Out of Left Field (29 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kearns

BOOK: Out of Left Field
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Should I … I mean … I’m sorry.” She tried to ease away from him, but he wasn’t having it.

You’re not going anywhere.”

The red numbers on the alarm clock ticked by and she couldn’t have cared less. If she had any say, they’d never leave this bed. Feeling herself drifting toward sleep, she closed her eyes and let herself go.

When she woke again, she lay on her back. Xavier was dead to the world, lying on his stomach, his arm draped over her belly. She wanted to study him, wanted to savor the weight of him snuggling her in his sleep, but her bladder had other ideas. She slid out from under him and tiptoed into the bathroom.




Xavier felt her absence before she’d even finished sliding from the bed. Alarms screeched in his head. She was leaving, slipping out of life while she thought he wouldn’t realize she’d left.

The bathroom door closed and Xavier groaned. He pressed his palms into the mattress and pushed his body up. Rearranging the pillows, he sat against the headboard and waited to confront her, to ask why she would leave him. Hurt warred with anger and by the time the door opened again he thought he would lose his freakin’ mind.

Oh, you’re awake.”

She wasn’t dressed as he’d expected. She still wore his t-shirt and looked sexier than any woman had a right to. It did look as though she’d brushed her hair. She tucked a lock behind her ear and smiled then ran and jumped into the bed.

I am so cold.” She ripped the sheets back and climbed in next to him. “How low do you keep the air-conditioning?” She shivered. The moment her icy fingers touched his skin he jumped. She giggled and jerked her hands away. “Sorry.”

He grabbed her hard by the arms and knocked her onto her back. “You weren’t leaving.”

Her brows pinched. She frowned, censure in her expression. “Of course I wasn’t leaving. You thought I could ever leave you?” She shook her head. “Man, you’re a dense one.” She leaned up to kiss him and his heart swelled right along with another part of him. “I love you, X. I’m not going anywhere. You hear me?”


Repeat after me: Frankie loves me.”

He rolled his eyes, laughed a bit. “Frankie loves me.”

She smiled. “And she’s not going anywhere.”

He dropped down to lie next to her, his head cushioned on his bicep. He curled a lock of her hair around his finger, smoothing it with his thumb. “And she’s not going anywhere.”

Good job.” She squeezed his forearm. “Now, I did have something I wanted to talk to you about.”

Oh?” He tried to sound nonchalant, but his heart stuttered, jogged, and nearly stopped.

Don’t look so worried.” She smoothed a finger over his brows. “I have been thinking about your sister.”

My sister?”

Frankie nodded. “Yes. I think we should find her. Christian’s boyfriend’s sister—”

Christian has a boyfriend?”

She rolled his eyes. “Christian’s boyfriend’s sister works for a private investigator who specializes in finding lost people. If it’s okay with you, I’ll give him the information you have and we’ll find her.”

He’d never considered finding his sister, although he missed her every day. He thought of Shayne’s curly auburn hair and big chocolate eyes and smiled. He nodded. “Yeah. It might be kind of hard, though. Dad said he searched high and low for Shayne and her mom.”

You really believe that?”

I don’t know what to believe.”

Frankie shrugged. “We’ll do whatever we have to do and won’t stop until we find them.”




It’d only been two days when Frankie’s phone rang with news on Shayne and her mother.

Uh-huh.” Frankie nodded. She pursed her lips, shook her head. “What? You’re kidding me!”

What’s up?” Xavier thought his heart might explode while he waited for answers to why Frankie shrieked her responses.

She waved him off and did a few more head shakes before hanging up. “They found her.”

What? That easy?” Now he understood why she’d kept shaking her head. “How?”

Apparently, your dad didn’t search very hard. She’s using her real name and has been since she left. Shayne Xavier registered for kindergarten in California. She lived in the same city until moving to—” She walked up to him and held his hand. “Are you ready for this?”

He nodded, but wasn’t sure he
ready for any of this.

Maybe you should sit down.”

Just tell me.”

Okay, according to what they found she now lives in Kingman.”

Arizona?” His voice squeaked a bit.


Well, wasn’t that a bitch. His baby sister had been living less than two hours away for... “How long?”

How long what?”

How long has she lived in Kingman?”

She bit her lip. “Twelve years.”


Don’t you think it’s about time you see her again?”

Yeah, he did.

But first things first.



Where are we going?”

Once again, Frankie wore a dress Xavier had picked out and, once again, he’d made all the plans for their date. He loved to surprise her and she loved to be surprised. Yet another way they were perfect for each other.

I’m not telling you, love, but I’m hoping you’ll be happy when we get there.”

They pulled into the parking lot of a tiny wedding chapel just off the strip. She looked down at her white knee length dress and matching high heels.


He chuckled, big grin in place, got out of the car, and headed around the back. He opened the trunk, closed it. She opened her own door and stepped out. He rounded the trunk, a smile on his handsome face. For the first time, she noticed his dark suit and the flowers in his hand. His hand shook a bit as he held the bunch of white and yellow roses out to her.

Make me the happiest man in the world, Frances Holden. Marry me. Right now.”

She wanted to.

Oh, how she wanted to take his hand, walk into the church and promise to love him forever. But she couldn’t do that without having her mother, her best friend…

A sharp, shrill whistle interrupted her regrets.

Her head whipped around to see Christian standing on the steps of the church. He waved then cupped his hand around his mouth. “Come on, Frank. You’re late, and I’ve got places to go and people to see after this little party.”

She laughed and ran straight into Xavier’s arms. He caught her, wrapping his arms around her back. He laughed. “Is that a yes?”

Yes.” She kissed him.

Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get married.”

Without a doubt in her mind or a care in her heart, she took his hand and walked into the foyer of the church. Her mother rushed toward them, her walker squeaking with each step. Xavier rushed to help her and Frankie fell even deeper in love with him.

Charlotte Holden had never looked more beautiful. Her light yellow dress fell to mid calf and flowed around her like the petals of a flower. She beamed. “Thank you, Matthias.”

He smiled and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I’ll give you two ladies a few minutes. I’ve got to check on my flower girls anyway.”

Flower girls?” she asked to his back.

Oh, wait until you see them.” Charlotte took Frankie’s hands. “Mr. and Mrs. Pierce’s daughters are adorable.”

Frankie should have known Grayson and Jane would be part of this special day. “Mom, you look beautiful.”

She hobbled a twirl. “Matthias is a charmer. He took me shopping then paid for everything. I even got a pedicure.”

He took you shopping?” She glanced over her mother’s shoulder and saw a little girl run with arms wide to jump into Xavier’s arms. He spun her around while she squealed.

Don’t ruin my crown.” She patted the top of her head. “It’s made out of flowers. Isn’t that cool? They match my dress.” She rubbed at the small fabric daisies forming a belt along the bodice of her bright yellow dress. “Mom said I had to thank you for my new dress. So … Thank you, Uncle Xavier. I love it!” She smacked a big, wet kiss on his cheek and a tear tumbled down Frankie’s.

Her mother’s fingers slid over her face. “Don’t cry, dear. You’ll ruin your make-up.”

Christian strutted up to them, his eyes narrowed and his hands hit his hips. “Why the tears?”

She smiled as more tears made their bid for liberation. “I’ve never been happier.”

Christian hugged her, kissed the top of her head. “I hope it’s okay, but I volunteered to walk you down the aisle. It seems only right that I relinquish my rights as your best friend.” He handed her a tissue. “Stop that or we’re both going to be blubbering. And I don’t cry pretty.”

What’d you do to upset my wife, Chris?” The accusation held understanding and humor, no true malice.

She’s not your wife yet.” Christian stuck his hand out. “How about we get this show on the road?”

Xavier shook Christian’s hand before giving her another hug. He kissed a particularly tender spot on her neck and she nearly fell in the floor. He laughed and held her close. “I’ll have to remember that spot for later.” He chuckled then released her just enough to look her in the eye. “You sure about this?”

No doubts at all. How about you?”

I have never been more sure about anything in my life.” He stepped away and took her hand, lifting it to his lips. “This is how it’s going to go.” He pointed to the doorway that led into the chapel. “I’m going to escort your mother down the aisle. The girls will make sure you have a bed of flowers to comfort your steps and Christian here is going to walk you down the aisle.”

What about Grayson and Jane?”

He smiled. “They’re already inside.”

But—” She bit her lip. “Is that everybody?”

Yes.” He frowned. “Did I miss someone?”

She shook her head. “No. You’ve thought of everything, but if we’re all walking down the aisle, shouldn’t they?” She shrugged. “Have them follow you and Mom, so they can see their girls. Is that okay?”

That’s perfect.” He looked at her mother. “You wait here, beautiful, I’ll get the Pierces and we’ll get started.”

So you’re going to marry Uncle Xavier, huh?” The same little girl from earlier shook her head. “I can see why he loves you. You’re pretty!”

Frankie grinned. “Thank you. What’s your name?”

I’m Emma.”

Ah, I’ve heard a lot about you. I love your crown.”

She smiled, showing off a missing front tooth. “Thanks, my mom picked it out. She helped Uncle Xavier plan his wedding.” She frowned. “Why didn’t you plan your own wedding?”

Because I wanted it to be a surprise,” Xavier said as he picked her up by the waist. “Now go get the ring from your dad.”

Panic soaked her like a bucket of cold water. “A ring! Xavier, I don’t have a ring.”

I’ve got you covered, Frank.” Christian squeezed her hand and shoved his other hand into his pocket. “Everybody stop your yammerin’. Let’s get these two married.”

The wedding march rang through the tiny church and Xavier gave her a smile that melted her heart before he took her mother’s hand and slowly, patiently, led her into the chapel. Grayson held a thumb up, showing his approval before a sharp tug on his arm and a whispered, “Come on,” from Jane had them following Xavier and Charlotte.

The girls took their jobs very seriously. They were gorgeous in their matching yellow dresses and shiny white shoes. The two older girls scattered yellow and white rose petals in front of them and little Emma held a white satin heart-shaped pillow on her hands.

Frankie imagined the trio had practiced this event at home. They knew their parts and delivered perfectly.

You ready?”

Tears prickled in Frankie’s eyes and the moment she looked into the face of her best friend, they trickled down over her cheekbones.

Is this what you want? He said you’d said you wanted to marry him, but I never thought to ask you myself. Man, what a sucky friend I am. If this isn’t—”

I want it, Chris.” She wiped a hand over her cheeks. “I want him. It’s just a little overwhelming.”

He loves you, Frank. I never thought I’d see that particular arrogant prick fall, but he has. Hard. I know I don’t have to worry. He’s gonna take real good care of you.”

She hugged Christian close. “Thanks for your part in all of this.”

Christian chuckled and wrapped her in what used to be the best hug in the world. “I didn’t do much. He took care of it all.”

Can I get married now?”

Christian laughed and she did her best to ignore the shimmer in his eyes because if she let herself acknowledge Christian’s emotions, she would definitely lose control of her own.

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