume really


Jason Pinter

better than the other? It didn't matter. But Morgan had

Chester. Good old Chester.

"Anything stand out to you?" Chester said as they

passed through midtown.

"'s a nice day?" Morgan said, not sure what

Chester was getting at.

Chester smiled. "It is that. But look at the streets.

Notice anything?"

"Uh, not really."

"Not really," Chester said. "Exactly what I noticed."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"These streets, they used to teem with professionals. It's

lunch hour and you can count the suits on two hands. What

is the financial workforce down, ten, twenty percent?"

"At least," Morgan said.

"These streets used to mean something," Chester said,

his voice almost wistful, making Morgan wonder if Chester

had ever held a job here. His attitude and dress were corporate all the way, but he was loose enough to hang with

the boys at a steak house or strip joint. Morgan's guess was

that Chester was in upper management, the kind of guy

everyone else reported to who could act with a little disregard. The kind of guy Morgan couldn't be...yet.

"Did you know," Chester continued, "that over a hundred thousand people have lost their jobs in this city in

the last two years? I mean, Christ, think about it. Think

about how many of those hundred thousand used to work

here," he said, gesturing to the towering skyscrapers that

housed floors and floors of seasoned pros. "Think how

many of them used to walk these streets. And now think

about how many of them are sitting at home right now,

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