
Read Outsider Online

Authors: Olivia Cunning

Tags: #rock star, #guitar, #menage, #threesome, #musician, #Olivia Cunning

BOOK: Outsider
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Exodus End World Tour

Book 2

by Olivia Cunning

Copyright © 2016 Olivia Cunning


Published by Vulpine Press


Sinners logo by Olivia Cunning

Sole Regret logo by Pamela Sinclair

Exodus End logo by Charity Hendry

Rights to Cover Images obtained from Depositphotos

Cover design by Charity Hendry

Interior design by Olivia Cunning


All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be reproduced in any form—with the exception of short segments for
reviews—without the written consent of the author.


The characters and events in this work
are fictitious. Any similarities to persons or events are coincidental and not
intended by the author


ISBN-10: 1-939276-23-3



Rock Star Erotic Romances

Olivia Cunning


on Tour Series


Rock Hard

Hot Ticket

Wicked Beat

Double Time

Sinners at
the Altar

Take Me to




Night with

Try Me

Tempt Me

Take Me

Share Me

Touch Me

Tie Me

Tease Me

Tell Me

Treat Me



stood in the wings, his attention riveted to the man putting every ounce of his
soul into the guitar strings beneath his fingertips. He’d never tire of
watching Trey play live. He was, however, already tired of watching him lean up
against Brian Sinclair’s back as they played one of their dueling solos. Ethan
knew the intimate solos were part of their act. He knew seeing the two
guitarists touch familiarly made the women go wild. He also knew that Trey had
once been in love with Brian. What Ethan didn’t know was whether he’d ever completely
take Brian’s place in Trey’s heart.

didn’t take a breath until the solo ended and the two guitarists pushed off
each other’s backs to separate to opposite sides of the stage.

I wish I was Brian,” Reagan said with a pronounced sigh.

knew that feeling all too well.

love playing for Max,” she said. “For a rhythm guitarist, he does some
intricate fret work. But there’s something about Brian’s sound that works
itself under your skin, you know?”

had definitely worked his way under Ethan’s skin, but not in a good way. It
wasn’t that Ethan didn’t like the guy; he actually understood why Trey had been
hung up on him for so many years. But Brian had had Trey first—heart, body, and
soul. And he still held part of Trey. He’d likely always have part of Trey.
While Ethan had no problem sharing Trey with Reagan, sharing him with Brian
Sinclair was another matter entirely.

to have that kind of connection with another guitarist?” Reagan continued.
“It’s magic.”

you and Trey should start your own band,” Ethan said, crossing his arms over
his chest and drumming his fingertips against one tense biceps.

laughed. “Like Trey would leave Sinners for me. Yeah, right.”

might if you asked.”

gnawed on her lip as she watched the man in question perform on stage. “I’d
never ask it of him. He’s exactly where he belongs.”

what about where you belong?”

shrugged. “I’m doing okay with Exodus End for now.”

he knew she didn’t feel like she truly belonged with the group. In her mind, no
matter how much the band showed her she’d been accepted into their fold, she
was an outsider. She’d likely always see herself that way, even if they decided
to keep her indefinitely.

comes after Exodus End?” Ethan asked.

shrugged. “I’m assuming something less spectacular than what I have already, so
I’m not in any rush to move on.”

not, but he was sure she wanted a band to call her own.

next for you, Ethan?” she asked, brushing briefly against his arm. She insisted
that they couldn’t publicly flaunt their relationship. Not when the public knew
she was dating Trey. If they thought she was a cheater, she’d be raked across
the coals, but if they ever found out that she was in a polyamorous
relationship with two men, they’d destroy her. Ethan would never allow that
happen. So as much as he longed to let the world know she was his, he gave her
plenty of space when they were before prying eyes.

you are, that’s where I want to be,” he said.

glanced up and met his eyes, a dopey look of affection on her lovely face. He
resisted the urge to kiss her. He’d save it for later.

the encore, Trey jogged offstage and traded his guitar for a small towel to
wipe the sweat off his face. Ethan longed to push him up against the nearest
wall and take everything he currently wanted from him, but that would be far
worse than someone catching him with Reagan. So Ethan offered Trey a curt nod
and shoved his balled fists into the pockets of his slacks. While Reagan brought
out a protective, caring side of Ethan, Trey unleashed his inner beast. The
combination was heady. Exciting. Erotic. And in Ethan’s mind, perfect. The only
negative clouding his sunshine was the secrecy. Though if he was honest with
himself, he wasn’t sure how he’d deal with the inevitable questions from his
family. They were a conservative bunch. He didn’t doubt that they loved him and
they adored Reagan—his mother already thought of her as a daughter. He had no
idea how they’d react if they ever found out about Trey, so Ethan supposed
keeping their secret was beneficial to him as well. It was just so damned hard
to keep his hands to himself when he’d much rather be putting them on Trey and

better get into position,” Reagan said.

grinned at her. “That’s what she said.”

slapped at Trey playfully and kissed his cheek. Ethan’s stomach clenched—not
with jealousy, but with longing. She paused long enough to offer Ethan a heated
glance, but there was no kiss for him. He doubted she’d ever publicly show how
she felt about him. Not as long as Trey was in the picture. And as far as Ethan
was concerned, Trey would always be in the picture.

joined her band on the floor beside the stage. After having her guitar hooked
to the sound system, she disappeared beneath the stage in preparation of the
band’s grand entrance.

you want to stay and watch Exodus End’s performance tonight?” Trey asked. It
was an innocent enough question, but Ethan didn’t miss the undercurrent of
do you want to take me back to Reagan’s dressing room and fuck me?

an intermission fell between bands at concerts, but the current stage setup
allowed Exodus End to go on immediately after Sinners. In fact, the
unmistakable flurry of drumbeats produced by Exodus End’s legendary drummer,
Steve Aimes, was already filling the stadium. The crowd cheered. Reagan would
rise out of the stage any moment.

leaned close to Trey’s ear and said, “The entire time you were onstage, all I
could think about was stroking your exquisite cock while I fucked you from

sexy growl of appreciation grabbed Ethan by the balls and had him reconsidering
his next words. But sneaking off with Trey to turn his fantasies into reality wouldn’t
be fair to Reagan. He knew she didn’t like to be left out of their sexual

then I decided I’d rather stuff your cock into Reagan’s hot pussy instead. So
you’ll have to wait.”

not nice to get my dick hard with your promises and then make me wait,” Trey
whispered harshly over the building music.

leaned away and lifted an eyebrow at him. “When did I ever claim to be nice?”

grinned, retrieved a red sucker from his pocket, unwrapped it, and stuck it
into his luscious mouth. He did things to that cherry treat that Ethan very
much wanted him to do to the head of his cock. Fuck, the man gave good head. And
Ethan didn’t have to assume so based on the wicked things Trey did to his
sucker. Ethan knew from experience.

guess if I have to wait, you have to wait too,” Trey said. He swirled his
tongue around his sweet before sucking it into his mouth.

adjusted his fly, glad it was relatively dark in the wings, and turned his
attention to Reagan, who was doing things to her guitar that he very much
to be doing to his cock. Fuck. These two would be the death
of him.


far as Reagan was concerned, there was only one experience better than being
kissed awake by the man she loved, and that was being kissed awake by both of
them. She didn’t even have to open her eyes to know that Ethan’s mouth was
against hers, his good-morning greeting strong and demanding as he claimed the
first kiss of the day. His powerful hand grasped her bare breast, thumb and
forefinger tugging at her nipple until she moaned against his lips. Ethan
always took what he wanted without apology, and she willingly gave him whatever
he desired. Reagan also knew the mouth teasing her
lips—the ones
between her splayed legs—belonged to Trey. His soft kisses were methodical,
practiced, and oh so delightful. The rhythm between them reached far deeper
than mere sexual compatibility—she felt Trey in her soul. And that wonderful
tongue piercing of his? She felt
against her clit. Trey always gave
every piece of himself without hesitation, and she eagerly took whatever he
offered. At that precise moment, he was giving her one hell of an orgasm.

tore his mouth from Reagan’s as she cried out, her body quaking in bliss.

never make her wait,” Ethan said.

repetitive flicking of the metal ball in Trey’s tongue ceased as he traced her
throbbing clit with rhythmic circles and latched on with a gentle suction.
Reagan grabbed for something to steady herself, taking hold of Ethan’s bulging
biceps with one hand and a tangle of bedsheet with the other.

he wearing his piercing?” Ethan asked with a crooked grin.

tried to shout
God, yes!
but could only release a shaky

Ethan said. “I guess I’m going to have get my cock pierced so she’ll crave
something other than your tongue.”

wanted far more than Trey’s tongue at the moment. The emptiness inside her was
driving her mad. “Oh please,” she gasped, too delirious to demand what she
wanted. “Please.”

released his suction and kissed his way up her belly. His breath tickled her
sweat-dampened flesh. “You keep promising,” he said to Ethan, “but I haven’t
seen or felt evidence of a cock piercing yet.” He flicked the metal ball in his
tongue against Reagan’s nipple, and she shuddered, releasing her hold on Ethan’s
arm and the bedclothes so she could clutch at Trey’s silky hair. His mouth
moved higher: against her throat, her jaw, and finally her lips. “Good morning,
beautiful,” he murmured. “I called dibs on your first orgasm while you were
asleep. I hope you don’t mind.”

How could she possibly mind? She opened her eyes to stare into Trey’s sultry
green-eyed gaze. The man always looked like he needed to be fucked. Who was she
to deny him his needs? Gaze locked with hers, Trey smiled and shifted to rest his
hips between her thighs. When he claimed her, her eyes drifted shut with bliss.

at me, baby,” he whispered. “I need to see you.”

man had changed so much in the few months they’d been together. She remembered
when he’d fought to keep the sex between them impersonal, how he’d refused to
meet her eyes when they’d come together. But now, so long as their position
allowed it, he demanded that she stare into his eyes the entire time they were

hands moved from his hair to cup his face, the face so precious to her. One she
wanted to see every morning, no matter where they happened to be. And her other
love—Ethan—where had he disappeared to? Near her feet, the bed shifted beneath
his weight. A pair of strong hands gripped her thighs and urged her legs to
wrap around Trey’s slim hips. Reagan lifted her head to try to figure out what
Ethan was doing, but she could only make out the top of his head briefly before
he disappeared between Trey’s spread thighs.

jerked unexpectedly, his slow, churning thrusts drawing to a halt. His eyelids
fluttered, and his mouth dropped open.

is he doing?” Reagan whispered in Trey’s ear. When he didn’t do anything but
release a passionate groan, she bit his earlobe. Ethan’s resounding smack on Trey’s
ass reminded him to thrust. Whatever Ethan was doing to Trey suddenly had him
grinding into Reagan as if he couldn’t get deep enough.

E,” Trey panted. “You’re going to make me cum if you don’t stop that.”

had Reagan wanted a ceiling mirror as much as she wanted one right then. She’d
heard that Exodus End’s head of security, Butch, could get her bandmates
anything they wanted in their hotel rooms. She wondered if she was enough of a
fixture in the band to ask for favors from the guy, because she definitely
needed that mirror.

me what he’s doing,” Reagan urged. “I want some too.”

can’t do this for you,” Trey said with a soft chuckle. “Unless your proverbial
balls have materialized into reality.”

Ethan was doing to Trey’s nuts must have felt fan-fucking-tastic. Trey couldn’t
stop groaning, and the churning of his hips was grinding his pelvis into
Reagan’s clit so perfectly that she didn’t care that he’d stopped thrusting

you forget how to move properly?” Ethan asked.

murmured something unintelligible against Reagan’s throat. She smiled and held
him close as Ethan positioned himself over Trey’s back. Ethan’s eyes met
Reagan’s, and they exchanged a look of understanding.

stopped,” Trey complained. “Why did you stop?”

seems you need a bit of guidance.”

lifted his head from Reagan’s shoulder, his eyelids fluttering as Ethan eased
forward. Reagan was certain Ethan had claimed Trey’s ass, but neither man was

Trey demanded.

you want it deeper, take it,” Ethan said.

pulled out of Reagan several inches, groaning in bliss as the motion of his
hips drove Ethan deeper into his ass. Ethan held still as Trey found a motion
that allowed him to fuck and be fucked simultaneously. Every dozen strokes or
so, Ethan would drive Trey deeper into Reagan with a powerful thrust before
pulling completely out, making Trey whimper with excitement and angle his hips
to ease Ethan’s possession. Trey was not shy about taking all the pleasure he
deserved, but he was being uncharacteristically selfish and not paying any mind
to Reagan’s enjoyment. Still, she was so turned on by his obvious delight that
every stroke of his hips made her pussy clench with excitement. Wanting to
increase his rapture, she tightened around his rigid cock each time he

Ethan said, “imagine what this would feel like if my cock was pierced.”

shuddered violently and pulled out of Reagan, rising up on his knees between her
thighs. Still thrusting into Trey’s ass, Ethan reached around Trey’s body and
grabbed his cock in his fist, stroking until Trey found release with a
strangled cry. Reagan couldn’t keep her hand from between her legs as she
rubbed herself to orgasm while watching Trey’s cum spurt from between Ethan’s
fingers and splatter over her belly, her thighs, her mound. Dear God, where was
it all coming from? Ethan’s thrusting stilled when he buried his face against
Trey’s shoulder and found release of his own. A few moment later, Ethan eased
out of Trey’s body and carefully stretched him out beside Reagan.

okay?” Ethan asked, leaning over to kiss Trey’s jaw. “Too rough? I got a little
carried away.”

Trey said, his voice hoarse. He rubbed his face against Reagan’s arm. “Sorry. I
kind of neglected you.”

apologize for being the sexiest man alive,” Reagan said with a soft snort.

Ethan protested.

alive,” she amended.

the sexiest guitarist alive,” Trey said.

just say we’re all sexy and leave it at that.”

chuckled and collapsed onto the bed beside Reagan. He tugged her close, one
hand cupping her breast. “Next time I get first dibs on the pussy.”

have all day,” Trey murmured drowsily. “I do love these days off between tour

have a date with Toni this morning,” Reagan said, kicking herself for insisting
she would take the woman shopping for some decent clothes in New Orleans. It
had sounded like a good idea when she made the offer.

guess you’ll have to settle for ass then, E,” Trey said, his hand searching
blindly for a piece of Ethan. He ended up gripping his waist.

call that settling?” Ethan chuckled. “That’s a mighty good piece of ass you’ve
got there, Mr. Mills.”

two aren’t going to spend all day screwing in my bed, are you?” Reagan asked.
Perhaps if she made them feel guilty, they’d save it up for her later that

because you have other plans doesn’t mean we do,” Trey said. He kissed her
shoulder and tugged her across the bed and away from Ethan. When he’d made
sufficient room, he took her forcibly vacated spot and curled into Ethan’s hard-muscled

crossed her arms over her chest. “Ethan gets all the cuddles too?”

Trey said, snuggling closer.

have fun with Toni,” Ethan said. “I promise I’ll keep him out of trouble.”

snorted on a laugh. “Yeah, right. You two should make yourselves useful and
install a mirror on the ceiling while I’m gone. I would very much like to watch
you lick Trey’s balls while he fucks me.”

a pervert,” Trey murmured. “And for the record, he was doing more sucking than

forced herself into the shower. She probably needed to invest in a couple of
cock cages and carry the keys with her at all times so she could keep those two
from going at it without her. She wasn’t jealous of their relationship, not
exactly. Well, maybe she was a little jealous. She liked that her two lovers
got along so well and that their affection for each other grew by the hour. She
was just starting to worry that they’d decide they weren’t really bisexual, that
they were actually gay, and then they’d thank her for introducing them and bid
her a fond farewell.

be ridiculous,” she said to herself as she washed the traces of Trey’s cum from
her belly. She felt confident that both men loved her as much as she loved both
of them. It was actually best if the two men had a solid relationship with each
other, wasn’t it? Yeah, she was sure it was for the best.

clean and dressed, she returned to find both men fast asleep—Ethan sprawled on
his back, Trey curled up against his side, using Ethan’s arm as a pillow. What
was she worried about? She was the luckiest woman in the world. She had the job
of her dreams, an amazing sex life, the love and devotion of two perfect men, and
she was even making new friends while on tour. Still, she couldn’t help but
worry that her luck would eventually run out. But until that time, she was
going to live it up.

leaned over the bed and kissed Ethan’s lips. He opened sleepy brown eyes and
squinted at her.

you need anything,” she said, “call or text. I’ll have my phone with me.” She
followed Ethan’s gaze to the industrial-size tub of lube on the nightstand.

will probably run me out of lube by tonight. Better pick up another gallon or

slapped him half-heartedly on the arm. “You’re the one that goes through so
much of the stuff.”

should be thanking me.”

ass thanks you,” Trey said. “My dick doesn’t get to use it often enough,

let you fuck me,” Ethan protested.

rolled his eyes, looking irresistible enough to lick. “Rarely.”

you complaining about being in the middle? You weren’t complaining an hour

worried his tongue piercing with his teeth for a long moment.

he said finally, squirming his ass against Ethan’s hip. “Would you mind picking
up another gallon or two of lube? I think E’s going to need it.”

chuckled and stretched across Ethan to kiss Trey’s temple. “I’m sure I’m the
only woman in the world who has to listen to arguments about her boyfriends’
use of lube.”

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