Open Skies (17 page)

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Authors: Marysol James

Tags: #Romance, #cowboy, #contemporary, #romantic, #sex

BOOK: Open Skies
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She shivered and then heard a noise. She looked up and there was Jake standing in her bedroom doorway. He was wearing boxer shorts and his broad chest was bare. Her mouth went dry at the sight of him.

He grinned at her, his eyes crinkling in a way that she found deeply sexy. “Good morning, Julie.”

“Good morning, Jake,” she managed.

“I thought I heard you moving around in here. You want some coffee?”

“Uh, yes please.”

“Milk and sugar, right?”


“OK. Stay there. I’ll bring it to you.”

“OK, thanks.”

She looked around for her pyjamas but they were nowhere to be seen.

Jake reappeared in the doorway. “By the way…your pj’s are still on the living room floor. If you want ‘em, you’ll have to come out butt naked and get ‘em.” He ducked out again.

Julie took advantage of him having to go back downstairs to get the coffee and snuck in to her bathroom. She quickly went to the toilet, and then looked at herself in the mirror. Maybe she should put some powder on her nose, slick on some lipstick, put on a touch of blush?

But she looked – well, there was only on word for it –
. Fresh and glowing and well-rested. Her eyes were bright, her hair was wild and sexily dishevelled. She looked like a woman who had had a mind-blowing orgasm and then spent the night sleeping in the arms of a devastatingly sexy man. Which is exactly what she was, actually. No need for makeup, as it turned out.

She got back in to bed, the sheet pulled up to her chin.
Oooh. Maybe this is a bit embarrassing
. But she wasn’t as embarrassed as she thought she might be after letting her horse trainer go down on her and watch her shatter beneath his mouth. After all, he had seemed to enjoy it, too.

Jake came back to the bedroom with a cup of coffee. “I made the Vanilla Hazelnut. Is that OK?”


He brought it to her and she took a big sip.

“Thanks, Jake.”

“My pleasure.”

“How did I get up here, anyway? I don’t remember coming upstairs.”

“You were sleeping. I carried you up.”

An image of her – helpless and unaware in his arms, cradled against that chest – flashed through her mind. She felt a twitch between her legs at the thought.

He sat down next to her and stared at her. “OK. Tell me the truth.”

“About what?”

“Are you sorry?”

Jake held his breath and studied her face in the morning sunlight. She was hands-down the sexiest woman he’d ever known: strong and smart and strangely vulnerable. He’d lain awake for an hour the night before, holding her sleeping body in his arms, and thought about her childhood. He was amazed by her, by all of her.

Julie looked up at him. “No. No, I’m not. Are you?”

His face relaxed. “Not one bit. In fact, I’m hoping to do it to you again.”

Her breath stopped.

“If you’d like that, of course.”

“I would. I’d actually like to do more. I’d like to do everything.”

He gave her a slow smile that made her stomach do a flip. “Well, isn’t it a good thing that we can?”

“What? I thought you said you didn’t have any protection.”

“Well, now. That was last night.” He reached under the sheet and found her calf. “But this morning I had to go down to the stables to feed the horses.” His hand slid up her leg and found her thigh. “And I had some condoms in a dresser drawer in my cabin.” With a flourish, he produced the box from behind his back. “If you’re interested in using them, of course.”

“Hmmm.” Julie set the coffee down carefully and pretended to think about it as his hand moved up to the top of her thigh. The fingertips brushed the hair on her pussy. “Well. We have no guests today or tomorrow.”
Oh, God, Jake. Touch me. Put your finger inside me. I’m getting wet just thinking about you doing it. Do it – oh!
“The horses are fed. Nobody else is here but us. What else are we going to do?”

The stared at each other, breathless, his finger deep inside her pulsing center, buried all the way up to the knuckle. He felt her muscles tighten and loosen and imagined himself in there, being caressed and pumped by her loving heat. She worked herself slowly against his hand, imagining that his cock was grinding inside her, slamming inside her, finding her sweetest, most exquisite depths. They reached for each other at the same time.

Jake fell on top of her and she rode his hand, loving how deep he could go in to her, knowing that his sex would go deeper. He used his thumb to gently rub her tiny knot even as he pounded her depths roughly with two fingers. The combination of sensations was too much for Julie and her head fell back on to the pillow and she writhed and gasped and shook under him. She had no control over her body, or the sounds she was making, or her pulsating pussy.

“You’re so sweet and soft, Julie,” he whispered. “So wet and hot. I love to feel you come. Come for me. Come again, as hard as you did last night.”

Helpless to resist, powerless to stop herself, she did. Her cry was muffled by his mouth and she shuddered beneath him, the pleasure going on and on before she collapsed, breathing hard and fast against his strong chest.

For a few moments, he just held her, feeling her heart slow. But then she kissed him, and without any warning, pulled down his boxers. He sprang free, so turned on that he curved up and out. He was throbbing against her thigh and she reached down and grasped him. He was thick and long and she wanted nothing more than to have him plug her, work himself inside her, fuck her.

He gasped. “If you do that again, I’m going to lose it. I’m so close – I almost came when my finger was inside of you, I swear.”

“Get the condom,” Julie said. “I don’t care how much of a cliché it is to say this, but I want you inside me. Now.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Jake reached for the box, pulled out a condom and ripped it open. She watched as he rolled it down the incredible length of him and felt her pussy slicking up again in anticipation. He was going to feel amazing, she knew it.

He kissed her and ran his fingers over her, feeling her juices. Impatient now, almost desperate to feel that huge cock inside of her, she pushed his chest, pushed him over on to his back. She climbed on top of him and took him in her hand, guiding him to her lips, stroking her slit with the tip of him. He watched her, his hands on her hips, barely breathing.

In one movement, she lowered herself on to him, all the way, right to the hilt. He groaned and grasped her firm ass, pulling her forward and back again. She moaned as she felt him press against her g-spot, and she pushed down against his sex, feeling that wave start to rise again.

Jake couldn’t believe how good she felt: so hot, so wet. She sat there, impaled on him, those perfect breasts swaying, and he couldn’t wait. He held her in place and thrust and thrust and thrust, harder and deeper and faster. She sobbed, arched her back, threw her head back. Her pussy walls started to clench and release his cock, and he knew that she was seconds away from coming again.

“Jesus Christ, Julie…”

“Now, Jake. Oh, God. Now, now, now.”

She stiffened above him, her mouth parting. He felt her muscles tighten on him, impossibly tight, tighter than he’d ever felt before, and he couldn’t take it any longer. He fucked her harder than he thought she’d ever be able to take, but she moved on him, moved with him, stayed with him. Her orgasm set off his, and he was still coming inside of her after she had fallen forward and lay motionless on his heaving chest. He buried his face in her shoulder and held her far too strongly but he couldn’t stop himself: all he could do was cry out and come and come, his cock pulsing deep inside this amazing woman.

Between heartbeats, they caught their breath.

Jake stroked her back. “You OK, baby?”

She raised her head. “Mmmm-hmmm.”

He touched her left shoulder, where he’d held her to him. A red mark was visible there, a blotch against her perfect white skin, left by his fingers as he had gripped her against his convulsing body.

“Shit. Did I hurt you?” He stroked the welt and she flinched. “I did.”

“It hurts a bit,” she said. “But I don’t mind.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s OK. Really. It was worth it, for you to come like that. I’d do it again in a second.”

“Maybe not in a second,” Jake said. “But soon.”

They smiled at each other, eyes still hot. He kissed her, and she responded sweetly.

With regret, he pulled out of her body and took off the condom. “Wait right here.”

She turned over on her side and propped her head up with one hand. She watched him walk in to the master bathroom, enjoying the view of his ass and back and shoulders.

She became aware of the moisture on her thighs and she touched herself. She was soaked with her own juices… that had never happened before. She took some tissues from the bedside table and quickly cleaned herself up, tossed the tissues in the garbage. She stretched; she felt like every knot had been untied, every tense muscle had been soothed. Her body felt light and loose.

Jake came back in to the bedroom and climbed in to bed. He held out his arms. “Come here.”

She curled in to him and stared out the window at the mountains. “Look.” It had started to snow, heavily. The wind howled and she knew the forecasted first major storm of the winter was upon them. “We’ll be trapped inside on Thanksgiving.”

He smiled. “That sounds perfect, actually.”

“We’ll have to find some way to pass the time, I guess.”

“Hmmm. I have a few ideas.” His hands moved over her back, her butt, slid around to the front and cupped her. “How about we take a shower?”

Her eyes alight with lust and sex and desire, she nodded and climbed out of bed.

Their eyes met for a second as they stood on opposite sides of the bed. He looked at her lush body and felt a twitch between his legs as he remembered how completely it had responded to him last night and again this morning; she stared at his hard lines, his taut muscles and felt her knees weaken. God, what he’d done to her…

They went in to the bathroom and Jake walked in to the shower, started it running. He extended his hand to her and she took it and joined him under the spray. They stood together under the hot water, eyes closed, just leaning in to each other.

Julie took the body wash and squeezed some in to Jake’s hand “Wash my back?”

She turned, displaying that magnificent ass. He rubbed his hands together, then ran them over her shoulders and back, and moved down to her round, firm butt. He knelt down and washed her legs.

“Turn around,” he said in a low voice.

She turned and looked down at him, on his knees in front of her. He started at her feet, and worked his way slowly up her legs. When he reached her pussy, he used one hand to wash her, the other to cup her ass and press her forward against his hand. He then stood up and massaged her breasts, working in big, soapy circles.

“OK, now rinse off.”

Obediently, she turned under the spray, her body wet and hot and shiny. His sex swelled and hardened and she looked down at it, thrilled at his response to her.

Julie looked up in to his smoky eyes. “Your turn.”

She soaped up her hands and slowly washed his chest. God, he was gorgeous. Strong and hard and uncompromising – his body was a nod to his physical job. Julie loved the way that the grooves and curves of muscle felt under her fingers as she slowly worked her way down.

When she grasped him in one slippery hand, Jake gasped. Jesus, he couldn’t get enough of her. He couldn’t believe that he’d come just ten minutes ago. He was ready to come again for her, right now, on the spot.

Julie caught his eye and slowly knelt down in front of him. When he saw what she was going to do, he took a deep breath. She made him wait for it, though, as she kissed his upper thighs and flicked her tongue around his stiff member. Her lips touched everywhere but his hardness, and he was about ready to just beg her to take him in to her hot, sweet mouth.

When she finally licked the tip of his cock, he moaned.
Jesus Christ. More.
She tongued her way up and down him, licking and tasting him, her fingers sliding back and forth. He leaned back against the wall of the shower and closed his eyes.

Julie slid her mouth over his tip, pressed down with her lips, swirled her tongue around him. His whole body shook and she smiled to herself. He had teased her the night before; he was going to learn that pay back was a bitch.

Slowly, she moved her mouth down the length of him. He was huge and wet and tasted sweet and salty. She kept moving, taking more and more of him in to her mouth. She stopped almost at the shaft, started to move back. Her tongue was alive in her mouth, swirling and licking and flicking. His cock quivered, strained against her mouth.

Jake commanded himself to stand still. What he wanted was to plunge himself deep in to that amazing mouth, rub himself against those soft, pouty lips, push her down on him as hard and as fast as she could take it, but he didn’t want her to feel forced, so he kept his hands on her shoulders. He also didn’t want her to stop what she was doing. She was sucking him again, pulling him in to her mouth, moving down, back up now, back again.
Oh, God. It feels good
. Her fingers grazed his balls, and he inhaled sharply.

Julie heard his breath change. She angled her head and let her mouth glide up and down his cock, faster and faster, not letting up on the pressure now. Jake’s back was pressed against the wall, his head thrown back. She had nailed him to the wall with her mouth, and she had complete control over him now. He was helpless under her mouth, gasping and writhing, his body hot and slick.

His resolve to not rush had deserted him, and he put his hands on the back of her head, his hips moving back and forth in time with her rhythm. She didn’t seem to mind: she reached back blindly, found his hands, and put hers on top of them. He was confused for a second and then he realized – she was pushing his hands faster and faster, setting the rhythm, speeding it up. She was literally begging for more of his cock. He lost all control and just thrust and thrust in to her mouth, over and over.

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