One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

Read One Ride (The Hellions Ride) Online

Authors: Chelsea Camaron

BOOK: One Ride (The Hellions Ride)
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One Ride



Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2013


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Chelsea Camaron, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.


1st Edition Published: December 2013

Cover Design by: Crystal Leo

Cover Photo Provided by Vicki Jones of Vicki’s Portraiture

Cover Models: Jared Caldwell and Pantara Lynne

Editing by: Asli Fratarcangeli

Formatted by: Indie-Vention



All Rights Reserved: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction in whole or in part, without express written permission by Chelsea Camaron.


This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental





o My Readers, without you there would be no reason for the Hellions.  Thank you for supporting me and giving my books a chance.


o My Family, thank you for always believing in me and dealing with everything that goes along with my writing.  To my hubbub and kiddos, I love you more than I can put into words.  Thank you for giving me the space and time to go after my dreams.  To my parents, I know you never thought all those rides when I was younger would turn into this.  I love you both.  Mom #2, you said write a full length novel damn it.  Okay, done!  Love you.  Bobo, can you believe it? I can’t, lol.  Love you.


o Carol and Savannah - The Hellions would not exist if it wasn’t for a simple chat in a group all those months ago.  Thank you for telling me to go for it.  Thank you for being with me at every word, every page, every chapter, and every step all the way to the end and publish. 


o Jennifer - I would be a complete mess without you.  Thank you will never say enough for all you do for me.  This one has been a long project to bring to life, but you’ve stuck with me through the ups, downs, and the days I wanted to give up.  Thank you.


o Asli - more than my editor, you’re my friend.  Thank you for your input and dealing with my craziness.  November 12th is an extra special day now and I will forever think of you.


o Renee - President In Charge of all things…the many hats you wear for me.  I can’t say thank you enough for the support you’ve given me from the beginning.  Thank you for helping with those ‘tough’ decisions and sorting through everything with me.  Thank you for always being there to listen and share a laugh.


o Madeline - thanks for keeping in real, raw, and dirty…and for trying…and putting up with all my silly messages.


o Jared, Vikki, and Pantara Lynne- thank you for the hours you put into a photo shoot for this series. 


o Theresa - Thank you for the designs, the input, and your friendship.  You make me laugh daily and get my weird sense of humor.  D4LB!!!


o Amy - payback’s a bitch.  Wreck another car and see what I come up with next, lol.  My shenanigans partner, thanks for being you, enough said.


o Melissa - two chicks from the Boro and we’re doing this.  Some days it still feels like a dream.  Love you bunches, lady.  Thank you for making my words pop and come to life with your formatting genius.


o Crystal - You’re a boss!  Thank you for your honest feedback, your support, and our many silly conversations.  I will try to tone down my proper English, but I make no promises.  Commas are a lost cause, I’m addicted.  Love you to pieces.


o Laramie Briscoe - Thank you for the encouragement.  Thank you for being scared shitless with me…no one wants to be afraid alone.


o Rachael - Holy pimping batman!  I can’t say thank you enough.


o Wendie - My sweet swag queen.  Love you.


o Brandi - WHO DAT?!  Louisiana Baby!  Oh my proofreader friend…I owe you a beignet and then some!!!! 


o Suzanne - even if you are a Steeler’s fan, I still love and appreciate all your encouragement.  Thanks for the support you’ve given me.


o Kelly, Ariana, Marisa, Dee, Jacqui, and both my Mary’s- thank you for the chats and encouragement.


o all the members of the Shenanigans room - thank you for putting up with my silliness.


o ALL the bloggers who have joined in promoting The Hellions Ride.  I could fill a book listing you all.  I love all that you do for all authors, thank you for taking your time to post, read, and review.


romoting For One Ride – a big thank you to my organizers for all swag, cover reveals, blitzes, blog tours, and fan page promoting.


Dreams Come True Promotions

Lip Smacking Good Books Promotions

Reading Renee Reviews





emory of



ou were my
ad’s best friend, close as a brother.  Thank you for being the light hearted man you were.  You’re missed by everyone who knew you.  My first bike ride with someone other than my dad was with you, and one I’ll never forget.  An angel now, watching over all the S.O.B.’s.  Gone but never forgotten.




ide or
ie, your Harley was part of who you were.  Missing the laughs we all shared with you.  We will carry you with us always.





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