Pack Beta (Were Chronicles Book 11) (10 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Pack Beta (Were Chronicles Book 11)
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He knew he was putting her at risk by involving her in drawing out their target but she’d wanted to help. Giving her a quick lick then nipping her snout, he told her he was ready.

She took off at a full sprint. He chased her.

They broke out of hiding, racing into the area right in front of the cave. Making sure they were loud and that it looked like two wolves just playing around, they made as much commotion as possible.

It worked.

Just as Chase leaped over Kayla, their suspect peered out at them.


Kayla rose and tackled him so they rolled closer to the cave entrance—and their target.

After playing right in front of him for about five minutes, the man finally stepped outside.

Chase knocked Kayla down and snarled as the stranger lifted a handgun. Instead of shooting, the man stepped forward.

Chase howled, letting the others know to make the move.

Lifting the weapon, the man laughed evilly. “You picked the wrong place to play.”

Since he wasn’t certain whether the guy was just talking or if he knew Chase was a shifter, Chase just snapped at him again.

“All you fucking shifters think you’re so smart. Maybe I’ll cut off your head and send it to your fucking Alpha.”

Okay, so the stranger knows I’m a shifter.

“How about we cut yours off instead?” Max said from above the guy.

The stranger jerked back, but it was too late. Max leaped down, knocking the guy to the ground and the gun from his hand. The weapon flew several feet to land at the trunk of a weathered tree.

Chase moved in to help with the killer.

Instead, the man jumped to his feet and leaped away.

Never had Chase seen anyone, shifter or not, move like that. Chase and Max sprang at him again but for the second time, the man moved too quickly for them to get to him.

Jacob bounded full speed into them but also missed the stranger.

They weren’t even coming close to the man.

“Emilio?” Angel yelled, coming out from behind a tree.

“You know this guy?” Max demanded.

Everyone had stopped, giving the man time to dive back for his gun. Chase growled and lunged for the weapon also.

“What the hell?” Max yelled, going back after their opponent.

“I don’t know,” Angel confessed.

Chase managed to kick the firearm away with his back paw, receiving a vicious punch in his side for his trouble. The blow knocked the breath out of him. He’d never been hit so hard.

Max growled before kicking out just catching the guy’s shoulder.

Angel leaped into the fray, finally getting the first direct hit on their enemy. He grunted, attacking in return.

The entire group surrounded Angel and her adversary but none of the shifters moved in.

Unbelievably, Angel moved just as fast as the stranger. In almost a blur, the two exchanged blow after blow.

Chase started barking and lunging for the man. Soon the others circled around and copied his moves. Their actions brought the enemy closer to Angel so she could spin and land a devastating kick to her opponent’s head.

He crumpled, landing hard on the canyon ground.

Exhausted and in pain, Chase had to take a minute to catch his breath. Max moved quickly around him, grabbing a hold of the guy’s arms and yanking them behind him back while rolling him onto his stomach.

“I need the rope out of the backpack,” Max called.

Since everyone but Angel was still in wolf form Chase looked over at her.

She stood staring down at the stranger with a look of shock on her face. “I don’t understand.”

“Angel! Get me the rope,” Max yelled again.

As she hurried to comply, Chase flopped down. Kayla brushed against his side. He nuzzled her neck, letting her know he was okay.

She butted her head back at him then started to transform.

Jacob and Randy began their change also.

“What the hell happened?” Jacob shouted once he was human again. “How did he move so fast?”

Max narrowed his eyes at Angel. “I would like to know that too. But first, you know him.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Who is he?” Kayla demanded on her knees beside Chase.

She lifted Chase’s head, placing it in her lap then he closed his eyes to get control of the pain so he could shift. Keeping his ears open, he could still hear the conversation around him.

“He’s…he’s one of us?”

“What do you mean?” Jacob asked.

Chase didn’t jump when Jacob placed a hand on his side but he did whimper at the pressure.

“He’s part of our organization,” Angel explained.

Kayla stopped petting him as Jacob stopped moving his hand against Chase’s ribs.

“What?” Max asked, his shock evident.

“He’s part of the Guardians. I’ve worked with him.” Angel sounded upset.

The man groaned, obviously waking up. Chase opened his eyes. With the moves the stranger had shown earlier, Chase didn’t want to leave his loved ones unprotected.

With great effort, he hauled himself off Kayla and stalked toward his prey.

The guy kept his gaze on him as Chase crept forward. “Filthy animals.”

Growling, Chase crouched low.

“Emilio!” Angel stepped next to Chase. “What is the meaning of this?”

He laughed. “I guess I should have expected you to show up. You always did have a soft spot for these creatures.”

“You’re supposed to protect them,” Angel argued. “You’ve worked your entire life to defend others and now you turn on them?”

Emilio struggled to roll over. Chase snapped at him, only to get a glare from the man

Max yanked the guy up to face them.

He tried to pull away from Max but the ropes were too tight.

“Emilio! Why?” Angel practically shouted at him.

He snorted. “In case you haven’t noticed, darling, these animals that you are so fond of are going to get us all killed. Going public? That is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. They deserve to die, but we don’t.”

“So we just turn on one another?”

Chase jerked his head to the side, surprised by Marcus’ presence.

Kayla stood as her father passed by. Chase let his Alpha take his place in front of their prisoner as Shawn and Marcus joined them.

The stranger stiffened at the sight of the two newcomers.

“Last time I saw you, Emilio, I was dragging your ass out of a four-on-one firefight,” Marcus kneeled in front of Emilio.

“Last time I saw you, was through my rifle sight,” Emilio responded.

Chase wanted to rip Emilio’s throat out. It shocked him when Marcus laughed loudly.

“I should have known you were the sniper when I didn’t die. You were always more of a planner and had trouble with the follow-through.”

“Untie me and I’ll follow through,” Emilio threatened.

“You come onto my land and try to take out one of my people?” Shawn thundered.

The Alpha’s voice boomed around the canyon.

Emilio couldn’t hide his shudder of fear. Pride filled Chase as his Alpha’s power traveled over them like a physical force. Knowing that the situation was under control, he stepped behind Kayla to shift. Once he’d gained to his feet, she held out his clothes.

“Are you working with the Hunters?” Angel questioned Emilio.

“Yeah, right. Like I’d ever get into league with those monsters. I’m part of a new organization—one that doesn’t want to share-watch with an animal. And I’m not the only one of us who has defected. We’ve grown tired of protecting these

“I need to call my boss,” Angel said to Shawn.

Their Alpha nodded while keeping his eyes on Emilio. “Why Marcus?”

“Are you kidding? How better to announce our purpose than to take a stab at the shifters and Guardians at the same time?”

Shawn growled but didn’t attack Emilio. Instead, he grabbed a hold of the man and yanked him up and over his shoulder. “Let’s head back.”

Chase waited until the others passed by before grasping Kayla’s hand in his. “You okay?” he asked her quietly.

“He’s crazy,” she whispered back. “Just look in his eyes.”

“I know,” he agreed.

“Are you okay?” She faced him.

“I’ll be sore but I’ll heal soon enough.”

“When I saw him punch you and you went down, I was so scared,” she admitted.

“Hey.” Cupping her chin, he brought his lips down on hers. “I’m okay. When we get back to the house, I’ll even let you help me clean up. A shower would feel wonderful.”

She laughed just as he’d intended.

“You’ve got a deal.”


* * * *


The hot water sluiced down her shoulders as Kayla ran the soap over Chase’s back. He’d already washed the dirt and grime from her body.

The bruises on his ribs were already starting to fade, which had her feeling much better.

She gripped his shoulders, turning him to face her, then dropped on her knees, his cock already hard and ready for the taking.

She gently grasped his erection, placing a small kiss on the tip.

He groaned as he slapped his hands out onto tiles beside him.

Kayla lapped more at the salty pre-cum escaping from his cock and slowly wrapped her lips around his shaft.

“Yes,” he hissed.

As she pulled back, his unique taste exploded on her tongue and she immediately wanted more. Keeping her teeth tucked, she started to suck him deeper and faster.

The feel of his hands buried in her wet hair encouraged her. Licking, sucking and swallowing, she quickly had Chase begging and pleading with her.

Using her hand to pump his cock as she tongued the slit in the tip, she grinned around his shaft as his knees started shaking.

Sliding both hands around to grip Chase’s ass firmly, she encouraged his thrusts.

It only took about half a dozen deep plunges to have him tightening his grip in her hair and coming.

Pulling back enough not to choke, she took what she could until she popped off his cock finishing him up with quick hand pumps.

“Jeez,” he panted out, almost collapsing against the wall.

Worried, she climbed to her feet, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Are you okay?”

He shook his head. “I think you just sucked my brain out of my cock.”

She stared at him in confusion.

He lifted his gaze and she saw amusement shining in it. Sucked his brain…oh. “Ass!” she smacked his chest. “I thought I’d hurt you.”

He chuckled, the smooth sound echoing in the small space. “Let’s get out of here and I’ll make it up to you.”

Pretending to pout, she crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t know if you can.”

Shifting enough to twist the knobs and cut off the water, he moved so quickly that she didn’t expect him to grab her around the waist and lift her off her feet.


“Hush, my turn to take care of you,” he said as he carried her out of the shower.

As he placed her on the soft rug in the middle of the bathroom, he used a fluffy towel to dry her off. This man knew how to pamper. She’d noticed it before but he went even further by making sure she was warm and comfortable.

He only gave himself a light wipe down. She returned in his arms immediately.

“What is it with you carrying me?” she asked with a laugh.

“I like to have my hands on you,” he answered.

She really couldn’t argue with that. “Okay.”

They reached the bed. “I’m glad you agree,” he said as he dropped her onto the mattress.

She bounced and had to grip the sheets. Rolling over, she lifted an eyebrow.

Chase only grinned. He pounced on her but made sure that his knees landed at her sides.

Not having seen this playful side of him, she couldn’t stop smiling. Easily, she pushed him back and flipped their positions. Straddling his legs this time, she leaned over him.

“Are you going to ride me, baby?” he questioned huskily.

Now that is one of the best suggestions I’ve heard in a very long time.

“Maybe,” she teased as she lowered her mouth to his collarbone.

Peppering soft kisses on his flesh, she once again savored his wonderfully unique flavor—all musk and man.

She continued down, paying special attention to his pecks, before moving to the trail of hair down his stomach.

Chase tensed when she bypassed his cock and nipped his thigh instead, his cock hardening again. She could see in the way his body responded that his need matched hers. Cupping his sac with her left hand, she carefully grasped his cock with her right. Pumping a few times, making him lift to help, she couldn’t wait any longer. In one smooth slide, she positioned herself over his erection then slowly lowered herself on it.

Chase gripped her hips once he’d fully penetrated her. With her hands on his chest, she began riding him, just as he’d wanted.

The seduction in the shower already had her ready and wet for him. It didn’t take long before she wildly lifted and slid down, forcing him to take her faster.

She crested the edge, dragging her nails down his chest and leaving red marks.

He yelled out her name, filling her with his warm seed.


Chapter Nine




Chase stretched his legs out, making sure he didn’t disturb Kayla too much. For the second morning in a row, he’d woken wrapped around an amazing woman and he hoped there would be many more mornings that he would be able to do so.

With her not living in Canyon, he wasn’t sure how they would manage it but he was determined to find a way.

She was a beautiful woman anytime but there was something about her in sleep that made her seem even younger and more innocent. Her tangled brown hair lay fanned out against the white pillowcase. Chase didn’t even try to resist the urge to run his fingers through the silky strands.

Kayla smiled with her eyes still closed but he could tell by the increase rate in her breathing that she was awake. Keeping his right hand buried in her hair, he trailed his left down her breasts and lower.

Fingering her damp folds, he started to open her sweet pussy with one then two fingers.

She lifted her hips, riding his hand just as he lowered his mouth to hers. They kissed deeply as he pumped his fingers deeper. Already his cock stood full and he was dying to bury himself inside her.

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