Pandora Gets Lazy

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Authors: Carolyn Hennesy

Tags: #ebook, #book

BOOK: Pandora Gets Lazy
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gets lazy












For Donald
Lakh tirikh

Table of Contents

Chapter One: The Chariot Of The Sun

Chapter Two: Landing

Chapter Three: Wake Up

Chapter Four: Captive

Chapter Five: Ismailil And Amri

Chapter Six: On The Syracusa

Chapter Seven: On Mount Olympus

Chapter Eight: Minor Operation

Chapter Nine: Book Of Letters

Chapter Ten: Inevitable

Chapter Eleven: Misery

Chapter Twelve: Blackmail

Chapter Thirteen: Poison Pen

Chapter Fourteen: Oh, Heavens!

Chapter Fifteen: Meanwhile . . .

Chapter Sixteen: Out And Up

Chapter Seventeen: On Top

Chapter Eighteen: Just A Trim

Chapter Nineteen: Old Men

Chapter Twenty: Together Again

Chapter Twenty-One: Close Call

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Ovens Of Jbel Toubkal

Chapter Twenty-Three: Homer Up High

Chapter Twenty-Four: Homer On A Roll

Chapter Twenty-Five: Swingin'

Chapter Twenty-Six: Brother To Brother

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lift And Separate

Chapter Twenty-Eight: On The Road

Epilogue . . . The First

Epilogue . . . The Second

Epilogue . . . The Third



The Chariot of the Sun

It was painfully obvious . . .

Sometime in the last few weeks, Pandy had stopped biting her nails. At some point since she and her friends had begun the quest to find the evils she had mistakenly released into the world, she had unconsciously given up that silly childhood habit.

Pandy knew it now from the way her nails dug into her palms as she clutched the hem of Iole's thin cloak in one hand, her other fist madly wiping away a flow of tears from her eyes. Four tiny red half crescents were burning on each hand, yet she didn't relax her grip. Even when Iole had said that her thin legs were starting to cramp from crouching and that she was going to stand for just a bit, Pandy stayed doubled over and hung on.

Pandy, Alcie, Iole, and Homer had all expected their short trip from Egypt to the Atlas Mountains to be like any other chariot ride, bumpy and jostling. But they were all riding in Apollo's Sun Chariot and the magnificent white steeds were running through the air as smoothly as if they were standing still.

For the last five minutes Pandy, curled into a ball in the very front, had concentrated solely on the fact that seconds before they departed Alexandria, she'd discovered that the goddess Hera had stolen her dog, Dido. Weeping, she had caught only snippets of her friends' chatter as they stood upright around her.

“Excuse me,” she'd heard Alcie shout, looking off to the side of the chariot, “but over there, way off in the distance? Uh . . . where is the world?”

“Isn't it exciting?” Iole had answered. “I knew my theory was correct. It's just as I calculated: the earth is round!”

“Yeah, right!” scoffed Homer, turning his gaze from the horizon ahead, his hands tight on the reins.

“Oh, oranges, Iole,” said Alcie. “If the world was round, all the oceans and seas would drain off the side. Everybody knows that.”

“Doubt me all you like, but if the earth was flat, we'd be able to see it far off into the distance, yet observe how it curves? That's because it's a sphere!”

Pandy took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

“Sphere, schmere—,” Alcie began.

“I want to stand!” Pandy interrupted, sniffling up to her friends.

“Thatta girl!” Iole said. “Then you can help me explain to Alcie why the earth has to be round and—”

“Please, just help me up,” said Pandy. “Hera and Dido might not be that far away. Maybe I can spot him.”

On her feet, she peered over the side of the chariot, careful not to touch the white-hot outer sides as it pulled the sun just a few meters behind them.

“Pandy,” Alcie said gently, “Hera's probably back on Olympus by now. I don't think . . . oh . . . oh! . . . Iole, catch her!”

Iole grabbed Pandy's arm as she doubled over in a fresh spasm of grief, almost brushing her cheek against the topside of the chariot.

“Why would she steal Dido?” Pandy wailed. “He's done nothing to her! Even when she appeared to us in Greece, he just hid under the pallet. He didn't try to bite her! He didn't even growl!”

“Look,” said Iole, “I will bet you she doesn't harm one hair on his body. There's no way she could kidnap one of us without Zeus finding out that she's meddling with your quest. We'd make too much fuss. But she can hide Dido someplace and Zeus will never know. I'm telling you, Pandy, she did this because she knew you'd react just as you have. You're thrown off track; your concentration on the quest is gone. Stay focused, finish the quest, and you'll get Dido back, I promise.”

Pandy looked from Iole to Alcie.

“Promise,” Alcie whispered, nodding her head.

“Hey . . . um . . . I kinda have a problem here,” Homer said, his arms struggling with the chariot reins. “Handling the horses from back here was, like, fine when you guys were crouched in the front, but now that you're all, like, standing, I . . . uh . . . can't see.”

The girls gingerly moved around Homer so he could see. Iole noticed that Alcie gave his stomach a slight hug with one arm, and Homer patted her hand when she slid past him.

Pandy looked over the side of the chariot and almost stumbled again. The landscape underneath was flying by at a speed she almost couldn't comprehend. Her head began to throb painfully, as if dryads with sharp sticks were poking her from the inside, and she thought she might be sick. She shut her eyes against the vision below, thinking of frescoes on building walls back home in Athens and how a good rain on fresh colors would make them run and bleed. That was what the world was like at this moment: a huge, runny painting. As she hid her face, she had an overwhelming urge to pitch herself out of the chariot and drop toward the earth. She felt Iole's hand reaching for her, and Pandy managed to grab her friend's cloak again.

It was only then that she became aware of the sound. A low hum completely surrounding her, like a billion bees swarming around her head, and underneath this, a steady, persistent double throb.

“Do you hear that?” Alcie said.

“I do!” answered Iole.

“What is it?” Homer cried, raising his voice, his eyes searching above and below.

“It sounds like a machine!” Pandy cried, flashing on a theater play she'd seen once in Athens and the strange contraption called the deus ex machina, which lowered an actor, playing a god, to the theater floor.

“No,” she thought, “not a machine . . . not with this strange double beat.” She'd heard this throbbing before. No, that wasn't right either . . .

She'd felt it.

When she was scared or tired as a little girl and her father had held her head close to his chest as he comforted her or put her to sleep, she'd felt the same throbbing.

It was the sound of a heartbeat.

“It's a pulse!” she cried.

“Apricots!” yelled Alcie. “What creature is that big? And
is it?”

But Pandy instinctively knew that this came from no creature—not one that she could ever imagine, anyway. It was the sound of something far more important, as if it were the beating heart of Zeus himself, powering the machinery that kept the world alive. Then she looked at the horizon in front and was jolted out of her contemplation.

“Uh, what's that?” Pandy asked, staring straight ahead.

“What?” asked Alcie.


“Great Zeus!” Iole's voice was almost lost.

Ahead, but no telling how far, an immense wall of filmy darkness had appeared, like an endless black privacy curtain, stretching from the top of the sky down to where it almost touched the earth. With Apollo's horses flying at such tremendous speed, the wall was almost upon them. The horses began to slow imperceptibly.

“That is, like, so not good,” Homer said.

Suddenly, Pandy heard a sound that made her own pulse stop and her heart drop out of her body.

Far, far off to her right, Dido was yelping for her. Somehow he'd managed to escape, Pandy was sure of it, and he was trying to find his way back to her! She turned her gaze from the terrible black wall ahead, searching every centimeter of the sky.

“Dido! It's Dido!” she cried. “He's trying to find us!”

“What are you talking about, Pandy?” shouted Alcie.

Dido's yelp was closer . . . and now he sounded as if he was in pain. Still Apollo's chariot flew through the sky.

“Can't you hear him? He's right there!”

“He can't be, Pandy! It's a trick!” yelled Iole.

“Dido!” she screamed. “Here, boy!”

But these last words were drowned out as they all heard the sound of a high-pitched cackle—Hera laughing over the rush of air.

The horses heard it as well. Terrified, the lead stallion frantically reared up on his hind legs, and the other three horses all pulled up short. Alcie instinctively grabbed on to Homer. The chariot bucked up and down with a quick heave; the sun, trailing behind, threw a shower of sparks into the air. Iole was flung screaming toward the back opening, her ankle caught at the last moment by Alcie.

But Pandora, with only the slightest grip on Iole's cloak, was thrown out of the chariot and high into the air. She dropped like a lead weight, only to catch herself with one hand on the end of the chariot floorboards; dark, old wood, made slippery smooth after eons of bearing the weight of Apollo. Pandy's hand instantly began sliding off the end, her arm coming close to the spot where the old wood joined the white-hot gold of the outside of the chariot. Iole tried to grab her wrist but was thrown to the side as a spark from the sun landed on a horse, searing his flank and causing him to writhe in agony. Again, the chariot switched back and forth violently, shaking Pandora like a rag. She was losing her grip, frantically clutching the floorboards with two fingers and a thumb.

“Pandy!” Iole yelled.

Held fast by Alcie, Iole was just about to reach Pandy's wrist when the horses started a steep descent, throwing the chariot up once more.

“Oh, Gods! Iole!” Pandy cried as the last bit of wood slid out from under her fingertips and she fell, screaming, to the earth.

As she dropped like a rock, the ground rushing up to meet her, she heard two different sounds very clearly before she passed out: Hera, giggling like a happy baby, and her three best friends, their screams combining into one enormous, terrified wail.

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