One Night With a Cowboy (10 page)

BOOK: One Night With a Cowboy
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When he shoved his jeans down his legs, she found she was having trouble focusing.
As he pulled off his socks, she finally remembered to unzip her jeans. She pushed
them down her legs, where the hem got stuck on her boot as she tried to step out of
them. She reached for the nearest thing as she began to fall, and that happened to
be him.
She grabbed his bicep, but she didn’t have time to appreciate the hard bulging muscles
beneath her touch before he scooped her up and carried her to the bed. It was possibly
the first time she’d been carried anywhere by anyone since she was a child. To have
a man like Tucker swoop her into his arms so effortlessly and lay her on the bed had
her feeling as giddy as a child, but in a very womanly way.
Standing next to the bed wearing nothing but navy-blue boxer briefs that didn’t leave
a whole lot to her imagination, Tucker pulled off one of her boots. He dropped it
to the floor, where it landed with a thud. He moved to her other foot, and that boot
followed the first. Then he reached for the waistband of her jeans, which had landed
down around her knees when she’d made a complete klutz of herself.
His slow but steady progress undressing her while keeping her pinned with his steel-blue
gaze had her forgetting her embarrassment. Instead, her need for him was ramped up
to the maximum. She raised her feet off the bed as he slid the denim over them, exposing
even more of her skin to the cool air in the room. Her pants joined her boots in a
pile on the floor, and then he reached for her panties.
She swallowed hard and watched as he hooked two thick, work-roughened fingers beneath
the top edge of her underwear and slid the silk down her legs. His expression appreciative,
he made quick work of stripping off her socks and then moved on to her bra. He kneeled
next to her on the mattress and reached beneath her with hands she’d seen hold on
to a ton of bucking bull.
Gentler than he should have been capable of being, he unhooked the clasp and slid
the straps from her shoulders until her breasts were bared to him. He took one of
her nipples between his lips with a nearly feral growl. Then, without her knowing
exactly when it happened because she was so distracted by the pleasure shooting through
her, his boxers were on the floor and they were both completely naked. Nothing left
between them except for the sexual tension, which was thick enough to cut with a knife.
Well that, and his erection, which was also pretty thick and pointing directly toward
her. Like a compass arrow and she was true north.
He leaned over and reached for his crumpled jeans on the floor as she tried to remember
to keep breathing. It was an effort, but finally Becca managed to wrestle her gaze
away from Tucker’s cock and on to what he was doing with his hands. It all seemed
much more real as he tore open the condom wrapper he’d just pulled from the front
pocket of his pants.
Her heart pounded faster as he planted one knee on the mattress and then the other
until he was braced over her, kneeling between her legs. He glanced down at her body
and his, where he was so close even a small move would have him inside her.
He drew in a sharp breath, releasing it on a groan. “I’m not going to last. How about
if the first time is hard and fast and the second go-round we take it nice and slow?”
“The second time?” She might pass out before the first time.
The condom he’d rolled on seemed to stretch to its limit. Tucker was a big man. That
excited her as much as it made her nervous.
“Darlin’, I’ve got six condoms and all night.” His piercing gaze held hers. “There’s
going to be a whole lot more than just once. Believe me. I intend on neither one of
us being able to walk straight in the morning. You okay with that?”
What he described would be the exact opposite of the kind of sex she was used to having,
which made it sound perfect to her.
“Good.” He smiled and slid home, hard and deep.
Her breath left her on a gasp. With her head thrown back against the pillow, she closed
her eyes at the sensation of being filled by Tucker.
“Did I hurt you?” He tensed over her, his voice sounding strained at the effort to
hold still.
She forced her eyes open. “God, no.” To reinforce the point, she slid her hands down
his body until she reached the tight muscles of his ass. She bent her knees and pulled
him in deeper. “Keep going.”
Tucker let out a breathless laugh. “My pleasure.”
He set a pace that soon had them both breathless. She was so ready for this, for him.
Her body coiled around his, tightening, gripping, until she exploded in a release
that made the one she’d had earlier in the truck look small.
It wasn’t until after she’d stopped throbbing inside, she realized she had a death
grip on his ass; he wasn’t able to move more than a tiny bit as she held him deep
inside her. She released her hold, and he reared back, plunging into her barely a
few times before he surged forward and roared with his own release.
They lay there panting, his weight crushing her, for she didn’t know how long. Not
that she was going to complain. It was a nice place to be and even better when he
pushed up onto his elbows and found her mouth with his. His fading erection still
nestled inside her, he tangled his hand in her hair and kissed her.
The tiny circles he made with his hips teased her already sensitive clit, making her
want more, until she felt him begin to grow and lengthen. He was getting hard again
and she felt it with an intimacy she’d never even imagined, all right inside her.
She let out a moan. They should bottle whatever they fed these cowboys. They could
sell it and make a fortune.
He broke the kiss and pulled back so she could see his face. “Ready for the next go-round?”
right morning sunlight streamed through the slit between the edges of the curtains
when Becca opened her eyes. They must have fallen asleep at some point, though it
had to have been very late—or very early that morning—when they finally did. Tucker
hadn’t been kidding when he’d said the second time would be long and slow. Cowboys
had a totally different concept of time than New Yorkers did. Hours different.
She stretched and felt her muscles protest from the workout she’d given them, or rather
Tucker had given them. More than just her muscles were sore. She sighed and snuggled
deeper beneath the covers as the air conditioner continued to pump cold air into the
room. They’d certainly needed the AC last night. He apparently had no issues with
working hard enough to get them both sweaty.
The mattress shifted and then the heat of his bare chest pressed against the skin
of her back. “Mmm. Good morning, darlin’.” His voice was low and husky with sleep.
She could get used to hearing that in the morning. Maybe there were perks to this
job in Oklahoma she hadn’t initially considered. Cowboys and their
were certainly one of them.
“Good morning.” She laughed as he used his arm and one leg to reel her in closer to
him. Before he got too frisky, she decided she’d better check how late it was. “What
time is it?”
“Don’t know. Don’t care. Text your sister so she doesn’t worry, if you want.”
“That’s not it. I have an appointment to get to.” Though it would be easy to forget
all about her appointment with him snaking his fingers between her thighs the way
he was.
“What time is your appointment?”
He rolled over to glance at the bedside clock, then rolled back to her. “Mmm. Then
we have plenty of time.”
“For what?”
“For more. Have I told you how much I like morning sex?”
With his erection clearly wide awake even if he wasn’t quite yet, she didn’t need
him to tell her. “No, but I had already gotten that idea from what’s poking me.”
“I’ll poke you, all right.” His finger lazily stroked her clit from the front while
the hard length of him pressed into her behind.
She was ready to say to hell with the interview, and the flight home. She could very
happily stay in bed with him for another day and night and still not have her fill.
She groaned at the idea as well as from the way he was waking her body up. She couldn’t
resist opening her legs just a bit wider and giving him more access.
He laughed behind her. “I assume you like that?”
“Don’t tease me. I’ve been sexually deprived lately. I had a lot of making up to do.”
“You mean since the breakup with your ex?” Tuck somehow managed to carry on a serious
conversation, all while never missing a stroke as he teased her body relentlessly.
She let out a short laugh that ended up sounding more like a moan. “Even before the
breakup. My ex . . . well, let’s just say he didn’t accomplish in years what you did
in hours.”
“Needed a map to find the clit, did he?” He increased his pressure in that area, as
if to prove the point he certainly could find it just fine.
“Mmm, hmm.” She had to concentrate extra hard to remember what she’d been about to
say. “He’d stumble upon it once in a while, but I think it was by accident.”
“Then I suppose he didn’t find this spot all that often, either.” He rolled her onto
her back and slid one finger inside her. He began to rhythmically press on what she
could only guess was her G-spot.
“Oh, my God.” She hissed a breath in between her teeth. There was a good chance her
eyes rolled back in her head as her hips lifted off the bed. “No. Never.”
He chuckled. “Then I guess I do have a lot of making up to do. How long did you say
you two were together?”
“About two years.”
“Hmm, that could add up to hundreds of orgasms. I think that might be a little too
ambitious a goal for one night’s work.”
Becca didn’t respond. She wouldn’t have been able to find the words even if she had
the breath. Tucker had leaned down low. She felt the heat of his mouth on her clit,
working it while his fingers rubbed her G-spot. He pushed her right over the edge
and into one of those orgasms he’d mentioned.
She was still throbbing when he covered himself with a condom quicker than she’d thought
possible and rolled on top of her. She glanced at the clock to make sure she wasn’t
going to be late for her interview, though at this point, she wasn’t sure she would
have cared. With her legs wrapped around his waist, she stopped worrying about the
time completely as he set a lazy pace. The aftershocks of her climax melded into the
slow strokes of the cowboy above her.
Finally, once he rolled off her and they lay panting on the mattress side by side,
she remembered her reason for being in Oklahoma. She propped herself up on one elbow
and tried to see the clock on his side of the bed. Luckily for her and her career,
he didn’t last as long this morning as he had last night.
“Relax. I’m keeping an eye on the clock. You still have a few hours.” He might say
he was watching the time, but he still took advantage of her position as she leaned
over him. He pulled her down close enough to draw her nipple into his mouth.
“Stop that.” She slapped at his shoulder. “I don’t have that long. Not long enough
for another one of your long rounds.” Becca now knew from experience that even if
the first time was fast—if you could call a solid quarter of an hour of muscle-clenching,
body-writhing climaxes fast—the next round immediately following could go on for an
hour or more.
He let out a dramatic sigh. “Oh, all right. I’ll just have to be satisfied with the
short round then. I’m gonna shower quick. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t.”
She laughed at that. “Yes. I’m not sure I can walk yet anyway.”
The self-satisfied grin he sent her on his way to the bathroom was purely male.
Becca took the time he was in the shower to locate all her scattered clothes. By the
time the sound of the water stopped and then the bathroom door opened, she was dressed,
but not prepared for what came out.
Tucker wearing nothing but a towel draped low on his hips striding across the room
was enough to draw and hold her attention. But when he grabbed his cowboy hat from
the dresser and planted it on top of his damp hair, the sight would be enough to make
any woman melt. She swallowed hard and tried to wrestle her libido into check and
drag her gaze from his torso, glistening with water droplets.
In the light of day she noticed little things about him she hadn’t seen last night
while in the midst of a sexual frenzy. There were deep bruises on one side of his
rib cage. Probably from a bull, if she had to guess, though she hadn’t seen him fall
last night. But who knew how often he rode . . . and fell. Then just above his left
shoulder blade was the tattoo of a cross with something written below it that she
couldn’t make out.
All tiny details uniquely him. Details she’d probably still remember years from now,
because there was no way she’d ever forget this. She thought it best to take her mind
off it all—how tempting he looked, how dangerous his job was, how it didn’t matter
anyway since she’d never see him again. She pocketed that sadness and bent to retrieve
the scattered empty condom wrappers from the floor.
“You know, we only used three out of the six. You must be slacking off.” She glanced
up and saw his brow rise at her comment.
“Skip that meeting of yours and we’ll use those and then I’ll go out for another box
Regret filled her. “I wish I could, but I can’t. This meeting is the whole reason
I flew out here.”
“Next time, then.” He walked over, leaned low, and dropped a surprisingly chaste kiss
on her forehead.
“Next time,” she repeated, knowing as well as he this was a one-time thing. There
wouldn’t be any next time.
“Bye, Becca.” Tuck did his best to ignore how hard it was saying good-bye to this
woman after only having spent one night with her.
“Good-bye, Tucker. And thank you for everything. Uh, I meant the beer and corn dogs
and being so nice at the rodeo. Not the . . .” She glanced at the bed. Watching her
cheeks turn pink as she stumbled over her words, he couldn’t help smiling. She let
out a sigh, apparently giving up on clarifying her thanks. “Anyway, it was really
nice meeting you.”
“You, too.” Out of the blue, he decided he couldn’t let her go quite yet. Even though
she was already out in the hallway as he held the door open, he reached for her. With
one arm around her waist, he dragged her close, angled his head, and gave her one
last kiss to remember him by.
When he finally released her, she looked a little unsteady. The muscles in her throat
worked as she swallowed. “I should . . .”
“I know.” He nodded.
Becca took a step back, putting her farther into the hallway and out of his reach.
“See ya.” His smile would have been genuine if, as she started walking away, she’d
turned back. Said she’d ditch her meeting to spend the rest of the day rolling around
with him in bed.
She didn’t.
He took small solace in the fact she looked as reluctant to leave as he was to let
her go. Tuck watched her walk down the hall until she turned the corner toward the
elevators and he couldn’t see her any longer.
With an uncharacteristic feeling of loss, he let the door slam. Usually he was the
one who couldn’t get away fast enough from the women he’d had sex with. It was easier
that way. Otherwise the girl might get ideas and think he was the marrying type. Which
he wasn’t. At least not anymore.
This morning was a rude awakening for him. Now he knew what it felt like to be the
one left behind. It sucked.
With a hollow feeling of resolution and a little bit of hunger in his gut, Tuck grabbed
his jeans off the floor. He found his cell phone in the pocket and pulled it out.
It wasn’t so early he couldn’t call Jace, and too bad even if it were.
“Dude, about damn time you called.” Jace answered on the second ring and didn’t bother
saying hello.
“I need food. Where are you?” He cut to the chase himself. He wasn’t up for small
talk. Maybe he’d be less cranky after coffee and eggs, though a full belly still wouldn’t
make up for his feeling crappy about watching Becca walk away.
“I’m home.”
“You’re home? Huh . . .” He’d half expected Jace to say he was in Emma’s room here
at the hotel. “All right. I can be at the diner near your house in twenty minutes.”
“I’ll see you there.”
Of course Jace had agreed right quick. Tuck figured he wanted a report on how he and
Becca had spent the night. Too bad for Jace, he wasn’t in the mood to give him one.
“All right. See ya there.” He disconnected the call, tossed the phone on the rumpled
bed coverings, and started to scan the floor for his socks and underwear.

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