Read Pan's Salvation Online

Authors: Shyla Colt

Pan's Salvation (12 page)

BOOK: Pan's Salvation
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“He sounds amazing. So, why am I sensing a but?” Tanya’s brow furrowed.

“Because he’s not my type. When I’m with him, I’m someone else and I don’t know if I like that. He’s—into things I never imagined I’d like.”

“So, he’s kinky?” Tanya whispered.

“To say the least,” Lark replied dryly.

Tanya laughed. “Lark, in case you’ve forgotten you work at the Naughty Emporium. Isn’t

that throwing stones in a glass house?”

“What?” Lark huffed. “No, we sell beauty, glamor, fantasy and spice inducing accessories.”

Tanya laughed. “That’s why you do all our PR.”

“Come on. It’s not like we sell toys.”

“And this new Mr. likes toys, I take it?”

“Among other things. He likes to play games. Games I like more than I should,” Lark

mumbled. Her body heated as she remembered the things he’d done.

“Why? There’s nothing wrong with doing what makes you happy and your body sing. I’m

betting before he came along, you had cobwebs girl. You’ve been denying yourself so much.”

Tanya sighed. “If it makes you happy, I’m all for it.”

“You don’t know him.”

“So, tell me about him while I get settled,” Tanya said.

Lark followed her to the back office. “Pan is my total opposite in every way. He’s tall, muscular, tattooed and runs with a motorcycle club.”

“Holy shit…are you going Sons of Anarchy on me?”


“You know, the popular motorcycle TV show that just ended,” Tanya said, exasperated.

“You know I’m out of the loop,” Lark admitted.

“I’d say you should watch it, but fuck you’re living it. Is he tattooed?”

Lark smiled. “Full sleeved and yes, he’s absolutely delicious. But, that’s not what draws me to him.”

Tanya hung up her coat, stored her purse and led her back out front. “What does?”

“The way he treats me. I’ve never been treated so well in my entire life. It’s sad really. He had no reason to step in and help me, or keep me safe. But he did and every day since—I just—I lean on him a little more.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” Tanya asked.

“I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”

“You say he makes you feel safe, right?” Tanya questioned.

“Yes, but is that what I want to see or is it the reality? My life’s been moving at lightning speed and my brain is struggling to catch up.”

“Is there a rush? There’s nothing you have to be accountable for, Lark. You can live for you.

You have a steady job. You know we couldn’t run this place without you, an apartment you love and emergency money in the bank. Spend this time getting to learn who you are and who you want to be.”

“Why does it sound so simple when you say it?”

“Because I’m outside the situation. But…Pan?” She arched her eyebrow.

“As in Peter, because he lives to have a good time.”

Tanya snickered. “When you go off the beaten path you hop right on the crazy train, don’t you?”

“Thank you, Ozzy Osbourne.”

“What? Someone has to loosen you up! You have a sexy biker taking care of you and you’re here worried? What you need to be doing is shopping for something to add a little spice,” she teased.

“We don’t need any more spice, trust me,” Lark said fighting the urge to rub her sore

behind. Just as he’d promised, she’d thought of nothing but finding completion at his hands.

“You keep talking that way and I’ll be trying to get myself a biker. Keep an eye out for me, will you?” Tanya winked.

The talk with her closest friend settled her nerves. There was nothing wrong with having a little fun. This was her time to live, explore and risk mistakes. She’d always miss Robin, but life without her, opened new venues. There were possibilities she’d never even dreamed of before.

She could continue on her path with, Pan.
Right? Because doing something else, wouldn’t break
my heart?
She ignored the voice that told her she’d lost her chance to walk away days earlier.

The jingle of the bell brought Lark out of the back where she’d been taking inventory since Tanya was on her break. She pasted a smile on her lips and walked out to the floor. The tall man in the expensive gray suit made her stomach rebel. Pure will kept her lunch down. “What the hell are you doing here, Jim?”

“Looking for Robin. She’s not answering her phone and she’s not at her old address. That leaves you.” Jim smirked.

“You want to know where my sister is? In the ground! Where you drove her to, you son of a bitch.”

Jim took a step closer. “Watch what you say to me, little girl. I’d hate to put you in your place. You see, Robin understood that. A real man has never taught you. Now, stop being obtuse and give me the address. We both know I have the money to find it.”

She gave a humorless laugh. “You want the address? Drive about twenty miles north on 275, get off at the Greenland exit and about ten minutes down the road, you’ll find Oak Lawn Cemetery. I’ll leave the rest of the detective work up to you.”

“What are you saying? She’s actually dead?”

“What did you think would happen? You got her back on smack to a habit for shit she

couldn’t afford.”

“All she had to do was come back to me. I provided her with everything she needed.” He

thumped his chest. “But I bet you wouldn’t let her. So, she had to what? Whore herself out.

That’s on you. You uppity little bitch. I had a good thing going with her.”

“Fuck you!” Lark roared. She was tired of being good, biting her tongue and swallowing

down everything life gave her.

Jim took a step toward her.

She stood her ground and balled her fists. If she faced down a store full of gun-toting bikers, she could face this overgrown prick, who never liked to get his hands dirty.

The bell on the door chimed once.

“You want to take a step back from my lady. Hospitality only goes so far in retail.”

The sound of Pan’s voice flooded her with relief. She smirked up at Jim who looked ruffled.

He lifted his hands in the air and took a step back. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding here. I’m a friend of the family and I just received some shocking news.”

“The hell you are!” Lark snapped.

Jim scowled.

“Did I stutter? Get the fuck out of here, before I throw you out. If I hear about you anywhere near this place again, we’re going to have a problem. I promise you, that’s not something you want,” Pan drawled.

His voice never rose above normal speaking volume, but the tone gave her chills.

“Hah, funny I didn’t think the bitch even liked dick.”

In the blink of an eye, Pan was across the room, grabbing Jim by the collar. He dragged the man out with the ease that spoke to his strength.

The display made her panties wet. He defended her. Blood rushed to her head.
Oh, my God,
we’re in a relationship!
This was more than two consenting adults playing. They had bonded.

She watched from the main window.

Jim’s head snapped back. A spurt of red blood left his nose. The droplets staining his shirt and the designer suit.

The sight made her grin. He deserved to be put in his place.

Jim stumbled while pointing at Pan.

She couldn’t hear the words, but his flushed face said he was furious.

Pan threw his head back and laughed.

This action drove Jim into a bigger fit of rage. He was like a child throwing a tantrum.

Bet this is the first time he didn’t get what he wanted. I wish you could see this, Robin. You
were so much better than this slimy fuck. I know he pushed you back into using. You were doing
so well before him.

Pan stalked toward Jim.

He then scurried off.

Just like the rat you are. The ship is sinking and you’re trying to save your hide.

Pan returned to the inside. “I’m guessing that was the asshat who got your sister back on smack.”

“Yeah, that’s Boy Scout Jim. Perfect, until he reveals what’s underneath that polished

façade everyone falls for.”

“If he’s smart, he won’t be back.”

“There’s nothing here for him now. His well is dried up.” It broke her heart, knowing her sister had been nothing more than a source to be plundered.

“If you see him…let me know.”

“I will. What are you doing here anyway?”

“You complaining?”

She rolled her eyes. “No.”

“I was checking up on you.”

“Because of Manuel?” The muscles in her shoulders tensed. The way they always did, the

minute stress hit her. Did he know something, she didn’t?

“No, this was a mission of a more…
l nature.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her body against his. “I wanted to make sure you were behaving yourself and doing as I instructed.”

Embarrassed, she lowered her voice. “I’m at work. You know I’m not—touching myself.”

“You’re so fucking cute when you go all shy on me and what does work have to do with it?”

His voice lowered. “I touched myself today thinking about you. As a matter of fact, I spent a good ten minutes picturing your rosy little ass while I stroked myself to completion. I was so wound up I couldn’t get a damn thing done at work.”

She gasped, imagining his big hand, working over his cock. She could practically taste the salty flavor in her mouth. She licked her lips.

Pan groaned. “You feel it too, don’t you?” He palmed her ass, pressing her against the bulge in his jeans. “I had to make sure I wasn’t the only one thinking about what was going to happen tonight.”

“No,” she whispered.

“You trust me?”

“Yes.” The admission came from her soul.

“I want to try something different tonight.”

Her nipples hardened. Images of handcuffs and paddles painted the back of her eyelids.

“I want to take you somewhere.”

“You do?”

“You know this isn’t just about playtime for me, right? You’re in my house, in my bed, wearing my clothes and approved by Pres.”

“I—I didn’t want to assume.”

“Damn babe, life’s done a real number on you.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “We both know you’re too good for me. A good girl with a streak for pleasure laced with pain. You should be with some business minded motherfucker, but that ain’t happening now, cause you fell into my lap and I recognized my personal treasure.” He rocked his hips.

Lark sighed and leaned in toward his chest, wrapped in a cocoon of bliss. His words broke down the last of the brick wall that she placed around her for protection.

The door opened with a chime.

They jumped apart guilty.

“Hello, welcome to the Naughty Emporium, where sassy is a way of life,” Lark parroted.

The older woman with blonde hair smiled. “Hi, I’m just browsing.”

“I’ll let you get back to work, little bird. Why don’t you pick out some things for us?” Pan glanced at the racks of lingerie, smacked her ass and winked as he strolled away.

She was still gaping when the door shut behind him.

“If every purchase came with one of those?” The older woman nodded toward Pan’s retreating back. “You’d be rich by now.”

Lark laughed.
Hartley Sumner you are a gale force hurricane

“Look at this motherfucker walking in here all glowing and shit,” Monkey yelled as he re-entered the bay.

“My mood automatically improves when I get away from you fucks for thirty-minutes,” Pan replied.

“No, I don’t think that’s what it is,” Monkey countered. “I think you got yourself a woman. I recognize the look on your ugly mug. Monster here, had it when the little woman started working here.”

“Fuck off,” Monster called from beneath the bike he was working on.

The garage burst into laughter and Pan flipped them off. He was nervous about bringing

Lark around too early and spooking her, so he was starting out slow. Bettys’ Hangout was a local bar and grill that catered to bikers. It would get her around his people and the back patio had a decent ambiance.
Since when did I give a shit about ambiance?
Part of him felt like a pussy. The other portion just didn’t give a shit. She made him feel incredible. The last time he remembered consciously making a decision that felt this right was when he joined the Dueling Devils. He made a habit of fucking up good things. It wasn’t a mistake he planned on repeating with her.

Ignoring the heckling, he was out of the garage and on the back of his bike, the second five o’clock rolled around. He parked his bike inside the garage and rushed to the shower. He had plans for his woman and the sooner he got things ready, the sooner they could begin. With the help of lye soap, the oil washed down the drain with the day’s sweat. He had to be squeaky clean to play inside Lark. She was fast becoming his favorite place to be.

What are you going to do when this goes to hell?
The negative voice inside that always led him reared its head.
It won’t.
He ignored the deluge of negativity attacking him and continued to prepare for her. A month earlier, he would’ve been running for a drink. Now, he had a reason not to.


BOOK: Pan's Salvation
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