Our Cosmic Ancestors (13 page)

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Authors: Maurice Chatelain

Tags: #Civilization; Ancient, #Social Science, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Prehistoric Peoples, #Interplanetary Voyages, #Fiction, #Anthropology, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #History; Ancient, #General, #Occult & Supernatural

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Four of these lines run parallel from east to west through England, France, and Spain at 42
, 45
, 48
, and 51
north latitude and at a distance of 333 km from each other, so that the most southern line is separated from the most northern by exactly 1,000 km. That seems surprising since, according to established science, the metric system was not known to prehistoric man. But on the English ley line at 51
, we find such sites as Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Avebury, and Canterbury. The line in France at 48
intersects Chartres, Domremy, Sainte-Odile, and other sites that are well known for ancient cathedrals and remarkable monuments.

The triangle of France

A huge triangle, proportional to the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Cheops but 14 million times larger, can be traced within the borders of France. Each side of the triangle is lined up with prehistoric and historic monuments, but the French did not know it. Could it also have been traced by ancient astronauts like the Maltese cross of the Aegean Sea?

The 45
line runs through Les Eyzies, Lascaux, and Le Puy - a region that is considered one of the most valuable repositories of prehistoric sites anywhere in the world. The caves of Lascaux and Les Eyzies are well known, but it is possible that still much more will be discovered there in the future. The 42
line in Spain starts near Noya on the Atlantic Ocean, where the refugees of sunken Atlantis probably came to land, and runs through Santiago de Compostela, Burgos, Logrono, and Roncesvalles all historic sites of ancient fame.

In France, too, several other mysterious lines exist that act just like their counterparts in England and are followed by flying saucers in flight. These lines do not form geometric figures like the Maltese cross in the Aegean, nor do they show up like the designs in Nasca, Peru; but they are most interesting even though no one has discovered exactly what they represent, since they form a huge triangle.

About 15 km north of Sedan, there stands a megalithic monument called the Giant's Grave. When a line is traced on a map from this monument straight south for 700 km until it reaches Istres in Provence, it goes through an unbelievable number of historical sites, from dolmens and menhirs of prehistoric times to cloisters and castles of the Middle Ages. Another such line dotted with megaliths drawn 76
of the Giant's GraveIstres line about 700 km stops in Quimper, on the coast of Brittany. When the two lines are connected by a third to form a triangle, that line goes through the most concentrated assembly of dolmens, menhirs, and cromlechs in the world - the region of Carnac in Brittany. Is there a connection with Karnak, in Egypt? The names sound alike; but as far as I know, nobody yet has found the common denominator.

Other surprises keep piling up when we continue to analyze this gigantic triangle of France. If a fourth line is drawn from the Giant's Grave to the centre of the base between Provence and Brittany, it is just as rich in ruins of antiquity as the two sides of the triangle. The triangle has now an apex of 76
, two side angles of 52
each, two sides of 700 km, a base of 865 km, and a height of 550 km. Hold on to your hats
you have the exact same proportions and angles as the Great Pyramid of Cheops!
The 'triangle of France' is exactly 14 million times bigger than the area of the cross section of the Cheops Pyramid. The surface of this triangle is 237,000 sq. km, and the area of the circle into which the Aegean Maltese cross could be
placed is 237,000 sq. km, which is the same. Can you believe that we have here again a simple

The triangle of France is not the only example having dimensions that are proportional to those of the Great Pyramid. The tiny pyramid of Falicon on a mountain above Nice, built in 1260 by Crusaders who had returned from Jerusalem, is exactly 1/288 the scale of Cheops. This number, 288, is known to us from the Temple of Kalasasaya in Tiahuanaco and its calendar year of 288 days. Why the Crusaders who built the pyramid in Falicon chose this scale of 1/288 is not known, but the precise proportions with the Great Pyramid are surprising because the Crusaders on their way and back from Jerusalem never passed the original one.

Much more surprising is the study made of some of the great cathedrals in France and their mathematical structure, where again astounding similarities with this Great Pyramid of Cheops crop up. The monumental cathedral of Chartres shows the same constants and proportions as the pyramid and, above all, seems to be of much older age in its original foundations taken over from a previous pagan temple on the same site.

The standard foot of Chartres that was used to construct the cathedral was 0.3684 m. The length of a longitude degree at Chartres is 73,680 m, exactly 200,000 of these feet. The most surprising derivative of this dimension is the cubic foot of Chartres. It equals 50 litres or 50 kg of water - when there was no metric system!

The cathedral of Reims is farther north than Chartres and there the dimension of the basic foot is 0.3557 m, also proportional to the longitude degree, and the cubic foot equals 45 litres or kg of water; but this is the Russian standard unit of weight called
which so far has not been explained.

The cathedrals of France have another mystery in the pattern of their locations. If you paste over the map of France little gold stars in Abbeville, Amiens, Bayeux, Chartres, Evreux, Laon, Le Mans, Paris, Reims, and Rouen, where the most famous cathedrals stand in the middle of the cities, you have the same configuration as the stars in the constellation of Virgo. The main star in Virgo is Spica; this brilliant star has always been venerated as the goddess of fertility and

Cathedral of Chartres

Dimensions of the three tables in metres, Chartres inches,
and Cheops fingers
Area of each table

5,318,789 square centimetres or 531.8789
1,000,000 square inches or 3906
1,517,824 square fingers or 1936 square metres square feet
square cubits or 1/100 of the base area of the Pyramid of Cheops

The floor plan of the Chartres cathedral is based on three tables, a round one, a square one, and a rectangular one. Each of these tables has exactly the same area, which is one hundredth of that of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. The area of each table is 531.88 square metres while that of the Great Pyramid is 53,188 square metres. A….

maternity. In the group of cathedrals, Spica is Reims. Again, I have difficulty dismissing this symbolism as an accident or
since religion has always been the twin sister of astrology.

But I would like to come back once more to the giant triangles. The map of Egypt shows two of them so far never noticed. The vertical axis of Lower Egypt is the line drawn from Bedet to Kubra to Giza while the horizontal axis goes through Sais to Kubra and Mendes. If we now construct the northern triangle Sais to Bedet to Mendes, we have exact distances of 400, 300, and 300 stadia of 180 m. The southern triangle Sais to Giza to Mendes measures 400, 650, and 650 stadia.

Now let's jump to the American continents and measure the distances between three religious centres of the ancient Mayas - Copan, La Venta, and Chichen ltza. Each of the sides of this triangle is 3,600 Mayan stadia 01180 m each.
Yes, the same 180 m as that of the Egyptian stadia!
This cannot be a coincidence. The distances on another Mayan pattern - a trapeze between four religious centres, Teotihuacan, Chichen ltza, La Muralla, and Monte Alban - are 2,000, 4,000, 6,000 stadia of 180 m each. But the biggest of the figures, the South American triangle between Nasca, Tiahuanaco, and the caves of Cuenca, measures 3,750, 7,500, and 10,000 Tiahuanaco stadia of 178 m adjusted to the local latitude and therefore shorter than the previous by less than two metres.

The most logical explanation for these triangles is that they were navigational patterns for spaceship landings, very similar to the reentry corridors we calculate today for our space missions. For me, who has seen many such patterns drawn theoretically in the Pacific for our Apollo missions, the analogy is striking.

…special Chartres inch of 23.0625 millimetres, representing one ten-thousandth of the side of the pyramid, was used for the construction but the Church did not know it. Who did actually design the Chartres cathedral in 1194 and build it in twenty-six years according to the size of the Great Pyramid ?

And there are other reasons why such speculation is not at all impossible.
First, we have all the legends in folklore and religious records from around the world attesting to the theory. Then we have paintings, engravings, and sculptures showing the celestial visitors descending In flaming chariots that look just like retro-rockets firing; there are even bronze figurines of astronauts.


The Virgo constellation and French cathedrals
The relative positions of the stars are the same as those of the cathedrals
The relative positions of the ten major cathedrals in France are the

same as those of ten stars in the Virgo constellation, over a distance of 300 kilometres, although there were no maps in France 800 years ago. Did ancient astronauts determine the locations of these sites long before the construction of the cathedrals? Again, the Church did not know that.

Now, some legends indicate that space visitors came from the planet Venus. That too, is not impossible. Much of the information we have today points in that direction. First Venus is unique among planets in that it spins clockwise. Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the rest spin counter-clockwise, which makes scientists think of Venus as an alien who drifted from outer space into our solar system and was captured by the gravitational field of our Sun. On its way to solar orbit it nearly brushed our Earth; and in doing so, both Venus and Earth synchronized their rotation and revolution periods.

The Mayas had discovered that 2,920 days represents 5 synodic periods and 13 sidereal periods of Venus, as well as 8 sidereal periods of the Earth. Venus has the same face turned to Earth every time they line up after 584 days. In my opinion, that could be a proof that Venus almost got captured by our planet, but its velocity and mass were too great, so that eventually it settled into a closer and faster orbit around the Sun.

There was, however, a moment when the Venusians could have landed on Earth as easily as we landed on the Moon. And that may have been when the first missions established markers and glide patterns in suitable locations like the plains of Nasca, the highlands of Tiahuanaco, and the Mexican jungle. When, after a while, the new arrivals got accustomed to our air and water, they showed themselves to the local inhabitants, who promptly promoted them to the rank of gods under many different names like Kukulcan, Viracocha, Orejona, Taaroa, Maui, and even Elohim, the Hebrew name of the messengers of God in our Bible.

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