Overcome (7 page)

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Authors: Emily Camp

BOOK: Overcome
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Chapter 14



Bree looked the same, yet different. Her eyes were still the same, big, round, and brown like Parker’s.  She was still petite. 

Her face changed from confused, to knowing, to surprised all in the few seconds after Carly said his name.

Tears pooled in her eyes and she lifted her hands to her mouth. A line of bracelets dangled from her wrist. She looked at Carly and shook her head. “No.”

And the joy that rose on Carly’s face at seeing Bree’s reaction to him made something in his heart flip.

“Hi Sis, long time no see,” he nodded.

Bree let out a squeal and her baby began to cry. But she didn’t seem to notice as she lunged at Parker. Her arms swung around his neck, pulling him down to her height.

“Bree,” his voice was raspy and constrained. “You’re choking me.”

She giggled and pulled away but kept her hands on his arms. “I can’t believe it’s really you.” Her eyes were still watery and she reached up and ran her hand over his cheek and pinched his nose. She looked at Carly, “Where did you find him?” she said like she was talking about a lost puppy.

“Oh, you know he just happened to walk into the hotel like all the other strays.” Carly leaned against the kitchen counter, causing Parker to chuckle.

Bree’s attention went back to Parker. “Is this real?”

“Uh…I think so,” he smirked and glanced Carly’s way again.

With one hand wrapped around his, Bree stood on the tips of her toes and stared intently into his eyes.

The front door shut and Parker tried to turn his attention to the new person in the room, but Bree had a hold of his chin like he was her child, holding his gaze on her.

A throat cleared and a snicker came from Carly.

“Hey Gare,” Nate’s voice called out.

“Nate,” Gare clipped.

It was as if his voice was enough to pull Bree out of her trance. She turned to him, with her hand holding Parker’s like they were still kids.

“Garrett,” she gushed.

When Parker was able to turn and look, he immediately recognized him as the baby’s daddy. Earlier, Parker had the time to take in his surroundings and the mess of photos posted to the fridge. There were a few of Garrett and Bree and one of Garrett and the baby in the hospital.

“This is my brother, Parker.” Bree’s voice cracked as she spoke and her hand tightened around his like he was going to pull away.

Garrett’s lips went from a stiff line, to a curved smile. “Really?”

“No, I just thought Bree needed a new guy so I picked him up off the street,” Carly chimed.

Garrett glared at her.

“Well, seriously who else would he be?” Carly rolled her eyes.

Garrett offered a hand to Parker, and Parker obliged though he wasn’t sure what to think of Garrett right off. He seemed like a nice guy, sticking around for the baby and all, but he did get Bree pregnant.

As soon as their hands parted, cries came from the baby again, grabbing Garrett’s attention.

A woman in her early twenties, who he guessed to be Nate’s wife, bounced with the baby against her chest.

“What’s wrong, Bailers?” Garrett strode toward his baby.

Bree looked back and giggled. “She’s probably hungry.”

Garrett cradled Bailey in his arms when he removed her from Nate’s wife.

“Parker, meet Bailey.” Bree pulled Parker’s hand and tugged him toward Garrett.

Bailey squalled with her little fists were under her chin and her mouth open wide as she let out a cry that sounded like a baby goat.

“I’m sorry, I …” Bree’s cheeks turned pink, “I’m going to have to feed her … but hang out for a little bit. I’ll be back.”

Garrett talked soothingly to Bailey and kissed her on the side of the head before handing her over to Bree. Bree slipped out of the room and Carly followed.

Parker found himself looking at three strangers and not having a clue what to say.

“You sure you don’t want anything to drink?” Nate asked.

“Nah, I’m good.”

Nate looked at Garrett, “You?”

“No thanks.” Garrett turned toward Parker, propping his elbow on the kitchen counter.  “How … when?” Garrett shook his head.

“I stayed at the hotel where Carly works. She figured it out.” Parker glanced down the hall, suddenly wanting Carly back in the room like she would make this easier.


Nate rose and made his way toward the coffee pot.

“I know Bree’s always wondered what happened to you.” Garrett said.

“She’s mentioned me?”

“Not much, only a few times, but don’t think it’s because she doesn’t care. I just … I can tell it hurt her to talk about. She looked up to you, you know?”

Parker suddenly found the hardwood floor interesting as he felt warmth on his cheeks and shoved his hands in his pockets. He wasn’t someone that anyone should be looking up to.






Chapter 15



Carly stood in front of the full length mirror hanging on the back of Bree’s closet door.

Bree was lounged on her side on her bed. A pink blanket was draped over her and Bailey.

Carly smoothed her ruffle top and moved from side-to-side making sure she still looked okay in her outfit since she threw it on earlier.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Bree asked, propping her head into her hand.

Carly shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought it would be sweet to see the look on your face when you first saw him.  And it was priceless. I shoulda videoed it.”

“I just want to go back out and talk to him.” Bree patted Bailey through the blanket. “Have you talked to him much?” She peeked under the blanket.

“He’s been helping me with algebra.” Carly leaned forward and swiped more lip gloss on her mouth while looking at Bree through the mirror.

Bree laughed, and fidgeted under the cover. She sat up, tossing her legs over the side of the bed and pulled Bailey against her shoulder. “What? Carly are you … do you like him?” Her eyes grew as wide.

Carly stopped, shoved her tube of gloss back in her pocket, “Why would you say that?” She pivoted to face Bree.

“Well for one, you’re primping.” Bree patted Bailey’s back.

“I’m not primping.” Carly spoke quickly.

A miniature belch came out of Bailey.

“Sure, you always add more lip gloss whenever we’re just hanging out,” Bree smirked.

Carly opened her mouth to say something else and Bree stood up.

“Should I start calling you sister now or wait till the wedding?”

“Please, I don’t even want a boyfriend, let alone marry Peter,” she laughed.

“Who’s Peter?” Bree said handing the baby over.

Carly took Bailey into her arms, she was a little heavier than last time and Carly wasn’t exactly sure what to do with her. She held her arms stiff, “That’s Parker’s nickname.”

Bree groaned as she opened the bedroom door. “I don’t even want to know.”

“It’s cause I couldn’t remember his name … gosh you perv,” Carly sighed. 

Carly walked out of the room with Bailey in her arms. She couldn’t deny she was adorable. But she couldn’t wait for someone to take her. Bailey wasn’t even able to hold her own head up yet, and Carly was afraid she’d break her.

“Yeah, I’m the pervert out of us two.” Bree waved her bracelet covered arm back and forth.

Bailey began to cry again.

“I think she wants her mom.” Carly was more than willing to pass her over.

As they walked under the arch leading into the living room, Carly paused.  It’d been months since she felt a flutter in her chest when she looked at someone.

Parker was sitting on the edge of the sofa his elbows on his thighs and his hands folded between his knees.  Whatever they were talking about had him smiling. And that made Carly smile, a real smile, not the kind she’d been plastering on for everyone.




Carly reached for the pizza box in the middle of the table, grabbing her third piece. Nate and Lexi had ordered enough to feed the whole high school.

They’d left Bree and Parker outside to catch up on the last twelve years. As much as she couldn’t stand Hudson most days, she couldn’t imagine going that long without seeing him.

Normally she’d avoid being alone in the same room with Lexi at all costs, but today wasn’t about her, it was about Bree and Parker. Stuffing her face with the leftover pizza was the only thing she could think of to avoid talking.

“How’re you holding up?” Lexi obviously didn’t care if there was a whole slice of pizza in Carly’s mouth. She was going to talk anyway.

“Fwine.” Carly didn’t know if not answering was rude, or answering with a mouthful.

Lexi’s long, gold earrings jingled as she tilted her head and rested her check against her palm. “You know you can talk to me, right, I won’t judge.”

This was one of the reasons Carly hated visiting Bree now. She was happy Bree had a good home and that she was loved and not ignored like she was with either of her real parents. But Carly missed just her and Bree hanging out without anybody butting in.

“Yep,” Carly said before she gulped from her bottled water. “Look, it’s been what eight-nine months, I’m over it.” It’d actually been six months, two weeks, and five days, but she wasn’t going to let anyone know she’d been counting.

“Sometimes …” Lexi spun her own bottle of water around on the table. “… if we bury something alive it will always come back to haunt us.” The irony in her words were laughable.

“Well good thing he was buried dead.” Carly quipped causing Lexi to frown.

She slid the chair out and walked to the bathroom without saying another word.

It was as if Lexi wanted her to crack. She thrived on broken people so she could do her job of putting them back together by leading them to Jesus. Carly wasn’t going to crack. She’d put so much mortar in between the crevices of her heart with one night stands and short flings, nothing was going to get in and break it again.




The shouting woke Carly from a deep sleep.

Her gut twisted and she pulled the covers over her head like it was going to go away. She wished the blanket was sound proof then she wouldn’t have to listen. It’d been months since the last incident, and every night her mom was late, only fueled the anger brewing in him. Carly knew he was going to explode soon. After the high she was on from reuniting Parker and Bree, something had to happen to knock her down.

The whole house shook and something crashed against a wall.

Cries, more shouts floated through the walls like they were paper.

Glass shattered.

The blanket couldn’t make it go away.

When she was little, she would go to Hudson’s room. He’d turn on his iPod and place his headphones over her ears. The only time he ever let her touch any of his things. 

When she was with Colten, she’d just sneak out to him.

Tomorrow her mom would hide out and a bouquet of red roses would magically appear on the kitchen counter, like that would make it disappear.

Hudson and Carly never mentioned to their parents, that they heard them fighting, and their dad winning with his fists.

The shouts finally faded into the night after what seemed like it was never going to end.

And even though Carly knew she had to be in physical pain, she heard her mom cleaning.

The broken glass echoed into the trash. Carly wished it was that easy to get rid of a broken heart, just toss it away and forget it.





Chapter 16



Parker blinked and the glowing red numbers came into focus.


He sat up, rubbed his eyes. The carpet was cool under his bare feet. Then there was a knock.

He paused, standing in nothing but his boxer briefs.

Maybe he didn’t hear that right. Maybe it was the next door down.

He shuffled toward the bathroom.

A knock thumped against the door again.

Whoever it was had the wrong room.

He continued to the bathroom.

When he came out, whoever was out there, was still waiting on him.

The knocking was louder and more rapid.

He scratched the top of his head before striding to the door, obviously they weren’t going to get the hint and go away on their own.

He threw the door open and scowled. “Some people are trying …” he stopped when he saw Carly.

She stood with her hair all balled up on top her head and a tight tank top that revealed the lines of her swimsuit underneath. A thin purple bow hung from the back of her neck.

“Snarly, what’re you-”

She smirked down at his chest. “I think you’re the snarly one tonight.”

“It’s,” he glanced back at the alarm clock, “two in the morning.”

“I’m bored. Thought you might wanna swim with me.” She blinked up at him.

He rubbed his eyes with one hand while gripping the door with his other.

“C’mon, go get on shorts … or … you can swim in those if you like.” How was she smiling and bouncing?

“All right, give me five minutes.”

She tilted her head, “You aren’t going to invite me in?”

He chuckled at that and the back of his head suddenly itched. “I’ll meet you at the pool.”

“Fine, but it’s not like you have anything I haven’t seen before.” Her eyes glanced down at his boxers.

That was new. How many different personalities did this girl have?

Parker cleared his throat and resisted the urge to cover himself.




It didn’t take him long to change into swim shorts and make it to the pool. A big white sign stating it was closed from 11 P.M. until 9 A.M was posted. He guessed that didn’t apply to hotel employees.

The night air was still thick as he walked outside to the kidney shaped pool, a black iron gate surrounded it and a small hot tub attached.

Carly was in the Jacuzzi. She sat with her head back. Her hair still dry in that mess on top of her head.  Her eyes were closed and bubbles boiled around her.

He dropped the white towel that was hung over his shoulder onto the first lounge chair he passed.

“Is the water warm?” Parker spoke, just to let her know he was there. He sat down on the side and eased his feet in.

“No, it’s freezing that’s why it’s called a hot tub, Peter.” She replied without opening her eyes or moving her head.

He wished she’d lift her face, because he couldn’t stop staring at her neck and the little pulse right under her jaw as he continued in. 

“And I let you help me with my homework,” she laughed, finally lifting her head up to look at him.

“You got a C because of me.” The steam rolled off the bubbles, smacking against his skin.

When Carly giggled in response, his heart sped.

“Speaking of which, I don’t recall helping you tonight.”

Her gray eyes widened and she skimmed across the hot tub until she was directly in front of him. Under the water, her bare legs grazed his.

“You are right now.” Her hands fell on his knees.

He chuckled and squirmed. “I meant homework.”

“I’ll make it up.” She floated closer and her thighs settled on either side of his until she was straddling him.

His heart thumped and everything in him told him this wasn’t a good idea. She wasn’t being herself. A few days ago she was freaking out about him looking down her shirt and now she was sitting on his lap half naked. His hormones silenced his inner conscience as she slid her arms around his neck, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. Her eyelids were heavy when her forehead fell against his and he could smell a faint fruity scent on her mixed with chlorine.

He gripped her waist and lifted his lips to meet hers when she dipped her face toward his. Carly slipped closer, her smooth, bare torso pressed against his as he continued to move his mouth against hers.

He let his lips travel to her chin and under her jaw to the little pulse that teased him minutes ago.

Carly’s head fell back. Parker kissed the wet skin all the way back up to her mouth, planting his hands flat on her back and pressing her close.

Carly’s arms left his neck and she slipped away just enough to look at his face. His blood rushed and she bit her bottom lip, her hands reached over her head. Her eyes met his and she smirked as she held onto the slender string holding her bikini top up.

“Carly don’t,” his voice came out raspy and he grabbed her dainty wrist. He didn’t want to stop her, but he had to.

She frowned and let her arm fall with his. “I’m sorry.” Miniature waves splashed the sides of the Jacuzzi when she pushed off him and out of the tub.

“Carly,” he hesitated before rising from of the water.

She didn’t respond to him as she threw her shirt over her head.

When he was out he grabbed his towel and tucked it safely around his hips as he jogged toward her.

He didn’t want to hurt her, but that was exactly why he didn’t want to do this. Something bigger was going on. They barely knew one another.

She held her shorts under her arm, and her flip-flops dangled from one hand. He reached out and caught her by the elbow just before she entered the hotel. Water dripped from their bodies making a puddle on the concrete around their feet.

“Don’t,” her voice was soft and feeble when she spoke. Her shoulders fell and though she wasn’t facing him, he noticed her swipe under her eye. Was she crying?

“What’s going on with you?” he asked, grabbing her shoulders and turning her around.

Her bottom lip was in her mouth and she looked up at the starry sky, blinking rapidly.

“I need to go,” she whispered.

“Why?” he whispered back.

“Because …” her leg bounced as she spoke, “because I came here … I came here to use you to help me forget okay?” She finally looked at him, raising a hand in the air. “I thought you wanted to or wouldn’t mind.”

“Help you forget what?” He threw his hands up.

Her face turned into the scowl he hadn’t missed. He liked the smile much better.

“Trust me, you have enough of your own baggage, you don’t need mine.” Her voice cracked, and she freed herself from his grip.

He watched as she walked away because as much as he wanted to tell her she was wrong, he wasn’t sure she was.

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