Pack Daughter (4 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Pack Daughter
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She slowed her steps and crouched once the creek came into view. She was downwind from the unknown wolf so if she didn’t make any noise, she shouldn’t be spotted.

The large animal was one of the most beautiful she had ever seen. He—and it was most definitely a he—dipped his head and lapped slowly at the water.

It was a picture that she just could not resist. She raised the camera and clicked off several shots before the wolf lifted his head and looked right at her. She snapped one last shot. That picture—the wolf’s head up, shoulders back—was as close to perfect as she’d ever taken.

Now that she’d been seen, there was no point in ducking back down. She stood from her hiding place and stepped forward. The wolf dropped down to the ground, still watching her.

She didn’t feel any threat from the animal and slowly made her way over. It wasn’t until she was several feet away that she knew for sure that the shifter in front of her was Mike Jackson. He still carried the same sensual scent but with a stronger masculine smell as a wolf.

He pawed the ground when she paused.

“Out for a run, huh?” she asked the animal.

While shifters did keep their human intelligence in their other form, it wasn’t like he could talk back. He tilted his head to the side and she grinned.

She strode a little closer before sitting down close to him. Though she could admit that she was attracted to him, she was also smart enough to know he was a stranger and she needed to tread carefully.

He was just there to help the Pack and would be on his way sooner or later.

Mike crawled closer to her and she reached towards him until she felt his soft, thick, fur under her hand. She gave his head a good hard scratch. He plopped down and turned onto his side.

Oh yeah, he was fully male.

She rubbed and patted his side until he stood and shook. His dark gaze met hers in question.

“Okay, turn around and I’ll shift,” she told him.

He sat, still looking right at her.

“Oh no!” She waved a finger at his nose. “I know damn well you can understand me and see just fine. Turn around.”

He gave what she could only describe as a wolf sigh but did finally turn and face the other direction. She stripped quickly, placing her camera on top of her folded clothes before she started to transform into her wolf.

She was smaller than him. But then again she had expected to be. She gazed at him with her wolf eyes and felt a longing deep inside.

Mike still had his back turned so she stretched and without warning bumped into him.

He turned, surprised.

She nipped at his flank and took off running. She loved the feeling of being able to run as a wolf. The ability to move quickly and easily. She led him around the creek and returned to the woods.

He stayed right at her side the entire time. He could have easily overtaken her but seemed content to let her lead the way.

She took a windy curved route through the territory, running until she tired herself out. She slowed and he did the same.

Spotting a good place to rest, she plopped down, panting. Mike curled around her and she relaxed against him.

She didn’t know how long they rested under the moon. She’d started to drift off when he nudged her shoulder. She moved to her four legs and started towards the creek. The trek back took more time as they moved slowly, still enjoying the peaceful night.

Once they made it to the spot where she’d left her clothes, he stopped and turned around again. She shifted to her human form and dressed. She picked up her camera before walking over to him then scratched his head again. He really seemed to enjoy it, with his tail swishing quickly back and forth and his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

She wasn’t sure she’d ever met anyone who was as comfortable in the wolf form as Mike. It was nice.

She ended the scratching and patted his head then followed him as he started trotting towards the houses. Since they were headed in the direction of her own home, she suspected that he was escorting her.

The structure was almost in view by the time he veered off and she saw a pile of clothes. He stopped by them and glanced over at her.

“Oh, I suppose you want me to turn around since I made you?” she asked then gave an overly dramatic sigh as she did just that.

She heard movement behind her and barely resisted taking a peek.

“I actually wouldn’t have minded at all if you’d watched,” he spoke quietly.

She turned, just as he pulled his T-shirt down, disappointed that she only got a short glance at his muscular chest and small glimpse of the tattoo that covered it. She laughed. “Fair is fair, I guess.”

He took a step towards her and she followed suit. “I have to say, I’ve never met anyone like you, Rebecca Nelson.”

She tilted her head back to be able to look him in the eye. “I think I’ll take that as a compliment, Mr Jackson.”

They moved closer still. “It was meant to be one,” he responded softly.

She could see the desire, the want that matched her own, reflecting back at her. She reached out and ran a hand over his chest. His hand covered hers.

“This might not be the best idea in the world,” he admitted, giving her hand a squeeze.

She smiled and licked at her suddenly dry lips. “I guess there’s just one way to find out.”

She lifted onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips gently over his. He moaned before pushing back against her mouth.

Mike wrapped his arm around her waist as she opened for him and their tongues met.

Oh, he tasted good. Spicy and unique. She lifted her hands to dig into his shoulders as their kiss deepened and passion flowed between them.

Her head spun and she held on for dear life. Never had she been so turned on so quickly. This was what she had been missing her entire adult life. This hunger that clawed at her.

He moved his hand over her body and she shuddered at his touch. Her pussy throbbed with need. She pulled him even closer, rubbed up and down, and hooked one leg up and over his hip.

He gripped her thigh, bucking against her body.

“Yes!” she hissed as their lips came apart and he continued to mouth down her neck.

“We should probably stop…slow down. Oh God!” he murmured against her skin as she cupped his erection.

“Can’t stop!” she answered, rocking against him.

“Shit!” He pulled away and looked around. “There is no way in hell I want to stop.”

He grasped her hand and yanked her against a large tree trunk that would offer them a little more privacy. She attacked the button and zipper of his pants. They pulled and tugged at clothing until they were both naked then he took her hand, urging her to the ground.

She lay on her back, not able to take her eyes off him as he lowered himself over her. Their lips met once again, this time slower and with more control. She arched into his touch as he ran his hands down her sides, opened for him while he settled his hips between her legs.

He kissed and ran his tongue down her neck, across her shoulder, then stopped to tease one of her nipples.

She gasped as Mike sucked and toyed with her.

“Such a beautiful body,” he praised, moving to give the same attention to her other breast.

Becca pressed her legs against him and tilted her hips up trying to get pressure where she needed it.

He chuckled and moved lower, dipping his tongue into her belly button.

“Please,” she begged and bucked up again.

Finally after what seemed like hours he pushed her legs open and rubbed his nose over her wet mound, breathing deep.

“Can’t wait to taste you,” he stated, and taste he did.

Becca cried out as he sucked and tongued her pussy. He teased her clit with his thumb while licking between her folds with his tongue.

That wonderful tension began to build and she gasped as the tingle started to grow. She rode his face and moaned as he brought her over the edge of pleasure then she clawed the moist dirt while she broke apart under the sexual assault.

He slid up her body before nipping her chin. Becca opened her eyes and saw his need. She reached down and gripped his hips. “Inside, come inside me.”

He dropped soft kisses over her face. “Are you sure? We can stop before we go too far.”

She puffed out a breath. “A little late for that, don’t you think?”

He caught her chin between his finger and thumb. She looked at him surprised. “I don’t want you to regret this. Are you sure? Tell me now.”

She nodded, lost in his dark gaze. She could feel his erection against her flesh. Knew he wanted to take her like she was inviting him to.

“Mike, I want you.” She gave him the words he seemed to need.

He dropped his head and took a breath. “Thank God,” he whispered.

Then he moved. Kissing her, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth while he lifted her hips and plunged inside her body.

She screamed in delight as she felt his hard cock go deep.

He pulled out before sliding back in. She planted her feet on the ground and met him in one frenzied thrust after another.

Sweat dropped from his forehead and landed on her chest and he continued to drive himself hard inside her. It was crazy and fast and awesome. She scratched her nails over his back as she climaxed once again.

He plunged a couple more times before throwing his head back and growling while he came. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he collapsed down onto her, their breathing fast and laboured as they lay there wrapped around each other.

Chapter Four

Mike was still feeling light and happy as he showered and dressed for the day, after he’d had the encounter with Becca. Once they’d exhausted each other out in the woods, he’d walked her back to her home, the house he had passed on his way for his run. He had actually thought she would stay in the main house, but approved that the Alpha gave her both privacy and protection by providing her with her own space close by.

She explained about the apartment in town but had admitted to staying at the cottage more often than not.

He’d asked about the camera she had been carrying then they’d sat on the porch for over an hour while she’d told him about her career and he’d answered questions about his. He hadn’t wanted to leave her, but she’d tried to hold back after yawn and yawn. So he’d finally stood and kissed her deeply. He’d hated going back to his room alone but didn’t think the Alpha would appreciate learning about Mike’s relationship with his daughter so soon. The subject would have to be broached eventually, but he and Becca would need to discuss how.

He hadn’t been lying when he’d told Becca she wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever met. She was beautiful, strong and fearless. Even after everything that she’d been through, last night she hadn’t hesitated to get close to him as he’d lain there in his wolf form.

She had good instincts.

He stepped out of his room in jeans and a T-shirt and followed the scent and noise coming from the kitchen.

Kenny glanced up and grinned at him when he walked in. “Hey, man! You’re just in time for the best breakfast. That is if I don’t eat it all before you get from the door to the table!” he said before shoving a huge bite of pancake into his mouth.

Mike smiled and accepted a cup of coffee from one of the women in the kitchen.

“Behave, Kenny, or I’ll put you over my knee!” she said.

Kenny chuckled. “Yes, Mama.”

Mike shook his head but took a seat next to him. The table was covered with dishes, the smells already hitting his stomach, causing his mouth to water. Eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes, waffles and biscuits.

“Oh, man!” Mike picked up a plate and started to pile it with eggs. “I don’t know when the last time was I saw so much food.”

“Wait until you see dinner,” Kenny told him and stabbed his fork into one of the sausage links on the platter.

“I couldn’t eat like this every day,” Mike commented. “I’d weigh four hundred pounds.”

Kenny just snorted. A few more people came in and were introduced to him before Alpha Nelson joined them.

“Good morning, everyone,” he greeted the group.

Mouths full, most responses were a nod of a head. Kenny explained that anyone living or working at the main house were invited to every meal. The guards worked shifts so they would eat there at least once a day. It would give him time to meet who he was working with.

They were a friendly group. Only one of the younger men eyed him warily. Todd was seated next to Kenny and kept glancing at Mike.

Once the women were done filling the platters and the stoves were turned off they joined them, and Mike approved of the family atmosphere.

He would have liked to have seen Becca there but guessed that since she had her own house she probably didn’t eat every meal at the main house.

“I would like to take Mike into town this morning. He mentioned he wanted to see the four spots of the fires,” Kenny told Alpha Nelson when the man asked about their plans.

Mike nodded. “I’ve seen the pictures and while they were very good, I would like to get my own impressions.”

“Yes.” Alpha Nelson smiled. “Becca did a good job taking those. Although, it was hard on her seeing the places she’d grown up knowing, burned to the ground.”

Mike hadn’t thought about Becca being the one to photograph all the evidence. He hated that she’d had to do that.

“I want everyone here to give Mike what he needs. Full cooperation.”

Every head around the table bounced up and down at the order. Todd grumbled something under his breath but even with Mike’s superb hearing he hadn’t caught it. Kenny elbowed Todd and he grunted.

Mike kept his face blank, pretending he hadn’t noticed. Kenny seemed to be good friends with Todd, but Mike would still check him out.

Mike asked a few of the guys present who they thought might be involved in the fires and that opened the talk to a lot of speculation. He noted that no one had mentioned that they thought it was someone in the Pack. All talk was about outsiders, not that that surprised Mike. No one wanted to believe a Pack member could be responsible. It would be the worst kind of betrayal.

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