One Night Forever (5 page)

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Authors: Marteeka Karland

BOOK: One Night Forever
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go back to him. I want you in my life and I’ll do

anything I can to keep you there.”

She smiled. “I don’t want him and you know it. I

just hate confrontation.”

“No problem, sweetheart. Stay here. I’ll be back

in a minute.” He kissed her again before tugging on his

jeans and padding to the door ready to open a can of

whoopass if it became necessary.

Damien had just stepped outside, pulling the

door closed behind him, when Gretta stomped

furiously down the street. “I’ve had enough of this, you

son of a bitch,” she yelled as she approached the car,

Tom still revving the engine. How in the world

Damien managed to miss the huge Louisville Slugger


One Night Forever

in her hand, he didn’t know. But one second she

hurried toward the car, the next she was swinging the

thing like Hank Aaron.

The passenger side glass burst inward. Tom

threw up his hands to protect his face, but Gretta

continued to demolish the once pristine vehicle.

Damien thought about trying to contain the little spit-

fire, but given the way she swung that bat, he decided

it would be best to not get in her way.

Standing there with his arms crossed over his

chest, he watched as she systematically demolished

Tom’s car. Instead of driving off, the dumb bastard got

out of his car, yelling for her to stop, which only fueled

Gretta further. The beat-down she gave the car made

Damien wince, but he wasn’t about to interfere. As far

as he was concerned, the dumbass got what he


Gretta didn’t run from Tom, either. When he

approached, yelling for her to stop, she turned on him.

That was when Damien decided it might be best to

stop the battle before Tom got his head knocked off.

“Take it easy, Gretta.” He stepped between the

two rather than hauling Gretta away from behind. He

wanted her to see who she was swinging at.

“I will
take it easy!” Gretta spat her words

more in contempt than anger, though Damien was


Marteeka Karland

sure there was a healthy dose of both surging through

Ariel’s sister. “He’s disturbed my sleep for the last

time with this goddamned car!”

“You’re kidding, right?” Damien wanted to laugh

out loud and groan in frustration all at the same time.

There was more to it than simply lost sleep on Gretta's

part. Gretta was probably worried Tom would try to

intimidate Ariel, or worse, sabotage Ariel’s chance at

happiness with Damien. He’d known Gretta a long

time. No, this was not about lost sleep.”

“Look what the fucking bitch did to my car!”

Tom shrieked as if this were all Gretta’s fault.

Damien’s eyes wanted to cross. Had there not

been a crazy woman in his front yard wielding an

enormous bat in a very destructive arch, he’d have

laughed at the whole scene.

“That’s nothing compared to what I’m about to

do to your balls!” Gretta lunged at Tom, who skirted

out of her way. Damien caught her around the waist

and practically tossed her in the direction of the house.

It was a good thing too, because the cry of a police

siren sounded in the distance. They were about to have

the kind of company who might not like what Gretta

was about to do to Tom’s tenders.

Ariel opened the door and snagged her sister’s

hand as she hurried down the steps toward Damien.


One Night Forever

He waved her off, not missing the fact that she’d

chosen to dress herself in one of his T-shirts. It

covered her easily, reaching to mid thigh despite the

girth of her abdomen. Damien couldn’t help but smile.

This was as good her announcing she was his. No way

Tom could deny she was over him now.

“Ariel!” Tom snapped. “Get back in that house

and put your clothes on! This nonsense is over right

now! I’m taking you home.”

That was all Damien could take. In one swift

motion, he whirled, grabbed Tom by the shirt collar,

and slammed him against what was left of his car.

“You made a deal I intend to enforce,” Damien

said. “Even if you hadn’t, do you honestly think I’d

give her up without a fight? You had your chance and

you blew it.” He looked straight into the other man’s

eyes. “Come near her again, and I’ll make what Gretta

did to your car look like a slight misadventure—only it

won’t be your car I’m hurting.” Tom paled slightly, but

stopped his blustering, not looking away from

Damien. “Do you understand?”

When Tom nodded, Damien let him go with a

little shove. Without a word, Tom got back in his car

and drove away as fast as the battered car would let

him—just as the police showed up.


Marteeka Karland

The officer got out and shook Damien’s hand.

Brett Carter was a part time cop, and a full time ER

doctor with an attitude. Such was the beauty of a small

town. “Neighbors called.” He crossed his arms over his

chest. “Something about a GTO and a Louisville

Slugger.” He raised an eyebrow as his gazed wandered

to Gretta’s direction. “Is there a problem?”

Grinning, Damien shook his head. “Since Tom

took off, I’d say no. Though, I’m sure you’ll be hearing

about it from him later.”

Brett shook his head and chuckled. “No doubt. I

can handle him. You should really use more restraint,

you know.”

“Wasn’t me.” Damien shook his head. Jerking a

thumb over his shoulder, he indicated Gretta. “She has

a soft spot for her sister.”

Brett’s face split with a wide, satisfied grin.


Watching the street until he could no longer see

the car down the block, Damien remained on alert. He

wasn’t taking the chance Tom would change his mind

and come back looking for trouble. He noticed Brett

watching too and met the other man’s eyes before they

turned to the women.

Gretta hugged Ariel fiercely, saying something to

her sister that Damien couldn’t hear. Ariel nodded and


One Night Forever

smiled, the conversation ceasing as Damien neared


“I think you need to tell me your intentions

toward my sister.” Gretta lazily hefted the bat to her

shoulder, her gaze drifting past him to Brett. She

didn’t act the least bit intimidated. If anything, she

looked a little more fierce. Challenging even.

Damien smiled. “I intend to make her my wife, if

she’ll have me. Though, I confess, you caught me

before I was prepared to ask her properly. I don’t have

a ring.”

Tears formed in Ariel’s eyes. She squealed and

threw her arms around Damien’s neck, raining kisses

over his face as the tears fell in steady streams down

her face.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry, sweetheart,” he

murmured, holding her tightly but always aware of the

babe between them.

“It’s okay,” she sniffed and laughed as she

swiped at her eyes. “I’m happy.”

“So...” He let the word hang between them,

suddenly aware of his nerves. Gretta had forced his

hand. He wasn’t prepared for this yet, not having time

to woo Ariel like she needed.

“Yes,” she cried. “Absolutely I will marry you!”


Marteeka Karland

“Are you sure? We’ve only had one night to,

uh…discuss this.” He smiled at her. He wanted to

shout for joy and swing her around in the air in shear

delight, but he was too afraid of doing something that

might hurt the baby.

“One night is all I need, Damien. I’ve never been

more sure of anything in my life. Well, except when I

knew I wanted to make love with you,” she laughed.

He hugged her to him, kissing her mouth

tenderly. “One night forever then, sweetheart. One

night forever.”



“I understand you have some anger issues we

need to discuss.” Brett cocked his hip lazily, his

forearm resting on the butt of his weapon. “Perhaps I

need to frisk you. You know. Make sure you don’t have

any concealed weapons.”

Gretta met his gaze, daring him to try. Brett’s

cock was at immediate attention. He’d always known

the woman would be a handful.

“I don’t need to conceal my weapons.” She let

the bat fall from her shoulder to rest one end of it on

the ground. Her hand remained on the hilt. “Anything

I use will be out and in your face.”

A slow smile spread across Brett’s face. He

couldn’t help it. In that moment, he knew he was in





Marteeka Karland

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by

day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in

her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating

stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third

grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage

years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and

irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of.

Want to see what’s up with Marteeka? Check out her website at or join her Yahoo! group at

[email protected].


always welcomes e-mail from her readers. You can reach her at

[email protected].

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