Palomino (41 page)

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Authors: Danielle Steel

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Yes, you are. Her face was hard. I don't want pity. I don't want help. I don't want anything anymore, except what I have the children and my son. It was the first he had heard of Timmie, and he still remembered what she had said in the past about not being able to have kids.

You can explain that one later. Now what do you want to do? Race me for the hills? The barn? The highway? I'm not leaving you, Sam. She glared at him for a moment, and then in utter fury she urged the stallion on again, back over the hills at an insane pace the Appaloosa was barely able to keep up with, but everywhere she went, Tate was right behind. At last, with even Black Beauty winded, Sam knew she had to stop. They were at the far boundaries of the ranch now, and Sam looked at him almost in despair as she slowed to a walk.

Why are you doing this, Tate?

Because I love you. Sam, what happened? She stopped at last and told him, and he shielded his eyes from the sun for a moment. She had told him about looking for him everywhere, about her trips and the commercials, about Gray Devil and the fateful ride. Sam, why?

Because I was desperate to find you ' And then she whispered softly, Because I loved you so damn much ' I didn't think I could live without you.

Neither did I. He said it with the borrow of three years of lonely days and nights. I worked so hard day and night, and all I did was think of you, Sam. Every night I'd lie there and all I could think about was you.

So did I.

How long were you in the hospital?

About ten months. And then she shrugged. The funny thing is, I don't mind that anymore. It happened. I can live with it. I just can't force it on someone else.

Is there anyone? He hesitated and she smiled and shook her head.

No, there isn't, and there won't be.

Yes. He brought the Appaloosa right up next to her. There will. And then, without further warning, he kissed her, pulling her body close to him and tangling his fingers in the precious golden hair. Palomino ' oh, my Palomino ' And when she heard the words that she had longed for for so long, she smiled. I won't ever leave you again, Sam. Never. His eyes held her tight, and then she threw all caution to the winds and told him.

I love you. I always loved you. Her voice was filled with awe as her eyes drank him in. Tate Jordan had finally come back. And when he kissed her this time, she murmured, Welcome home. He took her hand then, and slowly, riding their horses as close together as they could, they walked them over the hills and went home.

Josh was waiting in the big yard when they rode slowly toward it, but he turned and walked into the barn, pretending not to have seen them. And when they reached the barn door, Sam reined in the handsome stallion and looked at Tate. Slowly, solemnly, he dismounted and stood looking into her face. His eyes asked her a thousand questions, and his heart poured into hers. She hesitated for only a moment, and then she smiled as he said the familiar words.

I love you, Palomino. And then in a voice that only she could hear, I want you to remember that every day, every hour, every morning, every night, for the rest of your life. From now on I'm going to be here with you, Sam.

Her eyes never left his, and then slowly, ever so slowly, she began to unstrap her legs from the saddle. She sat there for a minute, watching him, wondering if she could trust him after the endless three years. Was he really back now? Or was it all an illusion, a dream? And would he run away again? Tate could sense the terror that she was feeling, and as he stood beside her he held out his arms. Trust me, babe.' And then after a long moment, Please. His arms never wavered as she sat there, still and tall and proud in her saddle. There was nothing defeated about Sam. Nothing crippled. Nothing broken. This was no half-woman. This was a woman and a half. But Tate Jordan was more than just a man. Sam? As their eyes held and they watched each other, it was as though the years between them melted, and as Sam put her hands carefully on his shoulders, one could almost feel the bond between them begin to form again.

Help me down. The words were quiet and simple, and he swept her from the saddle into his arms with ease, and then, having watched what was happening, Josh appeared suddenly with her chair. Tate hesitated for only a moment and then put her in it, fearing that when his eyes met hers again he would see sorrow and pain. But when he looked into her face now, she was smiling, and deftly she began to roll away. Come on, Tate. She said it matter-of-factly, and suddenly he knew that things had changed. This was no frail broken woman for him to rescue, this was a woman of strength and beauty for him to love. There was a deep smile in the green eyes as he hurried to walk along beside her.

Where are we going, Sam? He strode along, and she looked up into his face with a look of peace mingled with unbridled joy.

She smiled at him and rolled on, whispering the word as she looked at him once more. Home.

When they reached the big house, she sped up the ramp with Tate only a few steps behind her. She pulled open the door and watched him carefully for a long moment, his eyes tender with memory as they stood there remembering another time, another life. He wanted to carry her over the threshold, but he wasn't sure she would want that, so with a last look at Sam he quietly stepped inside, then she rolled in behind him and closed the door.

Published byDell Publishinga division ofRandom House, Inc.1540 BroadwayNew York, New York 10036

Copyright -! 1981 by Danielle Steel

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law.

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eISBN: 978-0-307-56673-7

August 1989

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