ParkCrestViewBundleNEW (17 page)

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Authors: Candace Mumford

BOOK: ParkCrestViewBundleNEW
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" Tyson,Trendi said she was attacked! Someone raped her. I have to get over there now!” Jazzlyn said tears running down her face.

“ No the hel you aint! You need to cal the police over there first. How you know whoever attacked her aint stil over there? Were they cal ed?” Tyson asked.

“ No Tyson she didn't! She's hurt and crying and could barely get a word out! So I suggest you either come with me or get the fuck out of my way because my friend needs me and I'm going to!” Jazzlyn screamed at Tyson while she threw on some clothes.

Tyson shook his head saying “ Of course I'm coming with you. You aint going over there by yourself.” Tyson said putting his clothes back on. “ Don't forget your cel , because if someone did her like that we do need to cal someone over there.” Tyson said.

Tyson and Jazzlyn got to Trendi's apartment and knocked softly on the door. After no answer Jazzlyn turned the nob to open the door “ Hold on” Tyson said grabbing Jazzlyns arm “Let me make sure aint no one other than Trendi in here.” Tyson said. “ Stay right here” Tyson said walking in. “Trendi ! It's Tyson. Jazzlyn is with me,where are you?” Tyson cal ed out.” Trendi...are you here?” Tyson called out again.

“ Yes I'm here in the hal .” Trendi cal ed out between sobs “ Please don't come back here Tyson!” Trendi called out.

“ It's OK Trendi, I'm here to help” Tyson called out making his way towards the hallway anyways. When he turned the corner he saw Trendi laying face down on the floor pictures and broken glass were all over the hall and it was evident by the blood on the rug what had taken place. Trendi lay there sobbing.

“ Please just send Jazzlyn back here! I don't want anyone else to see me like this.” Trendi said her sobs turning to wails. Wails of pain, embarrassment , disgrace, and rejection.

“OK. let me send her back.” Tyson said.

“ Jazzlyn baby come in, but let me tel you now so you're prepared. This dude fucked her up. She don't want anyone to see her like that but you. I can already see that we gonna have to cal some medical help though. She looks like she's been laying in the same spot since it happened, so just go back and try to calm her down and I'm going to cal someone who can help us out and keep it as private as possible OK ? Just go on back and let me make a phone call real fast.” Tyson said.

Jazzlyn rushed into the hallway and saw Trendi laying there crying, she must have been crying so long and hard she was just heaving at that point. Jazzlyn could barely stand to look at Trendi. Trendi was laying on her stomach with what appeared to be dried semen covering her buttocks and was bleeding from her anus. The dress she'd worn to Jazzlyns party just a short while earlier where she'd looked so beautiful was ripped and raised above her waist. Some of the weave tracks from her hair were also torn out and laying in the hall.” Trendi I'm here baby!I'm here. Can you move?” Jazzlyn asked trying to hold it together. Jazzlyn knew the last thing Trendi needed was to see her falling apart when she was the one who had just endured such a terrible ordeal.

“Jazz I think my ribs are broken...he kicked me Jazzlyn and the things he said to me Jazzlyn.” Trendi said said bursting into tears again.

“I know honey, I know.” Jazzlyn said leaning down to kiss Trendi's cheek and rub her back. Jazzlyn quickly stood up and went to the nearby closet and grabbed a sheet to cover her with. “Trendi honey I know you only want me here but you're hurt real y bad, we can't keep this private. We have to call someone. You have to go to the hospital.

Tyson is going to help OK?” Jazzlyn said. “ Who did this to you? Did you see him?”

“ It was Marcus” Trendi managed to say.

“Your boyfriend?” Jazzlyn asked and Trendi nodded her head. “Oh my God! He's not going to get away with this Trendi.” Jazzlyn said.

Tyson called Jevon who picked up after a few rings “ What's going on white man?” Jevon asked.

“ Man I gotta catch you up on what went down when I walked Jazzlyns friend to her car” Jevon said.

“Man you have to tel me all that later. I need your help with something serious right now.” Tyson said. Jevon sat up on his couch.

“OK man you know I got you. What's going on?” Jevon asked suddenly serious.

“You know Jazzlyns friend Trendi? Who was at the house tonight?” Tyson asked.

“ Yea the she-male?” Jevon said.

“ Man do
start that shit right now!” Tyson said “ Jazzlyn and I are over her place right now and man someone raped her, beat her up. I need you to come over here now if you can and I need the shit to be official yet private, you know what I'm saying?"

Tyson said.

“ I got you. I'l be there in a minute, didn't she say she stayed over there too? I'l call you when I get there so you can take me in.” Jevon said.

Ten minutes later Tyson's phone rang” Hey man drive to the back of my building.

We're over here at building C. I'm outside waiting for you.” Tyson said. Tyson saw Jevon parking and walked over. “ So tel me what the fuck is going on over here? “ Jevon asked pulling out his notepad.

Tyson breathed a sigh of relief that his best friend was able to come through for him.

Jevon may have been indecisive as far as his women were concerned but one thing he took seriously was his job as a lead detective with the police force. Six short years after joining the force Jevon Micheal’s had been promoted to lead detective due to the arrest record he'd accomplished. “OK. Tell me what you know before we get up there.” Jevon asked all business. Tyson explained the phone call Jazzlyn had received and gave the time frame of when Trendi left the dinner party up until that point.

“ Man I think you need to call an ambulance over here too because when I saw her she looked fucked up. Bleeding out the ass and everything. I don't think she can move because I think she been laying in that same spot the entire time.” Tyson said.

“OK. Let me call a sexual assault team over here and an ambulance” Jevon said as they stepped on the elevator Jevon made a few quick calls to have the necessary people en route to the scene.

Jevon walked into the apartment and didn't notice anything in disarray.

Tyson called Jazzlyn to the front.” What is Jevon doing here?” Jazzlyn asked confused.

“Where is your friend at ? I need to see her” Jevon said.

“Man go into the hallway” Tyson said.

Tyson pulled Jazzlyn over to the side while Jevon continued into the hallway.” Baby I cal ed Jevon over here. We've been so much into our own thing that I don't think I ever told you my man Jevon is a detective. So I called him over here to check everything out and try to do it as quietly as possible. People are going to know something went on though because she needs to go to the hospital.” Tyson said. There was a knock on the door and Tyson went to answer it. Tyson was glad to see it was the paramedics and directed them towards the hal way where Jevon and Trendi were.

“ I'm going to go back there and see if Trendi needs me” Jazzlyn said walking towards the hal . “ OK I'm going to wait right here.” Tyson said.

Tyson stood in the living room when all of a sudden the door opened and Darien walked in. “ Nigga what the fuck your white ass doing up in here?” Darien yelled. “I don't give a fuck if my brother and Jazz still friends while I'm living over here your white ass aint gonna be over here socializing and shit. Get the fuck outta here. Now!” Darien said pointing his thumb to the door.

Tyson stood there looking at Darien. “Man please, this is not the time for your bullshit.

Just so
know, anywhere
woman is I'm welcome.” Tyson said unable to resist reminding Darien he and Jazzlyn were done. “Someone raped Trendi and she's back there fucked up. So why don't you pay more attention to that, than to me right now” Tyson said.

“ What the fuck? What you mean someone raped him?” Darien said walking towards the voices he heard in the hallway. Just as Darien turned the corner he saw the paramedics removing blood soaked gauze from his brothers ass and Trenton crying out in pain. “What the fuck happened Trent! Who did this to you?” Darien screamed. Darien attempted to go to Trendi but Jevon stopped him.

“Man come out to the front let me ask you a few questions so we can try and get who did this as quickly as possible.” Jevon said.

“ Now I need to ask you some questions and please believe me when I say I'm not trying to be offensive here but I do need the facts. Can you give me Trendi's full legal name and tell me how long your brother has been living as a woman?” Jevon asked Darien.

Darien answered him in detail with everything he knew. “ I know the dude he was seeing his name is Marcus, I don't have a last name and I've never seen him. I just recently moved in here but every time I've been here he's never come out.” Darien said.

“ Trent got all the info on dude he aint tel ing you?” Darien asked.

“ Wel right now she doesn't want to address the situation which isn't uncommon in rape victims. The whole psychological aspect is the same with rape regardless of it being a man or a woman. This case will of course have some added issues but right now, we're going to concentrate on getting her situated medically and the paramedics just did a rape kit which is the main thing we need at this point.” Jevon said.

The paramedics rol ed Trendi towards the door on a gurney where a small crowd of neighbors had started to gather upon seeing the commotion going on from the apartment. Jazzlyn walked along side Trendi holding her hand.” I'll be right back. Let me talk to Darien real fast OK?” Jazzlyn said.

“Darien do you need me to go with you to tell your mom? She'll kill us if she we wait to tell her and I definitely don't want her hearing something like this on the phone.” Jazzlyn said with her voice ful of concern. Jazzlyn looked at the anguish on Darien's face and even through al the pain,lies and deceit Darien had put her through concerning their relationship after four years of having been with Darien she knew in his own way he had genuine love and concern for his brother.

Darien had expressed to her many times the fights, arguments and ridicule he'd gone through with other people due to Trendi's lifestyle. Darien had even waited several months into their dating before introducing them to one another afraid that he'd be judged based on his brother. So even though in her heart she knew she'd moved on,Darien,herself and Trendi had a bond that was not going to go away after just a few months.

“ Can you come with me Jazz? I don't know what to say to my mom. I real y need your help right now Jazz.” Darien said trying not to let the tears fall. Darien had several emotions running through his mind. One of them being guilt. “How could I have let something like this happen to my brother? I should have been here.”Darien said aloud.

“Darien this is not your fault” Jazzlyn said rubbing his arm. “ Let's get going so we can pick your mom up and get over to the hospital with Trendi.” Jazzlyn said.

“OK” Darien said running his hands over his face in frustration.

Jazzlyn walked over to Tyson “ Baby I'm going to ride with Darien over to tel his mom and go to the hospital with Trendi OK?” Jazzlyn wrapped her arms around Tyson's neck tightly like she never wanted to let him go.” Thank you so much for being here with me Tyson.” Jazzlyn said her voice breaking. “ I don't know how I would have handled al this if I'd been by myself. I love you.”Jazzlyn said kissing Tyson.

Darien watched the exchange between Tyson and Jazzlyn and even though the only thing that should have been on his mind was his brothers condition, the anger that had been growing inside of him daily towards this cracker came to the surface. I don't give a fuck what all is going on over here. This white boy is not gonna have my woman Darien thought to himself. The only reason I'll even forgive her for being with him period is because I know I fucked around on her plenty while we were together. With Trevonne and some white ho's too. But I'l be damned if this white trash muthafucka end up with my black queen. Darien thought to himself.

Jazzlyn walked over to Darien and said she was ready to go and Tyson and Darien locked eyes,before Darien walked out of the apartment with Jazzlyn following.

“ I'l be home as soon as I can baby.” Jazzlyn called out.

The Aftermath

It was 4am by the time Jazzlyn walked into her apartment. I really need Tyson right now Jazzlyn thought to herself but I'm not going to wake him up. I'm sure he's just as exhausted as I am . Jazzlyn grabbed a glass of water and walked into her bedroom. To her surprise Tyson was knocked out under her covers and despite the horrible night al she could do was smile.

Jazzlyn quietly went about taking a quick shower to wash away the ugliness of the night. Jazzlyn slipped under the covers trying not to wake Tyson when al of a sudden his strong arms pulled her close and he whispered “ How is Trendi?”

“ Messed up Tyson. They had to give her stitches in the rectum due to al the tearing, she has three cracked ribs and her face is all messed up as you already saw.” Jazzlyn said. “ I think what's hurting her more than all the physical pain is the emotional of course. I guess she's been seeing him a few months now and she had no clue dude was married and on the down low, al the comments he made about how she wasn't a woman. It took me and her mom two hours alone into talking Trendi into giving us details about this Marcus just so Jevon could put a warrant out for him.

Surprisingly enough it was seeing how messed up Darien was over the whole thing that got her to do it. The entire time she just kept crying and saying no one would care about what happened to someone like her and that “real” women get raped everyday and they never catch the person so no one was going to give a damn about her.” Jazzlyn said.

“ School is starting up in less than a week Tyson, so will you be understanding if I'm spending a lot of time with Trendi?” Jazzlyn asked.

“ Of course I know that's your friend and she needs you right now. I real y don't want you over at her place Jazzlyn til this guy is picked up for good. He may try to come over there, any damn thing and I don't want you over there.” Tyson said.

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