Operation Revenge (15 page)

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Authors: Kate Hopkins

BOOK: Operation Revenge
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"Thank you," she said. "As soon as I get the kids off to school I'm coming over."


"Take your time." Simon hung up the phone and saved the bacon from burning. He moved the plate of meat to the side and went to work cracking eggs into a bowl.


"Good morning," Haley said, walking into the kitchen.


The urge to turn on her and start demanding answers washed over Simon. He held his tongue. He wanted her to eat breakfast and had a feeling if he upset her she would lose her appetite. There
was time for answers later. "You know you should be elevating that wrist," he uttered, adding a few splashes of milk to the eggs. "It won't heal if you don't listen to what the doctor told you."


"I can't stay in bed all day with a pillow under my arm," she told him. "I'll go crazy."


"Sandra's coming over." Simon took a fork out of the utensil drawer and beat the eggs. "Why don't you call her and ask her if she'll stop on the way and buy you a sling?"


While Haley talked to her sister, Simon scrambled the eggs and made toast. By the time she got off the phone, the food was ready and waiting on the table. They sat down and Simon fixed her a plate. He placed it in front of her and then poured her a glass of orange juice.


"Thank you," Haley said softly, reaching out and touching his hand. He jerked it away and picked up a knife. "Is something wrong?"


"We'll talk after breakfast," he said, buttering a slice of toast.


"Simon, if something is wrong then just tell me," she said.


"After breakfast." He held out the buttered toast to her.


"Stubborn man," Haley murmured, snatching the toast out of his hand.


At least I'm not a liar,
Simon thought.


. . . .


After breakfast, after the dishes had been put in the dishwasher and the table had been wiped clean, Simon and Haley moved to the living room, where they took a seat on the couch. Simon grabbed a throw pillow from the other end of the couch, fluffed it up, and used it to carefully prop up Haley's arm. His anger and disappointment wasn't going to keep him from looking after her.


"You always take such good care of me." She smiled at him weakly. "Thank you."


He raised his hand and grasped her chin gently, looking into her eyes. "Why did you lie to me?" He ran his thumb back and forth across her bottom lip. "Why didn't you tell me that Chad's responsible for your injury?"


Haley seized his wrist and pulled his hand away from her face. "Sandra told you, didn't she?"


He nodded. "You should've told me." He glared at her. "I don't like being lied to, sweetheart. Tell me why you felt the need to deceive me."


"I have my reasons," she croaked.


Simon waited for her to reveal those reasons. When she didn't he felt his anger rising. He gritted his teeth. "Care to share your reasons with me?"


Haley shifted slightly and cleared her throat. "I was afraid if I told you what happened you would want to beat up Chad. I could care less what happens to him. It's you that I'm worried about. He would love to see you in jail." She cleared her throat again. "Another reason is I don't need you to fight my battles for me. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. My problems are mine, Simon. I'm not going to run to you every time something happens and cry on your shoulder . . . no matter how badly I want to."


She was right. She could take care of herself, but he didn't like the idea of her living alone. Chad was capable of anything and hard telling what he was planning next. There was only one solution and he knew she wasn't going to like it. Taking a deep breath, he blurted out, "You're moving in with me." She opened her mouth. He silenced her with a finger against her lips. "I know how you feel about living with me . . . how you're afraid of hurting me, but I don't want you to worry about that. Your safety is more important than my feelings."


"I will be fine here," Haley told him. "I don't need to move-"


"Chad's not going to give up, sweetheart." Simon cupped her cheek with his hand. "He wants you back and I think he will do what ever it takes to make it happen."


"He claims he loves me." She shuddered. "When you love someone you don't twist their wrist or force yourself on them. His jealousy is getting the better of him."


"And who knows what he will do next." He leaned in close and kissed her forehead. "Move in with me. I'm not asking you to be Gran's caregiver. I'm going to see to it that she hires someone else to look after her. You have enough on your plate without her adding to it. You can come and go as you please. I don't want to take your freedom away. I just want to be able to go to sleep at night knowing you're in the house and that you're safe from Chad."


"All right," Haley whispered, after several tense filled seconds of silence. "I'll move in with you, but-" The doorbell rang, interrupting what she was going to say next. "That's probably Sandra."


"You stay and keep your arm elevated." Simon rose from the couch and headed to the foyer. Once there he unlocked the door and opened it. A rush of cool air hit him and caused goose bumps to erupt on his skin.


"I swear it's getting colder by the minute," Sandra said.


"Get in here where it's warm," he said, moving aside to allow her room to pass him. She brushed past him and he closed the door. "Haley's in the living room. I need to make a quick phone call and then I'll join you two." He waited until he was alone before he took out his cell phone and dialed the number. With anger flashing in his eyes, he stood there and waited for Chad to answer.




"Does manhandling a woman make you feel big?" Simon snarled.


"I was wondering when you were going to call," Chad said calmly. "How is Haley doing?"


"You have a lot of nerve asking me that after what you did to her," he growled.


"I didn't mean to hurt her," Chad said. "It just happened and-"


"It's not going to happen again," Simon sneered. "You come near her . . . you so much as lay one finger on her and there will be hell to pay."


"Is that a threat?"


"No. It's a promise." Simon ended the call and slipped his phone back in his pocket.


. . . .


"Good morning, Gran."


Marian gave an unlady like snort. "What's so good about this morning?"


Arching an eyebrow, Simon settled on the side of the bed. "You're going home in a little while. I thought that alone would make your morning. Is something wrong?"


"Yes," she snapped. "I'm tired and I want to be left alone. Those damn nurses keep coming in to check on me. They won't let me be."


"I'm sorry." He reached for her hand and held it gently between both of his.


"Shouldn't you be at the office?" Marian inquired.


"I took the day off." Briefly, he explained what happened to Haley.


"Good for her," she said with a nod. "She did the right thing by kneeing him."


The image alone had Simon squirming uncomfortably. "Let's talk about something else."


Marian smirked. "Wuss."


"I'd watch it if I were you," he told her. "You want to live with me." He turned his head and glanced at a poster on the wall. "Haley can't be your caregiver, Gran. We'll have to find someone else for you, but she will be living with us. For her safety, I convinced her to move in."


"Wise decision," Marian declared.


Grinning, Simon turned his head and stared at her. "I thought you would approve." He squeezed her hand. "After all, you are trying to get me and her together."


"I am not," she said indignantly.


"You know, Gran." He raised her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her soft skin. "You're going to hell for lying." She shot him a look that most people would have found intimidating. He found it amusing. "I'm only telling the truth. Should we change the subject?"


"Yes," she hissed.


"Since you're going to be living with me, I think it's best to go over some rules with you." Simon released her hand and stood. "Don't worry. I only have a few."


"Let me hear them," Marian sighed.


"You will respect Daniel and Haley's privacy. I don't want you sticking your nose into their business." He wandered over to the window and looked out onto the parking lot. "Last, but not least, you are moving into my home. That means what I say goes. No arguing. Those are the rules, Gran. All I ask is that you try to follow them. I'll try not to be too difficult to live with if you promise the same." He held his breath and waited for her response.


"Very well," she murmured, a minute later.


Simon smiled to himself. He had a feeling living with Marian Wilcox was going to be anything but a picnic.






















Chapter 1


One week later, Haley pulled into the driveway, after a long day at work, put the car in park and turned off the engine. She removed the key from the ignition and unbuckled her seat belt. Opening the door, she grabbed her purse from the passenger seat and got out. She set her purse on the hood of the car and walked down the short driveway to the mailbox. Her eyes scanned the yard and came to rest on the for sale sign sticking out of the ground. In the past few days, a handful of people had walked through her home and liked what they saw. The realtor was optimistic that the house would sell soon.


Haley lowered the red flag on the mailbox and opened the door, taking out the mail. She stood there and glanced through the small stack of envelopes. It was mainly bills. Sighing, she headed back up the driveway.


"You're moving?"


Startled, Haley dropped the mail and spun around. Chad stood in the street, glaring at the for sale sign. Her heart racing, she took a deep breath and let it out. "What are you doing here, Chad?"


"Why are you moving?" he demanded to know, ignoring her question.


"That is none of your business," she snapped. She knelt down and picked up the mail.


"Are you leaving the state?"


"Again, none of your business." Haley straightened up. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Go away and leave me alone. If you don't I'll call the police."


"I just want to talk," Chad assured her. "I promise I won't touch you."


She snorted. "And I'm supposed to believe you."


"I'll stay here," he said, coming to a stop at the end of the driveway. "I won't move. You have my word."


"Your word doesn't mean much," she uttered coolly. "What do you want?"


"To talk," he answered. "I miss you." The expression on his face was one of sadness. "You have to miss me too."


"I miss what we used to have," Haley said quietly. "I don't miss you."

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