One Night (Friends #0.5) (12 page)

Read One Night (Friends #0.5) Online

Authors: Monica Murphy

BOOK: One Night (Friends #0.5)
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“You gonna be okay?” I ask after she pulls away.

She nods but she won’t really look at me. Instead, she reaches for the door handle and climbs out of the Jeep, shutting the door quietly behind her. I watch her go up the walkway toward her front door and enter the house.

And then she’s gone.

I drive the few blocks to my house and park my car, but I don’t go inside. Instead, I exit my Jeep and lean against it, watching her house from my driveway since she’s just down the street. I can specifically see her bedroom window, and that the light is still on. So I wait her out by checking my phone, looking at all the photos from the party that are on Snapchat. When I glance up a few minutes later, I notice her light is off.

Without thought I jog toward Livvy’s house and into her front yard, rounding the side of the house to where her bedroom window is. I grab a couple pieces of bark from the nearby flowerbed and start throwing it. One after the other, the pieces of bark land against the glass with a slight ding and she finally lifts the blinds, squinting out into the darkness.

“What are you doing?” she whispers when she opens the window.

Like we haven’t done this before. It’s been a while, but still. “Let me in?”

We busted the screen a while ago and it’s gone, much to her mom’s worry. “Someone could sneak into your room!” she’d said after Livvy tore the broken screen off the windowsill. We gave each other smirks and continuous eye rolls, considering the only one sneaking into Livvy’s room was me.

“I didn’t want our last night together to end like that,” I tell her.

“Like what?” She’s frowning and I shake my head, glancing around impatiently. I don’t have time to explain.

“Let me in.”

She steps back and I crawl through the window and shut it before I turn toward her. She’s standing in the middle of the room wearing just a tank top and the tiniest shorts I’ve ever seen. She’s all legs and bare skin and no bra beneath that tank and I can see her nipples poking against the thin fabric.

My self control shatters in that very instant and I lunge for her, pulling her into my arms and kissing her like my life depends on it. This moment feels so serious, like I’m trying to communicate with Livvy through my actions how much I care about her. I can say it over and over again-though I really don’t because the words never come easy-but showing her is the best way to her heart.

It has to be.

Within minutes I have her on the bed and I’m stripping her clothes off. The tank is gone. The shorts are around her ankles though she’s still wearing her panties. My hands are everywhere, touching and stroking and making her gasp. I kiss her chest and lick her nipples and she slaps her hand over her mouth to keep herself from crying out too loudly, I guess. I don’t know. I’m not really paying attention to her reaction.

I can only focus on her-and my need to get her off. My need to get off rides me hard too and I feel desperate. I’m frantic to touch her one last time before she leaves me. For some weird reason, it feels so…final between us. I don’t get it.

But I don’t have time to think it over either. I’m running on pure instinct right now. My fingers are between her legs and she’s spreading her thighs wider, giving me better access. She rears up and tugs my shirt up and over my head, tossing it onto the floor, whimpering when I have to remove my hand from her body to get rid of it.

“Don’t stop,” she whispers when I increase the pace of my fingers and I reassure her that I don’t plan on stopping at all by kissing her as I continue to touch her. She reaches for me, her hand delving beneath my shorts, determined fingers grasping onto me.

My moans are a little too loud when she starts to stroke and she glares at me, shushing me in a way that almost makes me laugh. Her mom’s room is just down the hall. If she caught us, my ass would be in huge trouble. Her mom likes me, but if she caught me messing around with her baby girl?

Forget it. She’d hate me forever.

I’m so determined to come, I falter when touching Livvy, too focused on my own pleasure. Her fingers grip me tight and I wish she would put her mouth on me but she won’t. Maybe someday, when she comes back from Oregon and we can talk about actually having a real relationship, we can push it to the next step.

I’m freaking desperate to push it to the next step.

Her fingers pick up speed and I collapse with my back against the mattress, all plans of touching Livvy falling away as I zero in on the way she feels. She’s holding me tight, moving so fast that I can feel it barreling down. My entire body goes tense and my spine tingles just before I come with a barely restrained groan.

She’s gone before the last shudder leaves my body, off to get Kleenex or whatever to clean her hand up. Clean the bed up. She offers me a handful and I take them sheepishly, wiping myself off before I toss them in the trashcan near her bedside table.

“Livvy.” She turns to look at me, holding her tank top in front of her chest. Reaching out, I tug on the fabric, trying to get her to drop it but she just holds on tighter. “Come here.”

“You should go,” she says, taking a step away from the bed, from me. “It’s really late.”

Her words are like a punch to the gut. “You don’t want me to stay?”

“It’s not that. I just don’t want my mom to find you in here with me.” She sends me a look. “She will kill us. Kill you.”

Sighing, I shake my head and slip under the covers, patting the empty spot on the mattress right next to me. “Come on. Just for a few minutes.” I’m pushing my luck but give me a break. I want to soak her up as much as I can before she leaves tomorrow. Doesn’t she see that? Doesn’t she realize how much I care about her?

Liv pulls the tank top back over her head, offering me a too quick glimpse of her chest. Then she’s climbing into bed with me, pulling the covers over the both of us, her head nestled against my chest. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her in closer, throwing a leg over hers to keep her in place.

It feels so good, lying in bed with her like this. I never want to move.


What did you think? Got a little heated and sexy around here but hey, Dustin is just trying to show Livvy how much he cares about her. Guess what? There is only ONE MORE CHAPTER and then ONE NIGHT is over!
I’m a little sad but this just means you’re that much closer to the release of JUST FRIENDS! It’s here in a matter of days! Are you excited? I’m so freaking excited. Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to vote/comment/share the story with your friends!!! Thank you!! xoxo

Chapter 18 - Olivia

Dustin should go. I know I’m being a total bitch but oh my God, we were so loud just then. Well, me not so much, but he couldn’t seem to control himself. I can’t believe Mom didn’t burst into my room and discover us doing what we were doing. She would’ve died.


I would’ve too. That is the very last thing I want to happen.


But then he crawled into my bed and gave me those puppy dog eyes and I couldn’t resist him. How can I kick him out? Besides, he’s right. We need just a few more minutes of cuddling like this and then he has to go home. It’s late, past midnight and I’m exhausted.


Well. My body is buzzing and I’m still throbbing between my legs but yeah. I’m tired.


“What do you do up there anyway?” When I say nothing, he continues. “Up in Oregon. At your dad’s house.”


“Oh. It’s so boring there. My stepmom wants to hang out, take me shopping while trying to bond with me and somehow, I don’t know, become my best friend or whatever. When I first get there I’m usually okay with it, but I cut her off fast.” Christine tries so hard, but Mom hates her, which means I have to hate her. I My half brother and sister make me crazy. They’re little and complete pests and they just want to go through my stuff.


“You can text me whenever you want, you know.” He says this conversationally, but I wonder if he wants more. I told him not to push. I said I didn’t want to pursue anything serious considering I’m leaving tomorrow, and I’ll be gone for six long weeks.


But sometimes it’s like he doesn’t even listen to me.


“I’ll text you like I usually do.” I keep my voice even, trying not to get distracted by the hypnotic way his fingers skim over my stomach, back and forth, moving lower each time.


“Yeah, which isn’t much at all,” he reminds me as he rolls over on his side so he’s facing me. His hand is still on my stomach, his other arm curled around my shoulders and I am completely surrounded by him.


“Please don’t start a fight with me,” I tell him wearily, lifting my gaze to his. “It’s late. I should probably go to sleep.”


“I’m not trying to start a fight.” His fingers slip beneath my panties and the knowing smile that curls his lips is irresistible. “I am trying to start something else though.”


I part my lips, ready to offer up a weak protest but then he kisses me and strokes me at the same exact time. I was already halfway to my breaking point before he got caught up in his own deal earlier and I’m immediately primed and ready to go. Now it’s my turn, and while I halfheartedly tell myself I really shouldn’t do this, I’m excited that he’s touching me again.


And this time he’s touching me in my bed, his fingers working their magic, his mouth on my neck, the both of us breathing heavily and grasping helplessly at each other. I fall apart fast. So quick, I gasp in surprise when the sensation washes over me.


So quick, I’m almost disappointed I didn’t have enough time to really savor it.




Dustin kisses me just before he’s about to leave and then he’s gone, slipping out through the window and stealing across my lawn like some thief in the black of night. I watch him go, can actually see him run across his front yard and sneak back into his house just by walking through the front door. His parents don’t seem to care what time he gets home. He doesn’t have a strict curfew like I do. I swear it’s because he’s a boy and I’m a girl.


So unfair. But whatever.


I’m about to close the window and shut the blinds when I see a familiar figure walking down the sidewalk, headed in the opposite direction of Dustin’s house. I peek my head out through the window and squint into the darkness, whispering a sharp, “Em!” to hopefully get her attention.


She stops in her tracks and turns to look at me, then starts to approach my house. As she draws closer, I notice smudges of mascara beneath her bloodshot eyes and she looks tired. Worn out.


“Hey,” she says when she stops directly in front of my window. “What are you doing?”


“I could ask you the same thing.” I pause for a moment. “We didn’t get to hang out much at Tuttle’s party.”


Em shrugs, looking away from me. “Didn’t have much time I guess.”


“But it’s my last night before I leave,” I remind her.


She returns her gaze to mine. “I’ll miss you.”


Will she really? I’m not sure. “I’ll miss you too.”


“Sorry we didn’t get to spend time together. But I knew you had Dustin, so you didn’t need me around.”


Ugh. I hate when she says that sort of thing. “I wanted you around, Em. There’s a big difference.”


“We’ll hang out more when you come back home,” she offers.




“Yeah.” Em nods, nibbling on her thumbnail. “I promise.”


“Why are you out so late?”


“Was with a guy.” She shrugs again, still nibbling on her nail. “Noah. He just graduated.”


“You mean Noah from the basketball team?”


She nods. “That’s the one.”


“Why were you with him?” I’m surprised. He doesn’t seem her type. Not that I really know her type anymore.


“Why not? He’s funny. We drank, we hung out, we messed around, I sucked his dick, and now I’m headed home.”


I start to giggle. I can’t help it, considering what she just said. “You so didn’t suck his dick.”


“I so did.”


“How was it?”


“Better than kissing him.”


Now we’re both laughing. No way can Em be serious. She’s so full of crap. “Why didn’t you have him drop you off at your house?”


The laughter dies. “I didn’t want him to know where I live.”


My mouth drops open. “Are you for real? What, is he some sort of stalker?”


“I’m not sure. And I didn’t want to take the risk.”


Huh, isn’t that funny. I’m starting to think my best friend is continuously engaging in risky behavior. How many times have we received that lecture at school throughout the years, starting in middle school? Risky behavior is the term they use for everything-drugs, drinking, sex, cheating in school, flirting with teachers, careless online behavior. The list goes on and on.


“Be careful this summer, okay Em?” I study her, hoping she hears the sincerity in my voice. I do want her to be careful. There are too many crazies out there and she’s being so careless. “Don’t get too out of control without me around to watch over you.”


She smiles and steps up to the window, reaching out for me. We embrace, our arms slung around each other’s necks, her face buried against my shoulder. I worry for a moment she might smell Dustin on me, considering Dustin was just literally all over me, but she says nothing. Just gives me a sloppy kiss on the cheek before she pulls away and starts walking backwards.


“I’ll miss you,” she tells me. “Don’t know how I’m going to survive this summer without my best friend.”


“You’ll be fine,” I reassure. “You’ve done it before. What’s six weeks, right?”


Em laughs. “Well, for you it’ll be torture, since we’ll all be here and you’re stuck with your dad.”


Ugh. Thanks Em for the reminder.

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