Oxygen Deprived (Kilgore Fire Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: Oxygen Deprived (Kilgore Fire Book 3)
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“How’d you know?” I gulped, pulling the ring out and sliding it onto my finger.

He shrugged.

“Thought it was cool,” he said. “And I saw it pop up on the side of your computer each time you got on Facebook. It was one of the ads that showed ‘you also might like this’ shit. Found that one at the store and thought it looked an awful lot like that one.”

It was a simple ring. And I loved it.

The band was two colors, black and white diamonds. The two alternated all the way around the ring, and I’d loved it at first sight.

I didn’t know why I kept going back to looking at that ring, but now that I saw it sitting on my finger, I wanted to cry in joy.

“Thank you,” I whispered, looking up at him.

“Can I call you grandma when the baby gets here?” Attie teased from her perch on the couch.

I tossed the empty box at her.

“Only if you allow me to spank you as if you were my child,” I shot back.

She snorted
as she stood and threw
her arms around her dad’s belly.

“I’m glad he picked you,” she said. “I can’t wait until grandma meets you.”

I gasped, tuning my horror filled eyes to Drew.

“We can’t get engaged yet,” I said, pulling the ring off my finger and handing it back to him.

He wouldn’t take it.

“No takebacks,” he laughed, shaking his head and backing away

I glared at him.

“We have to make sure your parents like me first!” I assured him. “What if they hate me? Christmas will be incredibly awkward if that’s the case.”

He shook his head. “Honey,” he said, moving closer to me. “My mom’s going to love you.”

I took a deep breath.

“But what if my mom doesn’t like you?” I asked.

“Your mother likes me,” he said.

“They don’t know you.” I told him
. “I can’t marry someone that my mother hates.”

“Wanna bet?” he asked, pulling me up snugly against his side. “All mothers like me.”

I shook my head.

“You’re full of it.”

“You call your parents, and I’ll call mine. I have a week off
starting this Saturday
. We’ll meet up at Beaver’s Bend. That’s about halfway for my folks and halfway for us. Sound good?”

I nodded, but I couldn’t help the nerves that took flight in my belly.

Maybe I was ready.


So there I was, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at two dresses. One was a simple black number that hit me right above the shins. The other was a white number that flowed all the way to the bottom of my ankles.

“What should I wear?” I asked Drew, looking up to find him doing
push-ups next to the window.

He looked over at me, then moved his eyes to the dresses without stopping.

“Black. You’ll get the white dirty,” he puffed out.

He then moved to the jumping push-ups, his hands alternating close and wide. In. Out. In. Out. His hands moved as if he weren’t even trying.

If I were to be doing the same thing, he’d likely have to pick me up off the carpet.

“I feel like I’m going to barf,” I said, counting for him in my head.

Ten. Fifteen. Twenty-three. Thirty-five.

On and on he went until he reached a hundred.

Then he stopped, went up on his knees, and stared at me.

down his neck and arms in rivulets, and I had to clamp my teeth shut to keep myself from licking my lips.

He’d already ran a full two miles while I barely walked one, and then he’d started this as soon as we’d gotten back to the cabin we were renting.

Attie was staying with his parents, in the cabin next to ours, although they weren’t there yet. All of our cabins were in a row, so we didn’t have to go far to find the rest of our families.

We’d been the first to arrive, and I kept tossing surreptitious glances out the window to see if I could get my first glance, even though I knew they weren’t going to be there for at least another hour or two. I wasn’t sure if they were unloading their car first, though, so I kept peeking.

We were actually meeting them at a restaurant that was fairly popular for the
crowd gathering in Beaver’s Bend

“What has you so nervous?” Drew asked. “You need me to do anything to take your mind off it?”

He leaned forward and started stretching his calves, planting both fists into the carpet and leaning back on one foot.

The muscles of his arms bulged, and I swallowed,
the familiar tingle in my pussy flaring to life
as I watched the sexy man move.

“Uhhh,” I said smartly.

He switched arms and moaned as the stretch worked its magic on the sore muscles of his legs.

Drew grinned, panting lightly. “What are you doing?”

I stood up and stripped my clothes from my body, revealing the garter belt, hose, and matching panty and bra set I’d slipped on after my shower.

He hadn’t seen it before, and I’d been saving it for tonight. However, the way the sweat was clinging to his body, as well as the way his eyes seemed heated, made me forget my good intentions.

The road to hell is paved in them.

His head came up when I dropped the t-shirt that was covering my upper half, his eyes dragging along my legs and stopping when he found out exactly what I was wearing…up close and personal.

“What are you doing?” He repeated, his voice having dropped at least an octave in about thirty seconds flat.

“I’m using you,” I told him, walking up to him until my pussy was just a few inches from his face.

His hands came up to rest on my hips, and I smiled.

I had him.

“You think the maid comes while we’re out?” I asked him.

He nodded.

“That’s what the chick at the front desk said. They come twice a day, and most of them try to come during the evening hours while the folks are out for dinner,” he said, licking his lips, then leaning forward to place a kiss right above my panty line.

I stepped back out of his reach, then challenged him with my eyes.

“I want the maid to know I was well fucked in this room when she comes to check on it later,” I whispered, backing up until my knees hit the bed with a soft thump.

Drew smiled, taking his shirt off by hooking his hand in the collar at the back of his neck and bending over to pull it swiftly from his body.

see what I can do
,” he said, standing up to start on his shorts.

I bit my lip, causing his eyes to zero in on the move.

He always got so hot when he saw me do that. I didn’t really know why, but I found myself doing it way more than I needed to just for the simple fact that I liked his reactions to it.

I sat down heavily, then rolled over to present my ass to him.

He moved up behind me; his hairy thighs met the backs of mine.

Then his cock probed my entrance and I smiled.

“Don’t rip my panties,” I told him, looking over my shoulder at him.

He must not have heard me, because the next thing to go were my panties, and not in a nice way.

I gasped and shoved up on my elbows to look at him.

“Drew!” I said in surprise. “I just paid fifty dollars for this bra and panty set!”

His eyes caught mine and darkened.

“Don’t care,” he muttered, sliding the length of his cock down the lips of my sex and back up again.

I moaned into my pillow, turning my head so I could bite the edge of one.

These were small cabins, and there wasn’t much room between our cabin and my mom’s cabin. The same went for the ones his daughter was currently in.
, I tried to be as quiet as I could be.

I didn’t want to make this day any more awkward
than it was already
going to be by allowing them to hear my sounds of ecstasy scarcely an hour
before this first meeting.

But then Drew thrust his fat cock into me, and I realized that that was a stupid idea anyway.

I had no control when it came to Drew.

If he wanted me to scream, which, obviously, he wanted me doing right then, then I’d fucking scream.

“Give me your eyes,” he ordered, pulling my hair.

I screeched.

“Don’t touch my hair!” I ordered him. “It took me nearly thirty minutes to get these curls perfect.”

He ignored me, pulling my hair until I was back up on my hands and looking at him over my shoulder.

Then he started to pull out of me before filling me back up again. Long, strong thrusts that had me panting in a matter of moments.

His eyes stayed locked with mine while he did, and I very nearly lost the battle before it’d even started.

His abs contracted and relaxed with each thrust, and his eyes went down to where we were connected, breaking the contact that was holding me hostage.

My head went down to the pillow, but he obviously didn’t want that because he pulled my hair back again.

had two choices; either look up so he’d loosen
the hold he had on my hair or endure the pain.

Obviously, I wasn’t averse to the pain, but I chose to look at him since I knew that was what he wanted.

He licked his lips when I moved my eyes back to his, and then he slowly moved his finger to my back entrance after coating it with my secretions.

My eyes widened, as they did every time he did this, and he smiled.

“Yes?” He asked.

I bit my lip and nodded.

This would be the time he went all the way. I knew that almost instantly.

We’d been working up to this for a while, and I was ready.

He worked his thumb around my back entrance, teasing me remorselessly until finally he pushed inside.

My mouth dropped open in surprise at his abruptness.

It didn’t hurt, per se, but it definitely took some getting used to.

It was then I realized somewhere in between my contemplation he’d found some lube.

Where, I didn’t know, but I was quite thankful for it, too.

Especially when one finger turned into two, and then two became three.

Soon I was pushing back on three fingers, and moaning so loud that I probably sounded like I was dying from an outsider’s prospective.

Added on top that, his cock continued to thrust inside of me. I was turning into a needy mess.

“Please,” I whispered, pleading for something—
—with my eyes.

He grinned then and pulled out of my pussy, and I watched in awe as he tipped up the lube bottle that he’d magically produced and poured a generous amount onto the palm of his hand.

I blinked.

“Don’t get that all over my body,” I whispered gutturally. “I’ve already taken my shower.”

He grinned.

“Oh, honey, when I’m done with you, you’re going to need another shower.”

Then he was there, his cock at my back entrance, and pushing inside.

It didn’t go at first, and my eyes started to water.

“Oh, God,” I whispered, unable to control what was coming out of my mouth.

His teeth gritted.

“Relax,” he whispered gruffly. “Push out.”

I did, and then I swear I saw stars, and not in a good way.

“Jesus Christ,” I whispered, my knees going out from under me until I was flat on my belly in the bed.

My asshole felt like it was on fire as he followed me down.

Once he got the head of his cock inside, the rest followed easily, and I was left panting when his hips met the cheeks of my ass.

“I’m dying,” I moaned as the burn continued.

His hand snaked around between my hips and the bed, easily finding my clit with his still lubed fingers.

And then he did some more magic, making me relax in small increments while he stayed as still as he could.

It took a few long minutes of me panting, as well as him circling my clit,
before I finally relaxed
enough to start feeling something other than pain.

“I think,” I panted, turning my head back to the side. “That all of our play could’ve never prepared me for you.”

He grinned and leaned forward, placing a kiss to my neck.

The move pushed his cock further into me, and this time, instead of pain, I felt pleasure.

It was an odd pleasure, but pleasure nonetheless.

“Ohh,” I breathed, my eyes going wide.

He went up to his elbows on either side of my head then, and slowly started to move in and out of me.


“There you go,” he breathed into my ear. “Relax and take me.”

I did, my eyes closing as I let the movement of his hips carry me away.

“I…” I hesitated. “I think I want to be on top.”

Maybe if I had more control over the entire thing I’d be able to enjoy it a hell of a lot more.

And I did.

The moment he rolled us to our backs and I automatically pulled my feet up to lay flat on the bed.

The roll had us coming up slightly sideways, causing one of his legs to be sandwiched in between mine.

Sitting up, I used his upraised thigh to get me there, and immediately moaned when his thigh met my

“Jesus,” I breathed.

His hands went to my ass as he started to push me up and down on his cock.

“I feel so full,” I whispered, crying out each time he dropped my hips.

He pushed and let me fall, and we followed that pattern for quite a few thrusts when things started to change.

And he could feel it, too.

No longer did it hurt.

No, it just felt beautiful and perfect.

I held onto his knee as he started to move me even faster, up and down I went on his cock, holding on as he did all the work for me, and crying out each time my ass met the cradle of his hips.

“Oh, God, I’m there,” I whispered roughly, my head falling back.

My clit started to
, and then my pussy convulsed as my orgasm swept

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