OUTNUMBERED volume 4: A Zombie Apocalypse Series (6 page)

BOOK: OUTNUMBERED volume 4: A Zombie Apocalypse Series
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"Do you have any idea what kind of firepower they have?" Ed wanted to know.

"Richard spoke up, "I saw assault rifles and pistols, but I didn't see any big stuff like machineguns or mortars or the like. They've got a bunch of pickups. I guess maybe ten."

I looked to Ed and Shane. "First light is around seven-thirty. Leave here at four-forty-five; get there around six to six-fifteen? The three of us go in to recon, and everyone should be in position before seven-thirty. Wait for first light and hit them hard?"

Shane and Ed nodded before Shane said, "We'll fuel up tonight before dark, leave the trailer's here except for the one with weapons, and go in with minimum food and water but heavy on weapons and ammo. If we're in position before dawn we can pack more ammo in."

Carmen spoke, "I'm going along." She turned to Richard with defiance in her eyes. "I'm a nurse and you might need me." She turned back to me. "And I can shoot straight, too. When Richard was in the marines, I was in the Army Reserves while I took my nurse's training. If you have an extra M16 I'll carry that."

"We'll be proud to have you along. I'll put you with my daughter." My look encompassed all of the adult Jones family members. "It's only fair that I tell you this ahead of time. We don't intend for there to be any survivors when we're done. Ridder and his bunch raped and murdered four of our people and three of your family members. They're going to pay with their lives. If any of that bunch escapes they would more than likely join with another renegade group and commit the same atrocious crimes. We intend to kill them all. Do you have a problem with that?"

There was serious soul searching as the family eyed each other. Willie turned to us. "If we'd had more bodies we would have already done the same thing. We're in." Mable objected and gave him a harsh glare. "Willie, that's murder and the bible doesn't condone such behavior."

Willies shot back, "Forget the bible woman. We gotta do what it takes to stay alive."

I stood. "We're going to fix supper now. You're welcome to eat with us because we brought plenty."

I yelled for Paige and introduced her to Carmen and told them to stay together in the morning." Ira had already given Carmen a radio and introduced her to Marcie. He was glad to have two nurses along on what could be a high injury, extended, firefight.

Ed motioned to the Jones going with us, "I have handguns for each of you and a couple of extra M16s for anyone who wants one." Richard and Carmen each raised a hand and nodded.



At five-fifty the following morning, Willie said we were close to the target. In the dark, we crested a hill as another vehicle coming toward us passed over the next hill. The new vehicle made a fast U-turn, hit the edge of the gravel road, backed up quickly and sped away throwing loose gravel behind it. By then, all five trucks had crossed over the hill and my truck was near the bottom of the valley. The radio burped to life as Ed said, "Looks like we've been spotted boys and girls. Our surprise advantage just evaporated. Everyone stop where we are for a minute so we can talk."

Fifteen seconds later, we were huddling around the middle truck. Nate said, "Will we wait for daylight to go in now that they know we're coming?"

Ed said, "Definitely not. We've got to hit them fast and hard. The longer we wait the more time they have to prepare. Tom, Shane, I'll take Richard with me. He was in the marines and has used diving equipment before. We're going to come in behind them from the lake while you keep them busy from the woods. We'll take the first lane toward the lake past Ridder's place. There's a rubber raft and electric motor in the trailer I'm pulling. We'll put those in the bed of a different truck with the suppressed Heckler and Koch MP5s and you take the truck pulling the equipment trailer. We're leaving now, be careful, but hit them as soon as it's light enough so we have cover when we come in. We need them watching you not the lake."

Ed and Richard scurried off as I spoke. "Okay folks, this is a complete change of plans. When we get there, park the trucks at the road and split into two groups. Eleven will go with me and the rest with Shane. Spread out eight or ten feet apart as we go through the woods. Willie says it's about a quarter mile to the clearing where the resort sits. We'll all pack lots of ammo. Shane and I need several strong people to carry the machine guns, ammo and rockets for the RPGS. Stay low and look for cover around you because they know we're coming, and they'll definitely shoot at first sight. Watch out for each other, and if some one is hit pass the word to someone with a radio. Ira will send one of the medical staff to help the wounded. Let's go."

We got back in the trucks and drove another three miles before we pulled to the edge of the road and parked. Everyone had jobs to do and set about getting their equipment and extra ammo or heavy weapons. We all listened intently but no sounds came from the directions of Ridder's camp. They hadn't been alerted more than fifteen minutes earlier so they hadn't had much time to prepare an elaborate ambush strategy. I hoped the bulk of their people were hunkered down with guns pointed at us and not at the lake.

My group stayed on the right side of the lane to the resort, and Shane took the left side. Quietly as possible, we slipped through the mix of pine and almost bare deciduous trees and bushes.

Twenty seven of us advanced slowly until we could vaguely make out the unnatural silhouettes of the main building through the trees. I passed the word for everyone to take cover. We lay prone to the cold ground waiting for dawn, or for Ed and Richard to attack first. From the little I could make out in the dark, the building layout was close to what Willie had remembered. The time was seven-thirty-four when Shane and I spoke on the radios.

We had spread our forces in a partial semi-circle and had the light and medium machine guns positioned so as to not shoot each other. Several small fortifications were visible under the dim light as dawn approached. The fortifications sat between the edge of the woods and the two story training building. They looked like earthen mounds probably piled against log barriers for troops to take cover behind. They would be difficult to breach, but there were only four of them and no more than four fighters could hide behind each of them. The two story building had four windows on the second floor facing us. The height gave them a strong advantage, but the medium machine guns could punch through the walls to hit anyone shooting from there.

Satisfied with our positions and preparations, the war began. Shane launched the first rocket propelled grenade into one of the dirt mounds. I immediately put a rocket into the right side of the first floor of the main structure. Heavy fire pinned me down, and I assumed from the sudden amount of gunfire that Shane was taking fire also. We definitely had their attention. All around me I heard our crews returning selective fire as targets were found. Our shots were effective because I often heard screams coming from the enemy camp. However, we weren't without casualties. On my radio earpiece I learned Irene Margherio was dead and James Butler was seriously wounded after taking multiple bullets.

The sound of bullets thudding into the log I was behind faded, so I raised and put another RPG into the left side of the large structure. The area of my first strike was on fire and the roaring orange flames helped backlight our targets. Bullets again thumped my log barricade and whizzed over my head. A light machine gun was spewing bullets at me as I rolled ten feet down the log to a new position. Carefully, I peeked over the log and saw the intermittent fire was coming from one of the fortifications fifty yards directly in front of me. It sounded like a 5.56 mm. light squad automatic weapon.

Jakes Bales and Barlow were near me. I asked each of them to fire on the machine gun position long enough for me to rise above the log with the RPG to take it out. With their covering fire, I was able to aim and send the deadly rocket for a perfect hit. Several people and weapons were thrown from the bunker. Bullets fired toward us slowed, and it was much safer to return fire.

Light from the rising sun now lit the area enough to see clearly. Shane called on the radio to alert everyone that Ed and Richard had moved in from the lake and were hitting the enemy from their unprotected backside. I finally spotted Richard moving stealthily from cover to cover. Then my ears picked up the puff, puff, puff sound of the silenced sub-machinegun. As I expected, Richard began taking fire from the people trapped between us. They not only faced deadly fire in front of them but now at their backside. My crew began shooting at anyone who moved while trying to avoid shots near Richard.

My thoughts left the death scene in front of me when a conversation started over the radio. "You two are my ticket out of here." I didn't recognize the speaker.

A fainter voice, female I thought, said, "You won't get far. They'll hunt you down wherever you go."

A woman's voice, much clearer said, "Paige, be still and do what they say. I assume you must be Marc Ridder." I stopped breathing. Ridder had Paige and Carmen. Where the hell were they? They'd been together in Shane's group. Carmen was holding the transmit button down on her radio. Smart girl.

"Yeah, I'm Ridder and you must be one of the Jones bunch. I shoulda killed that black bastard, Willie, and the rest of you a long time ago. Grab each of them and put a gun to their backs while we work our way down to the boat. If either of you yells for help, you'll die instantly. The only way you two live is for the four of us to live."

Ridder had just broadcast all the info we needed. I found Morgan thirty feet from me and told him to take over. Then I stayed low as I scurried behind my troops toward Shane. I told everyone I encountered who had a radio to not use it so we didn't alert Ridder that Carmen had the transmit key down so we could hear everything he said.

Shane had heard the exchange over the radio and expected me. We relayed the word about the radio to everyone else as we raced toward the lake. We were fifty feet from the shoreline when I saw the prize Ridder was heading for. A blue on white cigarette boat, about forty feet long, with huge twin outboard engines sat tied alongside a pier that jutted at least seventy feet from shore.

Ridder's voice came over the radio, "Move it, Bitch, and don't even think of making a sound."

I nudged Shane and pointed. There was movement at the first cabin on the left. The line of cabins sat about thirty feet from the shore and followed it along the lake past the large building that was at the apex of being incinerated. The six people cast long shadows in the orange glow as they emerged from behind the cabin and hustled across a short expanse of open ground toward the second cabin.

Two men and two women herded Paige and Carmen toward the point where the walkway to the pier touched ground. A man I recognized through my rifle scope as Marc Ridder held a pistol to Carmen's head, and a blonde woman held a gun to Paige's head. A man in camo led the procession, and a tall dark haired woman wearing camo brought up the rear. Each carried an assault rifle across their chest, ready to fire. Shane and I whispered then acted as the people emerged from behind the second cabin. The other four were surprised when the lead man's head exploded in a mist of blood and gore. At the sound of Shane's rifle shot, I dropped the tailing woman with a shot to her head. They hesitated momentarily before Ridder and the blonde pushed their captives behind a huge concrete fountain ten feet from the water's edge. 

Ridder's voice carried through the radio receiver. "How the hell did they know we were down here?" For ten seconds there was silence. "You bitch. You had this damned radio transmitting all the time. I ought to shoot you right now." The sound of a hand smacking flesh blasted across the airwave. "Who's running this operation?"

"Tom, I don't know his last name." Carmen replied with a quivering voice. In the background I heard Paige, "Stop it you coward. Don't hit her again." There was another loud smack sound and then a groan.

"Tom, come in Tom. This is Marc Ridder. I have two of your women and I'll kill both of them if you try to stop me from going out on the pier."


There was pregnant silence as I breathed deeply. Now what? If we tried to hit Ridder and the blonde and didn't get clean kills, Paige and Carmen would be condemned to instant death. Even if our shots were perfect, reflex actions of the dying bodies could tighten trigger fingers to kill both of the hostages.

Trying to sound emotionless, I said, "This is Tom."


Ridder gloated openly. "We're going to stand and leave now, Tom. We'll dump the women off across the lake unharmed."

Four figured stood. Carmen and Paige faced us. Their two capturers were behind them. The four figures carefully sidestepped over to the walkway leading to the floating pier. We were only fifty yards from them and saw pistols jammed into the back of the captive's necks. One shot by Ridder or the blonde would likely sever the spinal cords and kill the women instantly.

We were beaten and knew it. We also knew without doubt Ridder would murder both hostages as soon as he figured he was far enough off shore to be safe. He had no way of knowing Shane and I were both Delta Force snipers. Long range snipers. While watching the quartet approach the long go fast boat I said, "Our only hope is for long distance shots when Ridder thinks he's out of rifle range. I'll take him and you hit the woman. It's only a five-hundred yard shot, but the movement of the boat is the problem."

Shane's voice was rock steady. "Fire when you're ready. It's their only hope."

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