One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3) (22 page)

BOOK: One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)
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enny was
on a high as she sealed up another box of clothes. At this rate, she’d have everything ready by dinnertime. She had so much stuff, she might have to rent a U-Haul or something to transport boxes to Theo’s house—her house.

As she pulled up the Web site on her phone to check rates, it rang. “Hey, bro! What’s up?”

“You’re in a happy mood.”

“Yes I am! How are things with you?”

“Not bad. You at work? I picked up some guac and tacos from the Cantina truck. I know it’s your fav, so should I swing by the shop?”

“No. Actually, I don’t work there anymore.”

“What? But you love it there.”

“I’m at my apartment. I’ll fill you in.”

Wes showed up ten minutes later and Penny practically inhaled two tacos before she even began to explain the situation.

“I can’t believe it,” Wes said, then shoved a chip loaded with goopy green goodness into his mouth. “I thought they were your BFFs.”

“I did, too. Which makes it way worse.”

“Are you okay?”

“I wasn’t at first, but I made some calls today and set up a couple interviews. I’m going to be fine. I have Theo—and you, of course—so I’m set. Who needs the drama of girlfriends? Not me.”

Wes nodded his head. “Cool. It seems like you’ve got it figured out. So can you now explain why your place is filled with boxes?”

Penny felt her cheeks flush. “Promise not to tell Mom and Dad?”

He made a zipper motion across his lips. “I’m sworn to secrecy.”

“I’m moving in with Theo.”

“Seriously? But hasn’t it only been a few weeks?”

Penny rolled her eyes. “It’s been a month and a half.”

“Still. I’m not judging or anything, but that’s kind of fast, don’t you think?”

“I guess, but it feels right. I love him and he loves me, so why wait? I was married for five years and it never felt like this.”

“I get it. When you know, you know. But aren’t you scared? You’ve already done the marriage thing and it ended horribly.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” She slapped his arm. “But I’m not. This time I know it’s real. I know he’s not going to cheat on me and leave me like Jack did. He’s a good guy.”

“Then I’m happy for you.” Wes lifted his Styrofoam cup of soda. “To you and Theo and many years of domestic bliss.”

She tapped her cup to his. “

Penny was truly happy, maybe for the first time in her life. Things couldn’t be better.

Well . . . maybe when Theo got home from practice and she was able to give him that show she promised. That would definitely be better.


the last box from her car and headed up the driveway of her new home. Theo wouldn’t be home until six thirty, so she had some time. She hung some things in the closet and put her toiletries in his master bathroom. She’d have to wait until they could get a moving company to bring her dresser over, but at least she could get some things set up.

She sliced through the tape on another box, this one filled with her toys. She opened the drawer of Theo’s nightstand. Typical guy things: remote for the TV, one of those hand exerciser thingies, condoms, lube. She added her toys.

It was getting late so she put her plan in motion. What better way to celebrate their first official night as a cohabitating couple than with some fun sexy stuff? She dressed in the lacy outfit she’d bought awhile back—crotchless panties and a matching bra with nipple cutouts. She yanked her hair out of its high bun and fluffed it. After applying smoky eye makeup, her eyes screamed, “Fuck me now!” Perfect.

The front door whined as it swung open, so she threw her lipstick back into her makeup bag and trotted to the bed, lounging as seductively as she could manage.

“Wow,” Theo said, halting in the doorway. “You look . . . amazing.”

“Yeah?” She slid her hand down her stomach and between her velvety folds. “You ready for that show I promised you?”

“Fuck yeah.” He yanked his shirt over his head and had his sneakers off in two seconds flat.

But as he unbuttoned his shorts, his cell began to ring in his pocket. He wouldn’t possibly answer it now, right? Not when his girlfriend was 95 percent naked on his bed and touching herself.

He reached for it, his shoulders slumping when he looked at the screen. “I should take this. It’s one of my kids’ moms.”

“Let me guess. The one who shamelessly flirted with you after the game?”

“It wasn’t like that. It’ll just take a second.” He answered it as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Hello, Ms. O’Connor. What can I do for you?”

Penny sighed and pulled her fingers away from her heat.

“Uh-huh,” Theo said. “I’ll see what I can do. How about Monday before school?”

There had to be a way to hurry this up. Penny crawled to Theo and ran her tongue along his spine.

“Sure.” He continued his conversation, ignoring her seduction. “I can pick him up on my way to school.”

But she knew one thing he couldn’t ignore. Penny reached around, her hand to his cock, no longer thick and hard like it had been a second ago. But that was okay. She could fix it. As Penny squeezed and massaged him, Theo stood and stepped away from her.

“It’s no problem at all. Joey’s a great kid and I want to help any way I can.”

Seriously? Penny sucked in a breath.
Calm yoursel
He’s helping one of his kids.

“I appreciate the offer, but really, you don’t need to make me dinner.”

And the tramp strikes again. Penny leaned back on the bed, more deep breaths.

He ended the call and faced Penny. “Sorry. She just had some concerns about her son.”

“Concerns about her son? That sure sounded like concern for you. And finding any way she can to get you to her house.”

“She’s just thankful for the help.” He set his phone on the nightstand and continued undressing.

“Can you seriously not tell when a woman is trying to get in your pants?”

“Of course I can, but she’s harmless. She might’ve flirted a little, but I blew her off. You heard me.”

Yeah, she’d heard him. He’d said no this time. But what about the next? Or the time after that?

Doubt and fear infected her body like a plague, spreading and multiplying. She stood from the bed, shaking, unable to control the psychotic tone in her voice. “It’s never going to end, is it? I’ll constantly have to worry that someone’s flirting with you and trying to steal you away from me.”

“It doesn’t matter who tries. It’s not going to happen. Don’t you think you’re blowing this out of proportion?”

“No. Every day I wonder and worry when it will happen. And it really pisses me off that you’re minimizing it the way you are.”

“For the millionth time, I’m not Jack. And I don’t know what else I can do to make you believe that.”

“Acting like this sure isn’t doing it.”

“I’ve never given you a reason not to trust me. I understand you went through something horrific, but you can’t punish me for his sins.”

“I don’t know how to stop. I guess I’m just that fucked up.”

Penny pulled on a robe to cover her crotchless panties and matching bra and grabbed her suitcase from the corner where it sat after being emptied earlier that day. She started shoving things inside.

“What are you doing?” Theo asked.

“What does it look like?”

“Come on. Don’t do this.”

“You don’t understand and you never will. I can’t be here with you if you won’t even try to fix it.”

“Are you kidding me right now? I am trying! You’re the one who’s giving up.”

She zipped, set it down, and wheeled it to the front door. He could burn the rest for all she cared.

“You’re really leaving?”


She ushered Scarlett into her doggie carrier and slipped her feet into a pair of flip-flops.

“After everything we’ve been through, this is how you want it?”

She refused to look at him. “Yep.”

In just her lingerie and a silky robe, she walked out to her car and slid into the driver’s side.

With one last look at Theo’s house, his silhouette filling the darkened doorway, she backed away. She’d hold it together until she got home. Then she could fall apart.

Penny plopped down onto her bed, still in her lace, and let the tears fall. Love. Fucking. Sucked. She vowed right then and there to live the rest of her life alone. She didn’t need anyone. Letting people into your life was a fast track toward disaster. They all let you down eventually.

There was a loud knock on her door. She ignored it. But the knocker was persistent, and Scarlett left Penny’s side to run to the door and bark.

“I know you’re there.” It was Theo. “Please let me in.”

That just made her cry harder. Why was he doing this to her? She pulled the blanket over her head, but it did little to drown him out.

“I need to talk to you. Please open the door.”

More knocking. More barking.

“I know I messed up. Let me in so we can talk.”

She was done with his mess-ups. Done with him. Done with all relationships.

“I need to fix this!” He pounded even harder and she was afraid he’d knock her door down.

She jumped out of bed and marched to the door. “Go away.”

“Not until we talk.”

“I can’t do this anymore!” She hated the way her voice sounded: anger mixed with heartache, words mixed with sobs.

“Open the door.”

“No.” She summoned the last shred of courage she had. “You need to leave.”

“I’m not leaving. Open the fucking door!”

“Get away from me!” Penny screamed. “We’re over! I don’t ever want to see you again!”

Her legs turned to mush and she crumbled to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Scarlett circled her mama then climbed up on her lap, nuzzling her arm. Penny heard Theo’s footsteps on the stairs, the sound quieting with each step, until he was gone. Finally.


enny lay
in bed, completely numb. It was almost noon. She hadn’t slept very well, her dreams haunting her with visions of what she and Theo could’ve had. But maybe she just wasn’t meant to have a happily ever after. Maybe she didn’t even believe in them at all.

She took a breath and pulled Scarlett to her face, kissing her on her tiny black nose. “Looks like it’s just me and you.”

Scarlett licked her face, her little tail wiggling her entire butt. But when the doorbell rang, she stood straight, her head cocked to listen. Who the hell could that be? Please don’t let it be Theo. She couldn’t handle another fight with him.

The bell rang again and Scarlett jumped off the bed and ran to it. Penny pulled the blanket up to her chin.

“Penny? Are you here? Your Mercedes is parked out front.”

Holy shit. What the hell was Jack doing there? She was not sure what got her out of bed, curiosity probably, but she headed for the door.

She forgot how stunning he looked in a custom Armani suit. “What do you want?”

“Wow.” His gaze scanned her body, then met her eyes once again. “Quite an outfit you got there.”

Penny looked down. Shit. She forgot she was still wearing her crotchless panties and nipple cut-outs bra. Her robe was hanging open and she tucked it around her body.

“Don’t do that. I liked it.” He flashed her a sly smile. “You look sexy as hell.”

“Why are you here?”

“Can I come in? I have some things I need to say.”

Maybe she was too exhausted to fight with another man who was trying to get into her apartment to talk. Maybe she was ridiculously curious. Either way, she let him in and led him to the living room, boxes all around.

“Moving?” he asked.

“Not anymore.” She tried to keep the animosity out of her voice. “So go ahead.”

He looked her square in the eyes. “I think I made a huge mistake.”

“I’ll bite. About what?”

“You and me.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head to clear it. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I never should’ve cheated on you. I never should’ve left. I’m miserable without you.”

Penny rolled her eyes and stood, ready to kick him out. “Stop. You need to go.”

Jack stood, too. “No, I mean it. Courtney is a gold-digging bimbo and I can’t stand her anymore. She’s a classless piece of trash.”

Penny wasn’t buying it. “That’s a shitty thing to say about the mother of your child.”

“The kid isn’t mine. Do you know how many guys she fucked at that strip club?”

“I don’t care.”

“I don’t, either. But being with her made me appreciate you. You’re everything she’s not and I miss you. I miss us.”

. “You need to leave.”

He stepped to her, his voice a few octaves lower. “I fucked up. But I can fix it.”

She’d heard that more than once over the last twenty-four hours. And she wasn’t about to believe it from him.

He continued, his voice like a purring kitten. “I need you back in my life. I never had with her what I had with you. And we can be even better this time. Just imagine how it could be.” He reached for her, grabbing her hand and eyeing her body again. “God, you’re fucking beautiful.”

Penny’s head spun. This wasn’t happening.

“We can have it all again. The parties and trips. Anywhere in the world. You name it. We can have everything we’ve ever wanted. And I’m ready to give you what you want most.”

“Stop.” She felt like she might faint and sat down on the couch before she did.

He knelt in front of her. “I can make all your dreams come true. We’ll find the best fertility specialist in the world and try every procedure. Or we’ll adopt. I don’t care. I just want a family. With you.”

He was saying all the things she wished he would’ve said months ago. Before the infidelity. Before it all fell apart. Had he learned his lesson? People could change, right? Become better people. Maybe Penny could have everything she’d ever wanted.

He inched toward her and her heartbeat sped. He’d never looked at her like this before. With hunger. Desire. Her eyes fluttered shut when he was a breath away, their lips only millimeters apart.

“Just say yes,” he whispered.


managed to get through his day of work, but the thought of staying another two hours for football practice made his head pound even harder.

“Hey, Ben?” he said when he spotted his friend at the equipment shed. “Can you do me a favor and run practice without me today?”

“Yeah, man, of course. You look like shit.”

“I feel like shit.” Which wasn’t remotely close to how he actually felt. Take the pain of his knee injury and multiply it by ten, and maybe that would be close.

“Everything okay?”

“No. But hopefully it will be soon.”

“Good luck. Let me know if I can help.”

Thor drove home, forcing himself to stay on course and not drive to Penny’s apartment. After a night of zero sleep, wracking his brain for a way to fix what he’d done, he decided maybe it was best if he gave her some space. He had no clue how much she’d need, and every minute apart was killing him, but it needed to be done.

He opened the door to his house, ready to crash, but then he saw it. A note and a key. Penny had been there and left it for him.

I’m sorry it all ended the way it did, but it’s for the best. Please don’t call or text me. This is just the way it has to be. I wish you a lifetime of happiness, because you deserve it. I hope you wish that for me too.


Complete bullshit. This wasn’t for the best. The best was for them to be together. He would never be happy without her. How could she do this to him? And was he just supposed to accept it? With no chance to change her mind?

No. There had to be a way. He loved her and she loved him. And love conquered all, right?

Holy fuck! What was he going to do?


in the lobby of Mitchell, Heinle, and Nuwer, an advertising agency she’d scored an interview at. Step one in reclaiming her life. If she could get a decent job she’d be on her way to independence and happiness. Well . . . independence at least.

But she had to admit, Jack’s proposition had sounded pretty damn good. It would have been so easy to slip back into her old life with never-ending wealth, zero problems, zero stress.

But she refused to move backward. Not long ago she’d been determined to make it on her own, become her own person, and thankfully, she’d found that determination again. She’d remember the look on his face as she threw him out for the rest of her life. It had been pretty damn funny. And it had also been a wake-up call.

The thing with Theo may have been one of the worst disasters of her life, but it had changed her for the better. He’d showed her she deserved more than the life Jack had promised her, and it had nothing to do with money. But deserving it was one thing, actually having it was another. She didn’t think she’d ever be in a place to trust anyone but herself again.

“Ms. Wilshire? Mr. Nuwer will see you now.”

Penny stood, heart racing, and followed the receptionist to an office. She shook the man’s hand, took a seat, and answered all his questions with a cheesy grin plastered across her face. Mr. Nuwer said he liked what he saw on her résumé, that her experience combined with her degree was better than any of their other interviewees.

“I know I shouldn’t say this, but you’d be a perfect fit here. I have to do these other interviews, but I’m pretty confident you’ll hear back from us real soon with a job offer.”

“Really?” This was great! She couldn’t wait to tell Theo! Oh . . . wait. Nope. She had no one to share her news with.

“One last thing,” he said and she fought to keep her smile intact. “We’re a very family-oriented company, so we like hiring those who are flexible and understanding and want to help out their fellow employees, and also be helped in return. Will that be a problem?”

Could she help out potential fellow employees who were always running off to tend to their kids? Could she really watch them have something she never would?

“No, that won’t be an issue at all.”

It may be a lie, but it was necessary. She needed this job. And for more than just the financial security. She needed somewhere to belong, some kind of purpose.

BOOK: One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)
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