Onyx Mafia: Insatiable - Episode 3: (Lia and Meghan) (Onyx Mafia: Insatiable Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Onyx Mafia: Insatiable - Episode 3: (Lia and Meghan) (Onyx Mafia: Insatiable Book 1)
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Lia blinked, her stillness leaving and Brenda inhaled deeply, shuddering. She ran her fingers through her tight curls, whispering. “What we have is not a game, should never be a game. Games end, Lia.”

Lia lowered her eyes. “My apologies. Truly, Brenda.”

Brenda just shook her head again, heading toward the door, dumping her trash on the way out.

“You can play games with me.” Johnson said, smiling. “Anytime. And I don’t mind a little sunburn.”

Lia smiled distractedly at him. “Don’t you have a report to finish?”

He sat up good-naturedly. “Yes, Ms. Onyx.” He nodded his head at Jenny and the other sad, unfulfilled woman. They rose to leave, clearing their plates.

We were alone at the table, Lia lost in her thoughts.

“How long have you known Brenda?”

“We were roommates in college. She introduced me to – an important friend of mine.” She turned to look out the large windows. “I can’t believe I just did that to her.”

I couldn’t begin to understand the complexities of their relationship, but I did understand when somebody has fucked up.

“Well, you need to make it right. Why don’t you go talk to her?”

She shook her head, smiling. “No, she has a prestigious temper. I’ll wait for her to cool down. No doubt in the coming days she will find many unpleasant ways for me to redeem myself.”

And then she looked at me. I mean, looked at me. “Thank you for trying to help.”

I shrugged, nodding, a little uncomfortable with the way she was eyeing me. It was like getting x-rayed by a human.

And then it stopped. She gave me her sexy smile. “I have a few moments to spare. What are you doing after lunch?”

Next on my audit interview list was a Mr. Robert Dickinson. His office number wasn’t on the large map of the complex I had folded in my clipboard.

“Let me look.” She slid the clipboard from my fingers, pursing her lips. “Ah. That’s because this is the east branch. It is a high-rise on the other side of town.”

Shit. Another taxi ride. Well, maybe I’ll leave him for the end of the day…

“I’ll take you.” She said, handing me back the clipboard. “I have a few things over there I need to take care of in person, anyway.”

“Really? Thanks, Lia. I hate taking taxis.”

“Mhmm,” she said. “Give me five minutes and I’ll meet you in the parking garage, Level 9, Section D.”


She walked away. I watched her and she knew that I was watching her. And she knew that I knew that she knew I was watching…


The parking garage was vast, it took me forever to locate the elevator that led to the correct floors – apparently some only went to even floors and other odds. “What idiot designed this thing?” I grumbled, jamming the nine button. The door began to close before it paused, a slender hand stopping it.


How can she still produce this level of reaction from me? My body reacted as if it was pussy feeding time at the pussy zoo; the sheer volume of moisture she produced from me was, frankly, ridiculous.

I smiled shakily at her and my oh-so-helpful brain decided to distract my frenzied body with randomized ramblings of words.

“Thanks again for offering to drive me there. This is a nice city. Not too big. I mean, it’s not small or anything. Not that there’s anything wrong with small, I like small, too. I just… uh, like big better.”

Shut up, Meghan.

Shut. Up.

“What about you, do you like it… uh.” I cleared my throat.

She was leaning against the corner of the elevator, a bemused smile on her face. “Are you asking me if I like them big?”

“No. Um, yes – cities, I mean.”

She smiled. “Come here.”

I did and she kissed me, thoroughly, her tongue directly connected to my groin. I lost all muscle in my legs, holding on to her like I never learned to walk.

She played with a curl of my hair. “I like them big. I like them small. Medium ones, ones that smell like flowers and ones that smell like Mother Earth herself. I like them all, Meghan.”

Oh, well then. “Okay,” I nodded as the door opened. “What about waterways?”

She laughed abruptly, pulling me back to her, hand brushing the seam of my pants. “Are you wet, Megan” she asked in my ear. “Should we find out now, right here? Or wait till later?”

I didn’t answer, not trusting myself to speak.

“Mhmm. I think, perhaps later.” She untangled from me, exiting the elevator.

I followed in a throbbing haze. Feeling like a piece of plastic caught in a eddy.

Her car was a expensive, limited edition something or other. It was so fancy I felt I should be wearing pearls or a tuxedo or something.

The tan leather smelled like her. I tried very hard not to consciously smell it. Inhale it.

She drove in silence, concentrating on the road. It was a manual and I watched her shift gears, weaving in and out of traffic with proficiency. She opened the sun-roof; I turned away when her hair began whipping her face, the brushes against her lips beginning to mesmerize me.

“Talk or sex, Meghan?”

I stared back at her. “Excuse me?”

She glanced at me, flashing a smile. “You heard me. Right now I’m giving you a choice.”

My libido began beating a drum solo. I squirmed in her leather chair, the seam in my pants pressing against my sex.

You can do this, Meghan. This is your job, dammit.

“Uh, let’s talk.” I never hated my job as much as I did right then.

“Okay. You lead.”

My mind was blank. Absolutely nothing going on but remembering the taste of her in the shower. The way I came on her mouth in her office chair. The damn spotlight….

“Jesus Christ.” I thought I whispered it, but maybe not. Lia smiled, kicking the car into a higher gear, going faster still.

“It’s hard for me too, Meghan.” I looked at her, confused.

“The way you feel right now, the almost overwhelming desire. I have that, almost all the time.”

She glanced over, noting my skeptical gaze.

“We’ve past twelve secluded spaces I could have pulled into. Also, three motels, five hotels… fourteen restaurants with large, clean bathrooms.” She flicked her eyes at me.

“The red light behind us lasted 47 seconds. Do you know what could happen – what we can do in 47 seconds?”

She breathed evenly, touching my thigh briefly.

“Do you understand?”

I was beginning to.

Her voice was low, almost too low to hear. “I don’t want to hurt you, Meghan. I like you.”

What? “You haven’t hurt me, Lia.”

She didn’t answer. “There will be a time, a moment when you will want more.”

“A relationship?” I laughed. “Lia, I took your friend’s warning in earnest. I don’t think I could handle a long term relationship with you, not if I want to retain any sense of my normal self.”

Lia nodded, saying softly, “Brenda’s a good friend.”

We stopped at a red light. “I’ve been told I don’t give people a fighting chance. That I see what I want and I catch it. Take it. That I don’t give it the opportunity to leave.”

She turned to me, eyes holding mine. “I’m going to do things to you. Things you will beg me not to do.”

I swallowed.

“And then, Meghan, you will beg me to do those things to you again. And again.”

She stared at me. “Do you understand?”

I turned away. “Light’s green.”

She gunned it. We drove in silence, deep in our own thoughts.

I glanced at her. “So, 47 seconds, huh?”

She shook her head, a smile on her face.


The skyscraper was one of those modern monstrosities – glass and twist of oddly shaped silver columns.

We looked up at it. “Blech,” I said.

Lia looked at me. “Our offices are on the 26th floor.”

Okay. But, why is she looking at me like that? She was almost leering…

“Let’s find the elevator, shall we?”

Oh boy
. I don’t think I can handle almost three times the elevator fun and still form a functional sentence afterwards. I looked around.

“You know, this place is sorta growing on me. Why don’t I take a look around first? I see over there some beautiful, um, sculptures? I can meet you back at your car, you know, at your convenience.”

She raised her brow, angling her neck to where I was pointing. Almost laughed. “Sweetheart, those are the reception desks.”

I felt the heat in my face as I followed her to the bank of elevators. “Well, they’re pretty neat looking.”

“Mmhmm. I have a surprise for you.”

There were two people ahead of us waiting for an elevator. I breathed a sigh of relief when it opened, stepping forward with them.

She held my elbow, smiling at them when they turned to look at us. “We’ll take the next one.”

The door closed and I saw my panicked reflection in them. “Lia…” I started.

“Begging already, Meghan?” she murmured, eyeing me in the reflection.

I shook my head. “It’s just. I can’t.”

She smiled with complete certainty. “You can and you will.”

Well… damn. My stubbornness set in. The elevator opened and I walked in, leaning against the opposite wall, my arms crossed.

She merely smiled again and turned, facing the front. My eyes kept cutting to her as the floor numbers rose.

Floor 9 and no move from miss “I’m going to make you beg.” I started to relax, thrumming my fingers along the handrail. Floor 14 and I was starting to feel a little… disappointed?

Disappointed that I wasn’t going to be fondled in the elevator – what is wrong with me?

Floor 17 and the disappointment was quickly changing to regret. Had I pissed her off? She didn’t seem upset. She seemed fucking amused, with that half smile of hers.

Was she humming?

Floor 20 and I was trying to muster the courage to say, ‘I’m sorry, please do whatever you want to me in this very public, probably heavily recorded elevator’.

Floor 25 and I had resigned myself. Maybe she doesn’t like me as much. She seemed to but, as we both knew, she had options. Well, at least I had fun. My time in the sun, you know?

I looked away and noticed her reflection in the metal door, watching me. She winked and I groaned, throwing myself on her, kissing the ever-loving shit out of her.

The doors opened and I didn’t care. Lia raised a finger to the person trying to get on, and hit the ground level button. The door closed and she wrapped her fingers in my hair, turning, pushing my back against the rail.


“Took you fucking long enough,” she growled, her mouth on my jaw, my neck, fingers gripping my hair, pulling my head back.

“Oh shit, Lia,” I exclaimed, her hand was deep in my pants. She was moving like she was searching for buried treasure and I, whatever – I was two seconds from cumming.

I felt something slip into me, too large to be her fingers.

“Surprise,” she said, tweaking my clitoris. I clenched involuntarily, feeling the object bury itself deeper inside me. It was not entirely unpleasant.

She pulled her hands from me and I gripped her wrist, kissing her. “Please, Lia.”

She groaned, kissing me hard. “You are so hungry. Just… wait.”

The door opened and she turned, hitting a button before stepping out.

For real? For real?!!!

“You’re leaving? I thought you had something to take care of.” I said, wincing at the pitifulness in my voice. The need.

Her smile was radiant as the door closed between us. “I just did.”

I started feeling something on the 10th floor. A humming between my legs. It grew progressively pronounced, until I could do nothing but lean against the wall, arms spread and just take it.

What did she slip in there?

It was not strong enough for me to climax, but enough to be distracting. Very distracting. I decided to risk taking it out while in the elevator when the door chimed, opening on the 26th floor.

A receptionist that apparently had always been there smiled at me. I stepped out. Had she seen me and Lia canoodling?

“May I help you?” she asked pleasantly.

“Yes please.” The buzzing. Could she hear it? Oh God, Lia, you are pure evil. “Um, Mr. Dickinson, please.”

“Sure thing. Two lefts and he’s the second door on the right.”

I cleared my throat. “Thank you.”

I hoped to find a restroom on my way down there but it was nothing but sleek glass offices and expensive leather furniture.

I found Mr. Dickinson, short balding fellow – animated, looooved to chat. It took me a half hour to ask five question, and by then I don’t know which one of us was the least comprehensible. He seemed to be speaking a different language by the time I closed the door behind me.

Lia was waiting by the elevator, flirting with the receptionist. The receptionist was eating it up, batting her eyelashes and shit. Who still bats eyelashes?

I grabbed Lia by the arm, pounding the down button on the elevator. She looked like she was about to burst out laughing.

She slipped a hand in her purse.

The buzzing increased. I swayed, biting my cheeks to keep from moaning.

Oh lord, I’m about to have an orgasm in the office lobby.

Mercifully the doors dinged, opening ever-so slowly. I leapt on, dragging Lia behind me, hearing the receptionist as the doors closed. “Does anyone else hear that?”

The buzzing decreased, just enough for me to stop flailing.

I opened an eye. “You are evil. That was… why would you do that?”

A subtle rise of the shoulder was all the answer she gave me.

“Meghan.” the way she said my name raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

“What?” I said suspiciously, the thing in my crotch buzzing merrily, constant tiny fingers of pleasure running up and down my spine.

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