Out of Left Field (11 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kearns

BOOK: Out of Left Field
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Did you eat?” If she insisted on taking care of him, he could at least make sure she took care of herself, too.

I’m fine.”

I didn’t ask how you were.” He shook his head. “I asked if you’d eaten.”

Her blush darkened. “I picked at the ham while making your sandwich. So I’m … fine.”

Satisfied with her answer, he didn’t question her, and she didn’t wait for further interrogation. She hurried out of the kitchen. He heard the front door open and a few minutes later he heard a lot of bumps and grunts.

He rinsed his plate and placed it in the sink, then went out into the living room to see what Frankie was up to. “Hey, sweet thang, what’s—”

She looked up from her half-unfolded massage table and smiled, big and cheesy. “How about we take that brace off, and I’ll see if I can ease some of that tension out of your shoulders.”

You’re just trying to get me naked.” And damn if his groin didn’t really like the idea. He put his hands in front of his crotch.

You got me.” She shook her head and laughed, loud and mocking. “Now strip.”

Her teasing withered his ego, as well as other parts of him. Her ability to verbally castrate him cut to the core, especially since she didn’t have a clue she affected him. To her, his come-ons were a joke. He supposed they

He yanked at the Velcro on his brace and the resounding
made him think of peeling his skin off. Her fingers brushed his chest as she helped him with the brace. Every part of him went rigid.




She took the brace and set it on his recliner. She turned around and slapped the table. “Come on, big boy, hop on up here.”

Oh, this was such a bad idea. He sat on the edge of the table and snorted. “Do I really have to lay down?”

Unless you want me to have to kneel on the table behind you.”

Images, vivid and in all-too-detailed color, flashed through his brain. He choked back a groan.

I’ll lay down.”
While I still can.

He put his face in the hole and admired the wood of his floor. He didn’t want her to touch him, and yet, at the same time, he’d never wanted to feel a woman’s hands on his naked body more.

Through the hole, he saw her feet. He’d never noticed how small they were. She wore those fancy exercise shoes with the rounded bottoms, and she rocked back and forth, heel to toe. He heard her clap her hands and the
shh, shh, shh
of her palms rubbing together.

I’m just warming my hands.”

Like that was necessary. If she got any hotter, he might burst into flames when she touched him. He swallowed hard. He didn’t like this situation, didn’t like
her the way he did.

He’d always respected her, thought she was an okay looking woman, but getting to know her these last few weeks, she’d wormed her way into his heart.

And there wasn’t a woman alive worthy of residing there.

The second her hands skimmed over his good shoulder, he flinched. Big time. Almost sending himself tumbling off the table.

Oh. I’m sorry. I thought you knew I was going to touch you.”

Just do your thing, Doc.”
Get the torture over with!

Frankie’s touch started out gentle, rubbing over his shoulders, moving up over his neck, then down his spine. As her hands, slick with sweet-smelling oil, teased over his obliques, he bit back a moan. His every cell hummed. He throbbed and needed. It was a good thing he laid on his stomach, and if she asked him to roll over, he’d have to deny her. He couldn’t let her see what having her hands on him did to him.

She stroked and rubbed and massaged and Xavier wanted to fall to his knees and worship her. Her hands moved down his back, her thumbs digging into his spine. He groaned, the sound an erotic one, and Frankie chuckled.

Feels good, huh?”

So good,” he moaned.

Want to flip over and—”


Her touch stuttered. “Um, okay. I’d like to get the front of your shoulder.”

It’s fine.” He sat up, making sure to rest his hands in his lap. “You’re a goddess. I feel totally rejuvenated.”

Man, he was a good liar. Every muscle in his body remained taut, and that was nothing compared to the party going on beneath his boxers.




Xavier jumped off the table and nearly flew out of the room. Frankie didn’t understand him. She’d tried her best to ease his tension, to help him relax, but instead he seemed even more tense. Not to mention his mad dash for the stairs.

She wasn’t sure she would survive his temper. She cared about him. More than she should, if her meltdown earlier was any kind of gauge. His insults hurt. His dismissal stung. His retreat wounded.

Obviously he didn’t enjoy playing the part of patient. Truth be told, she was getting pretty tired of it, too. Every time she turned around his mood changed. She discovered a playful side she hadn’t realized he had. He could make her laugh.

But as she heard the bedroom door upstairs slam, she wanted to cry.

What the hell was wrong with him?
What the hell was wrong with

She strolled into the kitchen and washed the oil from her hands. Returning to the living room, she made quick work of gathering her things. She muscled the table out the front door and shoved it into the trunk of her car.

By the time she walked back in the door she’d made a decision. She would leave. She would let him brood and stew all by himself and try again tomorrow.

The door opened all by itself, at least that’s how it appeared until Xavier stepped from behind it.

Hi.” He crowded her, his hand raised, his knuckles stroking her cheek. He offered her a tight smile. “I shouldn’t have run off like that. I, um … needed a minute.” His hand plowed through his hair. “I’m sorry I’m an ass.”

You’re very good at it.” She aimed for a smile and probably missed it by a mile.

He frowned, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. She sucked in a breath. Her heart thundered in her ribcage.

I hate this.” He lifted his elbow a bit. “I never was very good at being sick.”

Really,” she breathed, “I never would have guessed.”

He leaned down and pressed his lips to her cheek. “I really appreciate everything you’re doing for me.” He kissed her other cheek. “No matter what I say—” He kissed her nose. “—or do—” He gently, tenderly, brushed his lips across the corner of her mouth. “—I want you to remember that.”

I … I should go.” She needed space. Now. Because if she didn’t get away from him, she was going to do something she’d regret. Something he’d hate her for. Something that would forever ruin their friendship.

His eyes searched her face, stopping on her lips. “I think you should stay.”

Oh, how she wanted to.

I have a meeting.” She ducked under his arm and headed for the door. “I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.”

Out the door, down the porch, she paused when she got to her car. Damn, her purse.

Missing something?” he called from the porch, her purse dangling from his fingertips. There was no missing the humor in his voice.

Her hand tightened into a fist and her teeth ground together. Damn him for being amused, and doing it so freakin’ sexily!

They moved toward each other, he swaggered, she stomped. When they met on the walkway, he held out her purse. She snatched it. He caught her hand.

Thanks again, Doc.”

You’re welcome.” She turned on her heel and stomped away. His deep, sexy laughter mocked her retreat. She slid into the driver’s seat of her car and started the engine. Fool that she was, she chanced a look to where he’d returned to the porch.

His grin made her insides go all gooey and she cursed. She waved a hand and he did one better, kissing his fingertips before bidding her goodbye.

She didn’t like the little stutter of her heart, and she prayed she’d be able to concentrate enough to keep her car on the road.

Damn him!

She knew better than most he’d only been messing with her. He probably got his rocks off watching her sweat under his caress. Or better yet, he was probably, right this very second, laughing his ass off.

Her phone rang. She dug it out of her purse and growled, “What?”

PMS or Xavier?”

Shut up, Christian. I’m not in the mood.”

Man, I should kick that guy’s ass just for taking all the fun out of you.” He laughed then paused.

What do you want, Chris?”


She snorted and laughed. “Not funny.”

That’s my girl.” He waited while she giggled. “Okay, so, I’ve been invited to a party tomorrow night. I don’t want to go alone.”

You want me to run interference.” Statement, not question. She’d played the part before.

It keeps the wolves away if I’ve got a girl on my arm.”

She shook her head. “Yeah, I’m available. Dress code?”

Casual. You know that sweater I got you for Christmas?”


That and jeans.”

You made that easy on me.”

I’m here to serve. Speaking of service, how is Super Stud today?”

Pissy. Seriously, Christian, I get around him and I don’t know if I’m comin’ or goin’.”

Comin’ is the better choice.” His laughter did wonders for her surly mood. And his suggestive statement made her bust out in a bout of amusement.

Are you stopping by tonight?”

No, I’ve got to work. Later, sweetheart.”

Christian disconnected and she smiled at his picture as the phone dimmed. She loved him. Her life would really suck if it wasn’t for him. He kept her feet on the ground and a giggle in her heart. She didn’t know what she’d ever do without him.



Holy shit, check out that ass!” Christian jerked his head in the direction of the bar.

Frankie followed his line of sight just in time to see a thin, curvy girl sidle up to a hunky guy.

Man, I’d love to sink my teeth into that.” Christian tipped his beer to his lips, sucked down a swallow, groaning as the bottle hit the table. “Seriously!”

She laughed, her thoughts drifting toward the perfect ass she’d like to sink her teeth into. Seriously was right. It seemed all she could think about was Mr. Tall, Dark and Ornery.

Christian’s warm hand covered hers. “Frank. Talk to me.”

She shook her head. “There’s nothing to talk about.” Rather, there was
much to talk about the dialog could rival
War and Peace
, she just didn’t
to talk about it. About

Christian laughed. “You are an awful liar.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her in the direction of the bar. “Maybe if I get you good and drunk, you’ll loosen up and have a good time. Maybe we can get you laid tonight.”

I don’t wanna get lai-…” She stopped to drop her voice when she realized what she was about to shout to the world. “Christian, really.”

Laughter burst from him and he yanked her into a hug. He kissed the skin just below her ear. “It’s a party, Frank, and you’re the biggest pooper. Ever. Cheer up, or I might have to screw you myself.”

Wow. You’re such a giver.”

His brows wiggled. “You have no idea.”

They stood in line at the bar, laughing, joking, his arm slung over her shoulders, waiting for the bartender to take their order, when a low deep voice spoke her name.

She closed her eyes in preparation of the man she’d see when she turned around. Her heart dropped to the floor, her mouth went dry, as Xavier’s hazels narrowed on Christian.

Xavier.” She tried to ease away from Christian, but he tucked her protectively next to his body.

Doc.” Although Xavier said her name, he hadn’t taken his eyes off of Christian. The two of them stared at each other. She didn’t understand the pissing match, and the macho act irritated her. She jammed her elbow into Christian’s side and stepped forward to offer Xavier a friendly hug. At least that’s what she’d intended.

When she slipped an arm around his waist, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. So this is what heaven felt like. He smelled exquisite, all male and desire and take-me-now.

I didn’t expect to see you.” He eased her away, holding her at arm’s length, his gaze moving over her in an intimate caress that made everything inside her go liquid.

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