One Shot Bargain (4 page)

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Authors: Mia Grandy

BOOK: One Shot Bargain
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“No, I made the right choice.” He whispered just as his lips crushed down on hers.

Randa was taken by surprise at first, but she could not deny the spark that flowed through his kiss and into her.  It was electric, and when she sighed and leaned into him, his arms braced her shoulders and pulled her closer to him.

When his tongue slipped between her lips, she sighed and tilted her head back, her hand clutching at the nape of his neck as she pulled him even closer.  Fire surged through her body with each beat of her heart, electrifying her skin and sending what felt like a river of lava coursing into her lower abdomen. 

It had been years since she was this turned on.  The rational portion of her brain screamed that she needed to slow down, that she had just met this man.  But the woman in her was not listening.  And when his hand slid down her back and under the edge of her shirt, she felt her flesh shiver in anticipation of his touch. 

His fingers lightly trailed up her back, each one having the same reaction as the last, until it felt as
if her entire body was on fire.  She could feel his growing arousal through his jeans, and when he pushed his hand under her bra strap, she took her free hand and ran it along the top of his pants, her fingers feathering along his flesh until they came to the button. 

When her fingers dipped below and touched the tender flesh of his erection, he moaned into her mouth, his hands moving around to the front of her blouse, until they were cupping and kneading her breast, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.  She could feel it building up inside of her until she let out a roar of a moan and clung even tighter to him, her body swaying slightly. 

Then, as soon as she felt her balance giving way, Drake swept his hands down and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his torso as he took the two steps to the pool table so her rear end could rest on the thick wood as she straddled him.  Then, he slid his hands up, pulling her shirt over her head in one swift movement before repeating the action on himself, his bare chest pressed against her flesh. 

As soon as her lips were free from his kiss she could feel them, raw, throbbing, and burning with desire.  She tilted up her head, expecting him to resume the kiss, but instead he chuckled a little and dipped his head down to the nape of her neck, leaving a trail of burning patches on her flesh as he made her way down to her breasts.

Using his hand, he gently freed first her right breast, then her left from the restraints of her bra.  The fabric bunched underneath them, scratching slightly at her tender and exposed flesh while simultaneously thrusting her breasts upward and giving him easier access.  His mouth closed around one nipple, his tongue working designs over the tightening bud as his hand cupped the other breast and resumed its kneading and pulling. 

Randa leaned backward, thrusting her chest upward and moaning as she sank her hands into his short hair.  She was no stranger to sex, but no one had ever been able to make her entire body throb as intensely he was at this moment.  The heat that had built up at the apex of her thighs was so intense now that she could feel the muscles clenching, already seeking some form of release from the building storm. 

When he used his teeth to gently nip at her breast she could no longer contain herself and instinctively she felt her pelvis push out against the rough denim of his jeans as a yelp tore from her mouth.

Just when she thought she wouldn’t be able to take anymore, she felt his lips moving down across her ribs and over her navel.  She sucked in
a large mouthful of cool air that burned in her overheated body as he continued to work his way down, his tongue lapping at the edge of her underwear as he pulled down her pants.

Suddenly she was exposed, and she could feel just how wet she truly was.  Drake stood up and once again kissed her, his tongue entering mouth just as his fingers first stroked her outer folds and then thrust a finger upward into her.  She felt herself spasm around him, her climax already starting to build as she rose up to meet him, her pelvis pushing down on his finger, her body racing to try and fill up.

With his free hand he pushed her back against the felt of the pool table, her legs dangling over the edge in such a manner that it caused her to be even more exposed as his finger continued to stroke the inside of her, his thumb slowly circling over her pleasure button until she bit down on his lip to stifle the scream building up inside of her.

Just then he broke off the kiss and for a second she gulped at the cool air, as if it could put out the fire in her body.  Then, when she felt him once again leaving a trail of kisses down her chest and over her abdomen she found she could not breathe as her entire body tensed in anticipation.  He flicked his tongue just under her belly button and trailed it all the way down until it covered her mound.

Taking her clit in between his teeth he gently nipped and then licked at it and when he did, she screamed into the stale air of the room as her body simultaneously bucked upward.  They had just begun and she already found herself so close to orgasm that it wasn’t even funny.  She didn’t think she had ever been this turned on in her life.  That was until he moved downward and thrust his tongue into her, licking, probing at the inside of her. 

It was gentle at first, but then as she felt the waves of the orgasm building within her, he continued to move harder and faster.  Then, when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, his hand cupped the top of her mound and massaged her clit, pinching and tweaking it in much the same manner as he had her nipple.  The tender flesh rolled and kneaded expertly in his fingers.

It was too much.  The instant he touched her she bucked upward and screamed. Then as she felt every single muscle in her lower body simultaneously contracting and then releasing she cried out into the room, her fingernails digging into the edge of the table as she struggled to regain some type of control. 

Drake rose up over the edge of the table, his fingers continuing to massage her through wave
after wave of pleasure.  Then, she heard him unzip his pants and looked down just in time to see the length of him as he entered her. 

Using both of his hands, he pulled her hips toward him, thrusting into her as he pulled her ass just over the edge of the table.  She leaned up and put her hands around his neck, kissing him.  The taste of herself was still on his lips, and it was both salty and sweet. 

Just then he pulled out and slowly re-entered her, causing her core to spasm along the length of him and send shivers down her spine.  He did this again and again until she thought she was going to scream with madness.  But then, just as she was sure that she was going to break, he thrust into her hard over and over again until her breasts were sore from the bouncing and her breathing was coming in short, ragged pants that never seemed to reach her lungs.

When every last molecule of her body seemed to be tingling with a pleasure so profound that she thought she might fall apart at the seams he groaned and pushed into her one last time.  She collapsed against the back of the pool table as the cool air flowed over her sweat slick body as she tried to calm the spasms that were running rampant across her body.  For a moment she was afraid to open her eyes, afraid she would find herself back in her hotel room, this entire thing a heightened daydream of her sex starved mind.

When she felt herself being scooped from the table and carried from the room she opened her eyes.  “Where are we going?” she asked.

“To finish this somewhere more appropriate.” Drake smiled.

“Finish?” She felt another shiver run through her, but she didn’t protest as he went into another room and laid her on the bed.  Instead, she once again linked her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her, giggling.


Chapter 5




When Randa has passed out from exhaustion, Drake had called the hotel and paid for another night with his card so that her belongings would not be cleared from the room.  Then, he called and made travel arrangements for the tournament, and he was sure to book two separate rooms just so she could have her privacy.  It seemed a little forward to assume they would share a room.

Once that was finished, he sank into the bed with her, smiling against her back as he drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning he heard her stirring and then woke up as she sat straight up in the bed.

“Oh no!  My room.  I hope they haven’t cleared it out,” she said, scrambling over the edge of the bed and sprinting around the room as she tried to gather up all of her clothes. 

Drake rolled over on his elbow and watched her for a moment, the fogginess of sleep still clinging to him as he struggled to understand what was going on. 

“Don’t worry about it.  I took care of it last night,” he said.


“I figured you wouldn’t want your stuff thrown out in the street so I called the hotel and booked another night.”

“Oh,” she said, her brow furrowing.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

“No,” she answered, still studying him and he could see that she was choosing her words very carefully so he waited for her to continue even though the pause in the conversation left a void that he was itching to fill.  “It's just…I don’t know that I’ve ever had someone show that much interest in my stuff before.”

“Well, I guess I’m just considerate that way,” he said as he rolled out of the bed and pulled on his underwear before heading to the bathroom.  “I’m going to take a quick shower.  Help yourself to whatever is in the kitchen.”

“Um…” she started but then stopped. 

“Yes?” he prompted.

“I don’t know where the kitchen is.” 

He chuckled a little under his breath, remembering how hasty the introduction to the house had been yesterday.  “Yeah.  I guess I didn’t
cover that in the tour yesterday.  If you turn left here, the hall will eventually dead end into the kitchen.  It should be fully stocked.”

She nodded, and he turned back to the bathroom.  He didn’t mean to be abrupt, but he could already feel that he was starting to get an erection again, and he wanted to make sure that they at least got in a few hours of practice today.  If he didn’t curb it now, he would likely end up pulling her back into the bed before either of them had a chance to do anything else. 

Drake made sure that when he turned on the water that it was a little cooler than normal. 

When he emerged fifteen minutes later, his skin was tingling, but he definitely felt like he was back in control of his base instincts.  That was until he made his way into the kitchen.  Randa had thrown on a t-shirt, but was not wearing any pants, and she was standing in front of the stove humming to
herself.  He could hear the sizzling on the oven and the smell of bacon was wafting through the air. 

Although they had just met, he found himself struggling to resist the urge to walk up behind her, wrap his arms around her, and put his face in the groove of her neck.  Instead, he leaned against the door frame and cleared his throat.

She startled and turned around, dropping the spatula onto the floor as she did.  At once, Drake was glad that he had not sneaked up behind her.  As jumpy as she was, it was likely he would have gotten covered in bacon grease.

He wasn’t sure what she had gone through in her young life to be this on edge, but he could tell that she was far from being comfortable in her own skin.  Although every instinct in his body was telling him to go in and protect her, he knew that would end up scaring her more than it would help.

“Oh, hi,” she said as she leaned over to grab the spatula and then turned to rinse it off in the sink.  “I didn’t hear you get out of the shower.  I hope you don’t mind, but I decided to make some eggs and bacon.”

“You can never go wrong with the classics,” Hhe replied. 

She smiled and it lit up her whole face.  “That’s what I figured.  I made enough for both of us.  I decided that if you had bacon in your fridge you probably weren’t a vegetarian.”

Drake let out a short bark of laughter at the idea of him not eating meat.  “That was probably a safe bet.”

Randa tucked her hair behind her ears and then used the spatula to pull the bacon out of the frying pan and onto a folded up paper towel that she’d placed on a plate on the counter.  Then, in one fluid motion she pulled an egg from the crate and dropped it into the still hot grease. 

“You’re good at that,” he commented.

“I should be.  I spent a few years working at a truck stop diner when I was in high school.  There were nights I was the only person in the restaurant.  I was the waitress, the cook, and the dishwasher.” 

“Sounds like loads of fun,”  he said as he walked into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.   

She laughed.  “There were nights it was awesome, and there were nights I wanted to beat the drunks with the mop and lock them out.  On the whole though I’d have to say it balanced out.”

She slid the eggs onto two different plates and then took everything over to the breakfast nook
table that was over by the window.  Drake grabbed the silverware and followed her.

“So, if you stay here who lives in the big house?” she asked as she cut into her eggs. 

“No one.”

“You mean it just sits there, empty?”


“Why?” she looked as if someone had just told her that Santa Claus wasn’t real.  Drake didn’t respond immediately, and Randa started backpedaling.  “Nevermind.  I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pried.  It’s really none of my business.”

Drake looked at her and realized that this girl was truly only a pool game or two away from living on the streets.  Of course she would never understand why he would shun living in the mansion for living in the guest house. 

“It’s okay.  I was just trying to think of a way to explain why.  The truth is I don’t know.  I’ve never really felt comfortable there.  It has definitely never felt like a home.”

Randa seemed to give this consideration and then nodded her head before she spoke.  “I have never lived anywhere as nice, but I have definitely been in my share of homes that left me feeling like a stranger in my own skin.  So, I can understand that.”

“It’s why I have to win that cabin back.”

She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, her dark hair falling across her shoulders as she did so.  For a moment, he caught himself wanting to run his hands through it.  He had flashes of her face as she looked up at him, and in his mind’s eye he could still see the passion lingering in her gaze as she studied him.  He found himself struggling to repress his building lust.  He knew that if he gave in they would not get anything done today, and there was too much at stake.

“Because it was the only place you felt at home?”

“Bingo.  I guess my grandfather knew that.  This is his way of trying to force my hand and get me to take control of my life,”  he said as he turned his attention away from her and back to his breakfast. 

Drake didn’t like to think about the motivations his grandfather had for getting rid of his cabin.  When he did he got angry at the situation all over again.  He was sure that he could probably buy it from the winner, but there was always the chance that whoever got it would not be willing to part with it. 

He gently steered the conversation into the pool tournament and started explaining the rules to her.  The rest of their morning and afternoon was filled with procedure and practice.  He could tell that she was anxious about playing in such a high stakes situation, but she was a quick learner.  Even as he was showing her his tricks, she was catching on at a rapid pace.  By the time they broke for lunch, he could tell that no matter what, he’d definitely made the right choice. 


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