Only Emma

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Authors: Sally Warner,Jamie Harper

BOOK: Only Emma
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Thanks a Lot, Anthony.

Cynthia leans over to whisper something to me. “My mom says it’s fine about Friday,” she tells me, as if it is a great big secret. She opens her mouth a little and smiles, as though she is waiting for me to say

“Friday?” I say, staring at her. What is she talking about? I can’t remember. I feel stupid, but I try to make my face look smart.

“You know,” she says, frowning suddenly, “when you come sleep over at

“Oh, yeah,” I say. “That’ll be fun.” I try to match her smile. I can’t believe I forgot about the best thing that has happened to me in a long, long time.

“Wait a minute. Did you even ask your mom?” Cynthia asks, suspicious now.

“I—I meant to,” I tell her. “Only things got kind of goofed up at our house last night.”
Thanks a lot, Anthony
, I think.

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Only Emma



Sally Warner

Illustrated by

Jamie Harper


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Text copyright © Sally Warner, 2005
Illustrations copyright © Jamie Harper, 2005
All rights reserved
Warner, Sally.
Only Emma / by Sally Warner; illustrated by Jamie Harper
p. cm.
Summary: Third-grader Emma’s peaceful life as an only child is disrupted
when she has to temporarily share her tidy bedroom with four-year-old
Anthony Scarpetto, a bona fide “pain in the patootie.”
EISBN: 9781101567593
[1. Only child—Fiction. 2. Single-parent families—Fiction.
3. Interpersonal relations—Fiction.] I. Harper, Jamie, ill. II. Title.
PZ7.W24644On 2004 [Fic]—dc22 2004012478
Set in Bitstream Carmina

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For the one and only
Julia Bosley! — S. W.

For Kate—J.H.



Crazy Anthony


Poor Little Guy


There Are No Koalas in Oak Glen, California


A Pain in the Patootie








Scissors Skills


A Teensy Little Fight


No Fair!


Here Is What I Think


Crazy Anthony

Anthony Scarpetto saw me reaching for that puzzle piece, but he grabbed it first. And he doesn’t even know where it goes. “Give it,” I say to him, but he does not let me have it.

“You’re not the boss of me, Emma McGraw,” he says, but that’s not true. He is only four, and I am eight, which is twice as much. Of course I am the boss.

Besides, we’re at my house. You are always the boss—of other kids, anyway—when you are at your own house. That’s the rule, even though no one ever wrote it down.

Until now.

Why am I even
to do a puzzle with a four-year-old baby on a Sunday night? Because my mom told me I had to be nice to Anthony, that’s why. She’s friends with his mom and dad. They used to be our neighbors at our old house, before we moved to this condo.

In my opinion, a condo is way worse than a house. You always have to worry about whether or not you are bothering your neighbors, for one thing, even though they never worry about bothering you—with their noise, with the stupid decorations on their porches, with their weird cooking smells.

Other people’s cooking is just plain

And there are lots of other bad things about living in a condo, but I’m too busy keeping an eye on Anthony to mention them.

My mom and Anthony’s mom are sitting in our kitchen right now. They are drinking Constant Comment tea and yak-yak-yakking.

Anthony Scarpetto has black curly hair,
brown eyes, and fat pink cheeks. He is not as cute as he sounds, though—and not nearly as cute as he thinks, even though he is wearing his striped pajamas already. I guess that’s so his mom can just stuff him into bed right away to get rid of him when they finally go home.

I am so glad that I do not have a little brother! Or a little sister either, for that matter. I am an only child, and I like it that way.

Only Emma.

“Give it,” I say to him again, but I know Anthony is not going to give me the puzzle piece. I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t eat it just to make me mad.

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