Outside the Box (26 page)

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Authors: H. M. Montes

BOOK: Outside the Box
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His dad smiled at me, “Pleasure to meet you Lexi, Derrick told me all about you this morning.”

A tall skinny woman with long silky black hair, wearing
a white bikini walked over to Randy and wrapped her arms around his waist, “Aww, she’s adorable Derrick, you must be Lexi?  I’m Camille.” She stuck her hand out so I shook it.  I couldn’t look at Spencer but I could feel his eyes boring into me.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” I finally found my voice to talk. 

“Looks like the pool is starting to see some action, Lexi lets dive in.” Derrick smiled down at me then led me over to a lounge chair. 

“I need to use the restroom first can you show me where it’s at?” I asked. 

“Just go through those big glass double doors, through the kitchen.  Use the one upstairs second door on the right.  I’m going to see if they have the grill fired up.”

I nodded my head
then turned and hurried through the crowd of people and tried to spot Destiney or William but I couldn’t find them.  When I finally found the bathroom I was in aww at the size of it.  Nothing could settle my nerves though.  I sat down on the small bench next to a massive two seat Jacuzzi tub that was built into the floor.  With my face resting in my hands I tried to gather my thoughts and not start to panic.

The bathroom door opened then slammed shut, “Are you fucking serious?  My little brother is who you’ve been fucking?!”  Spencer yelled.

I looked up at him, “I’m sorry but I sure as hell had no
that you two are brothers!” I yelled back. 

He shook his head, “This is un fucking believable.” He ran his hand through his hair.

“I think I’ll just go back to the apartment, I can’t do this.  My nerves are shot already.”

“You are
fucking leaving!”

“I’m not staying!” I told him.

“Lexi, are you in there?”  Derrick asked and tapped lightly on the door.

I shook my head and glared at Spencer, he stepped out of the way, just before I reached the door he grabbed my wrist.  “Welcome to my fucking house LEXI!” he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.  I yanked my hand out of his grasp and pulled the door open. 

“You okay?” Derrick asked. 

“I’m fine, I was just admiring the bathroom, I love that bathtub.”

“He’s got more money than he knows what to do with I swear.” He said as we walked down the short wide hallway.  I looked back over my shoulder before I followed Derrick down the massive staircase, Spencer had come out of the bathroom and was staring at me with his arms crossed over is chest. 

When we got back outside, the music was turned up and people were
jumping in the pool to play a game of volleyball.  Derrick asked if I wanted to play but I declined, I had to think of a way to get out of here and back to the apartment without Spencer stopping me or all hell breaking loose.

I sent Julie a text and asked if she could come get me, but, she was out of town and wouldn’t be back until later in the evening.  I sighed and sat down on the lounge chair, Destiney came over and sat on the one next to me. 

“How in the hell did this happen?” she asked.

“I have no clue, neither of them ever said who the brother was.  I can’t believe this.
  See this is a sign we can’t be together…I didn’t even ask his brothers name!” I pushed my face into my hands. 

“Okay, here’s what we are going to do.  Just relax and act like everything is fine, as soon as William is ready to leave
, you can leave with us.”

“Act like everything is fine?  Sure, because that’s so easy to do now that Spencer knows who I was talking about the other night.
  This is going to lead to a disaster, I can feel it.”

“Just chill,
let’s catch some sun and relax.”  Destiney said as she stripped her shirt and shorts off.  I pulled my shirt and denim skirt off and laid back in the chair.  With my sunglasses on I blocked everything out and tried to relax to the music.



The party was in full swing, people were having fun, drinking beer, visiting, and Jocee was cooking some kind of bacon wrapped popper on the grill with
Victoria supervising.  Numerous VIP’s from the club had been invited, Patricia and her girlfriend were here, dad and his girlfriend had arrived earlier in the day, but my brother was running late as usual.  Jocee shooed me away from the grill and told me I needed to go be sociable. I made my way through the crowd when I heard my brother’s voice I weaved around people until I was standing behind him.  His hand was resting on the hip of a woman wearing a frayed denim skirt, a tank top and a red bikini.  When they both turned around there I stood staring at Alexia…with my brother’s arm wrapped around her waist and his hand resting on her hip.  My blood instantly started to boil, Alexia looked like she was about to be sick.  Surely the “friend with benefits” she had told me about wasn’t Derrick.  I replayed our conversation over in my head, Not one time could I remember her saying Derrick’s name, the one time Derrick had started to tell me about the woman he had been spending time with he was interrupted and never got to finish telling me about her.  Her friends she was talking to were invited because they were VIP’s at my club.  Derrick never took his hands off of her, he was constantly touching her lower back, her hips, or running his hand down her back, I was ready to break my brothers fucking hands. 

When I confronted her in the bathroom she said she was going to leave so there wouldn’t be any problems.  No way in hell was I going to let her leave, we were going to set things straight so Derrick wouldn’t keep putting his hands all over
woman or fucking her on Sundays for that matter.

Alexia and Destiney were both lounging on the chaise lounge chairs, I stared at her from across the pool.  Her bikini bottoms had strings that tied just below each hip bone, the top was red and had a tie behind her neck and the middle of her back. 

“She’s pretty hot huh?” Patricia asked from beside. 

“You don’t even want to know what I think of her.” I replied and took a long drink of my beer.


I turned and looked down at her, “That’s…”

“Oh my GOD, is that Ember?!”

“Jesus shut up!” I told her just above a whisper. 

“I didn’t know you invited her.” She said with a smile.

“I didn’t invite her, well I did but she told me she had plans with a friend today.  That friend just so happens to be my brother.  They are friends with benefits none the less.”

“No way!”

“Dead serious.”  I continued to stare at Alexia.  My brother climbed out of the pool, went over to her and shook his hair above her, covering her in little droplets of pool water.  She gasped then smiled, he braced his hands on the chair arms and lowered himself so their mouths were almost touching.  Alexia leaned back the closer he got, he finally had her backed against the chair and lowered his mouth to hers.

“Easy there big boy, I think I just heard the beer bottle crack under pressure.”  Patricia whispered from beside me.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of Derrick and Alexia, he brushed hair away from her face then said something to her.  She smiled and shook her head, he leaned down and kissed her again before walking away.  “You and Derrick…had no clue you were both in love with the same woman?”

“Nope, not a clue.”  I stared Alexia down, even with her sunglasses covering her beautiful eyes I knew she was watching me watch her. 

Everybody fixed their selves a plate for supper, since it was starting to get dark out the pool lights had kicked on.  They changed colors as the music played since they were synced with the surround sound system.  Derrick had managed to convince Alexia to get in the pool with him, I walked past the deep end of the pool where he had her pushed against the side of the pool, “Get the fuck out if you’re going to bang her in there.” I stared down at him. 

“Chill out asshole I was just talking to her.”

“I…Actually I need to use the restroom.” Alexia stuttered out so Derrick moved away so she could swim to the ladder. 

“What’s your fucking problem?  Derrick asked me, “She’s nice you don’t need to treat her like shit.”

I snorted, shook my head and walked over to where Peaches was talking to Destiney.  “Keep an eye on my brother I’m going to go have a talk with her.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Destiney said and shook her head. 

I glared at her, “Good idea or not, I’m going to go fucking talk to her.”

Peaches grabbed my upper arm, “It’s only going to lead to a fight between you and Derrick, is it really worth ruining everything between you two?”

“I’m just going to talk to her, I didn’t say I was going to fuck her.” I mumbled through clenched teeth.  I looked past her shoulder, Derrick looked to be in deep conversation with William and Josh.  I hadn’t seen or talked to him in weeks, as soon as I was done talking to Alexia I would find Josh and see how things had been going for him.

Alexia was sitting on the couch with her elbows on her knees and her face hiding behind her hands.  I sat down on the leather ottoman in front of her.  “You can either break the news to him or I can, it makes no difference to me.” I told her and leaned forward resting my elbows on my knees, we were only inches apart. 

“I’m not telling him here!  It will just lead to a fight!”

“I’m not going to keep watching him touch you
and fucking kiss you, next thing I know you two will be fucking in one of my spare bedrooms.”

She shook her head and glared at me, “I’m not going to do that with him and I’m not telling him….”

“Telling me what?” Derrick asked from behind me.  Alexia dropped her face into her hands again. 

I knew she could feel me glaring at the top of her head, “You or me, take your pick.”

“Why do you have her almost in tears Spencer, for fucks sake leave her alone.  If you’re going to be a dick we’ll just leave.” Derrick was now standing beside me looking down.  “Lexi, we can just go back to the apartment.” He held his hand down to her. 

re not leaving.” I growled out and stood up.  Alexia’s head shot up when she realized I had stood up. 

“Fuck you, I’m not going to let you be a total douche bag to my girlfriend just because your ex was a dumb bitch.  Lexi isn’t.”

“I’m not your girlfriend.” Alexia whispered.

“What?” Derrick asked with a laugh.  “I’m pretty god damn sure that it’s my bed you frequent each week.” He told her. 

She shook her head, “I’m not your girlfriend, I’m no one’s girlfriend.”

“Well this is playing out exactly like I said it fucking would.” Josh walked into the room interrupting Alexia.

“What?” Derrick and I both asked.

“Lexi, didn’t I ask you not to hurt Derrick?  Didn’t I say it would be just a matter of time before you did?”

Alexia’s eyes filled with tears and anger, “You knew?” she asked while glaring at Josh.

“Knew what?” Derrick asked looking back and forth from Alexia and Josh.

“Are you going to tell him?” Josh said with a grin, “Because I have a feeling shit’s going to get real ugly in a hurry.”

Tell me what for fucks sake
!?”  Derrick yelled then put his hands on his hips.

Alexia sat back down on the couch, “I’m…I’ve been seeing Spencer.”

“What?!” Derrick asked with a laugh, “He doesn’t date, what do you mean you’ve been seeing him?”  He asked her then glared at me.  “What the fuck is going on?”

“We worked together.” I told him and shrugged a shoulder. 

“Worked together? I thought Peaches was your secretary?”

“She is, (I nodded my head once), Alexia and I worked together inside the box.”  I said then let it sink in about what I had just said.

He took one quick step towards me and punched me with a right hook but didn’t stop there.  He tackled me to the ground.  The thing about Derrick, since he was soccer player I knew his legs were the strongest part of his body, as long as he didn’t get an open shot at my ribs with his knees I could walk away with nothing more than a bloody nose. 

“DERRICK…STOP IT!” Alexia screamed.  Then Derrick pulled his knee back and kneed me in the ribs twice before I could roll away from him.  I knew that he had just
broken some of my ribs but I sure as wasn’t going to let him keep beating on me.  “STOP IT!” Alexi yelled again.  I rolled and tackled Derrick so that he landed on his side, I got one solid punch in to his nose.  Blood started seeping out, before I knew it I was being yanked away from him as William pulled Derrick away.  My dad’s voice boomed and echoed through the house.


!  What in the fuck are your two trying to beat the hell out of each other for?” he asked with his hands planted on his hips.  Derrick tipped his head back trying to slow the blood that was flowing out of it. I winced at the pain that shot through my rib cage.

“You’ve been fucking her?  That means she hasn’t been working nights taking care of a friends kids…and you fucking knew all along Josh?”  Derrick asked. 

Camille handed me and Derrick each a wad of paper towels, I wiped my nose then tossed them onto the couch.  Destiney was hugging Alexia that was still crying, “Yes, and in that time we’ve gained some pretty strong feelings for each other.  I love her and she feels the same way.” I told him.  He tried to lunge for me again but William grabbed him again. 

“Jesus Christ, this shit belongs on Jerry Springer.” My dad told us and shook his head. 

“Why the fuck couldn’t you have just left me a voicemail or sent a simple god damn text letting me know that the woman you recruited was the one my brother was hot after?” I asked Josh.

“I tried to tell you, then the realtor called, then my psycho ex started calling me, THEN my uncle that lived in Kentucky passed away.  I’m sorry that I have a life and had more important things to tend to.”

“Why the fuck did you give her the second god damn post card then?!” I yelled. 

He shrugged a shoulder, “I didn’t think she would take the job and if she did, I didn’t expect her to stay working there.”

Derrick threw his wad of paper towels down and shook his head, “Why the fuck didn’t you tell
that you were giving her the god damn things?  I would have told you to find somebody else!”

“This isn’t my fault assholes, shouldn’t you be asking her why she didn’t bother to tell either of you about the other?” he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her.

Camille walked over to Destiney and Alexia, “I think the three of you need to talk, Lexi, you need to put into consideration that if you do choose to be with Spencer…you’re going to be hurting Derrick.  I’m not saying all of this is your fault, it’s actually a big fucking mess in my opinion.”  She shook her head and gave a small laugh, “Boys you better play nice, everybody else out.”  She shooed everybody out, it was now Derrick, Alexia, and me. 

Alexia sat down on the couch so I moved to set beside her, she shook her head ‘no’ at me.  It felt like she had just shoved a knife into my chest, I was now waiting for her to add to the pain and feel that knife twist deeper. 
Derrick sat in one of the recliners so I leaned against the fire place mantle. 

We both
were staring at Alexia, she finally looked up when Derrick spoke, “So, you’ve been banging my brother Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and me on Sundays?  I take it he’s the asshole that took your virginity too?”

“Yes, but…”

“There’s no
to it Lexi!  Christ, you fucking lied to me by telling me you were fucking babysitting.  He said that he loves you and that you love him, how the fuck can that even be possible considering how you two met?”

“It just happened, I sure as fuck wasn’t looking for a woman and you know it.” I told him. 

“How can you even want to be with her, last I knew you thought all women were fucking disposable!  Lexi, these last few weeks, have you really been going to hair school or have you been seeing him after you get out at Columbia?”

That pissed her off, “YES!  I’ve been working my ass off at both Columbia and the salon!  (She didn’t stop there though)  Derrick I TOLD you, I told you that I didn’t want a relationship, friends
that was it, the sex was an added bonus.  Now you’re both making me feel like a slut, I hope you’re happy.”

…” I used a warning tone, I couldn’t handle hearing her say that about herself.

“What Spencer?  I’ve been screwing brothers!”

“Do you love him?” Derrick asked.

She paused, looked at me then back at Derrick, “Yes.”

He shook his head, “How can you, fuck, you two surely can’t know each other that good.”

“Derrick, please, I don’t know how it happened but it did.  I….God, I’ve tried to figure it out myself but I can’t.  I miss him when I can’t see him or talk to him, I miss his kiss, his touch, I miss how much of an arrogant asshole he can be when we are together…”

“Okay, Christ I think that’s enough I don’t need to hear every detail.  You knew how I felt about you though.”

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