Read One True Love Online

Authors: Lisa Follett

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Historical Romance

One True Love (38 page)

BOOK: One True Love
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William brushed Cassie's hair to the side, as he kissed her neck and shoulders, then trailed kisses across her back. He massaged her with his hands until she was pliant beneath him. "I am not putting you to sleep, am I?"




William chuckled and she let out a squeal when he kissed her bottom and ran his tongue in swirls along each cheek. She wiggled beneath him, but he did not stop, and instead, he made his way to the backs of her thighs. He pushed her legs apart in order to find a path down the insides of her legs. He moved past her knees until he reached her calves, then flipped her over and met her smiling eyes with his own.


"Are you going to come into me now?" she asked.


William lifted himself off the bed, undid his breeches, pushed them past his waist, and down to the floor. His hardened cock was proof of his desire for her. He watched her eyes widen and heard a small giggle.


"I think I shall make you wait."


"Wait? I have waited long enough, husband. Please, please come to me." She reached out her arms to him, but he denied her, instead, he went to his knees and kissed her inner thighs.


She twisted on the bed, but he refused to give in. He spread her legs apart and licked her inner thighs, then skipped over her womanhood to make his way to her stomach. He dipped his tongue into her belly button, and burned a path to the underside of her breasts. His hands roamed freely, as her hands explored his shoulders and back. Her nails scraped his skin, lightly marking him. He tongue ran circles around one of her breasts, while he squeezed and flicked the nipple of her other breast. Finally, he took her sweet nipple into his mouth and suckled until she screamed.


William switched positions and moved his mouth to her other breast and his hand to the one he laved with his tongue and mouth. He gave both breasts equal treatment before he lifted his head and grinned at her. "Do you like this, Cassie?"


"Yes, oh, yes." She pushed his head back down. He kissed each perky nipple before he moved down her body and propped her legs over his shoulders.


She lifted her hips to meet his mouth where he stroked her feminine core with his tongue. He dived in and swirled his tongue around and around her cleft. She squirmed beneath him and squealed when he dipped a finger inside her, as he continued to lick and suckle her. Then he added a second finger and mimicked the act of lovemaking by pushing his fingers in and out of her. She lifted her hips and established a rhythm until she finally came.


William lifted himself over her and thrust into her, then stilled as she adjusted to him. He began the motions of pumping into her over and over again. Their bodies smacked together, skin against skin, until he reached the pinnacle of release and sent his seed spilling deep into her body. Her muscles clenched around him as she orgasmed again, and they both cried out into the night before they relaxed into each other's arms.


They breathed heavily, as their sweat and scents mingled into one. It was the most powerful orgasm ever for William. He rested his face into her neck. "You are amazing."


She kissed his cheek, then lifted his head for another kiss and he obliged her. "I have never had such a wonderful experience in my entire life. Can we do it again?"


He laughed and pulled out of her, then rolled off of her. "Absolutely, but let me catch my breath first. I plan to spend my life making love to you, morning, noon, and night." He kissed her on the cheek, and she snuggled into him.


"Morning and noon? I am not sure that is at all proper. Of course, I am not sure what we did is proper either." Her smile lit her face, and he could not resist kissing her again and again.


"We are married. Husband and wife. Everything we do together intimately is perfectly proper. I have not even begun to show you all the ways we can love each other."


She sat up slightly and pressed her hand against his chest. "There is more?"


"Oh, yes, there is more." He kissed her and flung one of her legs over his waist and then entered her.


"Oh my!"


William moved slowly within Cassie until they became a frenzy of one movement. The pressure built and exploded, as they clung to each other to reach another climax. He pressed her bottom with his palms while she ran her hands down his back. She moved her hands to his muscled buttocks, then grasped them and giggled. He chuckled at her innocent gesture and kissed her again before he moved out of her and arranged her until she was draped partially across him.


"That was interesting," she whispered.


"Only interesting?"


"Well, more than interesting. I quite liked it. Are there other ways of completing, the, ah, act?"


"Many more ways."


"Oh my. I suppose we will have to spend a lot of time in bed so you can teach me everything I need to know."


He laughed out loud. "We will spend the rest of our lives learning and practicing together until we get it perfect."


"I thought it was already perfect," she sighed.


"Then we shall
our perfectness."


She settled her cheek on his chest, and kissed him lightly before going quiet. They rested, and listened to their mingled breathing until they fell fast asleep in each other's arms.




Sometime in the night, Cassie's eyes fluttered open. She lay in William's arms, completely sated from their lovemaking. Their naked bodies clung together in a tangle. She turned her cheek to kiss his chest.


"I love you," she whispered, although he could not hear her in his sleep. She would tell him again tomorrow when they awoke, and again the next day, and the next, for the rest of their lives.


She placed her hand on her stomach, amazed at the life growing inside of her, then closed her eyes, and breathed in the scents of man and sex and sweat. Whoever thought such smells would intoxicate her? Her body still thrummed and her private place pulsed to life. Wet and desirous, she moved her hand down his chest and stomach, until she reached him
. She hid her mouth in his chest to keep from giggling. After they made love, he was shrunken and softened, but when he was ready to go again, he grew long and hard.


Gently, she touched a finger to his hardened sex, then grew bold as it leapt to life beneath her finger. She grasped it and stroked until he caught her hand.


"If you continue to do that you will be on your back again with your legs spread around my waist."


She stroked him in response. He groaned and she delighted in the sound, and the ability to make him want her. Feeling powerful, she sat up and continued to move her hand up and down his length. He grit his teeth and grunted.


"Climb on top of me now, or risk me spilling my seed into your hand."


Cassie climbed on top of him and straddled William. He positioned himself at her entrance, and she sank onto him until he was deep inside of her. She tightened her muscles around him and began to move slowly up and down his shaft. She pressed her hands against his chest and threw back her head.


He squeezed her breasts gently as he let her set the pace of their lovemaking. She trembled with desire as the fullness of his body entered in and out of hers. Cassie wiggled and searched for the perfect friction. When she found it, her entire body burned with heat. They moved faster and faster until she came so close to heaven, she thought she might fall back down to earth before she soared beyond the clouds.


And then it happened.


Her body exploded with his in their own private fireworks show. Their release came together, and they smothered their cries of passion in each other's shoulders. Her body convulsed in wave after wave of exquisite pleasure, until she finally came to rest completely on top of him.


William stilled within Cassie and whispered her name, then told her he loved her. She breathed in his masculine scent, then rolled off him onto her back. She took his hand in hers and kissed it. "I love you. I love you, so much."


"And I love you. Forever."




Chapter Twenty-Two




Gold and red leaves floated to the ground at the first signs of autumn. Cassie sat on the swing in the secret garden, and gently pushed her feet back and forth. She was big and round with child. William sat in the grass next to her, and plucked the last bits of green grass from the ground and tossed them at her.


The air was cool, and the flowers in the garden closed up to sleep until next spring. The London Season was over, and the Little Season was about to begin. Most of the
had already made their way to their country homes. Yet, Cassie and William never left Rosehill Manor.


They preferred their quiet time together in the clean country air. Most of the renovations and decor in the house were finished, all except for the final few touches in the nursery. They interviewed dozens of candidates before finally deciding upon a nanny. The baby was not due until Christmas, and now with an aching back and sometimes swollen feet, she was beginning to wish for her pregnancy to be over and done.


"I think we should name our son John Henry after both of our fathers. What do you think?" she asked.


"Hmm...I think we should name our daughter Angel, after her mother."


She laughed. "My name is not Angel, silly man, and this baby is a boy. I am sure of it." It was one argument they playfully continued on a daily basis.


"We shall see. We shall see. I suppose we should return to the house before everyone arrives."


"Probably. As much as I am looking forward to spending the next fortnight with our families, I shall miss our solitude. I have enjoyed our time alone together."


William stood up and offered her his hand, which she took, since she ungracefully wobbled out of the seat of the swing. They walked hand in hand through the hidden door to the secret garden, and then took their time meandering down the twisted pathways through the gardens to the house.


They made it inside just as the first carriage carrying her parents and Jocelyn came rambling up the drive. She pressed her hand to her back and continued to the front door to greet her family. William followed closely behind her.


The Chambers and Jocelyn climbed out of the carriage and made their way up the long steps to the front entrance where the door was flung open in greeting by Scott. Both her parents embraced their daughter, and Jocelyn gaped when she saw Cassie's stomach.


"Close your mouth, Jocelyn. It is undignified. Oh, Cassie, you look positively gorgeous," said her mother.


"You mean fat."


"I mean gorgeous. You carry well. Now, let us go into the drawing room so you may rest your feet. I would love some tea and biscuits. I am quite famished. Perhaps some sandwiches as well."


Cassie laughed and took her mother's arm. Jocelyn came behind them, as well as her father and William. She ordered refreshments and they all settled down, and chatted about ordinary things, such as the weather, her father's parish, the most scandalous Society
on dits
, and the renovations of Rosehill Manor.


"I shall want a tour of the newly decorated rooms. You have always had a fine eye for colors and arrangement, Cassie," said Mrs. Chambers.


"Of course, perhaps this afternoon after you have had a chance to rest from your journey."


"Before you go to your rooms, there is something Cassie and I would like to discuss with you," said William.


"This sounds important. Do tell," said Cassie's father.


"Jocelyn will turn eighteen next Season. We would like to sponsor her into Society with the help of Lady Camberley who has agreed, of course. We would also like to add to her dowry." Cassie watched her parent's reactions, particularly Jocelyn's face whose eyes lit up as she clasped her hands to her chest.


"I do not know what to say. That is quite generous of you William," said Mr. Chambers.


"Say thank you, of course," said Mrs. Chambers. "Oh, Cassie, William, this is so wonderful. The girl's grandmother left them a small pittance of a dowry, and, well, we've tried to add to it over the years, but it is rather meager. And a Season. Oh, Jocelyn, a London Season! How wonderful!"

BOOK: One True Love
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