Read One True Love Online

Authors: Lisa Follett

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Historical Romance

One True Love (14 page)

BOOK: One True Love
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The doors to the study were closed, so she knocked lightly and hoped William was in the room working. His voice called for her to enter. Her husband stood behind a large, imposing desk. The paneled walls held paintings of landscapes, ranging from the wild sea to flowers in a meadow. Shelves overflowed with books. Large, overstuffed chairs sat in front of the desk, and a couch and tables graced one corner of the room. The study was complete...finished. Masculine –like the man.


A shiver of awareness slithered down Cassie's spine. Their eyes met and held for an eternal breath. He came around the desk and stepped in front of her, then stood only a few inches away. He did not greet her with words, but instead, pulled her into his arms and stole a kiss. As his lips, soft and probing, descended upon hers, she melted against him. He pinned her arms, but she wanted to fling them around him, and dive her fingers into his hair. She loved the feel of his hair, soft and thick.


He broke away. "Good morning, Lady William."


"Good morning, Lord William." William took Cassie's hand and guided her to the couch. He sat beside her and looked into her eyes, which caused her to feel stripped raw and unnerved.


"Last night..."


"You fell asleep. I will have to make sure your wine is limited," William chuckled. Cassie's shoulders sagged with relief. She hated to think she could not remember her own wedding night.


William reached up and touched her face with the back of his hand. "I thought we could spend our first day together getting to know each other. I can show you the house and gardens, then we can take a ride around the estate. I already asked Cook to make us a picnic lunch. What do you say?"


"That would be lovely." She smiled tentatively. She still did not know what to think of this man who was now her husband. He was so good to her, yet she barely knew him. She bit her bottom lip, considered him, and thought of the days, and the nights ahead. They had yet to become man and wife in the truest sense, and her blood boiled with fear and anticipation.


They began their day with a tour of the house. Most of the rooms were still unfurnished. William gave her carte blanche to decorate her new home as she wished. His trust in her caused her heart to tumble in her chest. She could not wait to tackle her new project, to let her imaginings become realities.


The room leading to the gardens delighted her senses. Sunlight streamed through tall, gleaming glass windows. She imagined a perfect sitting room, surrounded by bright colors: green plants and vibrant flowers, light colored furniture, and a breakfast table for two. A perfect room to begin their day.


They walked through French doors that lead to the gardens which stretched as far as the eye could see. Although she had seen many lovely gardens, she had never seen such a sight as this. Winding walkways weaved throughout displays of flowers, plants, and trees. Babbling brooks and ponds with fish were interwoven with bridges, gazebos, statues, and benches.


"The gardens are one of the major reasons I purchased this property. The Duke of Wentworth is known for his gardens on each of his estates. There was a time when an invitation to visit Rosehill Manor was quite the coup. I have retained most of the gardeners who originally worked on the estate for the duke."


"I can certainly see why. A person could easily become lost in the vastness of these gardens. This place is magical. I suspect I will spend a lot of time out here."


They walked, arm in arm, along various paths, discussing the flora and the fauna, as well as plans for the house. William mentioned putting her in the care of his mother and sisters when they went to Town for the Season. She needed a wardrobe worthy of her station in order to attend all of the routes, teas, parties, dinners, and balls. He promised her a trip to the opera, something she dreamed about, but never had the opportunity to attend.


Suddenly, Cassie realized her lot in life might have been similar if she would have married Mr. Parker, who was the heir to a title after all. Somehow the thought did not give her the same sense of comfort as she walked through these lush gardens with her new husband, Lord William.


Cassie discovered a peace within herself, a rising sense of belonging and joy. She found it easy to talk with William, and he listened as if she were the only person in the world. There was a comfort in their blossoming relationship, along with an ease in their ability to get along. Although her nerves were still frayed in anticipation of his touch, and her gooseflesh rose simply because he was near, she believed she were a butterfly wrapped in a cocoon, preparing to spread her wings. The wondrous and delightful feeling made her pray for its continuance.


William stopped in the path where an ivy covered wall brought the gardens to an end, or so she thought. He smiled, took her hand, and led her under an arbor, and past tall bushes. There was part of the wall not laced with plants. He removed a key from his pocket. She realized there was a gate that only a discerning eye would notice.


"I have a surprise for you. He inserted the key and pushed a hidden lever, and opened the gate into a paradise. She gasped at the secret garden; it was wild, untamed, a bit of God's nature manipulated by man, and seemingly untouched. The space was small, but perfect in every way. She imagined the colors that would bloom when spring came.


"This is amazing! It is so unlike anything I have ever seen. Why is it locked away?"


"I am not sure, except to think the duke and duchess wanted to keep this little bit of heaven to themselves. Would you like to swing?" His eyes twinkled.


"Oh," Cassie giggled. She lifted her skirts and ran over to the swing attached to the branch of a tree. He followed behind her. When she sat, he touched her back to push her off. His hand burned her back with a touch that turned liquid and pooled in her belly. The cool air snapped against her skin as she swung higher and higher. Their laughter carried in the wind, and she delighted in the sense of freedom. It was a moment that brought back childhood memories. Joy overtook her and made tears sting her eyes.


Cassie swung and they laughed until William caught her by the waist and brought her back down, wrapped his arms around her, and rested his hands on her stomach. The warmth against her back stilled her breathing. He reached down and kissed her along the side of her neck, which caused her skin to tingle. Her breasts heaved, uncommonly heavy and sensitive.


William's lips trailed along her neck and across her temple. His hands moved up and cupped the underside of her breasts. His touch burned through her redingote and clothes and scorched her bare skin. She caught her breath then leaned back against him.


He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. He twirled her around and hauled her against him. His warm hand grasped the nape of her neck and brought her mouth closer and closer, until their lips were only a breath away. She noticed the clean and woodsy scent of soap and man. Cassie closed her eyes in invitation.


William's lips captured her mouth in a slow, tantalizing kiss that singed her nerves from her head to her toes. She opened her mouth and he took the opportunity to dive in with his tongue. She met him in a battle of desire and need, Every inch of her throbbed, and cried out for something she thought might be within her grasp, yet could not quite reach it.


She wrapped her arms beneath his coat and around his waist. She touched the small of his back, and was amazed at his strength. She wondered what it would feel like to touch his skin, to feel his skin against hers. The tender tips of her breasts tightened in response to his machinations. She desperately wanted to rub her hardened nipples against his chest. It seemed like such an odd, wanton thing to do, but she could not help herself. She wanted,
, she
, to feel her naked breasts against his chest.


Eventually he tore away from her, breathless and ragged. Cassie bit her lip. Disappointment gathered in her bosom. She did not want him to stop. She wanted to know what it would be like to be loved him. She wanted tonight.


He led her out of the secret garden, locked the gate behind them, and headed through the winding pathways back to the house. He stopped at one point and observed the low, gray clouds that waited to burst. "Perhaps we should hold our picnic indoors today. It looks like rain on the horizon."


She stopped and shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand. The wind began to whip her coat and skirts, as the sun hid behind darker clouds. A roll of thunder shook the earth in the distance. A keen sense of regret settled within her bosom. She had looked forward to their ride to see the rest of the estate, and their planned picnic, but nothing could be done about it. She nodded in agreement and they made their way to the house as the first drop of rain touched the tip of her nose.




Before the rain came down at a steady pace, William grabbed Cassie's hand and led her to the house. The rain fell before they made it through the door. He laughed and tugged her damp body into his arms, then crashed his lips down on hers.


Since the moment he first laid eyes on her he wanted her. He could not have her then, but he could have her now. Should he wait until after dinner? Would she feel offended or shy if he took her to his bed now? In the light of the day? He wanted to show her the ways of love, to spend the night exploring every inch of her.


William's heartbeat accelerated as he took the kiss deeper into the depths of her mouth, until she groaned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. How fortunate his luck had turned around, giving him this chance to build a life with the woman of his heart.
Did he love her?
He considered his feelings as he ran his hands up and down his wife's back.
Such an elusive thing, but not impossible. He knew it could happen. It was rare among the
, but he had grown up watching two people in love make a happy life with each other and their children.


When does one know if he loves another? He knew for certain he loved his family, his parents, his brothers, and his sisters. He would lay his life down for any of them without a second's hesitation. Would he do the same for his wife?




He would give his life for Cassie. Did that mean he loved her? Did he know her well enough to declare his love? Perhaps he was just falling in love, on the edge of a cliff, waiting for the perfect moment to tumble. If he told her he loved her now, he was certain he would scare her away. No. It was too soon. This was not the time.


First he would make love to her and teach her the physical side of love. And he would woo her. He would spend time getting to know her heart and her mind. He only hoped he would recognize when the time was right, when his heart was sure. He pulled his mouth away from her lips and watched the confusion and disappointment pass over her face. The rain changed his plans. He took her hand and led her out of the room and up the stairs.


Scott awaited them at the top of the stairs with a concerned expression on his face. William might have laughed at the man's stiffness, if the hairs on the back of his neck did not suddenly rise in alarm.


"My lord, you have a visitor." Scott's voice sounded troubled.


"Who is it, man?" asked William.


"Mr. Miles Parker."






Chapter Eight




William stiffened.


Cassie paled.


What could Parker be thinking? They were married less than two days, and he decided to pay a visit. The man must be mad. Cassie started, but William held her in her place. He wanted to grab the interloper by his cravat and throw him out, but he was raised to show a certain amount of decorum while in polite company. He would not act rashly. What would it prove anyway?


"We will go together." In a possessive gesture, William laid his hand on Cassie's lower back and led his wife into the drawing room to meet her former betrothed.


Parker stood next to the fireplace with his hands behind his back. His face was a tight mask of controlled anger. He pasted on a fake smile when they entered the room. "My lord, my lady." He bowed, but his eyes never left Cassie's face. William kept his hand at her waist and tugged her close.


"Mr. Parker. Whatever are you doing here?" asked Cassie.


William noticed Cassie's voice trembled, and the tension in her shoulders and defiant stand. Her face lost its' softness and turned hard as she flashed a brittle smile. He clenched and unclenched his fist, aching for a fight. His wife's Mr. Parker was more handsome than he had originally imagined.

BOOK: One True Love
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