Outside the Box (3 page)

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Authors: H. M. Montes

BOOK: Outside the Box
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Destiney continued to laugh, “She…” she couldn’t even talk, she held her one hand up with her middle finger and index finger pointing down like a walking person.  Then held her other hand up like a wall.  “She…” she jumped one hand from the air to the wall.

I looked over at Frank that was licking her paw and rubbing it down her face, then back at
Destiney.  “Oh god…(she sucked in a breath) She jumped from her perch right into the window after a bird…THUMP…meooww…” was all Destiney could say.

I shook my head as she wiped the tears off her face from laughing so hard, I walked over and petted Frank then grabbed my purse. 
Destiney walked down the hall to her bathroom a few minutes later came out.  “Sorry, I had to fix my mascara.” She said and tried not to start laughing again when she looked at Frank that was glaring at her from the perch. 

She tried not to laugh about it once we were in the elevator, even I couldn’t hold my laugh in so when the elevator doors opened and the same group of guys were standing in the lobby they all turned to stare at the crazy ladies on the elevator. 
Derrick smiled and looked me over from head to toe, but neither of us spoke. One of the other guys elbowed him and smiled at me as Destiney and I made our way out to a waiting cab.  Clancy the doorman tipped his hat and wished us both a good day. 

The drive to the college took about fifteen minutes, I asked
Destiney why we didn’t just walk.  When she pointed at my heels, that was a good enough answer for me, the Luna Jimmy Choos were definitely not meant for walking very far.  We walked into the admissions office and were greeted by two elderly ladies.  “Good morning Miss Lancaster, what can we help you with?” the one lady said. 

“Good morning to you too Sherry and good morning Brenda. 
My friend Lexi is wanting to fill out financial aid and enrollment forms for the Accounting program.”

“Oh dear you two, there’s a huge waiting list for that course.  But we can sure get the paperwork started.”

“How long of a wait?” I asked.

“Only a few months but maybe longer, let’s get the paperwork sent in though.” Brenda said with a smile. 
We all sat down at a table while I filled out all of the forms, “Don’t forget to list your parents too, that way over spring break we can still mail out our newsletter.” Sherry told me.

I looked at her, “Uhmm I…”

“Her parents passed away, she just moved here with me.” Destiney told them.

I looked back down at the form and put
Destiney’s parents as my emergency contact.  Brenda reached over and patted my arm, “I’m so sorry sweet heart.  You’ll love it here, you’ve got a great roommate and the people in your building and neighborhood are super friendly.” She said with a warm smile.

After I had all of the financial aid paperwork filled out we visited a while longer with Sherry and Brenda.  I told them that I was also interested in finishing my school for cosmetology, Sherry walked over to her desk and wrote a name and number down on a sticky note.  “Give my niece
Julie a call she’s in charge of the beauty school here, tell her you talked to me.  You’ve got a great personality and this area is in pretty high demand for beauticians, while you’re waiting for a call from us finish cosmetology school.”

“Oh that is great!  Thank You so much, I will get in touch with her today.” I smiled and put the sticky note in my wallet.  Sherry and Brenda hugged us before
Destiney and I left.

As we walked out of the building
Destiney’s phone rang, she said a few curse words then answered. “Yes daddy?” she looked at me and mouthed ‘Sorry’.  “Okay, just let me go grab something to eat and get Lexi situated at Max’s then I’ll be there okay?”

She pressed the end call on her phone then put it back in her purse.  We walked to the waiting taxi and drove for about ten minutes.  The large red brick building was in the middle of numerous other shops along the strip.  Small wicker tables and chairs were placed under a large maroon canopy outside, people were talking and eating, typing on their notebooks and laptops, reading newspapers and some were sipping on coffee.

“You know, you never did let me have a cup of coffee no wonder I’m so tired.” I said and nudged her elbow with mine.

She laughed, “Tomorrow I PROMISE, we’ll go to Starbucks. AFTER our workout of course.”

We walked inside the décor was rustic but beautiful.  Plush chairs were against the tables and booths were in each corner.  “You’ll be able to get on your laptop in here, the apartment is only two blocks away.  I don’t know when I will be home if you want to go sight-seeing I’ll send a driver to take you.” She told me then stepped up to the counter.  She ordered an ice tea and told me to order something to eat and drink.  I ordered an Orange salad and an iced tea.  We sat down in a booth in a corner Destiney smiled, “I really think you’ll love it here.  I know it’s a HUGE change and everything is still really new but just know that I’m here for you no matter what, so are my parents.”

I nodded and smiled back at her, “I just hope I made the right choice, what if I’m not cut out for city life?  Is this something mom and dad would have encouraged?” I sighed.  The waitress brought our drinks and my salad.  After she left I looked at the salad in front of me, “It’s almost to
o beautiful to eat!”

laughed, “They are delicious, dig in!”

I drizzled raspberry vinaigrette over the baby spinach, oranges, and walnuts
then mixed it around and took a bite.  I leaned back and moaned as I chewed, “So good!” I said around a mouthful of salad.  Destiney nodded her head, “I told you!”  Her cell phone dinged from inside of her purse, she pulled it out.  “Ugg, I have to get to the office I will see you later this evening okay?  Do NOT go very far by yourself, text or call me and I’ll send the driver if you want to go anywhere.”

“Yes ma’am!” I winked.

She shook her head, “The boutiques along this strip have some adorable clothes, I expect to see numerous bags littering the living room when I get home.”

“I will buy what I want.” I told her and smiled.

She leaned down and kissed my cheek, “Get clothes for the weekends too, we’ll go clubbing Friday night.” Then she turned and hurried out of the café before I could say anything back. 

After I finished my salad the waitress came over and cleared the table, “I didn’t introduce myself earlier.  I’m Mayla.”  She e
xtended her hand and shook mine.

“I’m Alexia, you can call me Lexi.” I told her with a smile. 

“That’s a beautiful name!  Are you new to the area?  I haven’t seen you in here before, but I’ve seen Destiney in here.  She is SUCH a sweet person!”

“I am, I just moved here.  My parents passed away and
Destiney was VERY determined that I needed a “New Fresh” start.”

“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry to hear that!  If you ever want somebody to hang out with or to go see the wonderful city with you let me know.”  She told me and wrote her name and number on a receipt and gave it to me.

I smiled, “I will most certainly do that, Destiney is a workaholic.  I better leave you alone so you can get back to work it was great meeting you.  Before I forget here’s my number.”  I wrote my number down for her.  A guy behind the counter dinged the small bell to let her know another order was ready. She hurried behind the counter and grabbed the plates and went back to work.

I left the café and decided to browse the boutiques and other stores, I wasn’t the type that enjoyed shopping.  The strip was lined with old brick buildings, the windows decorated for each shop.  The first boutique I went into was a clothing store, I ran my fingers across the fabrics of the elegant gowns that were hanging in color coordination. 

“Good afternoon, I’m Sally, can I help you find anything?” the young college aged girl asked with a smile.

“I’m just looking, I think.” I laughed slightly, “Actually, I don’t like shopping at all.  My roommate demanded I buy some new clothes
, if I don’t do it she’s TAKING me shopping.” I told Sally.

She laughed, “Well, I’ll make it as painless as possible.  What are you looking for?”

“I need interview clothes, every day clothes, oh and clubbing clothes.”

She smiled big, “Follow me!”

She pulled clothes after clothes off of the racks until they were piled up in her arms as we walked to the back of the store.  I was pretty worried about the sizes until I glanced at the tag, ‘Size 6-7’ the tag read.  I thought to myself that I hadn’t seen a size like that before but I didn’t say anything. Sally pushed through the dressing room curtains and laid the close down on the small bench.  “Try these on and come out so I can see.”

“Thank You.” I smiled at
her, she walked out and slid the curtain closed.  The first thing I did was look at the price tag expecting to see outrageous prices.   The first pencil skirt I picked up had a price tag of fifteen dollars.  I wrinkled my eyebrows together and looked at the tag brand ‘Benigi’ I shook my head, slipped my skirt off and pulled the silky black material up.  I zipped it, looking at myself in the mirror I couldn’t believe how it hugged my curves perfectly and still gave me room to be able to walk.  There was a dark pink tank that had large ruffles that gave it a flowing look.  The price tag on it was seven dollars.  I slipped my shirt off and pulled the tank top over my head I turned side to side looking at myself in the massive mirror.  When I pulled the curtain open, Sally quickly folded the blue jeans she had in her hands and hurried over to me. 

“Wow, you look GREAT!  Do you like the outfit?” she asked and held her finger up making a circle with it so I would turn around.

“I do, it fits perfect.  I do have to ask why the prices are so cheap though.  These are all name brand high dollar designers.”

She smiled, “Well, this is a quote un quote second hand store, BUT, everything is NEW.  It’s all stuff that the “Richy Rich” people clean out of their closets.  We buy it from them or they donate it to us, this store was started by a group of us college women.”

“Oh wow that’s Great!  I love this outfit so I’ll for sure be getting it.”

“Shooo, go try the others on.” Sally said and laughed as I hurried back into the dressing room.

Memories of my mom flashed before me
, “Lexi you HAVE to go shopping, I can’t buy you clothes without you there.  Come on beautiful we will have fun, I promise!”

“I don’t like shopping!” I whined.

She laughed, “I’m pretty sure you’re the only female alive to say that, now come on!”

We spent almost an entire day walking around the mall, in and out of clothing stores, in and out of shoe stores and finally ended up in the movie theater watching ‘
The Silver Linings Play Book

I ended up buying EVERYTHING
Sally had pulled off of the racks, along with a few pairs of my very own stilettoes, flats, and some flip flops.  When the total flashed up on the register I smiled, “Your total is $249.22” Sally told me.  I walked out of the boutique with three massive clothing bags on each arm.  I hurried in my sky high heels to the curb to hail a taxi, there was no way I was going to make it back to the apartment building with the bags and the heels.   As I was trying to make my way through the crowd, a guy shoved a black post card in my face “Job Lady, Job!” he yelled and stepped back disappearing into the crowd.  A taxi pulled up within minutes of me waving my hand, I quickly pushed my bags into the back seat and gave him my address. 

He raised an eyebrow at me, “Only two blocks?”

“Yep, I wasn’t going to make it that far in these shoes and with those bags.” I said with a laugh. 

“Okay then.” He grumbled
and punched the accelerator. 

Within just a few minutes he was pulling up in front of the beautiful apartment building.   I thrust twenty dollars through the plexi
glass separation and hurried out of the car.   I shut the door with my hip and the driver sped back into traffic.  I blew a lock of stray hairs out of my face and situated the bags again, “Miss Lexi let me help you!” I looked up to see Clancy rushing towards me.

“Thank You Clancy!” I br
eathed out as we walked through the doors, the lobby and to the elevators. 

“Busy day?” He asked with a smile.

“I put my application in for Accounting at the college, had brunch at Max’s, then decided to go shopping.  Now I’m going to call a lady about cosmetology school and look for jobs in the paper.” I told him.

“I’ll help you any way I can.” He told me.

When we got back to the apartment Clancy carried the bags to the bedroom and tipped his hat then walked out.  I pulled the clothes out and pulled the tags off of all of them, they were all new with tags so I was very proud of myself and my savings.   I separated them then started laundry, Frank made figure eights through my legs no doubt thinking if I didn’t feed her she would starve.  After I had her fed, I grabbed my purse and pulled the paper out that had the number on it to call about cosmetology.  An overly hyper woman answered, “Bronze Beauty this is Julie how may I help you?”

“Hi, Julie.  My name is Alexia
Davenport, your Aunt Sherry gave me your name and number when I was enrolling at the college today.”

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