Parish (19 page)

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Authors: Nicole Murphy

Tags: #Zombies

BOOK: Parish
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              “Yes.” Wren replied simply. “Given everything, I really think it would be wise for us to stay together.”

              “It’s settled then.  I’ll tell Jose that y’all need me tonight.” Artemis nodded.

              “Thanks.” Wade smiled up at him.  They all made their way from the mess hall and walked back to the tent where they had been taken to initially. 

              “Y’all go on in.  I’m gonna find Jose then I’ll be back.” Artemis put one hand on each of their shoulders reassuringly.  He was unaware of just how afraid they both were that he would leave them.

              “Ok.” Wren nodded as she turned and walked into the tent.  A moment later Wade walked in behind her.  They made their way back over to the cots where they had been before.  They sat down and waited for Artemis to return, their gazes fixed on the entrance flap.

              “He’s gonna come back, right?” Wade whispered.

              “Yeah, don’t worry about it.  If Artemis says he’s gonna do something, he’ll do it.” Wren nodded as she clenched and unclenched her fists.  Twenty minutes later Artemis came through the entrance with a smile on his face, and his packs in tow.

              “Alright.” He smiled as he huffed, dropping his bags down on the floor in front of one of the cots closest to them.

              “Jose wasn’t upset was he?” Wade asked as he turned to speak to him, pulling his leg up and underneath him.

              “No, he understood.  They all understood.  They all lost someone when this all started, well heck most of them lost everyone.  It’s no big deal.” Artemis swung his legs up onto the cot and laid down, his arms folded beneath his head.

              “Any news we should be aware of?” Wren asked as she did the same as he did, throwing her legs up onto the cot so she could lay down.

              “Not that I heard.  Let’s just try to get some sleep, figure out what’s what tomorrow.” Artemis coughed slightly, closing his eyes.

              “He means you.” Wren turned her head and looked over at her brother.

              “I know.” Wade replied as he lay down.  “I’ve been thinking about everything since we ate.  I agree with you guys, ok?  So we’ll make a plan tomorrow.”

              “Great.” Wren smiled to herself as darkness fell over the tent.

              All three were up and down all throughout the night.  So many nights being forced to sleep in shifts, their bodies and minds always being prepared to fight or run had not gone away simply because they were somewhere someone else deemed safe.  By the time dawn broke over the horizon they had managed to sleep just enough to be almost rested.  Wren had thought they would never be able to have a full night of restful sleep.  Not until the threat was absolutely gone.

              “Up and at ‘em folks let’s go!” A familiar voice boomed through the tent causing the three of them to startle at the sound of it.

              “Sarge?” Artemis’ furrowed his brow as he scratched his head and rubbed the sleep from his eyes in confusion.

              “The one and only.” The man smiled as his eyes settled in on Wren once more.  “I take it you slept well, enjoying our wonderful hospitality?”

              “I guess.” Wren narrowed her eyes.

              “That is a shame to hear, my lovely, a cryin’ shame.” He sauntered over to her.  Wade made a quick move to stand up, but he suddenly felt a foreign hand on his shoulder that pushed him back down onto the cot rather harshly.

              “What’s going on?” Wren asked, fear suddenly filled her, her heart began to race.

              “Well, let me explain.” Sarge lifted his leg and put his boot on her cot so close it touched the outer part of her thigh.  “It’s like this sweetie, I know who you are.  You may have though cuttin’ that pretty hair of yours and doing a bad dye job would have been enough to hide your true self, hell even going by an alias may have worked, on someone else.  You see, my dear, Artemis was charged with going to that hospital for a specific reason, to ensure your mother made it out, and came here.  A task, as you are quite aware of, he failed at.”

              “What?” Wren felt like she was punched in the gut as she looked over at the man who had been protecting them.

              “I take it by your shocked expression, our good friend here didn’t tell you?  Oh, well, we can’t really blame him or anything, he’s had his plate full from what he told Jose.” Sarge leaned down, his face coming so close to Wren’s she could feel his body heat radiating outward, causing her skin to crawl.  “Now don’t you worry your pretty little head, darling.  We weren’t after you, either of you.  We wanted the woman responsible for causing this hell.  But, seeing on how that’s impossible because she chose to do a swan dive from atop a building we have to settle for having her twins as our distinguished guests.  At least for a little while.”

              “What does that mean?” Wade asked.

              “That means, boy that I haven’t decided what to do with the two of you.  Now, I could put both of you in the Brigg, wait for things to calm down and serve the both of you up on a silver platter to the citizens of this great country who will be out for blood, or…” Sarge smirked.

              “Or what?” Wren asked lifting her eyes to his.

              “I just might help you out.” He walked away from her a few steps and put his hands on his hips.

              “What could I possibly help you with?” Wren asked, her brow knitted together as her mind raced trying to think of what the military could use her for.

              “No, my dear, you misunderstand me.  I said I may help you out, but that depends on how friendly you are.  Right now you’re a bit prickly for my liking, but I think you could be real friendly if given the right incentive that is.” Sarge gave a nod.  A man dressed in fatigues took hold of Wade’s hair and pulled his head back.  The man placed his free hand beneath Wade’s chin and poised to snap his neck.  Wade cried out in fear and pain.

              “Wait!” Wren cried out, bolting up onto her feet, her hand outstretched.  “Please, don’t hurt my brother!” Sarge held his hand up and the man released Wade.

              “See?  I do believe I said you could be friendly.  You made the right choice.” Sarge squared his shoulders.  Take her to the officers’ quarters, make sure you have a two man team watching her.  She seems like she can be a bit of a spitfire.  We don’t want our little birdie here spreading those wings flying away.”  Two men took her firmly by her upper arms.

              “Sarge!” Artemis’ voice finally rang out as he stood up.  “You never said nothing about her kids now.  The doc, she’s dead, guilt ate her up.”

              “You’re the one who brought them, Artemis.  What would you have me do, ignore the fact these are her children?  No, no, old friend. You did well.  We’ll take them from here.  You can either stay and join up with the rest of the men, or you can keep on going.  Either way, these two are no longer your concern.”

              “But the boy?” Artemis motioned towards Wade.

              “Don’t worry, we have a nice cot made up for him, in the Brigg.  The girl’s mine now.  Choose wisely, Artemis.” Sarge turned and walked from the tent, closely followed by two men dragging Wade away, leaving Artemis alone in the tent.
















Chapter Fifteen



“Hey man, what are you doing over here?” Jose asked as he walked up beside Artemis who was seated on the edge of a metal fire escape, looking out over the barrier into the city.

              “I’m just thinking.” Artemis sighed.  Jose plopped down beside him.

              “I know you’re worried about those kids you showed up with.” Jose pulled his knees up leaning on them with his forearms.  “Man, I had no idea.  I swear if I had I would have said something when I came out past the barricade to meet you.”

              “I know.” Artemis nodded minutely.

              “If it helps any, I know the girl has been left alone.  Sarge is off dealing with something on the south part of the barricade.  He had two men watching her, but she’s locking in some kind of walk in closet.  The officers’ quarters are just commandeered apartments.” Jose looked out to the city.

              “She’s just a kid, Jose.  I had no idea Sarge would grab a kid like that.” Artemis clenched his fists.  “And what in the hell did I do?  I just sat there like a sack of rotten potatoes.  I didn’t stand up for her or nothing.  I just sat there and let him take her and Wade.”

              “We could bust ‘em out?” Jose suggested.

              “How many men are guarding the Brigg?” Artemis asked, hope returning to his body.  Jose chuckled.

              “Man, the Brigg is just a room that only locks from the outside.  Ain’t no iron bars or nothing.  There aren’t any men guarding him, because he can’t get out no matter how hard he tries.” Jose smirked.

              “This could actually work.” Artemis nodded as he considered everything.

              “I do have one condition though, Artemis.” Jose grew serious.

              “What’s that?” He replied.

              “If I help you break those kids out of here, and help the three of you escape…you gotta take me with you.  Sarge will kill me if he finds out I helped you get out of here.  You do know that right?” Jose asked.

              “Yeah, I know.” Artemis replied, pressing his lips together in a fine line as he contemplated what Jose asked.  “It’s a deal.  If you help us, you can come with us.”

              “Thanks, man, oh man this is great news.  I won’t let you down Artemis, I promise.” Jose grew a bit jittery with excitement.

              “Calm down, first things first, we gotta get those kids.” Artemis stood up slowly.

              “Okay, okay, let me think for a sec…”Jose rubbed his palm on the back of his neck as he began to pace on the fire escape.  Suddenly he stopped.  “I got it!  Look, we need to get the girl first because Sarge is a sick son of a bitch.  It’ll be easy to get the boy ‘cause he ain’t guarded.  I’ll have to go in alone to get her, if the guards see you they’ll know something’s up.”

              “Alright.” Artemis nodded as he followed the plan Jose was now laying out.

              “I’ll go in there with some excuse, if need be I’ll slit their throats.  They ain’t military, they’re just some random dudes that showed up here when we were setting up the barricade.” Jose dropped his hand and let it swing at his side.  “You want to know something that never sat with me?  We lost a lot of good men, really good men, soldiers…to build this barricade, to clear it out and make it a safe zone for anyone or everyone who wanted to come in.  Sarge let them die and just gave the run of the place to hooligans.”

              “He’s taken over everything?” Artemis asked.

              “When we lost communication he done lost it, started walking around here like he got elected president or something.” Jose looked back through the window they had both come through to reach the fire escape.

              “Where did they take the truck I drove here?” He asked.

              “It’s still out there, beyond the barricade.  But it don’t matter none, Sarge got faster vehicles, protected.  He’d chase us down in no time.  But, I can get us keys to one of his cars.  If we get one of those we’ll have a chance.” Jose nodded. 

              “Okay.  I trust you, don’t let me down now, Jose.” Artemis reached out and took hold of Jose by the shoulder.

              “Man, I’ve known you since sophomore year.  You can trust me.” Jose reached out and took Artemis by the shoulder too.  “I’ll go in and get the girl, you wait for us in the alley behind the apartment.  Once we meet up we’ll get the boy.  The keys to the vehicles are kept near where the kid’s locked up, so I can kill two birds with one stone once I get in there.  After that we’ll get out of here.”

              “Okay.” Artemis nodded.

              “You can’t grab anything though.  If you try to go back and get your bags someone will notice it and then we’ll never get out.” Jose replied.

              “It doesn’t matter.  Me and those kids have been scavenging since it all went down.  We’ll just keep going and search along the route. Don’t worry about it, we’ll get more supplied.” Artemis cracked his neck.

              “Sounds like a plan.  Let’s move.  The apartment is two buildings down from here, you go down first head to the alley.  I’ll meet you there in about fifteen.  If I’m not there in thirty, you just gotta run.  You leave me and those kids and you get yourself out, because if I get caught Sarge will kill me and the kids.  Promise me, you will run if I don’t show?” Jose leaned towards him.  Artemis paused to consider what he was saying before taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

              “I promise.”

              “Okay, let’s do this.” Jose disappeared back into the building through the window, Artemis followed quickly.

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