Out of My League (8 page)

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Authors: Michele Zurlo

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #BDSM Contemporary

BOOK: Out of My League
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He removed the clamps, but he didn’t say anything. He circled her areolae with his thumbs. “On the plus side, I could play with them for hours and it wouldn’t irritate or overstimulate you.”

“Is that your plan?” She lifted a brow, but the blindfold ruined her attempt. She didn’t even know if he noticed it.

“Some other time. But you did make a great suggestion. Lean back. Rest your weight on your hands behind you.”

She gripped his legs just above the knee, aware that the position spread her pussy lips wider. He pinched her clit, and she sucked in air.

“Like that?” He pinched again. She couldn’t tell if he was adjusting his grip or playing with her.


The soft clamp vibrated to life. Its weight stretched her clit, but it didn’t pinch or hurt. The vibrations, closed around her clit like that, made her pussy clench in anticipation. A soft moan of pleasure, a completely involuntary response, sounded in the back of her throat.

“Have you ever told a lover you don’t like your breasts touched?”

The blindfold made her less self-conscious about answering his questions. “No. I don’t mind being touched. It just doesn’t do for me what most men expect it to do. I tend to look for men who like asses or legs better than breasts.” Kaelen’s survey had indicated he found a woman’s ass to be her sexiest feature.

His hands slid up from her hips, finding the sensitive areas on her sides. She breathed in sharply as a shiver shook her body. He played his hands over her flesh, caressing those sweet spots again and again. Then he pulled her forward, jerking her weight from her hands so that she fell against his chest. His mouth closed around hers, and this kiss lacked anything slow or patient.

He crushed her to him and increased the pressure of his hands as he moved them across her back.

The position also pressed the vibrating soft nipple clamp harder against her clit. She moaned into his mouth and ran her hands over his skin, mimicking the way he touched her. Shivers rocked her body and echoed through his. Or maybe they began with him and ended with her. She lost track.

He moved one hand up to grip her hair. He pulled, perhaps harder than he intended, and mumbled an apology as his lips trailed down her neck.

The vibrations seemed to magnify. She felt her clit swell, and she wiggled against the way the heat concentrated there. Tingles shot from the roots of her hair straight to her core. “No, I like when you pull my hair. Not hard, just like this. It… I… Oh God!” The knot of heat burst. A small orgasm pulsed through her body, originating solely from her clit. She shot to her knees, her bottom no longer resting on his legs and her body arching as he pulled harder on her hair.

“God, you’re beautiful. I could watch you come over and over, but right now you’re killing me.”

The clamp slid off her clit. It had to have fallen off because his hands were elsewhere on her body.

His low tone washed through her cells, and he released his hold on her hair and her back. The hum of the clamp’s vibrations stopped. The sounds of the tackle box opening and him rummaging told her he’d returned the toy, and now he searched for another implement to test.

She heard the ripping of foil as she returned to an upright straddle position. Kaelen urged her to lift, and he guided her onto his sheathed cock. The darkness made her hyperaware of sounds and feelings. His soft moan as she slowly slid down the length of his cock. The creak of the bedsprings as she shifted her weight. The rush of liquid heat as he stretched the walls of her vagina.

“You’re in charge. Do what pleases you. Ride me like I’m a dildo.” The sounds of sliding equipment told her he was still rooting around in the tackle box.

“Dildos can move. They change angles.”

He chuckled. “I’m a stationary dildo. You’ll have to tilt your body. Don’t worry. You can hang on to me. I won’t let you fall.”

She wasn’t worried about falling. She was worried about looking stupid. She was worried about getting off on his cock while he watched. What if he didn’t enjoy it as much as she did?

His lips brushed along the line of her jaw. “You think too much.”

She blew out a breath. “What if you don’t like what I like?”

The trail of kisses raised gooseflesh as he made his way down her neck. “Are you really worried about not pleasing me?”

“Well, I don’t want this to be boring for you.” Mia had been bored during sex before, spending time counting cracks in the ceiling while her partner finished doing whatever he was doing. Boring sucked. He sounded amused, but that would change if she couldn’t make him come.

He palmed her breasts, but his fingertips rounded her rib cage to feather caresses along her sides. She quivered, inside and out. “Mia, being with you has never, ever been boring. You feel like heaven on me right now, and if you do absolutely nothing, it’s still just a matter of time until I explode inside you. The challenge will be making you come before I do.” He slapped her ass, a move that had more sound than bite. “Now giddyap.”

Throwing her worries to the wind, she rocked her hips forward and back to generate some heat. It felt good, but she would have to do that for hours before she managed to climax. She lifted, letting him slide out about halfway, and then she rolled her hips and pressed down.

Kaelen’s body shuddered, and his grip on her breasts tightened. “You’re so fucking hot, babe. You’re making it very hard to be passive.”

She repeated the move. “Nobody said you had to be passive. I thought you were testing equipment in addition to technique, not in place of.” It took her three thrusts to get all the words out, but by the time she finished, Kaelen was lifting his hips to meet her as she slid back down on him.

The low hum didn’t register until he stroked his fingertips along her ribs again, and they vibrated. Small pads attached to each of his fingers brought a different kind of pleasure to the sensitive places on her sides.

He swept his tongue into her mouth for a searing kiss. After she forgot how to breathe, his talented mouth traveled down her neck to find those places just below her ears that drove her wild. He pulled her hair in time to the rhythm of her ride.

Just as all the sensations combined and Mia teetered on the edge of the cliff, he pressed a vibrating pad to her sensitive and swollen clit. It was too much. Her cry turned to a shriek as the world exploded.

Immediately Kaelen flipped her so that she was on her back beneath him. Registering the firm mattress and the silky sheets, she relaxed, letting the force of her climax wash through her body. He thrust into her, maintaining the same gentle rhythm she used to prolong her orgasm. She wanted to meet his thrusts, but she had no control over her body. At last he buried himself deep and cried out.

She expected him to collapse on top of her, but he didn’t. He thrust several more times before pulling out his softening cock, only to replace it with his fingers. Those vibrating pads drove her to the tip of another peak. She writhed and pushed against him, trying to escape an orgasm she couldn’t control.

With his free hand, Kaelen captured one wrist and pressed it above her head. When she tried prying his fingers away to loosen his grip, he grabbed her free hand and held them both out of his way. She hadn’t consented to being bound or restrained, so she didn’t understand why he would resort to this. However, at the moment, she didn’t much care. She didn’t think he meant to do anything more than prevent her from pushing him away, and she really didn’t want him to stop.

He fucked her with his fingers, massaging them around deep inside her pussy. The pad on his thumb stayed on her clit, and the one on the finger he hadn’t thrust inside pulsed just outside her opening. He’d found a particularly responsive spot completely by accident.

Her body lifted and writhed. She had no control over the ways she moved, and for the first time in her life, she didn’t try to temper her orgasm to preserve her pride. She knew she looked completely wanton and wild, and she reveled in it. That was what this whole fantasy was all about.

“Kaelen, oh, Kaelen.” She repeated his name over and over. Sometimes it came out loud. Other times it managed to only be the movement of her lips.

He worked her faster, not stopping when she screamed, though he did slow his pace to bring her down gently.

She lay there, limp, blinded, and soaked in perspiration. Her body quivered and trembled from the aftershocks of the largest orgasm she’d ever ridden. She wanted to tell him she had nothing but respect and appreciation for any man with enough balls to use toys like that, but she hadn’t yet regained the ability to speak.

The bed squeaked and dipped as he got up. The door opened and then closed, and she assumed he had gone to take care of the condom. When he returned, he flopped onto the bed, throwing himself so that he landed half on top of her.

He kissed her cheek. “Babe, in case you missed it, I had no problem coming.”

She wanted to respond. Her mind formed ideas, images, and feelings, but she wasn’t to the point where she could form coherent words.

“Speechless.” He chuckled. “I’ll have to note your reactions for my research, Ms. Calloway. I’ll be honest and say I’ve never seen a woman move like that. Are you double-jointed?”

She made a noise meant to be a negative answer, but she wasn’t sure how he took it.

“While I have you where I want you, we’ll continue with this part of the experiment.” He nibbled a series of kiss-bites over her collarbone, sending shivers in all directions.

Before, the blindfold had heightened her senses. Now she couldn’t tell which end was up, much less guess what Kaelen was doing as he leaned over her and shifted. Little sounds—
—meant nothing.

He nudged her legs farther apart, but she didn’t think anything of it until she felt the cool wetness of lubricant against the heat of her pussy. Forgetting the blindfold, she lifted her head to see. It didn’t work. “What are you doing?”

By the time she finished her question, he had inserted a vibrator and turned it on so that it pulsed in regular bursts. Her body jerked. She wanted to push him away, but her hands weren’t cooperating.

“Not ready. Gimme a minute.”

“Shhhh.” He smoothed her hair away from her face. “Research. Just relax. Let me do the work. We’ll call this a thank-you for that awesome blowjob.”

Her muscles might be liquid, but that didn’t stop her pussy from responding to the urging of the vibrator. He increased the rate of vibration. She whimpered. He reached down and fucked her with it.

It felt good, but it was just too much. Having regained some motor control, she shoved at his arm. Even at full strength, she’d be no match for him. As it was, she didn’t even interrupt his rhythm. Kaelen just didn’t know when to give up. Stubborn asshole.

“Hey, that’s not a nice thing to call the man who is rocking your world.”

She hadn't meant to say that out loud. Her hips lifted, thrusting against the growing heat between her legs. “You’re going to make me pass out.”

“Not until you scream my name again.” He claimed her mouth with a kiss that stole her breath and wiped away anything she might have said.

His heat pressed along her side, and he threw a leg over her thigh, pinning her in place. She burrowed closer, seeking the comfort of his scent and the solid feel of his body as he stripped away all her defenses. Hot and cold pleasure swirled and prickled at her breasts, belly, and thighs, circling her center until it converged. Desperately she clutched his arm, unable to temper the force with which she dug her nails into his skin.

He whispered praise and encouragement as the edges of her vision burst with color. She screamed as she climaxed and clung to him as she lost consciousness.

When she became aware of her surroundings again, she had no idea how much time had passed. Kaelen held her in the crook of his arm, and his legs tangled with hers. He’d spread a sheet over them and removed her blindfold. Mia inhaled the sweet scent of his skin and sighed. “I fell asleep.”

He smoothed her hair away from her temple and kissed her forehead. “Passed out. Falling asleep implies boredom. Passing out means you had a great time.”

Her hand rested over his heart. She flexed her fingertips. “I passed out, then. There was definitely no boredom involved.”

She shifted her body, moving so her hip wasn’t twisted, and his cock brushed her thigh. It seemed a little stiff, so she lifted the sheet to take a peek. It curved, long and hard, lying against his stomach. Definitely ready to go. “How long was I out?”

“Almost an hour. We still have a couple hours here.” He lifted her chin and feathered a kiss over her lips. “Ready for the comparison test?”

She trailed her hand down his chest, taking the time to enjoy the feel of his muscles under her fingers. Wrapping her hand around his cock, she grinned. “I’m not sure you can outdo your earlier performance, but I’m looking forward to the attempt.”

He thrust into her grip, even as he leaned away and reached into the toolbox. “As I recall, we start out with you in the cowboy position.” He ripped the foil.

She took the condom from the wrapper and unrolled it over his cock, tracing the paths of his veins as she went and enjoying the way he shuddered under her tender care. She threw a leg over his hips, intending to sink down on his waiting cock, but he grasped her waist and held her above him. Her pussy clenched in anticipation, and she didn’t like that he made her wait.

She glanced at his face and fell under the spell of his hot gaze. He sat up and wrapped her in his tight embrace, melding her stomach and breasts against his chest. He played his fingers up and down her spine. Kneeling up like this, she had a slight height advantage. Tilting his head back, she rested her fingertips on his cheeks and traced his lips with her thumbs. Knowing she would never get a chance like this again, she memorized every detail of his texture.

He let her explore for a little while, but when his eyelids fell to half-mast, he cut her forays short with a searing kiss. She melted against him, and her sigh turned to a moan when he guided her down onto his cock. She rocked on top of him, not bothering to replicate the wildness of their earlier coming together. This would happen slowly. She would savor every moment.

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